#i mean obv i havent read fics for That Many fandoms
loverboybreakdowns · 2 months
still thinking about why community fics are so well written on average like theres gotta be some kind of reason right? whats so different about the fandom compared to everything else
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yumenosakiacademy · 1 year
I'm so so bored on my rly long walks can some1 rec me stuff tht I can get in2 on mobile, mostly YouTube series or smth. I'm running out of vids n stuff tht will interest me lol... (this is /gen btw!! not me openly musing or w/e.)
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bandtrees · 4 years
9, 10, and 37 for fanfic asks!
yes! thank you! fanfiction questions! 
9. What are the best things about your current fandom? - this is really specific but something i like about the hond fandom is that because there’s so many different adaptations, you can kinda mix n match characterization and events and there’s not really a definitive canon (i mean, obvs there’s the original book, but even then i think fans of the franchise as a whole just kinda take it as another guideline to pick n choose bits they like from.) - for example there’s a popular fic that’s 100% movie based but also includes a disney-fied jehan, which is fun. i don’t think i see myself utilizing it too much other than my silly self-indulgent modern au (it’s musical based but pierre is in there, yk, for fun. also the gargoyles. they’re quasi’s old tutors. i love em) bc i tend to be a canon stickler but it’s cool to see how other ppl do! i also enjoy just, the fact that we’ve all collectively decided to be armchair psychologists for frollo. he’s just fun to analyze no matter what and for all the weird clashing that different sides of the fandom get up to (im scared of the book fans. i respect them but i fear them.) i like that we all just bully frollo. it’s what brings us together
10.  Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in? - i talked abt mlp in this ask meme before but god do i read so many mlp fics. i live and die by mlp fics. in general i go so far as to read for fandoms i’m not in quite a bit, though the practice was kinda soured for me when i found this, like, 90k word college au. and i read it, not paying mind to the fandom, got super invested because it was 90k fucking WORDS, found the name of one of the main characters rang a bell but wasn’t sure why, and then i looked up the name and it dawned on me that i was reading american idol rpf. that’s not a relevant story i just love telling it  ANYWAY BACK TO THE ACTUAL QUESTION there’s also this good beauty and the beast fic i started reading but that’s not something i see myself writing for anytime soon. really i don’t think i write for my casual fandoms, as a reader of mine you just get bursts of whatever im hyperfixating on and you must live with it (not to say im completely done w stuff im not fixating on anymore, as i’ve still got ideas for outlast and ddadds fics, among other stuff i havent written for before >:] look out frozen i’ve got...a vague idea for you)
37. First person or third person - what do you write in and why? - third! not for any particular reason, just because it’s what i’m used to, and i feel you have room to be more descriptive - i find first person sorta limiting bc i feel like you have to keep up the illusion that someone is telling you this and people don’t really go off about descriptions or anything like third person narrators do. my mentor is in first person bc it's meant to be anecdotal, and an earlier draft of eggshells was written in first person (..i don’t remember why i changed it) that being said even if it’s not a format i personally write in, i also don’t get the concept that first person seems to be so frowned upon in the fanfiction community. i’m used to third person, yeah, but there are upsides and downsides to each, and i wouldn’t click off a fic just because it’s in first person like i’ve heard some people do
thank you for the ask again!!! :D
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kittenshift-17 · 5 years
I mean I love your work and would love whatever/whenever you post but also I currently have 30+ tabs open on my phone of stories I'm reading. Some I havent started, others are like halfway in. There are so many things to read WITHOUT pressuring your favorite writers. It's like obv I'm gonna finish that halfway story I'm reading but then I'm in the mood to read a different ship or different fandom but I'll come back to it, I can only imagine it's the same with you writers. Be patient readers.
This is true on so many levels. I mean, I’m definitely flattered that people want more, but there are so many other wonderful authors out there writing fanfic who would also love your support. It’s lovely to have fans but this is just a hobby, after all. I’m not gonna kill myself to update a fic that’s not flowing for me, just to keep people reading. 
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