#i mean the timing on it with them matching poses is really crazy
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Second date at the Karaoke Bar!!!
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merlucide · 1 month
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Notes: OFC WIFEY. Also… this scenario, seems, a bit self insert don’t you think…. 👀 ALSO LMAO I MADE READER UNHINGED?? SO- SORRY LMAO?
characters: Rin, Sae, Kaiser, Otoya, Reo
wc: about 300ish each
warnings: nb reader, cursing, randomness + cringe lmao😭
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Well tbh, y’all probably had to have been friends for a loooong time for him to ever considering dating you 😭😭
So Rin had a good understanding of your personality, as you had known each other pretty much since the beginning of time.
He never understood how your personality went from 0 to 1000 whenever you two are alone. 
He prob thinks ur on drugs tbh
He’ll be your voice for you if you can’t seem to communicate with strangers, though he might not be the friendliest no shit.
he thinks it’s dumb that you’re shy tbh
He’s small minded about these things okay 😭
He never ever will get used to your bursts of crazy energy.
he swears he’ll turn around and you’ll have a horse mask on with a tutu around your waist
lmao you give him terrible whiplash.
He too, also thinks you’re on drugs.
You and Sae would like be at the airport on the way to Japan, his manager would be going over the details and precautions for going to Japan (yk fans and press or whatever etc etc).
His manager looked over to you and asked if you were alright, since you literally hadn’t spoken a word since he introduced himself a two hours ago. 
You nodded and followed Sae and his manager onto the private jet(cus he’s rich-rich😌🤭)
Once y’all were settled, his manager closed you and Sae’s cabin door. 
Sae looked over to see if you were alright, since traveling and yadda yadda can be overwhelming.
You were fucking giggling like an underwater hyena (that’s a thing I bc I fucking said so bitch).
You grabbed his hands and pulled back and forth giggling about how stoked you were rn.
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lmao he was disturbed at first 💀
like “wtf happens to my shy, sweet, s/o??”
He’ll like be getting a glass of water at night and in the corner of his eye, you hold a flashlight at your face with a blanket wrapped around you. Staring into his soul, inches behind singing.
“hello darkness my old frienddd~”
He just blinked at you for a while. 
“Y/N what the fuck is wrong with you.”
He thinks it’s funny af though
Like how nervous you get around his teammates and then when y’all are home you start cartwheeling.
You sure keep his life ✨spontaneous✨
he thinks it’s so cute how shy you are
He loves that bc ur shy around strangers you cling/stay close to him. He feels so sigma male bc he’s ’protecting’ you🐺🐺🔊🔊🗣️🗣️😏😏
Someone humble him please.
“Babe watch this😏” and ninja pose really fast LIKE A LITTLE KID DABBING
And you’ll be like:
“Nah watch this😌” *does the worm*
Y’all T-pose at pidgend together 💕 #couplegoals
“My dearest Y/N! Oh they’re such an angel! They’re so pretty and kind and perfect! And amazing- is that them in a dinosaur inflatable doing the WAP in 6 inch heels?”
lmao kinda how it goes
He never really gets used to the switch up.
It makes him so happy that you feel comfortable to be yourself around him, even if that means painting yourself pink and putting googly-eyes on while blasting the Peppa Pig intro💗
He loves hearing people talk about you too.
“Oh y/n is really shy, but they’re nice I guess?” Like hah okay..
Pretty sure they weren’t crab walking in a tuxedo with a kazoo in their mouth playing Sinfonia N°9 Coral in D Minor, Op. 125: 1. Allegro ma non troppo, un poco maestoso by Beethoven 🙄🙄
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made April 21st 2024
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f1byjessie · 4 months
sometimes the right words are hard to come across, and sometimes everything you need to say can be captured in an image.
( lando norris x photographer!reader )
━━ part four.
“Saw McLaren posted pics of the new car,” Jack says in lieu of a greeting when he sees you after the weekend. He picks up his pace and crosses the distance to meet you where you’re fumbling with the keys to your “office”, and then he takes a few of the many equipment bags you’re attempting to juggle, saying as he does so, “You take any of those or no?”
You laugh, “Ah, no. They actually hire on a whole studio crew that does that. They’ve got lights, green screens, special camera lenses, the whole lot. The post-production on those photos is mad though.” You get the door unlocked and usher him inside, “I got to sit in on it once, and it’s crazy how much work goes into getting just a couple week’s worth of promotional content.”
He sets your bags down where you direct him to and then offers you a snarky grin, “Still probably would’ve looked cooler if you took ‘em, to be fair.”
It makes you laugh again. Jack seems to be good at that, and it feels nice to get along so well with someone you work with. You’ve found a surprising friend in him. At the end of your conversation on Friday, you’d exchanged numbers and he’d made you promise to reach out if you needed him for anything. You hadn’t, but he’d still sent you an unflatteringly angled picture of Kyle Walker from after their match against Newcastle, followed quickly with━ “use this in the next media drop thx,” and the chatter had gone from there.
You set down your own bags. “Well, thank you. Pretty sure it’s not as fun as this job, though.”
And you mean it. You’ve had opportunities to switch over to studio photography, and though you respect the people who do it and the unique challenges it poses in its own right, there’s nothing like being upfront and personal with all the action, getting to see the athletes in their element and know them on a level that goes beyond an hour or two shoot. You wouldn’t trade it for the world.
“Wait,” you pause, hands stopping just above where you’re ready to start sorting through your equipment, “since when did you keep up with Formula One?”
Jack shrugs. “I don’t. But you work for that team, yeah? So I figured I might as well see what they’re all about.”
“Well, if you need something to do during the summer, let me know and I’ll see what I can do,” you tell him, resuming your sorting. “They give me extra tickets for each race but they usually end up going to waste.”
You don’t bring up the falling out you had with your parents at eighteen when you told them you were going to pursue photography or the fact that you haven’t really talked to them in years because of it. You also don’t mention that due to the strenuous, near-constant traveling and the strict schedule of your job, your friendships are limited to the athletes you work with and the other McLaren staff that travel with you━ all of whom have passes of their own, for obvious reasons.
Jack, thankfully, doesn’t ask about it either. Whether he’s made his own assumptions or respects that it’s probably a sore subject, he leaves it alone and the two of you carry on in companionable silence.
You get your equipment unzipped from the bags and organized across the room per your system, guiding your temporary helper with pointed fingers to where it all should go.
The silence is only broken again when he asks you a question. “You got a favorite driver?”
It’s so out of the blue that you nearly jump, startled by the suddenness of it against the quietness of the room. But then you laugh and shake your head. “Officially no, but just between the two of us, me and Lando started at the same time so he’s got a special place in my heart. He’s also my best friend.”
Jack raises an eyebrow, “Oh yeah?” Despite the persona he puts on, you think he secretly loves gossip. “How’d he take the news about you being with Ward, then? ‘Cause I’d have some choice things to say to any friend of mine if they got with a prick like that.”
You purse your lips, divert your gaze to avoid Jack’s eyes, and shrug, fiddling with the neck strap of your camera as you do so. “I don’t know.”
“You ‘don’t know?’”
You shrug again and feign checking over the settings as if your camera’s aperture is suddenly the most interesting thing in the world. “He hasn’t been picking up my calls,” you start, “or answering my texts since the paps released the pics, so.”
When you glance back up, Jack’s making a face. “So, your best friend finds out you’re dating a total bellend, and instead of asking you about it or at the very least taking the piss, he ignores you?”
When he puts it like that, you feel a bit stupid for being more sad than you are angry.
All you can do is shrug.
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liked by mancity, jackgrealish, and 241,976 others
tagged: jackgrealish
yourusername ladies and gentlemen, jack grealish (i was threatened into posting these, send help pls)
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You decide that if Lando gets to be petty, then so do you.
The thing is, you’d told Lando you wouldn’t replace him with any of the guys from Manchester City, and you’d meant it━ you still mean it, despite your frustrations and annoyances with him telling you otherwise.
But if he’s going to play games, then so are you.
Technically you hadn’t started the relationship with Garrett willingly, but Lando doesn’t know that, and even if you had that doesn’t give him the right to go about ignoring you. You’ve been supportive when he’s gotten girlfriends━ you even ate greasy pizza, drank cheap wine, and cried watching The Notebook together when he ended his long-term relationship back in 2022. He could at least pretend to be supportive, or better yet he could pick up the fucking phone. 
As pathetic as it sounds, you’d let him yell at and berate you if it just meant he’d answer your calls. Because having Jack around to gossip with and shoot the shit is nice, and he really does help you not feel so alone at Etihad Campus, but Lando’s your best friend and he has been for years now. There’s nobody that understands you as well as he does, even if he is a twat half the time, and what you need now most of all is that particular Lando brand of annoying to cheer you up.
The door opens, drawing your attention from where you’re scrolling through McLaren’s newest posts. Garrett stands in the opening.
The memory of that night still lingers like a bad taste in your mouth, bitter and unpleasant. You’ve managed to avoid him for the most part in the time since then, ignoring the looks he shoots your way out on the field or in the weight room, and lucky enough that his meetings with the physio team keep him preoccupied so that he can’t seek you out in between training sessions. You’d known it was inevitable that you’d have to face him, but that doesn’t stop the dread from pooling in your stomach when you see him standing in the doorway with his arms crossed and an eyebrow raised as he surveys the makeshift office you’ve done up for yourself.
“They couldn’t find you an actual office?” He comments, looking disdainfully towards your desk and the large Manchester City logo emblazoned across the front.
You shrug, wishing he’d just get to the point. “I’m only here for a few months. Doesn’t matter much to me. What do you want?”
He takes a step farther into the room and closes the door behind him, taking his sweet time to cross the distance toward the seats. When he’s finally lowered down into one, he looks up to you with a nonchalance that fills you immediately with anger.
“I’m making some amendments to our agreement,” he announces.
“Like hell you are.”
He raises an eyebrow. “Did you seriously expect people to believe we’re a couple if we never actually do anything to give off the impression of being a couple?”
You scowl. Obviously, you hadn’t expected to just skate by on the coattails of pictures from a single night. You’d known from the very beginning that you would eventually need to make another public appearance together at the very least if you wanted to keep the paparazzi fed and encourage the idea to the media that you’re in a committed relationship with one another. You’d just been hoping you would’ve had more time until then.
“I’m not an idiot, Garrett,” you grumble, crossing your arms in your seat. You had been looking through pictures from the day’s morning practice, but now you think having to look at any more of Kevin De Bruyne’s grinning face will make you lose your mind when you feel the furthest thing from happy.
“Obviously,” Garrett scoffs. “But you’re the one who said I get one kiss and nothing more. Newsflash, love━” your scowl deepens, “━couples do more than just kiss one time.”
“So what are you suggesting?”
He pulls his phone from the pocket of his joggers and swipes across the screen for a few moments of anticipatory silence. “Well,” he finally says, “it’s the sixteenth now. We haven’t got a match until the twenty-sixth. Go on a date with me this weekend.”
You can’t say no. There’s no plausible excuse for you to get out of it, and deep down you know the only way you can get rid of Garrett is to just do what he says and hope the media make their conclusions about his change quick enough that you can ditch him before the summer break.
At least during the Formula One season, you can use traveling as a reason to get out of dates. When the Champion’s League starts back up he’ll be traveling around Europe a bit more than he is now, and there’s always a chance you could be in the same country at the same time, but the likelihood of your schedules aligning is slim and that means you’ll be safe from any ventures out into public.
But for the time being, you’re stuck.
“Okay,” you reluctantly agree.
He claps his hands, a deceptively cheerful grin on his face. If you didn’t already think of him as the worst prick you’ve ever met, you might’ve found it charming. It’s the same smile he used to flash at you in your first week when he was trying to cozy up and ease his way into your good graces. The sight of it makes you sick to your stomach, now.
“Great,” he rises from his seat. “We’ll do some shopping, get some lunch━ make a full day out of it.”
At this point, you don’t care what he has planned. You just want him to leave you alone so you can try to at least pretend like you’re gonna finish the rest of the work you need to get around to.
Garrett’s made his way to the door and has his hand reaching for the handle when he turns back around and gives you a smirk. “Might wanna work on your happy face, though, love,” he comments, gesturing towards you with a nod of his head. “‘Cause if you look like that in front of the paps they definitely aren’t gonna be very convinced that you love me.”
Just to spite him, you let your scowl deepen. “I don’t need your advice. I know how to handle myself, Garrett.” You say his name like a curse━ like the very feeling of it on your tongue causes you pain.
If he notices, he doesn’t comment. His face turns thoughtful, but there’s still the smugness painted across his features that makes you so unfathomably annoyed. “You must be pretty familiar with the paps if you’re always around those drivers, yeah?” He knows the answer to his question already, so you’re not sure why he’s even asking.
He stays silent, though, like he’s genuinely expecting an answer, so you shrug your shoulders. “Obviously.”
“Obviously,” he repeats back to you.
His laughter is all you hear echoing in your ears even once he’s long gone.
Until your phone starts to ring and Lando's name flashes across the screen.
━━ tags: @maih23 @urfavnoirette @leclercsluv @f1luvur @formulaal @a-disturbing-self-reflection @starlightpierre @chezmardybum @marshmummy @405rry @sideboobrry11 @d3kstar @mcmuppet @happylittlereader @casperlikej @5starl1ght
━━ a/n: cliffhanger hehe~ also, i promise we're getting to ACTUAL formula one stuff soon
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strniohoeee · 7 months
chris doesn't know how to confess his love to reader so he showers her with gifts and compliments , then nick gets him to finally confess
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Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Chris is out of his mind in love with Y/N, but only knows how to shower her in gifts and compliment her. However Nick talks him into expressing his feelings….but will he?💌
Warnings⚠️: None this is so cute 🥹
Song for the imagine: Close Friends- Lil Baby and Gunna
We used to tell each other everything
I even went and bought her diamond rings, matching earrings
Chris and I had been best friends for a good 2 years now, and it was terrible how we could not be separated. I think Chris just brought so much comfort and warmth into my life that I couldn’t let him go.
It’s actually weird that he and I got close when it was Matt and I who originally became friends, and then I became friends with Nick and then Chris. There’s just something different about Chris.
Apart from us being best friends I was really starting to like Chris. I mean it was so bad that I was constantly watching ship edits of us and saving them on a spam account….yeah I know, down bad, and delusional. I couldn’t help myself.
I think when Chris and I first met we kind of had this flirty little crush on each other, but as we got older and became closer it stopped. I wondered if Chris actually did like me, or if I was going crazy.
Chris had this bad habit of buying everything for me, like his way of showing his love for me was buying everything and giving me compliments. If I said I liked a perfume the next day he’d have it for me, if I said red roses were beautiful he got me a whole bouquet.
It didn’t matter if I said I liked something within 24 hours it was in my hands. Chris had gone and bought me all these clothes from a brand I said I had liked. And when I did a try on haul for him he couldn’t stop complimenting me.
