#i love you femsparrow
I just wanna express my love and respect for the fact this fandom is so genderqueer and so excepting to those, like myself, who are also gender queer.
You all rock.
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raeofalbion · 6 years
So I have found the thing that annoys me the most. When someone writes Fable 2 fanfiction and use female Sparrow, and make her this timid helpless character that relies on Theresa or Reaver and occasionally Hammer instead of making her like, a character that has tight morals and wants to protect people from Lucien , Or a morally grey character who does shit her own way, or literally anything else, they just make her so dependant on others, and then go and make male Sparrow a badass.
Ooof, I feel you. I definitely do. It’s a frustrating position to be in when looking for Fable II (and III) fics, too. I honestly don’t really mind frail or helpless characters (I actually like them sometimes given there’s a lot of “tough” player characters that become wet tissue the second their love interest is introduced; at least the frailer ones are being true to themselves), but if someone’s trying to sell me that these characters are Heroes trying to save the world or lead a revolution, I do expect them to be good at something. Maybe they’re good with people, maybe they’re a great tactician, but...the other Heroes and Theresa aren’t going to be around forever. Eventually the character’s gotta grow and actually do something or there’s no point in having them as the MC. There’s gotta be consequences when they refuse to grow.
I 100% agree about the whole “here’s my femSparrow who couldn’t hurt a fly and here’s my mSparrow who can fight 50 dragons with one hand” set up though. It...it’s not even subtle. And...look, if you’re doing this, you know exactly what you’re doing. :/ And it’s really pronounced given there are so few mSparrows to femSparrows. (We really need more variation between Heroes sometimes....) I really wish there were more mSparrows that were good, soft boys and more femSparrows that could punch Avo and laugh in the face of Death. Variation...please...
(That said, everyone write what makes you happy. At the end of the day, you’re the only one you should be trying to please. Just write your fics and be happy and...y’know, let your characters grow.)
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