#i mean yeah i am a staunch megstiel h8r
cassierobinsons · 2 months
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@ilarual YOUR TAGS ON THIS POST ARE SO REALLLL I had to make a separate post about it
cas canonically does not angst about liking men. liking one man in particular yeah, but not about being gay in general. in an AU though? he literally comes from a fundamentalist xtian """community""" (cult) that has a disproportionate level of power over the lives of the general public. everyone in the cult is a huge narc, including himself. one of the only trustworthy people is his big sister who ran away and went no contact years ago. His mother is a CONVERSION THERAPIST who, let’s be real, probably isn't great about the autism either. too. i don’t get people who think cas’ backstory is impossible or even difficult to adapt to a mundane setting because the parallels are blatant and everything hints towards cas being deeply closeted.
I mean fuck, remember how balthazar was like “wow i’m so glad i rebelled and get to do whatever i want now including have obscene amounts of gay sex” and s6 cas was like :O you're using your freedom for HEDONISM? instead of SERVING THE CAUSE??? meanwhile he had spent the last year watching dean rake leaves in dead silence. and that's a cas whose family were only homophobic in the metaphorical and not literal sense. AU cas is not going to figure out that he's gay without a real fight!
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