“That looks amazing”
“You look beautiful”
“That one fits perfectly”
And if he wasn’t giving me gifts, he was showering me with all types of compliments…CONSTANTLY
Nick had even sent us an edit to the group chat that said
“Let’s count the amount of times Chris compliments Y/N in one video”
It was their recent vlog, and boy did he say a lot
“Oh you smell good”
“I like your hair like that”
“When did you dye your hair black? I love it”
“I love your outfit, let’s give her a round of applause”
“Oh look at that makeup..mhmm look at those lashes that shits fireeee”
“Y/N look! This reminded me of you”
“I’m getting this for you, you’d look so cute with this on”
“Fuck these bitches uppppp, give us a model poses mhmmm”
“I love the red on you, makes your skin tone pop”
In one fucking video…..Jesus their fans are going to think we’re dating.
Chris was struggling on how to come to terms with liking Y/N. He was so in love with her that he had no idea what to do with himself, so he poured all that love into gift giving and compliments. Nick however was getting annoyed with his younger brother.
“If our fans are noticing your massive crush, and are making edits of you two, I think it’s time that you open your mouth, and tell her how you feel” Nick said to Chris
“What do you mean” Chris asked him
“CHRIS you’re out of your mind in love with Y/N….everybody can see this. She can see this!” Nick told him
“I guess I never really realized how in love I am with her”Chris said rubbing his eyes
“Yeah…you’re down bad. Best friends don’t just shower each other with all types of expensive gifts, and outrageous compliments” Nick said laughing
“I mean… I guess you’re not wrong. And what if she doesn’t feel the same” Chris asked Nick
“Chris I promise you the feelings are mutual. I could see it from a mile away. That girl is in love with you” Nick told his brother
“Yeah I hope so, especially after the purchase I just got” Chris said going into his top drawer and taking out a red box
“What is that” Nick asked
“Diamond encrusted 14k Gold hoop earrings” Chris said opening the box and showing Nick
“Aren’t those the ones she’s been wanting since forever??” Nick asked Chris while looking at the box
“They sure are. I’ve been saving all my money these past few months to get them for her” Chris said shutting the box
“How much were they?” Nick asked him
“$750” Chris said
“OH MY GOD! You really are in love” Nick said covering his mouth, and Chris nodded at this
I was up in the podcast room fixing the microphones and the checking the cameras since they had to film today, when I heard someone coming up the stairs
“Hey” someone said, and looked up to see Chris
“Heyyy” I said smiling at him
“Whatcha up to?” He asked
“I was checking the cameras and the microphones, but this microphone is not sounding too good, so don’t use it today” I told him pointing at the microphone behind me
“Got it, ummm could I talk to you” he asked
“We’re talking right now” I said laughing at him
“No I know, but umm about something important” he said laughing
“Yeah of course” I said nodding my head
“Listen I really like you, and I wasn’t sure how to go about it, so I just gave you gifts and complimented you. But what I should’ve been doing was talking to you, and telling you how madly in love I am with you” Chris said to me
“You know I kind of had a feeling you liked me. I mean after all the edits I’d watch I started to think hmmm maybe Chris does like ME back” I said looking at him
“Wait…YOU LIKE ME” he said with his smile growing
“Chris YES! How have you not seen it all along? I am head over heels in love with you” I told him
“Get over here” he said, and I walked over to him as he gave me the biggest hug
“I got something for you” Chris said as he pulled out a red box
“PROPOSING” I yelled out
“Ummm no, but maybe we can get that arranged” he said winking at me
“These are for you” he said and handed me the box
I opened the box and my jaw fell…..the earrings I’ve been wanting for months.
“Chris….you remembered?” I asked confused
“How could I forget? I saved up and searched everywhere for these” he said smiling at me
“These must’ve cost so much” I said shaking my head
“Doesn’t matter. I’d spend all my life savings on you” he said
“God I love you” I said pulling him in and kissing him
“I love you more” he said
Chris helped me put the earrings on, and he took a picture of me wearing them, and posted to his instagram story with the song Close Friends friends by Lil Baby, and wrote
“Like Lil Baby said….we started off as close friends”
And then he wrote “and I got her diamond earrings….next will be a matching ring”
This set all their fans off. I mean the love we were getting was absolutely insane.
The End
I hope you enjoyed this one, and for the person that requested this I hope you enjoyed it as well🫢🖤
A/N: idk anything else about myself😀
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scremogirl · 7 months
☾✧꥟ 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 ✧✰☀︎︎
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐰
Yandere! Serial killer x reader pt 2
GN! Reader, Mentions of blood, Mentions of mutilation, Mentions of stalking. Part 1 is here part 3 is here. Read the note at the end plz, ty!
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You’re joking.
Your Uber was supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago! There’s no way you're taking the bus this late and staying here is already out of the question. You’re most definitely not spending another twenty dollars on another shammy lift either. As you contemplate your predicament, you can hear the aggressive typing of a phone's keyboard as Malika writes a strongly worded review.
“Dammit! What the hell’re we supposed to do now? There’s absolutely no way I’m staying here,” you’re all out of options, maybe the best thing is just to wait here until your school bus comes back.
“Are you crazy?! I’m not-“ you cut her off before she can finish. I mean, what else are you supposed to do? You guys aren’t willing to take any of the other options presented so, all you can do is sit and wait. Look on the bright side, you’ve waited almost a full year to be here; no guy should ruin it for you. She thinks long and hard about it before lighting up again.
“You know what, fine. But if we stay you’re entering that competition and you’re gonna win,”
So here you are now. Scrambling around like a headless chicken with a stray killer on the loose. Let’s take it back some shall we?
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our animal Freak do Sheek costume competition! Our contestants have worked all year round perfecting there costumes in order to win our $800 dollar cash prize. Here’s how it works, you’ll-,”
You tune out the announcer in favor of the sound of your beating heart. You’ve never been this nervous before! You’ve done this hundreds of times and always came up on top, so why? I’ll tell you why; that same egotistical show off of an axe murder is entering the competition too.
He stands there staring at you silent and unmoving. The only thing that’s different about him is that the paper mache mask from earlier had been replaced with the face of the person who bumped into you. Man, he really thought all of this out didn’t he? You’re brought back to earth by the opening of the curtain revealing you and the rest of the contestants. The crowd cheers in excitement and this alone reminds you as to why you’re here. Malika as well as the rest of your class sit in the audience cheering you on. Hm? Your teachers not here. Whatever, it’s probably the only night he could legally get drunk at school and not have to deal with the repercussions. After the modeling is over you all recoup on stage and watch as the audience places their votes in the ballot box. Squirming in anticipation and nervous sweat beading down your forehead, you anxiously await the answer.
“The results are in! The winner is, drum roll please…” your breath stops and you can’t contain your jitters.
“Mr Axe Murder!” of course! Malika and your classmates give you a sadden smile but you don’t return it. In fact, you give them the brightest one yet. All these years you’ve been waiting for someone to match your talent, sick and tired of always expecting the best and reaching it. You needed a challenge, a thrill; and he gave it to you. Standing next to him on the podium you smile up at him. Sure he was an asshole before, but he deserved it. Looking at the camera as the three first place winners are to take a picture, he swings his axe up, presumably in a posing manner. How wrong were you? Just after the flash he brings his weapon down and with one clean swipe, lops off the head of the rando in third place.
You freeze in shock. This has to be some kinda gag, a prank or something. Everyone else screams and flees as he turns over to the announcer and gives him the same fate as your fellow contestant. The others dash off the stage and he walks towards you, reaching out to grab you. Before he can, Malika jumps on stage and drags you away faster than ever. All you see from behind your shoulder is the struggle of the security guards to hold down his hulking frame.
“What in the absolute fuck was that!” How the hell are you supposed to know!? Next thing you know you just got back into the fun of the night when an undercover serial killer decapitates someone right in front of you.
“Wait… didn’t you say that you saw that same guy hacking into someone else?” …oh. my. god. How could you be so stupid? I mean all the signs were in front of you and you ignored it! He has their face on his for crying out loud! Wait a minute. Face? You turn to Malika and the realization hits you both. Just as you're about to speak, siren blairs throughout the festival.
“Attention! The killer known as the “Mask Maker” has made his way into the festival and has incited a rampage. It is recommended that everyone stays calm and evacuate the premises immediately. I repeat, a killer is on the loose!”
Fuck! You should’ve taken the bus! There’s nothing you can do as you rush towards the exit of the building. Pushing your way past the hoards of people trying to escape this hell house. It’s too late though. The crazed lunatic has already scoped out the area and has started slashing anyone he can get to. He makes eye contact with you and suddenly stops his pursuit of the other patrons. Sprinting his way towards you. This time, it’s your turn to grab Malika and run as fast as you can, running into the first fun house you see.
Making your way inside, you duck and cover into the darkness as you hear the door shut and lock behind you. Venturing deeper into the funhouse into a mock corn field. Malika lets out a shriek as she turns your head and there you see it. There you find the mangled body of your teacher forced into the outfit of a discarded scarecrow, face missing. While surprising, she just alerted him to where your location was.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to but what the fuck is going on,” she cried out. You’re trapped, a killer is targeting you and you don’t know why and all of your colleagues are dead. How are you gonna escape this!?
Split up? Bait him out? Call for help?
“That’s all some white people shit,” in times of need you can always count on her abrasiveness to lighten the mood. You let out a slight giggle, maybe at her brashness or maybe out of anxiousness, you couldn’t tell the difference. Just then the door clicks open and the lights flicker on. You duck further down into the fake stocks of corn and stay as silent as possible. You watch as he makes his way into the next room, but as you sprint up in the opposite direction I hand grabs at Malika's hair. He attempts to slash at her arm but only manages to make a very minimal cut after you picked up a stray rake and bashed him over the head with it. You scoot past him and run out of the maze and back into Main Street, him right on you heels.
Just in the nick of time, you two are able to make it out of the festival when the gates closed. He banged and swung at the gates but you two weren’t sticking around to see if he’d break through. Running between the parking lots looking for anyone or anything you can use to get the hell out of here. Just then your phone dings with a notification. It says you Ubers right in front of you . You whip your head around in delight only for the smile on your face to drop. Your Uber arrived a while ago,you were the ones that were late. He’s hanging out of the crashed car, blood dripping everywhere and face gone. Also leaned up against the car is Gill and the harlot he decided to give your friend up for; or what’s left of them. In the corner of your eye you can see the tiniest grin spread across your friend's face. You decide not to question it as you have more important things to do. You two agreed that your best option was to make a mad dash to the bust stop where at least one person would notice you.
Making it there you both pull out your phones and with the remaining power they have left, call the police and notify them about where you abouts. The roads are empty and it looks like a ghost town. Overwhelmed with everything you break down in the middle of the ghost town. At this point you’ve accepted your fate and thought there was no point in fighting.
“Malika, I just wanted you to know that after whatever happens tonight, I love you,” you look up at her with tears in your eyes and a sad smile.
“Thank you for being my friend,” she stares at you, silent. Her own tears forming and sliding down her cheeks as she drops to her knees and hugs you close. You two lay there sobbing for a good while before she pulls away and shouts.
“I can’t do this anymore!” huh?
“I- I’m sorry, (Y/N) I don’t know what came over me! I’ve always been so jealous of you when I had no right to be. I wasn’t thinking straight. I'm so, so sorry! This is all my fault,” what? What is she talking about?
“Woah, woah; what’re you talking about?”
“All of this! I knew he was coming. I-… I knew he’d be after you,” you stare at her confused before giving a short giggle, but this isn’t time for jokes.
“It’s him (Y/N),” she can’t be serious right now.
“I am. I knew all along; that’s why I dragged you here. That’s why I wanted you to go to that school. That’s why I wanted- I wanted this to happen,”
“Hey! Do you mind if I sit here?” That’s how all of this started. By being nice. By being a decent human being. You don’t remember much about the school; you choose not to. You barely made it through the first semester there. All because of him. Keegan Krane. A man of the arts just like yourself, though, he focused his talents on something more traditional. Wherever he went there was at least a pencil and some acrylics tucked neatly in that tote bag he carried around. He was amazing at what he did! Best of his class, featured in shows all around the area, the whole nine yards. So, it’s reasonable for you to question why he decided to come here when he could be at the top.
“I don’t need to be at the top,” he’d tell you. Eyes locked on yours, his intense wavering in his intense gaze.
“Besides, if I would’ve never met you, I don’t know what I’d do,” ever the charmer he was. Until he wasn’t. You see, Keegan wasn’t who you thought he was. At first he was just some random guy who went to your school. Then he was some random guy who you shared almost all your classes with. Then he was the guy who sat next to you in most of them. He slowly turned into your acquaintance, then your friend, best friend, then your boyfriend. Or at least that’s what he thought.
You’ve always thought he was smart. He knew almost every painting by their name to the artist to what materials they used. He loved literature and poems and would often write them in his free time. He could cook better than anyone you’ve ever known and was exactly your type. He was perfect; maybe just a little too much.
You remember the exact day when the notes started showing up, right before college in senior year. You always wondered where and who they’d come from but anytime you’d ask, you’d never get a sufficient answer. Malika said to enjoy all the attention from your secret admirer but you couldn’t help to be creeped out. They knew what candies you liked, gave you little figurines from your favorite shows and even knew what route you took home.
Over time the notes became increasingly disturbing and the feeling of eyes on your back lingered throughout the day; no matter if you were in school or not. After the discovery of a mutilated carcass of what you assumed was a dead rat with a birds face, you went to the police. Fuck going the principal, all he would ever say was “we’ll check the cameras,” and “kids these days are always to shy to confess,”. Yea right, that was a confession enough, one of a future psychopath.
The notes turned into drawings, drawings turned into pictures, pictures turned into the mangled faces of unfortunate creatures, those turned into breaking and entering; stealing panties, used toothbrushes, the hair from your hairbrush, and that turned into a criminal case. Everything stopped after you went to the police, they most likely knew and were too afraid they’d get caught. Oh how wrong you were. Because that same person followed you to where you were now.
Just after, the man of the hour makes his way from out of the bushes, axe in hand and dragging the dead body of an officer.
“It’s him, (Y/N),” he removes his mask to reveal the face you seen in your darkest dreams.
“It’s Keegan,”
Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed the 2nd part of this. Ik the plot twist is a little confusing but it’ll all make sense in the third installment, trust. It may come out on Halloween it might not, I’m tryin 😭. I wasn’t confident in this but like I said it’ll all come together later. My Ao3 has been created and imma work on moving my posts there too. This was a little long so if you’re still here ty! Bye guys ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
-Love, Sosa ❤️
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isaksbestpillow · 2 months
More Ossan's Love Returns details
You thought I was done with this show after subbing it??? No! This is a continuation to my earlier post.
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The game and tv controllers aren't always in the same place, meaning someone actually uses them.
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I love all the random appearances of Kikunosuke's riceballs haha. The Tall size really is tall!
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I think this is Kikunosuke's room. He doesn't have much decor, only gym equipment. The framed motto on the wall says 万里一空 banri ikkuu ('ten thousand ri (old japanese unit) one sky'), work towards your goal no matter how long it takes. It was originally coined by the legendary swordsman Miyamoto Musashi. It suits Kikunosuke well since he's kept pining for over a decade!
