#i might crosspost a few of these to twitter and make more idk
spidersunday · 3 months
hilda characters as stupid twitter/misc screenshots i found
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syb-la-tortue · 6 months
I'm so sorry to hear about your account! Your bonus lore in the tags has long been my favorite thing about following you here. (Unfortunately for my ability to view your art, I had to bail out of Twitter a while back for my own good — and the site is totally unusable without an account now, even following your source links directly. :( )
I hope there is a way to restore your Tumblr without too much additional headache. In case there isn't (or maybe even if there is) and you'd like somewhere you can tag ramble, may I recommend Pillowfort ( https://www.pillowfort.social/ )? It is like a hybrid of Tumblr and LiveJournal, and it's user-funded so it can host adult content without having to appease advertisers. Not only does it support tag rambles and long-form posts, but there's also per-post flagging for adult content — so users can filter without having to rely on tagging conventions.
yeahhh I'm really sad to have lost all the tags and headcanon posts too, I had a backup of my whole blog made just after the first purge but I didn't think of making a new one since, which obviously was a mistake as I shouldn't have felt safe here...
so far I haven't heard back from tumblr support so I really don't hold much hope at this point for getting it back u_u
I got a pillowfort account back in the day (SybLaTortue over there too) but I never really got to use it (everything was still new and messy back then and it didn't feel that safe a place, idk if that changed?) and starting anew somewhere is always rough... would love to hear more opinions about it (and other platforms! Cohost is another that I thought might have potential?), bit like I heard of many creators starting to post over on Bluesky before starting to crosspost there myself, I'm a bit nervous jumping into a new place if I don't see a few familiar names around haha
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flyingcookierambles · 4 years
lol oh nooooes :)))))
on twitter i accidentally misspelled the “here” in my username as “her” so i wanted to change it but twitter says that the username with the “here” is already taken aaaa oh nooooes.
while i think i’m ok with still being called she/her pronouns, since i finally determined that my weird feelings about disconnection w/ feeling “womanly”/”girly”/at least what Western (usa/european) society considers feminine mean that hey im probably non-binary or agender or gnc or something (i’ve since changed most of my social media that my irl family doesn’t follow me on to say i’m just “non-binary” for simplicity’s sake), i think i would really prefer to have my twitter username have “here” instead of “her” in it, but also i already have a second twitter for just auto-crossposting from instagram/amateur nature photography stuff on it with the same misspelled username but with a “1″ at the end, and i don’t wanna have to have a “2″ at the end of the original twitter account because: 1) it’s the original account lol 2) it just looks goofy 3) haha hope i don’t get mistaken for whoever has the first username. sure hope they aren’t some jerk lol.
also in other news, im sure that some of my irl friends/mutuals that follow me on here know that i like catboys and bunnyboys and pink hair lol. i joked about wanting to be a pink haired cat boy. my avatar on the animal crossing app is a pink haired boy avatar. i was playing around on picrew the past few days just making avatars, and in most of them i gravitated towards making masculine pink haired catboys or demon boys with horns. and i was thinking of changing my pfp to these picrew things to represent myself a bit. and then i was like wait. represent myself? present myself as a (cat/pink dyed hair) boy?? uhhhh. does this mean something? in addition to being non-binary, do i want to be more masculine presenting instead of just androgynous/gender neutral? or maybe, in addition to being some non-binary egg, i am also a trans egg??? like some kind of egg inside an egg? a matryoshka of eggs????? i mean, i do hang out on egg_irl way more than “a good cis ally” lmao :))))) (usual motto of the Good Cis Allies of the queer community on there who end up relating way too much and then figuring out that they are in fact not-cis) i probably should. or am i looking too into this???? idk???
anyways i’ll put the picrew stuff up later w/ links and credits to the artists if you (who is reading these rambles anyways lol?) want to try them out yourself bc they were really fun. but most of them were either feminine/masculine avatars, or only masculine avatar makers. there weren’t really any feminine/girl only avatar makers. because i deliberately avoided them... yet another sign i might be an egg...lol
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