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Maki actually keeps studying Chinese throughout the season even though it doesn't come up in conversation. The red book he carries around is his Chinese textbook.
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I just realised this reference may not have been clear to everyone, so I'm including it here. In episode five after the ridiculous gay on gay violence Kurosawa takes a kabuki mie pose with his fan as the curtain closes on the antics. The battle is kind of like crazy kabuki play foreshadowed by the sound of shishiodoshi throughout the episode.
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Look on the left! They put up their wedding photos!!
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I just love this shot.
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Chief's get well soon gifts from when he was in the hospital and people thought he was dying. Teppei gave him his cd 完敗 (kanpai, total defeat, pun on 乾杯 kanpai as in cheers). The book is from Maika judging by the title (sexy neighbour) lol. Haruta & Maki went with a more conservative wrapped gift. I don't know who brought the flowers (I think they're kasumisou/gypsophila), but white flowers are generally not recommend for hospital visits because they're associated with buddhist offerings, which I think is part of the joke. In fact, this whole setup looks like an altar of offerings with the flowers and the apples and the riceballs.
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Their bowls go together with their matching couple loungewear!!
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Izumi started buying a new kind of bread after making peace with Akito's death and gave it to Kikunosuke, what if I cry!! I wonder if he started buying strawberry jam bread for Akito and himself after that strawberry crepe confession episode.
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Maki is reading a book in the final spin-off. It's actually the same book he was reading in season one in the episode where he got sick. It's not a real book, but the title is Tokunaga, inu ni nazukeru tte yo ('Tokunaga said he's gonna name the dog', a pun on the book/movie Kirishima, bukatsu yameru tte yo 'Kirishima said he's gonna quit the school club'). Tokunaga is the name of the character Hayashi Kento played on the Netflix series Hanabi. There's a chihuahua on the cover as a nod to Maki being compared to a chihuahua on the show multiple times.
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cozy-earthbaby · 11 months
3 of a Soul - (part 3)
(A/N - Everyone is over 18 to make life easier)
Jason was pissed.
There was nothing really else about it.
It started with Replacement.
Jason had asked him the check out a new cafe that had popped up close to his turf that was giving him all the wrong vibes. Just standing outside the place made Jason's skin crawl and the pits go wild. Obviously, there was something wrong with the place, and who beast to sus it out than the most paranoid of the Bats? So far so good. Then Tim kept going back, and not even going back to investigate. No. He was gone for hours in there just enjoying himself and getting unrelated work done.
That really set Jason's mood off.
So, what did he do?
He got Dicky involved.
Who then dragged along Demon Brat.
Surely, they would get to the bottom of what was going on, right?
They had become just as bad as Tim! Dick was even stopping in there as Nightwing before patrols and getting a drink to go. It was getting ridiculous! And it was pissing Jason off to no end.
That's how he found himself standing outside the cursed establishment, swearing to himself as his brothers eagerly pushed him to the door.
"Come on, little wing! This place is great! Just wait till you meet the boys. Danny is a riot! and Pete is such a sweety. They're great!!! Oh. and maybe you'll get to see Ro! They're something else I tell ya! Trust me. You'll love it in there." Dick was clambering on as they neared.
"I swear Dicky. If you make me regret coming here, I'm putting glitter in your shoes." Jason grumbled out bitterly.
"Todd, don't be immature. Danny is harmless, Peter is amiable, and Ro is respectable. There is no need for you to act like a child." Damien chastised in a bored tone.
"Amiable? Respectable? Don't let them hear you say that! You won't hear the end of it." Tim teased out, clearly excited to enter the cafe.
The bell let out a chime as the four of them walked in the door.
Jason immediately felt the pits both rise up and curl into itself. Looking around, he locked eyes with the cause, and the cause looked back. Time seemed to stop, and Jason couldn't take his eyes off the man before him as he approached the counter. He was pale, almost sickly, a tad shorter than Tim but taller than Damien, with impossibly dark hair, eye bags, and the brightest blue eyes Jason had ever seen. His presence both demanded attention and demanded for one to look away. The world froze as their eyes met, eyes matching eyes, the eyes of predators. A lazy grin and a cocked brow rested on the young man's face, looking almost excited. A challenge. A challenge Jason didn't know if he could win. Fear. Jason was seeing green.
"Don't even think about it!" A feminine voice called out, stern and authoritative. From the back came a tall strawberry blonde, standing in what could be described as a 'scolding mom' pose. A handsome young man with chestnut hair and sweet honey doe eyes stood next to them, amused smirk on his face. "Danny. We talked about this."
Like a broken spell, the world returned to normal, not a bit of green to be seen. The pits had gone quiet.
Jason almost felt... at peace.
The young man seemed to deflate into a dramatic sigh. The intimidating aura that was coming from him all but vanished, breaking the illusion of whatever that was.
" But Rooooo! He's perfect! Look at him! Just one little fight, please?? I promise I won't break anything." Danny wined out as he lazily gestured to the group of boys, all but Jason clearly amused.
"No means no, Danny, you heard them! Sorry about Danny, we just got him to stop biting people. Sometimes he forgets." The other boy sang out. His New York accent was strong and playful. The friendly tease caused a snort from Jason's brothers and a dramatic gasp from Danny.
"Petey! 'Att's so unfair! I was just gonna great the guy! Just a little friendly fight!" Danny whined out, flopping onto the other man. "I wasn' gonna be doin anything too crazy! Swear!"
Peter flicked Danny's head, earning a groan. Blinking away his confusion, Jason couldn't help his smile with a chuckle, the two of them were strangely charming how they acted off each other. Dick was right, they were kinda funny to watch. An apologetic smile was sent his way. "Sorry again about that. Name's Peter, this is Ro, and you've met Danny."
"No problem Peter! This is our brother Jason, it's his first time. Jay here heard that we were big fans of the place, and he just had to come with us and check it out!" Dick, by some greater power was ever the social butterfly, decided now was the best time to be laying the charm on thick as he wrapped an arm around Jason. Ro gave a nod before returning to the back. Peter took his place next to Danny behind the counter.
"Nice! Still. Sorry again. Now, what can we get you boys?" The New York accent taking on a friendly, almost playful tone, as his doe eyes crinkled with his smile. The pink on this brother's faces did not go unnoticed by Jason. Interesting.
"The usual for us, Jay will take a Special." Dick said with a wink.
"Awesome! One special order and three regulars coming right up!" Peter rung them up, then dragged Danny to the back, who complained the whole way.
"Tch. Danny is defiantly an idiot. Drake, you need better taste. " Damien said with no real malice.
"He's not so bad once you get talking to him. He's just got some weird thing about trying to fight people right as he meets them. Peter swears it's just how things are back home for him. I don't know. It's kind of funny to see." Tim spoke as his face reddened. Defiantly Interesting.
Jason decided to keep how Danny effected the pits to himself for now.
Guess Jason will be returning to this cafe as well.
@the-ghost-trader @saphirecross @the-autistic-spider @emeraldcorpral @randomkiddoscrewingaround
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roll-of-royces · 3 months
Feel free to ignore this but I'm gender fluid and really wish there was an option to go by male pronouns in the game so could I request a scenario where the guys find out the reincarnation of mc is a male but it doesn't matter?
Absolutely! Here ya' go!
My asks are open for HC requests and drabbles for anyone interested!
HC: The LaDS Responses to You Being Reincarnated As AMAB
- Spoilers for all three boys backstories. -
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This doesn't come as a shock to Zayne, after all he's been reincarnated with you. To him you are still you, and his feelings in that capacity are the same.  
He does not worry about the social ramifications, he's a well-educated man and he's not going to tolerate bigotry. He's the first to cut people off who are rude or disrespectful. And if his relationship with you affects his reputation at work, then they can find a different doctor.  
He sort of likes that you're of similar gender expression because it means he understands you extremely well in a physical sense. He knows all of the chemicals that flow through you, how to understand your emotions and need for certain things.  
The two of you were thick as thieves growing up, everyone assumed you were like brothers. You weren't. It was so much more than that. You and Zayne are two parts of one whole, in this lifetime, the one before, and the one next.  
Zayne loves the shape of your neck, the way the muscle flows downward. He often finds his hand resting there, or his mouth, or his teeth.  
He's still the more domineering of the two of you regardless of your gender, though he did let you carry him over the threshold (that one time).  
Regardless of your gender he is still more reserved in public, leaning toward more subtle tokens affection like your arms brushing together, or a whisper in your ear.  
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He's waited a long time to find you again, searching, hunting. The fact that you're AMAB is surprising, but he still recognizes you. He knows that spark that lives in you, that calls to the spark that lives in him.  
Xavier hesitates a bit to admit his feelings for you, not because he is ashamed but because he worries about damaging your reputation.  
At first he tries really hard to be the best friend that he can be, if he can't be with you, he'll still be with you. As your friend, your brother, your anything. But he still wants you, the way he has and always will want you.  
When you do finally admit that you're not just friends, his affections flourish. Instead of accidentally bumping shoulders on the train, it's an arm around you. It's cheek kisses and grins, and sleeping pressed in the crook of your neck.  
Xavier does not tolerate people speaking ill of you (he doesn't much care what they say about him). He's summoned his weapon on more than one occasion when someone made an off-handed remark. That usually shuts them up (usually).  
Xavier loves your back, he likes to kiss along your shoulder blades, run his fingers down your sides, trace up your spine.   
Though Xavier is generally sleepy, casual, and happy to relax with you, he's always aware of your surroundings. Your change in gender has somehow made him even more protective of you. Not only does he have to keep you safe from Wanderers and the like, he also wants to protect you from the world at large.  
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When he first spots you, Rafayel thinks he's going crazy. He thinks he's confused, been waiting too long, but then he finds out your name. He watches, you're different but the same. Once he's certain it's you, all he feels is joy.  
Rafayel doesn't care about the social effects, he's an artist. If they don't want to buy his art because he kisses you every chance he gets then they don't deserve his pieces anyway.  
You're a new kind of muse and he loves it, there's so many fresh angles to paint you from, poses that wouldn't have matched before. Colors that suit this more masculine version of his love.  
Without meaning too Rafayel finds his own personal style shifting and evolving to match yours. He begins to dress more feminine (softer colors, make-up, flowing fabrics). 
He's utterly infatuated with the size of your hands, he's always leading you to grab him by the hips or cup his face. He loves to be touched by you, leaning in to it no matter where the two of you are.  
If anyone is disrespectful toward you or your relationship he has a quick retort at the ready. His responses only get nastier the more someone pushes. He won't let anyone talk ill of his lord, no matter who they are.  
He adjusts the way he talks to you too, making sure that you feel good. Mister bodyguard, that's much too tall get it for me. This jar is too tight, open it. I wish some strong muscular beautiful man would come and sweep me off my feet, literally, I'm bored and I don't want to walk anymore.  
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oldhalloweentape · 25 days
🪨Venture (OW II) x (fem) reader ⛏️
(Gyaru Reader Edition!)
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(Picture’s not mine!)
(Request here! This kind of fashion is so cute, good, and creative, seriously don’t understand the hate.)
- When y’all first met they were so amazed by you, I mean you looked like you strutted straight out of the 1990s and 2000s, in a good way of course.
- Getting together entails them wanting to be as helpful as possible, as well as taking the time to admire all the work you put in your style. You have them wrapped around your finger.
- An obvious one is that they buy you stuff all the time, absolutely gushing over how you look whenever you wear the stuff they give you— Clapping their hands excitedly when you pose and give them a twirl or two when you first put the stuff on.
- Stares at you intently when you’re doing your makeup, giggling when you give them a look because their staring is distracting as all hell.
- If you want to practice on a face that isn’t your own, they will happily volunteer! I think they’d look cute with Gyaru makeup on!
- Excitably tells you things about historical facts about makeup like, “You know— Egyptians used to apply their eyeliner with a thin painting brush! Though the way you do it is way prettier!”
- They’d also let you do their hair, and be over the moon with the final product every time <3.
-Do yours in return. Not as great as you do it but they still do a pretty good job (cause like, look at their hair, fluffy and healthy while digging holes and just being dirty in general, they know how to take care of hair).
- Eats up any information they can, a given really, but I can see them reading a crap ton of magazines like Egg, PopSister, etc.
- In general when it comes to what you like, they are hungry for any information about it. They want to understand it and understand it they shall.
- Will get you matching accessories (gem or history themed ofc), there’s no doubt about that, it’s absolutely adorable.
- Thinks the music tied to Gyaru fashion is just so good in general that they immediately want to make a playlist with you so they can listen more to it.
- Whenever they hold hands with you they will absentmindedly play with any little charms or gems on your nails, running their fingers over them— Enjoying the grooves and bumps as they walk alongside you.
- Speaking about walking together, it’s definitely a sight seeing such different people walking hand in hand. Like, there’s you, tanned skin, phenomenal makeup, long manicured nails, white fluffy boots that almost go up to your knees, nice baby pink ruffled skirt with a cheetah print belt, a short white frilly shirt, and a small soft pink fuzzy coat with cheetah prints on it as well— Just all nice and glammed up while….
- There’s Sloane, looking like Adam Sandler, with a baseball cap, basketball shorts, and some random shirt that has a lame ass rock pun on it. And we love them for that.
- A funny ass sight in my honest opinion—
- Anyways, if anyone starts bad mouthing you and your fashion, especially if they call it “trashy”, they’re going to give them one warning before bopping them on the head.
- The amount of disrespect and negativity other people have for Gyaru fashion is just so crazy to Venture.
- From what they’ve seen from both you and other people who partake in it, y’all are so pretty and fashionable! If you ever get discouraged you can always count on this rock muncher being your number one fan.
- Says things along the lines of “You look absolutely breathtaking sweetness! You put the most precious gems to shame, sucks that some people have their brains submerged in the Earth's mantle like them.”
(I hope I gave you guys justice with this one! Love y’all!! 💋)
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Body Exchange Program Part 1:
It all started with an app service called the Body Exchange Program, or B.E.P. For short
The concept of the app was to make a way for people to experience different types of lives, and it did just that. By swapping 2 peoples body’s
Of course it charged a small fee tho, however nothing too extravagant, just 100 dollars, pretty cheep compared to flying or driving somewhere else in the world for a vacation…
I was your typical skater boi, skinny as fuck, 4pack abs, but faint, really only had them cause I’d be too high to remember to eat, oh did a mention a stoner haha? Vaped, even had a bunch of different colored wristbands I’d wear all the time.
Growing up was kinda boring in my small town, nothing really to do besides skate around town and get High with my friends, which I was perfectly fine with, until I discovered I could have more
When the internet first discovered this app, the world went crazy, and I could see why, a lot of out of pocket swaps that you really wouldn’t think were Consensual like 50 year old bears swapping with 20 year old twinks started happening, really strange when those same duos decided to change from the temporary option to permanent, which both accounts would have to go into there settings and select.
My story starts shortly after I made my account and Input all the typical information you would as if goin on a dating website, with a couple extreme questions for your account, like dick size, kinks, ideal body swap
Account summary:
Age: 18
height: 5’10
weight: 135
Location: Kansas
Penis size: 5.5 inches
Kinks: body swaps (duh?)
Ideal Bodyswap: city boy, college, fit
Interests: smoking pot and skateboarding with friends
End summary.
The next day, when I woke up a received a notification at like 2 AM from someone that was a 100% match… not hard when you have such a short requirement list, wanting to do a 72 hour switch for the weekend
It was from some guy named Kyle with a summary of his account
Age: 21
Height 6’2
Weight: 195
Location:Florida State
Penis size: 8 inches
Kinks: anal, Asian chicks, Bodyswaps
Ideal Bodyswap: country/small town, stoners , people with fun lives
Interests: working out, fucking, drinking
Not seeing a picture or anything I decided to just press accept… I mean after all Kyle fit all my Criteria, bear minimal I could hope for is he isn’t ugly or fat, but since he’s interested in working out, and fucking, he’s gotta be some sort of catch, and boy was I right
The moment I pressed accept a 15 second timer started warning me to prepare myself, so I sat down… but that still didn’t prepare me for what was waiting on the other side
I snapped back to consciousness to me suddenly flexing my muscles in front of a mirror
“Wow I’m a walking cliche” I said outloud, of course a gym rat would be wearing a wife beater and checking himself out in the mirror lol. but I can understand why, I look fucking great. I said to myself while continuing to flex, normally I wouldn’t cause a bag of bones like me had nothing to flex, but now that I do…. Well… you know what they say, when I’m Rome
At that point I started spouting off random shit just to hear myself talked, I found my new deeper voice amusing
After a short time of making poses and just making faces in the mirror taking in my new alpha jock boy look, I receive a messaged from my old account
Tanner(really Kyle): hey bro, thanks for swapping with me, you’re kinda a bit scrawnier than I expected but at 135, idk what I should have expected haha. Anyways like I said thanks, I kinda just want to take a break from the way I party all the time, kinda hard to get and smoke weed around there without getting busted by cops or ratted out on by some of the basic bitches there…
Kyle (really tanner) it’s all good man, ya I really just wanted to get that college experience for a bit, go to some parties myself haha, I’ll be sure to keep up that reputation you clearly have haha. And ya, I know I’m scrawny, hence why I wanted to swap with someone fit, anything I should know about?
Tanner: ya, when you go to a party and the bitches try to get with you, try not to get hard untill it’s time to lay it down, otherwise my dick kinda hurts from being restrained in my pants, and the bulge is very noticeable too when it happens… guess I’m also curious what having a average dick is like, weird that I can’t swing it anymore
Kyle: thanks for the tip
I immediately closed out the app and proceeded to tear my shorts down at the speed of which you’d think someone was about to get assaulted, and they/it was about to get assaulted by my hand
“Jesus Christ” I said shaking to the left and right, I can actively smack myself with my dick, that’s so cool bro…
I started going though his texts, with my hand slowly stroking my new huge rod, untill I found a recent text from some chick that invited me to a party, scrolling up though it I saw her nudes she had sent Kyle before
My semi grew into a full on hard on and at that point I had to use all 8 inches of my glory, right?
After I busted a nut I left the mess on me and sent her a picture of it saying “can’t wait to see you”
When I showed up to the party I was immediately greeted with a budlight platinum, and was surrounded by friends/other party goers who new me
After having 6 beers, shit talkin with the new homies and trying not to blow my cover, that I’m not really Kyle, I finally saw the chick I was texting earlier and once we made eye contact, she made a jerkin motion with her head to the stairs, which she then went up.
Feelin a hardon starting to come, I quickly let my friends know I had to go, and rushed up the stairs, once I broke out of the group I could hear one shout “ya right, your going to fuck Jessica aren’t you!?” I turn around walking backwards and yell “fuck ya bro” as I corrected myself and bolted up the stairs
Once I found what room she was in, she was already naked, bent over, hands tied to the bed post with a ball gag in her mouth, she clearly knew what this guy liked, and not wanting to cause suspicion, I went with it
Climbing onto the bed I dropped my pants and spit onto my dick, sliding it into her ass, i came here to fuck, and fucking the dog shit out of her is what I was gonna do.
After that night I knew I couldn’t give this life up. Drunkenly checking the settings of the app I saw it, the make permanent switch
I clicked it and it sent me a message sayin waiting for the other swapper to agree
No way in hell was he gonna agree to keep my twinky body and lose almost 3 inches… “FUCK how can I make this permanent” I thought to myself
Rereading our messages it hit me, I’m signed in as him, all I have to do is sign into my account and accept, I mean it’s like 3 A.M, no way is he up/received this yet
So that’s what I do, moment I agreed to make permanent, my dick got rock hard at the fact that this is how ima always be now, college city boy, big dick alpha jock, could I have even asked for a better combo!
Next morning I got a message from Kyle from his account, he must have signed into his account since I signed him out of mine
Kyle: aye bro you ready to swap back yet? I kinda got caught smoking pot at the park in your body and got arrested, your other stoner friends bailed me out bro…
Tanner: dam that sucks bro, too bad it’s not a me problem tho
Kyle, how is it not a you problem? I kinda fucked up and I’m sorry bro
Tanner:cause, it’s your body now, the swap is permanent, check the settings
Kyle: …..
Kyle: wtf bro this isn’t what I asked for, I just wanted to smoke some pot and maybe not have such painful erections when my jeans can barely hold my dick for a bit
Tanner: good then bro, glad your happy you got what you wanted, I’m happy too, this body is fucking rad my guy, I don’t know why you’d give it up, I typed gaslighting the fuck out of him
Kyle: idk how you did it, but I know I didn’t agree to a permanent swap, my default setting is temporary and I don’t accept random permanent requests… nor would I send one
Tanner: oh but you did ;)
Kyle: just wait till I contact support, I hope they put you in the body of a fat old man for punishment. Rot in hell asshole
Edit: sorry for another fucking mini Novel basically lol
I’d like to give @tfstation a special thank you for letting me use one of his old story concepts (the concept of BEP, not the actual story, I wrote that) anyways lemme know what y’all think!!!!
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prince-kallisto · 1 year
Larry’s Suit Style Analysis
After making my Tucked-In Tie post, I started to analyze Larry’s suit because I’m not normal for him. Long story short, it’s a cheap average suit haha. But if you want a thorough analysis and some suit facts, continue!
Quick disclaimer, I’m not an expert at suits, fabric, or tailoring. This is an analysis based on the in-game models, official art, and my own knowledge. If I missed something or got something wrong, please let me know!
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Larry is wearing an American cut, single vented, three buttoned suit with a notched lapel. The American cut suit was the first type of suit to be mass produced and affordable to the working class. It’s a modern suit compared to the traditional British cut and the sleek Italian cut, so most business men wear this type of suit. It’s referred to as the “sack suit” because of its shapelessness. American cut suits are often off-the-rack (OTR), meaning they are cheap and mass produced with ‘average’ measurements. OTR suits will always need tailoring to fit you perfectly.
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I love how he wears a three buttoned suit!! It’s hard to see on his 3D model, but the official art confirms its there. Three buttons aren’t as flattering on most people because it isn’t as slimming and elegant as one or two buttoned suits. Tall and thin people are recommended to go for this type to suit if they want to “fill themselves out” visually. I don’t know Larry’s height, I’m terrible at comparing models haha. My guess is near 6 feet because he towers over the player character, and he slouches a lot. No matter his height, it’s an very interesting choice to add that extra button and I love it. A singular button can make a huge difference for a suit.
Edit: In case you’re curious, the BIGGEST rule of wearing suits is that you NEVER button the last button. This rule is so important that modern suits are deliberately designed and cut to not button the last button, or else the suit will be incredibly uncomfortable and awkward looking. Weird, right? But it’s why Larry has 3 buttons, but only 2 are actually buttoned.
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He has three cuff buttons, which look nonfunctional. Two buttons is considered casual (Hassel) and four buttons is formal (Geeta), so three is an in-between. It’s expensive to have functional cuff buttons, so OTR business suits will almost never have functional buttons.
There’s minimal padding in the shoulders. It’s another standard for OTR suits because it works on most people’s shoulders. Larry has sloping shoulders, so the padding on his shoulders help support his upper body silhouette a bit.
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Am I going crazy (yes), or am I seeing the stitches in his shoulder seams? It’s something that’s caught my eye since I first saw his 3D model. If it’s actual the thread becoming visible, then his suit is falling apart! Whatever it is, I really love the detail of it!
Edit: Notes pointed out his Pokéball throw, which makes sense why the threads are so strained! He has a really aggressive arm movement, so that plus the cheap and old suit isn’t a good combination haha
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Depending on his pose and angle, his shoulders look like they have divots. If this is the case, then he probably has a hard time finding suits that fit his shoulders properly. Shoulder divots can happen for a variety of reasons, most commonly with athletic people because their biceps don’t fit the arm hole. But people with bent postures also need to have their suits accommodate them, because their shoulders will likely not match up with the suit shoulders. This is probably Larry’s case.
The suit looks like its made of cheaper polyester/polyblend fabric, which is really textured and very shiny. I love the detail on his model, but his suit immediately looked on the cheaper side to me, which was probably the point haha.
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His suit is also a bit wrinkled; it’s not tailored specifically for him. Tailored suits aren’t necessarily form-fitting and slim, but they aren’t supposed to be creasing the way Larry’s is. Although suits can generally fit your size, an OTR suit will never fit you perfectly. His suit in the 2D official art isn’t wrinkled at all, so…I guess this just applies to his 3D model haha.
My theory is that he had some tailoring done to the lapel, which can pop out if it isn’t tailored (a bad lapel is one of the first signs of a cheap OTR suit). Minimal tailoring is a lot cheaper than tailoring the entire suit, especially if the suit was cheap and ill-fitting to begin with. He also has triangle embroidery on the lapel, which I interpret as foreshadowing for his Elite Four status! I wonder if Geeta asked the tailor to do that so Larry’s outfit could have something special about it haha
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His dress shirt is way oversized, or at least has bad shoulders for his body type and posture. The shoulder seam is way lower than it should be. It’s really not worth it to tailor the shoulders in dress suits/shirts, it’s pretty much impossible unless you want to shell out a fortune. Your dress shirt and suit should at least have properly fitting shoulders, because every else can be tailored.
Of course, I want to mention how his tie is tucked into his shirt in the concept art! It’s not considered the be “proper” to do this, at least according to suit fanatics. Many people do this when they’re doing something messy or eating, and Larry eats a lot! I love this detail!
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Larry wearing quarter-break pants. When the suit pant creases as it meets the shoe, this is considered a ‘break.’ A quarter-break has a very subtle crease and shows a hint of your socks. This style is considered modern but not trendy or flashy, so it’s very fitting for businessmen. Quarter-break also works well for tall and/or thin people! Geeta has no-break pants, which is very trendy and youthful, and Hassel has full-break pants, which is older and traditional. Hnnn the details!!!
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He’s also wearing casual business loafers, and they look pretty worn out and dusty at the edges, especially in the official art. He seems to walk a lot between his three jobs, so his loafers probably get a lot of wear and tear.
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This could be a coincidence, but in Japan there’s a very well known apparel company called AOKI. AOKI was established in the late 1950s, and their goal was to make suits affordable to the average Japanese man. Even today, AOKI is best recognized for their suits for salarymen. Larry’s name in Japanese is Aoki! Again, it’s probably a coincidence but it’s a fun one nonetheless!
I don’t know what the point of this was haha (*゚∀゚*) I just adore the character designs in Scarlet and Violet, and despite how plain Larry’s outfit is, there’s so much to be revealed in the details! I hope you liked this analysis!
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oneforthemunny · 2 months
zahra is my fav I can't lie. I relate to her very much (do we know the girl's zodiac signs?)
so i kinda fucked up writing pieces of you and me because... i don't know what i was doing at the time tbh. but their zodiac signs in that are not what i would agree with lol. i really think i'm going to change it.
to me, the girls zodiac signs would match their personalities.
i think persephone would be a virgo (and before you start with me, it's only virgo MEN i have issues with). a late august virgo because i just feel that's a very eldest daughter sign. earth sign, nurturing especially with a million younger sisters. more on the level headed side of things.
kensington... don't even piss me off you know she's a pisces. my emotional baby she's just got a lot of feelings and she's gonna let you know about them in true water sign fashion. a little bit of a mess but in the sweetest way.
sicily and sienna scream leo to me. they are the ones who want attention and absolutely love themselves nearly to a fault. even when they're little, they're just a little wild, a little fiery, and confident. they used to pose for papparazzi because they thought it was funny (eddie despised it lol). definitely on the stubborn side too... nearly destructively stubborn at times.
zahra i feel like is a little libra baby. just very calm and quiet, a peacemaker amongst her sisters at times but chill beyond words. very caring and sweet too. i feel like because she's so quiet, she's very observant and will remember anything and everything. a little wallflower baby.
vega... i don't know, i said scorpio in the story and i still feel it would be in her big three, but i really feel like as an aries... she'd be an aries. like just a lunatic and not in a calm way or a fun way, in an insane chaos, louise belcher kind of way. secretly an absolute sweetheart, but in a crazy way. i mean she's got five older sisters? she's gotta be able to hold her own lol.
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sweet-villain · 11 months
The One That Got Away~ E.M
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Words : 3.2k
Anonymous asked:
HELLOOOO, SOO I know this might be random but I really really need a angst imagine, yes I know your request are closed rn, but if they are open please please please I need this, It’s about the song named The one that got away from Katy perry. YESYES I KNOW, but I really need angst but if you want to switch it up for fluff at the end because I know people would want a part two so it won’t be like a angst ending.
Thank you so much💗
Anonymous asked:
the angst request “the one that got away by Katy perry” that I just sent is for Eddie Munson!!
Thank youuu ❤️
@babyloutattoo89 @palomam18 @becca-alexa @sadbitchfangirl @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @djkeruigbbygirl @haileighboi @bookshelf-dust @moonchildquinn @strangerfreak
You know it's crazy, 'cause nights like this
Would start out with a little private party
It didn’t dawn to you until you watched him meet another girl and have her arm around him, while whispering something in her ear that made her giggle. Your heart sank to your stomach seeing how close they are. That was you those many months ago spending time with him, making him laugh, holding hands. It was all after the both of you graduated high school. Eddie you used to be your lover, and now he’s merely a memory. 
You sneak me in your mom's house
I know I mighta spilled my drink, but
Really wasn't tryin' to spill my heart out
“ Can you believe it we’re getting out of this hell hole?” Eddie mumbled into your year as he stood next to you that Wayne could take a picture. Gareth was on your other side while Jeff was behind you, the other one was on the other side of Eddie. Dustin and Mike were crouching down in front of you and Eddie. All of you were doing the horns on top of the head pose with your tongues out. The same pose Eddie did in the cafeteria after Jason Carver provoked him. 
I mean it started as a conversation
I was really tryin' to get my thoughts out
But then we make moves and we make plans
“ Finally” you mumbled to him. But it was the small glance at each other is when Wayne took the picture not noticing that you and Eddie were looking at each other while doing the pose. You swore you felt your heart race as his brown doe eyes stared at you with the dimple smile on his face. 
Had the whole thing mapped out
See, you were gonna go to college
And to pay for bills I'd figure the job out
Eddie had gotten a job as a mechanic not too far from his home, it was in between your house and his. You were the most happiest for him to see him graduate and didn’t miss the look on his face when he got his diploma. He promised to flip of Principal Higgins and he did it last minute after he hopped off the stage. 
And you knew I had to say it, but them day's gone
Now I moved on and you switched phones
Hopefully reincarnation will bring us back to the place we belong
It wasn’t until maybe a little into summer when things changed between you and Eddie. 
“ What do you think about matching tattoos?” Eddie asked once you pulled away from him being in his lap, lips apart for a break from the making out session you two just had. 
Your eyes filled with surprised. Not too sure how this came up all of sudden.
Summer after high school when we first met
We make out in your Mustang to Radiohead
And on my 18th birthday we got matching tattoos
“ Matching tattoos? Why?” His own heart raced as he shrugged. At the time Eddie thought it was the brightness idea to do that since you’ve been there for him since the begging he knew you. 
“ You’ve been always my there for me, and I thought what a way to do something together” he shrugged. He wasn’t really going to tell you the real reason he wanted one. 
You thought it was a cute idea too. 
“ Okay let’s do it” you nodded your head. “ Let’s go first thing tomorrow” 
His eyebrows scrunched up together in confusion on why you two couldn’t go now. It was still day time and the tattoo shop was still opened. 
“ We can go now” his eyes widen when you got off his lap thinking he said the wrong thing and his arms reached out to you to stop you from moving away.
“ I’m sorry Y/N, come back here” he says. But you laid down on the bed with your back and one finger curling for him to come closer. A smile appeared on his face as he crawled his way on top of you. His lips lean back and capture your own in his as the two of you finished what you both started. 
Used to steal your parents' liquor and climb to the roof
Talk about our future like we had a clue
Never planned that one day, I'd be losing you
Thinking on it now, you miss the way he used to look at you. It was like you were his whole world. The tattoo that you both have gotten itched on your fingers. You ended up getting a red heart tattooed on your finger and he had gotten a black one. It was a really simple cute tattoo that Eddie shares now, it mans nothing. That what he says but it means more because he got it with you. 
But he isn’t yours to hold anymore or to look at the way you were looking at him right now. 
In another life
I would be your girl
We keep all our promises
Be us against the world
Eddie took the cup from your hands and throwing his head back as he downed it. His face scrunched up in disgust while you laughed. His other hand was wrapped around your waist, tugging you to his side. The liquid he had down, burned his throat. 
“ What is that?” He asked. 
“ It’s not your flavor, Munson?” He scrunched up his nose and shook his head. His lips brushed over your ear as he grabbed your hips.
“ You’re my favorite flavor” he flirts. You giggled turning in his arms, throwing your arms around his neck. You both were at a party that you had no idea who’s house it was but both of you were invited. You hadn’t had the chance to see Eddie this week because he was working and you were working too. 
“ Is that so?” He hums in agreement, a smile spreading across his face. 
“ You’re such a flirt, Eds” he leaned down moving your hair away from your face as his lips attached to your neck. He sucked on the spot causing you to moan as he bucked his hips into yours.
“ Eddie, not here” he laughed as he pulled away. 
“ You don’t wanna put a show on for them?”
You shook your head, “ I don’t like what’s mine to be looked at.” 
He grins taking your hand in his and leading you upstairs in one of the bedroom where he could show you why you were his favorite flavor. 
You’d have many nights like that with Eddie, but it grown soon to be over than you expected. The woman he’s been touching and whispering sweet nothing’s too has been with him for a whole hour or so. It’s not that you were counting but she was there, and he waited for her. He knew you came to the same party. He had spotted you before you spotted him in the crowd. He had down two or three shots 
In another life
I would make you stay
So I don't have to say
You were the one that got away
The one that got awaybefore he waited for her. 
And he knew what he was doing too. It was killing you.
Everyone turns to ask you why you and Eddie aren’t longer together. It’s not a story you want to get into. It’s not that he was horrible to you or anything like that, it was just that you weren’t his girl like you thought you were. There was never a label between the two of you. He didn’t like to have labels. 
If life was different where he actually asked you to stay then maybe, just maybe you stayed with him. 
“ I don’t understand what you want from me, Eddie?” You stood up from his bed after getting dressed into your clothes that Eddie told you he made other plans and didn’t want you to stay.  He wouldn’t be here. 
“ I want you to leave” he says. He doesn’t even dare to look at you to see the small pout he used to love to look at. 
“ What did I do to upset you?” You sat back down on his best and put your hand on his chest moving over to his hair, to comb through your fingers through it but he moved away from your touch like he didn’t want to be touched by you anymore. 
“ Can you please go?” His eyes turn to look at you. There was nothing, not even sincerity in his eyes or love. You thought he cared about you and this, what you had with him meant something to him.
“ Don’t you care about me?” You asked. 
He chuckled, “ you’re something else.” 
“ What does that mean?” 
“ Whatever you think this is” Eddie points between the two of you, “ it’s nothing.” 
“ I don’t understand” he sighs to himself and moves the cover over him to reach down for his boxers to slip back on. “ I didn’t ask you to be my girlfriend or anything for that matter. We have a good time, we talk, share a laugh or two, smoke together and that is it.” 
You swallowed the lump in your throat.
“ We’re not together?” You asked. You needed the confirmation from him, needed him to say it that your heart would break into two. You were starting to fall for him and now he was doing this. 
“ No, we’re not. I don’t want a girlfriend” he says. 
But the thing was you were his girl, everyone has called you that and Eddie never corrected them for it. You were Eddie Munson’s girl. You wanted him to reach out and grab your hand and beg you to stay. 
But he didn’t. He put his clothes on, his own heart crumbling into two and his mind screaming on what he was doing. He wanted to turn around and beg you, but he didn’t. 
You deserved better than what he could give you. 
You looked away for a few minutes to the other people in the room and that’s when he rose his head up to look around the room spotting you right away in the crowd. It wasn’t too hard not to miss you. You were standing against the wall with a drink in your hands hoping it would numb you until the next one. 
He swallowed and as much as the girl by his side tried to get his attention, she couldn’t because he was too busy thinking on how much of a great girl you were and the one he let slip away. He was stupid to do so, he missed you a lot and it was his mistake for letting you go. 
He wished you stayed that night. 
“ We’re always going to be there for each other, right?” You asked Eddie one night laying in his bed staring at his ceiling. He turned his head, looking at you as your hair crowns around your face.
“ Yes, where did that come from?” You turned to your side that your looking at him and he moves to his side that he’s doing the same. One hand under his pillow while his other hand reaches out to move the hair away from your face. 
“ I don’t know, just thinking that one day you’ll be sick of me” you mumbled, hiding into the pillow. Eddie moved his face closer and called your name. You peeked out to have him hovering over your face. 
“I promise to never not be there for you, I am not going anywhere” he promised. That promise he made he didn’t know he was going to break it sooner than later. 
A smile grew on your face showing him your pinkeye. He laughed at how cute you were being hooking his own with yours sealing the promise.
“ A kiss too?” You asked. He was happy to give you your promise kiss too. He leaned down brushing his lips against yours mumbling how cute you are as he kissed you. You returned the kiss while he got back on top of you.
I was June and you were my Johnny Cash
Never one without the other we made a pact
Sometimes when I miss you
It’s only been a couple of months and you still play the mix tapes he had made for you. You still have them in your car. Some are at work in the drawer next to you. Some of them are in your room and some of them are laying on the kitchen counter left untouched since the last time you listened to them. 
It was too painful to listen to them now when he broke your heart. You didn’t want to read the back of it either, the list of songs that you used to sing to in the other, together when he was driving you to school, to work, home and around Hawkins. 
I put those records on
Someone said you had your tattoo removed
Saw you downtown singing the blues
Its time to face the music
I'm no longer your muse
It was too painful to sing them. Yet, you hadn’t had the heart to throw them out. They were part of your memories with Eddie. 
Eddie had some of his own that you’ve made them hidden in a box underneath his box waiting to be heard again. He hadn’t had the heart to bring them out to listen to them, to read the songs listed in your handwriting. 
It hurt too much. It hurts to remember. 
“ What do you mean “ he removed his tattoos on his hands?” You questioned Robin who sat across from you at the diner. You have been working shift after shift when Robin gave you a call yesterday that she hasn’t seen you in so long, you agreed to meet her for dinner. 
“ Yeah, I heard him talking to Steve that he went to remove the tattoos. They were bothering him and he didn’t want them anymore.” 
In another life
I would be your girl
We keep all our promises
Be us against the world
Your heart sank knowing now he removed the heart that was on his finger, the same one matching to yours. You glance down at your finger seeing it was still, haunting you of memory of him. Robin glances down seeing your finger and in clear vision she sees the tattoo that’s there.
She gasps, “ You didn’t, did you?” 
“ He had the same matching one like I did” you tell her, lifting up your eyes to look at her. She reaches over to take a hold of your hand in hers, and runs her thumb over your knuckles. 
“ He doesn’t know what he’s lost. He’s such a dingus, you know?” You nodded with a chuckle. 
“ Are you going to remove yours?” She asked. “ You know because he removed his head and I would think it’s just hurting you to look at it all the time now.” 
In another life
I would make you stay
So I don't have to say
You were the one that got away
The one that got away
The o-o-o-o-o-one
The o-o-o-o-o-one
The o-o-o-o-o-one
The one that got away
“ I don’t think so” her eyebrow knitted in confusion. 
“ It doesn’t hurt you to look at it?” 
“ It does, but pain is what makes us human and besides, it’s too special to me to have it removed even though he removed his. I have too much memories attached to it.”
“ You loved him, didn’t you?” 
I'm falling for you like dominoes
From the top of the hundredth floor
Look out below Geronimo
Tryin' to get behind the closed doors to your soul
“ I used too..” She hums and pulls away her hands from yours which causes you confusion on why she had that reaction. 
“ Is there something I’m missing, Robs?”
“ I think in his own way, he loved you too.” 
You snorted. 
“ He did! You made him happy, I saw the look on his face when you walked into the room and the way he held you when you were with him.” 
“ That’s some bullshit Robin” she shook her head.
Why'd you have to end the show
We had such a beautiful plot
There was still more story to go
Now look, I'm not insinuating that
You're some type of fair weather player
“ Steve thinks it too, you should ask him” 
“ Right, Harrington knows about love” she sends you a look like your being unreasonable right now and she was trying to make you feel better even just a little bit. 
But even if the whole world falls over
I wouldn't be aware of a glacier
I just wanna see you wake up
Doing your hair in the mirror with your makeup
Then, maybe in the next lifetime we could make up
You wonder now if he regrets removing that tattoo knowing you didn’t remove yours. You were sure that someone told Eddie that you kept yours as a memory to have. Eddie knew you didn’t, after Robin told him your choice and why you didn’t. He was surprised thinking you didn’t want anything to do with him. 
She still cares is what he’s thinking. Eddie looks over seeing you weren’t by the wall anymore and watches as you embrace your friends off to the side. He ignores the girl that pouts when he walks away from her. 
In another life
I would be your girl
We keep all our promises
Be us against the world
His eyes hold sadness seeing the way you were surrounded by your friends, you look like you were much happier and enjoying yourself than he was. His stomach is in knots and his mind is screaming at him to talk to you. 
You know he’s watching you and you really wish things would be different right now. You think many times you should of told him how much you cared, how much he meant to you and how much you loved him.
In another life
I would make you stay
So I don't have to say
You were the one that got away
The one that got away
The o-o-o-o-o-one
The o-o-o-o-o-one
The o-o-o-o-o-one
You felt stupid not telling him and walking away but another note you felt like it was a better choice. Even though you were doing good with your life, working, making new friends and spending time with old friends, he still lingered in your mind making you question the decision you made in life. 
All the promises he made were lies and empty words. Your eyes lock with his for the first time in a long waiting months and that’s when he saw it. 
He saw the hurt in your eyes he caused. It was his fault. But you felt like it was your own fault that you let him slip away because after you walked out his door that night, he didn’t feel the same with any other girl.
No one compared to you and he wished he didn’t let you slip away.
You both were thinking not letting the other slip away, still thinking of one another with just the memories between the two of you.
In another life
I would make you stay
So I don't have to say
You were the one that got away
The one that got away
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celebisenpai · 15 days
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Synopsis: Talking shit to women who are weak gets boring after a while. That’s where you come in. Like a fresh breeze on a crisp spring day, fighting with you is rejuvenating. He revels in your disdain for him and scowls at the challenge you pose him. Naoya tries to break you, but you don’t seem to want to budge. You match his energy and he hates that he loves it. 
Y/n is a freelance sorcerer, who’s main priority is securing her bag and taking shit from no one. Her curse technique is forced stoppage of time. This technique only lasts 5 seconds but can be expanded to double the time if she flips a coin and calls the right outcome. This binding vow is called Lucky Coin and can be stacked as many times as she wants as long as she keeps guessing the correct outcome. Along with an increase of time to her technique, Lucky Coin also allows her to tap into a dormant stock pile of cursed energy, effectively tripling her curse output. Lastly, besides her technique, Y/n carries a cursed tool in the form of a whip. It's said to be blessed with a luck charm, bringing good fortune to all who wield it. 
Naoya liked to hurt women. Not physically necessarily but emotionally. It was in his nature, like a fox killing a rabbit or an eagle sinking its talons into its prey. It came naturally to him. He enjoyed it too, the sounds these women would make when they sobbed. It was like music to his ears. The women in his clan were even better to bully. He could shit talk them all he wanted and they wouldn’t dare say a word back. It was delightful. 
He had never met a woman that he couldn’t mentally abuse, if not mentally then physically. That is until he came face to face with you. You were a vicious thing, with a smart mouth and an attitude to match. And he absolutely despised you for it. He found it disgusting how you were blessed with beauty and looks only to be a total bitch. What good was your pretty face if all it ever did was talk back. The way you bit insults back at him made him want to rage fuck your mouth. He hated even more that he craved the bickering sessions with you. Every time you matched his energy or yelled at each other like mad men reinforced his need to conquer you. To beat you and break you into the fragile submissive woman you were supposed to be. But you were not easy to crack, making you two bound to clash heads from the very beginning. 
(Day one) 
Naoya had arrived early at the meeting spot. He didn’t really like stepping out of the Zenin compound. He found it disgusting to see women walking around like equals. But despite that he hated the stink of normal people. They were all a waste of space compared to him. If Naobito hadn’t tasked him with coming out here he would have never stepped foot in the abandoned parking structure. But he was next in line to inherit the title as the head of the Zenin clan so he needed to stay on Naobito’s good side. With reluctance he leaned against the nearest wall. 
“Hm? Oh, someone else is here. I would have thought I was the only one.” A voice called his attention. When did you get there? He hadn’t even noticed you. You sat on the edge of a small concrete wall designed to keep cars from driving over the multiple story levels. “Who are you?” He asked as he levelled his gaze. You swiftly jumped off the ledge and strode closer to him. You had your arms behind your head, a sign of overconfident swagger that didn’t sit right with him. “I could ask you the same. But then again, judging from context clues you seem to be the other freelance sorcerer Shui hired for the job.” 
Naoya chuckled. “You think I’m a freelancer? Do you not know anything about the Jujutsu world?” Your hands dropped to your sides. “Eh, I don’t really involve myself in the world of sorcerers. Too much politics.” You shrugged. “Ever heard of the Zenin clan?” He seemed to puff out his chest with every word. “You mean that clan full of crazy elitis?” His smile quickly faded at that. “I think you mean strong sorcerers.” You tutt your shoulders. “I know what I said.” His gaze wandered on your form. You were pretty. Decent sized rack with wide birthing hips and curvy form that made you very attractive. He could overlook this one stumble for you. “You should watch what you say to me.” He warned. “With that reaction I’m guessing you’re part of the Zenin clan. Am I right?” He smiled at you as if finally getting the recognition he deserved. 
“Precisely.” He said lifting his chin. “Is that why you're dressed like that?” You pointed a finger at him. His eyes widened slightly. “What’s wrong with my clothes?” He asked before looking down at himself. You almost laughed at that. “Nothing, nothing, I mean If you enjoy dressing like a black and white picture movie you’re on the right track.” He frowned at that. Insulting him was stepping over the line. “This is how real men dress.” He shot back. “Back in the Heian era maybe.” You said as you played with a strand of your hair. He took in your dressing style. Nothing impressive, you didn’t even look like a sorcerer with your normal clothes. “Hmph I'd rather dress like this than to be dressed like a bum.” He sneered. You raised your brows at that “Woah, shots fired.” You said bringing your hands up innocently. “And you should lower your tone with me. Women should not be speaking outta turn in the first place.” You blinked in shock. “Um I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt here and pretending you didn’t just say the most sexist thing to man.” 
“You think that’s the most sexist thing I’ve ever said?” He quipped back, he almost seemed proud to let you know he didn’t respect women. “I’m starting to think it’s not.” You said, tipping your head to the side. He grinned. “But it’s correct. Women should know their place.” You frowned at that, and his ego began to purr. “Oh, you’re a bit fucked aren’t you?” He loved when women got defensive, it let him know he got under their skin. “What? Did I strike a nerve?” He expected that to set you off, but when it didn’t he furrowed his brows.  “The one who should be watching his tone is you. You’re not hot enough to be speaking about women like that.” He blinked. Oh? You’re a fighter? He had never been called unattractive before. It stung in the annoying way a bee stings a honey badger. “What would an average looking female know about looks? I’ll have you know women beg for it.”  He said, taking back his previous mental compliments to your body. You smirked. “Is that what your mom tells you after she tucks you in for bed?.”
Right now he seemed to find your smile repulsive. Such a disgusting mouth you had, it made him want to bite your lips shut. “Fuck you, I’m hot.” He shot back. You brought your hands up to your eyes, using them as binoculars. “ Is the hot guy in the room with us right now?” He decided that he did not like you. And would endeavour to be mean to you every step of the way. “You're kinda a bitch.” He hissed. You didn’t seem to bat an eye at the insult, probably because it had been told to you so many times it had lost its sting. “So I’ve been told.” You reached a hand down into the pocket of your jeans to pull out your phone. Where the hell was Shui? He had some explaining to do. Naoya’s eyes followed down to your hips again. He pictured himself staring at your back as he pounded you as hard as he could. You definitely deserved a punishment. What better way to punish women like you than to humiliate you sexually. 
“It’s such a waste that you got wide hips. You know, since you’re basically unbreedable with that bitch attitude of yours.” He sneered. You tilted your head at that, one hand on the handle of your wide hips as he described them. “That’s such an odd thing to say to a lady. Didn’t your parents ever teach you manners?.” You quipped. Naoya smirked at that, crossing his arms proudly. “What’s manners got to do with this? You’re a female, aren’t you used to men speaking to you by now?” You huffed a laugh at that. “Sorry, I don’t usually spend my time hanging out with people who have low self esteem and mommy issues.”  You said as you slipped your phone back into your pocket. His perfect brows furrowed. “ You think I have issues?” It was your turn to smirk. “Yup, a whooooole lotta them. Save some for the rest of your clan, why don’t you?”
For the first time since you arrived he stopped leaning against the wall. “You wanna talk about issues? Seems like you’re littered with them. What? Your daddy touched you when you were six and you developed a hatred towards men?” You prickled at that. And he took advantage. “Seems to me like he had the right idea, to ruin you before you could start voicing your own opinions.” Heat began to rise in you. “Spoken like a tool with a superiority complex. At least when I went through my trauma I didn’t come out as a whiny little bitch boy. Bet you’re a big disappointment at home aren’t you?”
He blinked at that. “Boy?” He repeated letting you know that out of all the other insults, that one stung the hardest. “Open your fucken eyes, you’re speaking to a man. I am next in line to be the head of the Zenin clan.” You brought a hand up to your mouth, feigning surprise. “Oh no, did I strike a nerve?” You shot the same words back at his perfectly sculpted face. His face filled with noticeable anger that would have scared any of his house maids but not you.
Naoya had enough. He let his instincts take over. Like anyone who disrespected him, he would beat thoroughly, and so he tried. He activated his technique and launched himself towards you. He expected to land a punch right to your face. It came to a surprise when his hand slipped right through you. His eyes widened in surprise when you appeared behind him. (What?! She’s faster than me? Impossible!)  He quickly pivoted, unsheathing his knife and slashing towards your guts. Again it went right through you and you disappeared, only to reappear next to him. (No, she’s not faster. This is probably her technique.) This time you raised your hand to his eye level and snapped your fingers. His eyes widened slightly as he figured out your technique, but it was too late. 
Time froze again, giving you five seconds to unhook your wip and move before it unfroze. It took less than one second for your whip to unravel and two seconds to whirle it towards him. The whip wrapped around his wrist. In that your five seconds wore off giving him the liberty to move again. But you already had him. You yanked on the whip causing his hand to spasm and drop the knife. He seemed thrown off by this and you took full advantage. You dove towards him, grabbing and twisting his free arm behind his back. He grunted at the pressure being exerted on his arm. Then using all your strength you shoved him into the wall. “I’m going to fucken kill you.” He hissed. The sound of leather straining could be heard as he struggled to free his wrist from your whip. 
You grinned at his frustration and leaned in. Driving your leg in between his and whispering in his ear. “I’d like to see you try.” A whistle interrupted the sound of both of your ragged breathing. Both your attention was called to the man in the suit, smoking a cigarette. “I called on the aid of the Zenin clan because I thought my freelancer was going to need help on this job. But if you guys are just going to keep going after each other’s throats it might not work out huh?” With that you released Naoya and rolled up your whip. “Shiu, ‘bout time you showed.” you said, acknowledging him. Naoya rubbed at where his wrist had been hurt and looked annoyed. “Y/n, you should try to get along with the partners I get you. It’ll make both our jobs easier.”  You rolled your eyes at that. 
“He started it.” You said as you jabbed a finger at him. He scowled at you in response. “You really are a bitch, you know that?” You looked over at Shiu as if to prove a point. But he simply ignored it. “To be honest, I really couldn’t care less if you both hate each other. But this mission will be easier if you work together so I guess be nice? Anyways.. Today’s target is an ex- cult leader. Though he’s no longer the leader he still has a lot of followers who remain loyal to him. The organisation hiring us wants him gone. But they want proof so we’ll be needing his head. The price is 800,000,000 yen.”  You whistled at that. But Naoya seemed unimpressed.  “Hmph, A bit on the low side to take care of a cult leader and his followers don’t you think?” Shiu smiled as he let out a smoky breath. 
“Naobito already agreed to the deal. Renegotiating now would be a waste of time.” You sighed and began to walk away. “Come on. Let’s go.” Naoya narrowed his eyes at you. “I don’t take orders from things that have cunts.” . You rolled your eyes at that. “Alright then if you’re not gonna help, get the fuck outta my way. I came to get my bag and no one is going to stop me.” You said as you bumped his shoulder and pushed past him. Shiu let an amused smile sit on his face as he watched you two. Naoya let out an annoyed tsk as he begrudgingly followed you. “I'm not coming to your rescue if you’re in trouble. I hope you know that.” You flipped your hair off your shoulder.  “I don’t remember asking you to.” God he hated you. He was already planning on how he would kill you and keep all the winnings. “I hope they rape you.” “I hope they take that stick out of your ass.”  He would never admit it but that was when it all started for him. 
You two saw each other on multiple other occasions. Each time resulting in a multitude of insults and skirmishes. Through time you began to find these encounters entertaining. It got to the point where you would go out of your way to be a pain in his ass. Every time he went on a mission. You would somehow beat him to the destination and the curse. The face of annoyance more than made up for any hardships endured in your missions. Because of this he unintentionally learned your ins and out. He figured out what your favourite drink was and then bought out all the stores within a 50 mile radius. He discovered you hated insects and made sure to carry around crickets in his pockets. 
You were no different. One time you discovered what brand of hair dye was his favorite and pulled some strings to get it discontinued. You even found out that he took afternoon baths at exactly 3:00 pm and snuck in to put fart spray in his shampoo bottle. Yes, you had snuck into the Zenin compound on many occasions. It was pretty easy to be honest. Just dress as a maid and you were practically invisible. This weird rivalry continued for some years. Each day deeping the weird sexual tension that had grown between you. But it wasn’t until you encountered him in the mall one fateful day that you decided to do something about it.
“Don’t you ever wear anything that’s flattering?” You heard an all too familiar voice sound out next to you. you looked up from your phone to see his pretty face. Honestly it should come with a warning label. (Pretty annoying) it should say. “You should not be talking.” You said as you stood up from the mall bench. Groups of people could be seen gawking at him as they walked by. You rolled your eyes. Poor things didn’t know any better. “What brings you out to the real world?” He fixed his bangs with one hand as he spoke. “Do I not have the liberty to roam if I want to?” You shrugged and began to walk away. He followed you unintentionally. “What are you here for anyways?”  He asked before winking at an attractive barista from one of the shops. 
“Buying lingerie. I have a date tonight.” He blinked before laughing. “Who in their right mind would want to go on a date with you?” People who heard his loud ass statement began to snicker. You glared at him. “Someone with good taste” You shot back, continuing your route to the store you had in mind. “Why do you care?”  It was his turn to shrug. “I don’t. But I would like to know what dumb idiot thought it was a good idea to take a bitch like you on a date.” You laughed at that. “Contrary to what you think. I’m not mean to all men.” He made a face like he didn’t believe you. “Just men that think they’re better than everyone else.” You smirked.
“Huh, and here I thought you were just a lesbian.” You came to a stop and looked at him. “I’m not a lesbian. I enjoy a good dick ride just as much as any other girl.” He flashed You a toothy grin. “Coulda fooled me.” You rolled your eyes. “It’s not a hard thing to do.” He frowned at the small insult. By now you had reached the store you wanted. It was a lingerie store that also sold some other things like chokers and handcuffs. His eyes lit up once he saw the mannequins displaying thongs and cheeky underwear. A light dusting of blush settled on his cheeks and ears. And you immediately knew that he had never been to a sex store before. You pulled the door open and waited for him to follow. He gave you an uneasy stare. “Well, aren’t you going to buy your stupid underwear or whatever.” He asked before folding his arms. 
“I thought you were coming in. You know to berate me and what not” he raised a brow. Studying the predicament in front of him. He knew you were baiting him so if he went in he’d be walking into your trap. But on the other hand if he didn’t go you’d know that he wasn’t well acquainted with sex stores and you would laugh at him. So he simply gave an annoyed tsk before following you in.  
The store was full of mannequins, displaying their different designs of underwear. “You look like you're passing a kidney stone.” You teased.. “I’m not used to women being so brazen, it’s disgusting.” He spat out the words loud enough for other customers to give him dirty  looks. “Well you’re always around me. Shouldn't you be used to brazen women by now?” Naoya rolled his eyes. “You’re hardly a woman, more like a curse.” You laughed at that. He was so annoying. Something red caught your eye, you turned to see a red thong. There was a selection of them. Each with a different glittery letter on the back. You smirked when you found one that had an N on it. Naoya raised his brow and grinned. “You like that one?” His tone was different, softer and filled with curiosity. His hateful facade died down and for a second he seemed normal. Just a normal boyfriend helping his girlfriend pick out underwear. The thought popped in your mind like a bubble. And the idea of picturing him as your boyfriend made you panic. So you did what you did best and attacked. 
“My date’s name starts with an N, I’m sure he’ll enjoy seeing these tonight.” With that Naoya’s demeanour hardened again and he reverted back into his hateful self. “Tch, what’s the point of wearing a string of clothing. It’s going to be ripped off anyways. It’s stupid and a waste just like you.” Your brows furrowed. “Unlike you most men don’t just go around ripping people’s clothes off. They’re not animals!” He ran a hand through his bangs. Combing them out with his fingers. “Cause they don’t know how to fuck.” He shrugged. “Oh and you do?” You placed your hands on your hips defensively. “Better than that mystery boy you’re going on about. He sounds like he has weak thrusts.” Naoya used his hand to flash you a thumbs down and stick his tongue out. He looked childish. 
You were just about to retort something back when one of the workers approached you. “Hey, um you guys are scaring the customers. So we’re going to ask you to leave.” The woman said in a tone that was dipped in annoyance. Naoya scowled at her, making her take a step back. “Sorry, can I just buy this real quick.” You said as you lifted the small garment in your hand. She shook her head. “No, Please get out.” Naoya stepped in. Just let her buy the stupid string of clothes and we’ll leave. “No, at this time I’m refusing you service.” His brows furrowed. “Do you know who you’re talking to? I’ll shut this place down faster than you can get on your feet and grovel.” You quickly handed her the underwear and smooshed your hand to his face, pushing him out the door. “Sorry!” You yelled because you were pretty sure he would complete his threat of shutting them down somehow. 
Outside the store Naoya smacked your hand away from his face like an angry cat and straightened out his hair. “You see what you do?! You got us kicked out!” You said with annoyance. “It’s not my fault I was speaking the truth. Plus you were the one who practically forced me in there.” You rolled your eyes, because he was technically half right. “Whatever, just let me enjoy my evening.” You said as you began to walk past him. But he being the bastard he was, stepped in front of you. “You’re just mad that I’m right about this boy toy of yours. He sounds pathetic.” You raised a brow. “Careful, someone might think you're jealous.” He recoiled back, like you had smacked him. “Why would I ever be jealous of someone who’s below me.” You shrugged your shoulders and strolled past him. “‘Maybe ‘cause my boy toy, as you call him, gets to try a piece of this sweet ass and you don’t.” 
Naoya rolled his eyes. “Tch, let’s be real, you’d be the one losing out.” You grinned at him over your shoulder. Always so full of himself. “I’m sorry, are you assuming you can fuck me better than him.” You said as you raised a hand to play with your hair. “I know so.” He replied swiftly as if he knew it from the very beginning. “Interesting assumption.” You twirled a lock of hair between your fingers, seeming uninterested. “Shall I prove it to you?” He suddenly gripped your arm. “Come see me tonight instead of him and I’ll prove I can fuck you better than him.” You swallowed the thought of him completely naked and pulled your hand free. “Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.” You sang, leaving him with the view of your ass as you walked away.
Naoya was in a considerably foul mood, even more so than usual. There was still no sign of you. He had expected you to come crawling by now after offering you such a tempting offer. Had you really gone off with that peasant of yours over him? “Tch!” He bit out the grunt as he made his way to the training ground. He was beyond frustrated, in a way that only you could make him. There was so much pent up energy reserved just for you.  He practically oozed a fiery aura as he stomped down the hall. The maids especially made sure to keep away from him, for fear that they’d become victims to his anger and frustration. 
He was just about to make it to the courtyard when he heard your sweet voice. “Keep making that face and you’ll get wrinkles on that pretty face of yours.” His head turned and his features softened. He wouldn't admit it, but his heart skipped a beat. “Hmph, took you long enough.” He scoffed, turning his full body to see you sitting on a window sill. You laughed at that. “What? Think I wouldn’t show. Is that why you look so sour?” His face twisted to his usual cocky grin. “No, I knew you would come.” He lied through his fucken pearly white teeth. 
You jumped down from your place and strode towards him. Finally you were within touching distance to him. He was itching to start your tango. “I dunno, I’ve been watching you.” You touched a finger to his chest. He tensed, crinkling his brows at you. “Oh, shut up.” He said and quickly grabbed at your hand that was on his chest. He had caught you and was not inclined to let you go. You giggled once more before you obliged him. Your mouth smashed against his and his hand found its way to your scalp tugging painfully on your hair. You hissed and bit his lip. Biting hard enough to cause blood. He let go of your hair and cursed when he tasted blood. “You bitch!” You smiled at him and licked your lips before placing your hand on his clothes cock. It was already stirring. “I knew it. You get turned on when we fight.” He smacked your hand away from his cock and tugged you against him. You weren’t even in his room yet and he wanted to rip your clothes to shreds. “No I just get turned on by the idea of shoving my cock down that pretty little mouth of yours just to shut you up.” His hand reached up to grope one of your breasts. Fuck, it was soft and plush and he had been wanting to do it for so long. “If you don’t take me to your fucken room right now, I’m going to bite you again and this time it’s not going to be your lips.” You whined as you grind on the leg that was between your thighs. Your whines made his mind do back flips. “Mmmm fuck, I fucken hate you.” He growled before picking you up and throwing you over his shoulders. He delighted in the amused giggles that you let loose on the way. He gave no fucks if the maids saw you like that. 
He would fuck you in the hall way if he wanted to but there was the other Hei, the other men that could see you. He didn’t want them to see your silky curves. Naoya was a greedy man and that meant keeping your tight cunt all to himself. Moving in his pants became painful and he would make you pay for turning him on so far away from his room. When he finally arrived at his room he shut the door behind him and threw you on his bed. You yelled before bouncing off of the bed and onto the floor. He laughed at that and proceeded to take off his clothes. His shirt was the first to go then his pants until it was just his boxers in the way. You were delighted to see his pierced nipples. His hand came down to your jaw and pulled you up. Your lips clashed again in a battle of dominance. His tongue fought for space in your mouth and made a fire rage in your lower region. “You're a terrible and disgusting excuse for a human being.” You huffed. He pushed you towards his bed but this time he secured you down with his body. 
“Yeah? You hate me don’t you? I’m a piece of shit to you and you still get wet thinking of me.” His hand snaked its way around your throat. But instead of being scared like he wanted, you smiled. It made him angry so he bit down on your shoulder. Electric waves shot down your spine in a mixture of pain and pleasure. The scream turned into a lewd moan and he loved it. Your fingers clawed down his back, breaking skin as they did. He grunted, heat and friction making him dizzy with pain and pleasure. He accidentally bucked into you making you laugh. It made him feel like he was not in control and he had to show you how good he was when he was in control. “Shut the fuck up.” He growled and yanked at your shirt until it ripped. “I love that shirt!”  You whined. Looking at the shredded prices of your shirt. But Naoya couldn’t care less. He busied his eyes, hungrily studying your body. “No bra? You’re a fucken slut aren’t you.” He grinned “I was afraid you’d rip it like my shirt.” You quipped. Your hand shot up to entangle itself between his blond locks. Tighten slightly to pay him back for your shirt.
“Shut up. I’ll just buy you a new one.”  He hissed before lowering himself onto you. The idea that he would actually buy you something was burned away by his tongue.  It was hot and wet against your sensitive nipples. A muffled moan slid out of your throat. And Almost instantly you arched your back to him. This delighted him. It triggered a power rush within him and flooded his brain with dopamine. The need for you was so strong it numbed his mind to anything but his urge for you. It conquered every part of him but pooled to two parts of his body, his mind and his dick, which currently poked angrily at your lower half. He was high on power, so high. He didn’t even care when you wrapped your legs around his waist. The friction, the heat, all of your sounds were overwhelming him and he hadn’t even put it in. God if this kept up he would cum right there and then. He released your nipples and tried to keep his head, but he was teetering on the border of ecstasy. He hated the way you could edge him so close to madness. “Let me be on top.” You whined. The thought cooled his mind. Why would he relinquish his power over you? Just so you could ride him? Bounce on his cock and see your pretty tits bounce with every thrust of his cock. Ok, the thought was compelling enough. 
He flipped you over as if you weighed nothing. It was weird to be relinquishing his power willingly. But he thought it would be cute to let you think you could dominate. Except he wasn’t expecting you to snap your fingers, activating your curse technique and stopping time. Little did he know you had planned it all out. You quickly got to work tying his wrists and legs to the bed boards. When your technique ran out, you were waiting for him at the end of his bed. Your whip in your hand and a sadistic smile dawning on your face. He blinked, obviously confused at the lack of warmth that was once there. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” He asked once he saw you with your whip. 
“I just wanted to have a little fun.” You blinked innocently at him. He scowled at you. “You really are the worst.” He bit out . You cracked your whip to the side of him destroying his floor. “Men shouldn’t speak unless they’re spoken to.” You cooed. Fire filled his eyes and something like excitement. “Y/n I’m going to kill you when I get out” you whipped your weapon again. It made a loud audible sound that let anyone around know how deadly it was. “Thank you for the warning, maybe I’ll leave your restraints on longer.” He smirked at you. “You’re going to dominate me? Good luck.” He bit out the words like a soldier dying nobly. But that was exactly what you wanted to hear. You ran the whip along your hand before gripping it and yanking on it. The sound of strained leather could be heard in the room. “Naoya Zenin, tonight I’m going to break you. Like the stallion you are.” 
You were crazy, you were actually bat shit crazy in his mind. But the most twisted part of it all was how much that was turning him on. His dick twitched from excitement and he watched you take off the rest of your clothes, panties included. He expected a clean shaved pussy and you did not disappoint him. He watched you walk around his bed, whipping your weapon like a tail. “Alright what are you going to do? Get it over with already.” The truth was he was excited to know what you’d come up with. Because he didn’t plan on breaking one bit. You trace his body with your whip, he watched you closely as you neared his most sensitive spot. “I have to be honest I came here with a premeditated plan.” You said as you rubbed his still clothed cock.  
It was the first time he’s seen you blush. It made his insides feel weirdly hot and he wondered if he too looked as red as you. “I knew it. I’ve always known you’ve fantasised about my dick.”  You raised a brow. “This was a recent development darling.” He threw his head back in laughter. “You can tell yourself that if you want to, but you don’t fool me. Ever since the first day we met you’ve been dreaming of letting me fuck your brains out.” Your hand closed around his still clothed cock and he stiffened. Precum stained the surface of his boxers. “It seems I wasn’t the only one dreaming about it.” He tilted his head, a ghost of a smile still lingering on his lips. “Sure I’ve thought about it for a second.” 
You finally decided to pull his boxers down. Letting his cock spring free. It stood proudly. Letting it shiny pink head shine. It was a fine length and veiner than you had expected.  Your thumb pressed against his head making him tense. His muscles tightened around his thighs and core. It brought you pleasure to see him like that. But now you had a problem. His boxers were still around his legs and you needed them gone. Maybe you should have taken them off from the start. But oh well, we were past that phase of operations. He seemed to pick up on your predicament. “What? Plans not going your way?” He teased. You gave him a couple of strokes as you thought about how to get the boxers off. There was no way you would untie him. He would definitely try to get out. Your eyes finally landed on your whip and an idea sprung in your mind. 
“What was that saying? ‘An eye for an eye’? Well let’s just say this is going to be clothes for clothes.” He watched you grab the whip and immediately tensed. He pulled on all his restraints. “Woah, hold on. Y/n, wait.” He pleaded. Terrified of losing his man hood with one wrong crack of your whip. You backed away and used your hand to measure how far you had to reach your whip to only hit his boxers. “Wait! Wait! Just untie me and-.” He didn’t even get to finish before you whirled your whip. The loud cracking sound of the whip resonated around the room. “You crazy bitch!” He yelled. You smiled when you saw that you had successfully whipped his boxers off. He was breathing rapidly. “There, all gone.” You cooed and dropped your whip. There was a sense of relief that washed over him. 
“I swear I’m going to choke you.” He growled. “That would be a scary threat, you know if you weren’t all tied up.” You winked at him. “Let’s move on.” You said as you  pulled out something rubbery from your discarded clothes. It was pink and he seemed to look at it curiously. “What the hell is that?” He asked as you neared him with it. “It’s a cock ring.” He jerked when you grabbed his penis and began rolling it on. It squeezed his dick with a pressure that was not too overbearing, but it was strange and new to him, no one had ever done something like this to him. “It’s to make you last longer. Don’t think I didn’t notice how you almost came earlier.” He smiled at that. “Don’t blame me, blame those whore sounds you were making. You were enjoying my lips a little too much.” Once his cock ring was nice and strapped you crawled onto the bed. 
“It was very good, but try to hold on for me. I’m about to make you feel like you're in heaven, and for the first time, I don’t need you living up to your name as the fastest Zenin.” You said as you kissed him. He kissed you back like he had missed you from your short leave of absence. And when you pulled away a silvery string of saliva connected you two. “I’ve always lasted in bed.” You smiled at that before grabbing a piece of your ripped shirt and tying it around his head. “Did you know that without your eyesight, all your other senses become heightened. Your smell,” he could smell your perfume around him. “Your hearing.” He couldn’t help but listen to the noises you made as you moved down his lower region. He swallowed anxiously. “Your sense of touch.” You whispered before sticking out your tongue and licking his tip.
He hissed like you had attacked him. “You better stop teasing. I hate that shit.” He muttered. “Ohh too bad. I love it.” This was delivered with another kitten lick to his tip. It wasn’t enough. He needed more warmth, more friction. The sounds of him pulling on the restraints made you smile. Another kitten lick to his tip was delivered. You knew he was scowling behind the covering. “Y/n!” He barked your name like a command. Oh no, didn’t he know? You were in charge now. You blew a warm breath on his tip before smacking it with your hand. He jerked at that. “You’re a whore for that.” He struggled even more against his restraints. “Oh poor baby doesn’t like it?” You smacked it again. Again he jerked. “Take that stupid cock ring off, it's making me sensitive.” Oh no, another command. Naoya wasn’t getting who was in charge, maybe you should show him. 
You rolled off the bed. He could hear you walk away and rummage through his drawers. “Hey, what are you fucking doing?! Get back here and finish what you started!” He growled. “You’re being very impatient.” You cooed back. “You can’t just keep giving me blue balls. Come fix it!” “Ahaa!” You said triumphantly as you found what you were looking for. He stayed quiet trying to deduce what you might have been looking for. The sound of a lighter being switched on made him raise a brow. “What are you doing now?” He asked a bit annoyed that you weren’t just creaming on his cock right now. “Patience is key.” You hummed. “My patiences ran out about 30 minutes ago-OOO! FUCK!” Naoya wasn’t able to fully complete his sentence when he felt hot wax drip onto his bare chest. 
“Fuck fuck Y/n stop!” More wax is poured into his stomach area. Naoya hissed from the sting of the wax against his skin. “What did I say earlier? Men should only speak when spoken to.”  Naoya grit his teeth. The sting of his own words being twisted to your desires hurt more than the sting of the hot wax on his skin. You ran your hand over the now cool wax on his chest and stomach. “Got it?” You half expected him to come up with a witty comeback but he simply nodded. “You’re learning so fast Naoya. You look very pretty when you’re not being a dick.” He smirked at that. “Shall I reward you?” Naoya nodded his head once more. “So good.” You whispered as you lowered your mouth over his dick. First you engulfed his head, giving a nice couple of sucks, each ending with satisfying pops at the end. Naoya threw his head back and let out a pretty moan. He quickly bit his lips and he hated that you had forced that noise out of him.
“Your moans are very pretty too. Shall I keep rewarding you?” He nodded his head again. “It's ok, you can say it.” He swallowed and licked his lips. “Yes.” He sounded almost out of breath. Naoya, despite everything, couldn't figure out why he loved what you were doing. No one had ever forced him to shut up like you did. No one had ever had this much control. It was wild and scary and fucken hot. Your mouth took him deeper with each stroke. It felt like heaven. Finally he was getting that friction he soo needed. He had to bite his lip to keep all his embarrassing moans inside. Because despite the fact that he was letting you dominate him. He was still a man. And men don’t do that pathetic moaning shit. But fuck was your mouth good. You swallowed around him and made him buck. His dick reached the back of your throat faster than you had anticipated. It made you gag. 
Naoya seemed to recognize the noise and laughed. “Oh you think that’s funny?” You asked as you grabbed his cock in your hand. “Yes.” He said between laughs. “I’ll show you something funny.” Immediately you fit him back into your mouth and placed your hand at  the bottom of his base to jack him off. The change in friction made him gasp. “F-fuck!” Your mouth sucked around his smooth salty tip, swirling your tongue over it every once in a while. His hips began to buck. He was edging closer and closer to sweet sweet release. “Yes fuck! I’m almost th-there.” Just when he said those words you plopped your mouth off of him. “No! No. Fuck fuck! .” The beautiful sensation was fading, and it was fading fast. His balls hurt from how much you had edged him on. He needed release. He wanted to cum. “Fuck! Y/n.”
“Do you think it’s funny now?” You asked as you pressed your thumb over his head. He was fast in shaking his head. “No.” Your hand ran over his balls they felt heavy and swollen. He huffed at the sensation. Like running a finger over a sore spot, painful and good.  You did this another time, getting him to the edge only to take it away right before. Naoya needed to learn to be good. “Y/n! I want to cum.” He demanded. “Are you sure that's the right tone?” He seemed to shrink back as if his body remembered the wax. “You want to cum?” He nodded his head eagerly. “Yes.” 
“Fine.” You said as you leaned in for a kiss. Naoya seemed to pump his chest out. “But only if you beg for it.” He stayed still at this. Naoya had never begged for anything his entire life. Begging was for the weak and he was not. “Just make me cum!” He barked and on cue hot wax was poured on his chest. “Fuck!” He recoiled. Then he stayed silent as if contemplating his next move. When he took a little too long to think you rubbed one of his balls. He groaned, god they were heavy with his seed. If only he could cum, you wouldn’t have this power over him. But when you massaged his balls in your hand he felt nothing but love for you. Maybe love was too extreme but his urge to fill you up with his seed was real. He was fighting his pride, killing it off for a chance at emptying his load in you. 
“All you gotta do is say please. Please let me cum babe. Can you say that for me? You seem very stressed with this load.”  His dick twitched at the possibility of making it all go away but his pride was strong. “Fuck no.” He huffed. You frowned at that. “Oh well. I gave you the option.” Naoya could hear the sounds of wet slickness. He perked right up. “Do you hear how wet I am for you? I want you Naoya. Don’t you want me?” Your small moans intrigued him, they stimulate his mind. “Yes.” He said, sounding like a hungry man. “Then beg.” You offered again. One way or another you were going to break him, to make this proud man submit to you. He was close, you could tell.  He licked his lips listening to the glistening wetness of your pussy. “You want it, and I want it. Let’s just cum together.” He rationed. 
You frowned again. “I think you need another round.” Your mouth closed around his cock, even his veins were hard from so much edgeding. Naoya whimpered. Your lips would bring him to the edge of ecstasy only for it to slip away. “Do you know what happens to men who have blue balls for this long? They go crazy.” You whispered, licking the length of his cock to the top. It was crazy. It was madness. It was torture. And he could no longer take it. “Fuck ok! Please Y/n please make me cum. Fuck I want to cum. Please let me cum in you. Please. I’m begging you”  you smiled at that. “Fucken finally!” You cursed at him. For as much as he wanted to cum so did you. So you saddled him and sank down onto his rock hard cock. You both moaned at the sweet sensation of heat. He no longer cared about moaning. He had lost his mind and his pride. You bounced on his dick. He filled you so good you could feel it in your gut when you bottomed out. “Take off the blind fold.” He said and for the first time you complied. 
You took it off and threw it somewhere in the room. And finally he was able to see how gorgeous you looked ridding his cock. Your titties bouncing with every thrust he could get in. “Fuck! Get down here .” You lowered Youself  to kiss him. Wet sloppy kisses full of sweet moans. Naoya strained as much as he could to plop a nipples into his mouth. It was your turn to throw your head back. Loud slutty moans and the sound of wet skin slapping against each other filled the room. You were both getting engulfed if heat. He was hitting all the perfect spots in your silky wallls. “I- I’m close.” You finally moaned. Feeling the coil inside you get tighter with every bouncing stroke. Sweat covered your bodies making everything intense. “Let me cum in you please.” The words sent butterflies down to your stomach. “Yes. Give me it. Give me everything.” You moaned, feeling his dick his hit the most sensitive parts of your walls. Your pussy contracted around him before you came. You felt a rush of pressure inside your pussy and if it took you a bit to figure out that you were squirting on his dick. That was the first time you had ever done that with anyone. 
“Oh my god.” At the sight his eyes rolled back and he  came violently. With strong sporadic thrust he buried himself in your cunt wanting to give you all of his load. You had caused it to be that good, to be that strong. You deserved to get all of his seed. He was high out of his mind from the ecstasy crash that he hadn’t realised what he had done. He had came in you. In a stranger not of the Zenin clan. If you got pregnant you would be a part of the Zenin clan whether you liked it or not. You wouldn’t survive here. Not with your smart mouth and attitude. Or maybe you would. I mean you survived him. But the thoughts fluttered away by the sweet sound of your heavy breathing. You rubbed your hands over his chest. He smiled at that. “Well that was nice. My curiosity is definitely satisfied.” You said as you let yourself come off of him. His dick slid out along with some of his seed. He was a bit sad he couldn’t use his fingers to push it back in. Wait! What was he thinking again? You were like a drug for his brain. You made him feel fucken amazing but you were bad for him. 
“I hope that was as fun for you as it was for me” you said as put on your panties and pants. Naoya struggled to sit up. “I could have done without some things.” You raised a brow. “Hmmm? Like ?” You prompted. “Like the fucken candle wax.” He said as he scowled at the candle responsible. You giggled, licking your fingers to stub the fire out. “You enjoyed it. Don’t lie.” He watched you hop around and put your shoes on. “It was torture.”  He said as he strained against his confíes. “It was thrilling.” You shot back as you picked up his shirt and sniffed it. “Well maybe next time we’ll reverse the roles and see how much you like it.” You smiled as you slipped on his shirt. 
“next time, you say?”  You quipped, picking up your whip and rolling it up. “You can’t tell me you’ve been satisfied with just one ride on my incredible cock.” You rolled your eyes. “Mmmm I can’t say for sure. So there’s a possibility that I’ll return.” You glided into his restroom and fixed your messy hair. “A possibility? Fuck you, you can’t wait to ride the Naoya train again.” He strained again, clearly getting annoyed from his lack of freedom to persuade you to go another round. “Perhaps.” You said, finally making your way towards him with his knife. But instead of cutting him loose you stuck the sword onto his nightstand. “Well?” He asked demandingly. “Well What?” You asked innocently.” 
“Aren’t you going to cut me loose?” He strained his right wrist for emphasis. “Oh yeah! … unfortunately I will not be cutting you loose.” You explained. Naoya looked confused. “What?” He asked. “Unfortunately you were very very adamant on hurting me after I set you free. Thus I shan’t be doing it.”  He rolled his eyes at that. “Don’t be stupid. I’m not going to hurt you. Just cut me loose.” He said, shaking his arms. “Yah no, I think I’m making the right decision here by leaving you like this.” You said as you walked towards the window of his bedroom. “Stop messing with me y/n.” His gut began to turn at the possibility that you were not in fact joking with him. He wouldn’t even bat an eye if you decided to take pictures of him in this situation. You were a total grade A bitch after all. 
“At least go out through the front like a normal person and take your walk of shame.” You sat on the window sill, one foot already dangling to freedom. “I’m a liberated woman. I have no walks of shame. You should know this by now.” He simply scowled at you. “You know, I think that is one of the reasons you like me so much. You want to break me. Make me submissive to you.” The way he tensed made you laugh. You had hit the nail on the head. Not that it was hard to tell. “If you leave me like this, there won’t be a second time.” He threatened. “Ooooh nooo.” You sighed and placed a hand woefully over your forehead.” 
“Come on, you think you decided if there will be a second time or not? Please Naoya,  you're smarter than that.” You smirked. “I really fucken hate you. I hate you so much I might just die and curse you.” You flipped some hair off of your shoulder. “Mmm, that's cute. Shall I keep you as a pet?” He had nothing to say to that. So instead he decided to start planning his revenge. Having had enough of teasing him you blew him a kiss and swiftly jumped out of his window. 
Oh he hated you almost as much as he lusted for you. Why couldn’t you just be like the maids in his house, Submissive and insignificant. Why did Cupid stick his grubby little face were it didn’t belong and make such a fucked up pair. He was just halfway into his day dreaming of all the atrocities he would do when he found you again,  when a knock came from his door. Naoya strained against his confíes, not ready to be seen in such a submissive position. He knew that the maid would be gossiping like dam baboons about this incident after they found him. When no answer came from him he heard the door begin to open. What should he do? What could he do? The worst thing was that you had left your stupid cock ring around his dick. And the day dreaming about violating you did not help make his erection go away. When he inevitably got found they would humiliate him. He bit the inside of his cheek as the door slowly opened, oh yes, he fucken hated you. 
Halfway out of his compound, you heard a loud shriek. You figured it was the discovery of your poor lovely Naoya. And you couldn’t help but laugh. He was probably so angry. Oh how you looked forward to your next encounter. 
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noahl-art · 2 months
Oh darling, you see when you shared the artworks stacked it's very clear it wasn't traced because the lines don't line up. The match ain't mathing. And oh wow you work in publishing. Rah rah rah for you I guess. You too need to get over the ego and stop trying to act like you know everything. Real artists do this shit all the time. Do you know how many books I have read that's the same fucking plot but different names and towns? 🙄 You clearly don't know how much of this actually happens then do ya? Pick up a book, visit a museum, you'll see. Don't wanna do that? Turn on a TV the same shit happens in movies and TV. Same with music. Hmmm it's like you really aren't as smart as you thing. Go touch some grass.
Oh my sweet sweet love, what a shame you don't have eyes trained enough to see the problem 🥰See every lines are the same. Changing the slightest one of the part of the pose won't change the fact that the rest is traced. 😁... would I even dare to say BADLY traced because the changes makes it a bit bad anatomically speaking.
You know that people doing bad things... doesn't mean it's right and should be done 🙃 Crazy right?? And truly I know how much it happens because I work hands in hands with the legal team from where I work, which has taken done quite a lot of counterfeits of our books 🥰 But truly I don't know what I'm talking about as a publisher. Yeah... I work as a graphic designer but I'm also in charge of publishing and working on making said books, and everything that happens after... Oh what a surprise 🤭 But please try and educate me on authors right and intellectual property 😊 Sorry can't hear you over my very much inflated ego that has me not be able to go through doors without announcing my name in a song. Because truly pointing out that it is wrong and that in my field you could get in trouble makes me so egoistical. And it will actually shock you soooo much... but I'm not against tracing as a form of... TRAINING! ✨I even quite actually encourage to reference artist you like and admire and trace over complex objects to understand them better! Look here is the moodboard I always use because those are artists that inspire me a lot. It is something I always have up on my desktop whenever I work because it helps me remind me what I like about their art and the way they approach things. This is referencing. Which is one of the best thing you can do to grow as an artist. Understanding and taking notes on why you are drawn to someone's art will help you apply some of the techniques and elements to your own things and make them your own by applying your own touch and sensibility. (if you're interested I can give you all the names of the artists of course 😊)
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And here is me tracing over a screenshot of the movie Last Days by Gus Van Sant (2005) to train my anatomy skills. (yes the dude is peeing don't mind it, he had very defined scapulas which were very interesting)
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See the difference yet? I'm actually using my brain to learn from things. I don't trace mindlessly. I see where the bones and muscles should be from points on the skin, mark them, and from there build where the muscle probably are because I learned where they begin/end how they move and why 😘 Also I'm very rusty and know that it isn't that good (which is why I'm training) so do mind me... oh yeah right I forgot you're not even able to tell apart something traced and inspired, nevermind then. I also did that with real live modeling if you're wondering, so not always tracing 😘 Also these are things that I keep PRIVATE and DON'T POST. And even less PROFIT OF. And if I were to want to post this kinds of things online (which I would definitely not because I don' trace over the art per said personally and will prefer to take notes), I would first go ask the artist to get their permission and if they said yes (and only if they said yes) I would then credit them correctly. And never pass it as my own creation. I really thought a good part of the internet saw the hbomberguy video and took notes that plagiarism really isn't good... guess not then. Also I touch plenty of grass daily thanks to my gardening thanks for worrying ❤️✨ I'm trying to plant basil again this year, hope it won't die like last time 🌱
Have a lovely night anon ❤️
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bosskie · 2 months
Molluck Anatomy Practicing
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Man, it happened again... I just had to draw before going to sleep but yeah, finished after sleeping. I should try to do more sketchy sketches but it just happens that I just gotta do details and stuff... I still cannot really stand my line art, so I gotta kinda hide it under shading and stuff...
I'm not good at anatomy but I'm doing my best to learn it, though it's trickier here since Molluck ain't easy to draw... He got so long arms that I kinda had to make him have an odd pose to have at least one hand visible... My original sketch just didn't have big enough hands, so after fixes, I just had to accept this situation. I feel like I'm still not drawing his body proportions right... Also, just some weeks ago I realized that I have drawn his hands incorrectly multiple times, his fingers I mean... It just feels like I keep learning new things about him...
But well, this one feels like the best one so far. I guess that at least after getting that proper (poseable) 3D Molluck model done I start to understand how his anatomy, proportions and such work... I just see that there's something wrong with the anatomy and pose here but well, I just need to practice more. Though, it's kinda difficult to pose his legs since well, they are pretty dead, atrophic from not being used... I wonder if he is even able to move them, even a bit, or do they just hang around... But his odd little legs are somehow endearing, at least for me. Also yeah, I don't know why but Molluck looks somehow confused here... Like he had just woken up.
Oh, and this did remind me of one older traditional sketch similar to this I have never shown:
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You can see him having incorrect hands here but it's just the amount of joints in his fingers. I might like the style better here but his body has more problems here.
Oh, and I just feel like adding that sometimes I just think about that how there seems to be less 'Molluck thirst' than it used to be like 3-2 years ago. Well, I can get it but mine hasn't faded away, at all, just getting 'worse'... Man, after two months it's been 3 years of Molluck for me. It just feels like I finally have found the right one for me. Getting into the Emperor (BG3) just strengthened this feeling since I just saw how strong my feelings for Molluck are, preventing me from really having other characters around me. Though, the Emperor only started to interest me because his appearance reminded me of Molluck (and I love octopuses) but he is still my favourite character in that game and I love him but only as a friend. (I even bought the whole game because of him... But it was worth it and I'm currently doing my 5th playthrough...)
I do understand if someone thinks that I'm 'crazy' or something since yes, I do am crazy about Molluck! Also, I'm used to be seen as 'odd', like my whole life, so yeah, it's just what I am. It's just that Molluck is so 'me', like I have said many times; he felt like me as a Gluk and that's what got me into him. I remember feeling nothing toward him when I saw him for the first time, both in AO and SoulStorm. I'm just kinda immune to appearance stuff... Someone can look pleasant but eh, it evokes no desire in me. I don't even wanna call someone beautiful before knowing the person. Stereotypically 'hot' people look even ugly to me... Well, I often see that I have different opinions than the others but I don't even find Molluck ugly, even he is kinda meant to be ugly, at least to humans, since the SoulStorm art book calls him ugly and says that he is even uglier now, but he is said to be attractive by Glukkon standards, so... Well, I seem to be attractive by 'human standards', so a good match, eh? I have said this earlier but I have just heard from multiple people that I'm (very) handsome... I don't even know what to do with my appearance, it's just for identifying me, what else it needs to be... I mean, I'm not even interested in looking attractive, just pleasant enough for myself.
I don't know what has made the others thirsty for Molluck but, like I said, my reason was that I saw myself in him and only after that his appearance catched my attention. But even it was so, man, he do is such a beautiful Gluk! And well, even if there do are some difficulties due to his body since it limits him, there are ways to deal with it and I'm glad to help him out; he can give big hugs and kisses! I still honestly don't know about these terms, like what he is to me, thought many terms can exist at the same time but the main one I mean... I prefer friend-like love but it's more than that still... Romantic love is something like seeing the other as ideal, not about true love, just being in love, if I have understood correctly (I have seriously needed to read multiple definitions for it and I'm still not sure...). I see that Molluck isn't perfect and I don't want him to be perfect either but he is perfect one for me still. I'm basically trying to say that I don't really feel like using this 'fictional other' term like many self-shippers seem to use since it doesn't describe mine well enough. Well, whatever, I just love this Gluk so much!
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