#i need a tag for the shit the doctor and amy get up to. insane besties behavior is taken by gwen & jack.
quietwingsinthesky · 4 months
no but really CAN we talk about amy convincing the doctor to commit to a suicide pact with her when she lost rory. she didn’t even have to try that hard. he got in that car without even hesitating. he was fully ready to die for real with her.
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love-islike-abomb · 7 months
Renegade: part 19
Roman reigns x OC Scarlet
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Warnings: none
Tag list: @angelreigns444 @acknowledge-reigns @windhamsrotunda
Today was my doctor's appointment to see how far along I was. I was scared and excited at the same time as with everything going on I was worried whether or not our baby was ok. Morning sickness had hit me hard and Joe was there to help me through it.
On the way to the Drs office now had to pull the car over at least 4 times so I could throw up. Hopefully the doctor can help because this is exhausting!!
"You alright baby?" Joe asked
"I feel like absolute shit! Hopefully the Dr can give me some nausea meds!" I said getting back in the car.
We finally made it to the Drs office and we sat in the waiting room.  Finally the nurse called my name and we headed back.
I sat in the bed and lifted my shirt up so the tech could put some gel on my stomach. When the wand hit my belly and I saw our baby my heart skipped a beat and I felt Joe's hand tighten around mine. The widest smile covered both our faces.
"So here's baby a" the tech said
"Baby a?" I asked
"Yeah you're having twins!" She smiled
I looked at Joe who had a huge smile on his face "twins run in my family baby!"
"You're a little further along then what we originally thought to. It looks like you're roughly 13 weeks instead of 10" the tech said.
"Oh wow! Are the babies ok though?" I asked
"Babies are perfectly healthy from what I can see but the doctor will be in shortly. Since you're having twins you'll be considered high risk and we will want to get you to at least 34 weeks. If the babies come before then we can give them steroids to help their lungs but at 34 weeks they shouldn't need them" she said.
"Ok thank you!" I smiled.
"I'll let the Dr know you're ready" she smiled before heading out of the room.
I looked at Joe in excitement and awe "twins?!"
"Baby do you know what this means?" He asked
"Double trouble!" I smiled
He smiled "that and two for 1!"
The doctor knocked on the door "how's everything in here? You got some exciting news I heard!" She smiled.
"Yes ma'am! Twins!" Joe said
"Congratulations!" She smiled.
"Thank you!" We said in unison..
"There is one thing I'm a little worried about. Mom's a little dehydrated"
"Morning sickness!" I said
"I can help with that! I'll send you in some zofran"
"Thank you! I was about to go insane with not being able to keep much down!"
"In the next few weeks it should start to settle but if it doesn't let us know and I'll keep the zofran on order for you" she smiled
"Thank you so much!" I smiled back.
"No problem! I'd like to see you back in a month and by then we should be able to know what you're having if you wish"
I looked at Joe "do you wanna know?"
"I'd like to! That way we can pick out names and a theme for the nursery" he said
"Of course!" The doctor smiled. "Just follow me and we'll get your next appointment scheduled"
We followed the doctor out of the room. As I got into the hallway I felt a wave of dizziness wash over me "baby?" I heard Joe say
"I don't feel so good" I said hanging into his arm
"Scarlet" the doctor said "you're a little pale... I think we need to get some fluids in you"
I heard the doctor say before my vision started to go "Scarlet?! Baby!" I heard Joe say before I collapsed into his arms and everything went dark.
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tenrose · 4 years
Doctor Who Tag Game
Tagged by: @sopheirion​ thank you!!!
Favourite Doctor: Ten, ten and always Ten. I just love David’s portrayal’s of the Doctor more than I can say. I love the good, and I love the bad. I love when he’s being an idiot, when he’s flirtatious as hell with Rose (omg the memories) like you two get a room, when he finally snaps, when he’s a dumb oblivious as fuck and you want to smack cause he’s being an asshole, I love when he’s heartbroken. The faces David pulls are the best thing in the world. Like his ‘I don’t want to go’ ARE YOU KIDDING ME DAVID??? And the whole Doomsday episode, his blank face against the wall omg I’m gonna cry right now. And when this bitch has the audacity to disappear before saying it aaaaahhhh. But also the way he talk quickly and absolute nonsense. His ‘er’. When he’s being silly as hell with Donna, those were the good times. When he’s angry yelling, but also when he’s cold angry in the end of The Family of Blood. When he realize things and make the ‘oh i’m so stupid thing’ but also when he’s realizing sad thing like with the end of Donna. Bitch when he cries under the rain like some edgy boy, I cry too. His smile when things are getting exciting, but also the smile going into his eyes that is just for Rose and only Rose Tyler The various face he makes with Donna, all  the non verbal communication. Also when Martha decides to leave and you can see that he’s (too late) proud of her, and after that when he sees her again he’s being honest with her..The way he pronounces certain words if that makes sense???? Also David’s whole acting in Midnight, that was insane on so many levels. And least but not last : his iconic hair. I don’t think I need to tell more. And aside from that, I love all his season’s arcs, all his companions are my top three favourites. And of course, my close second favourite is Nine, cause without Nine, Ten wouldn’t be the Doctor he was.
Favourite Master: tbh I’m not that much into the Master, but I guess it’s Simm!Master cause I love his arcs. But I also love Missy as a character (not sure about her arcs though)
Favourite Sonic: I love both Nine/Ten’s sonic and Eleven’s sonic. 
Favourite Companion: aaaaahhhh not this question lmao. So I can’t really choose between Rose and Donna. I just love them both too much. So I’m not even a hardcore shipper of anyything by tumblr’s standards at least lmao, but the Doctor and Rose (both Nine and Ten) as been the first fictional couple I deeply rooted for (like I’ve enjoyed a lot of other ships before but never as harder and deeply) and that I still root for after all these years (in fact Clexa is the only other one that goes that hard, but everything else is just phases, they come and they go but they never stay). I love the tragedy of them, bitch who am I kidding, I love it that much cause it’s a tragedy lmao. I just love how they both make each other better, but also how they flirt like dumbass teens, how they communicate, how they cry for each other. BUT, and it’s very important, I love Rose for herself. She’s not just interesting because of the Doctor. She’s so relatable for instance? Like she’s not from a wealthy family, she clearly doesn’t give two fuck about fashion (or was it 2005 who was like this?), she’s not too smart, too pretty (ok she’s definitely is for me), too much of anything, she’s average. And I love this a freaking lot you can’t imagine. She has flaws, and yes that’s exactly what we want in a character. Yes she has moments when she’s being selfish (but who doesn’t? especially when in love), and yet she has some of the most beautiful selfless moments,sacrificing herlself in Doomsday is the best cause she was literally gonna end up in the void but she didn’t hesitated for one second. Also when she’s showing empathy for other people, she’s being caring and understanding. And she doesn’t take anyone’s else bullshit, she call them out, and that include the Doctor first. Just because she loves him doesn’t mean it’s gonna stop her from telling him to stop being a punk ass bitch. Also she evolved so much between s2 and s4, and I don’t think it’s character inconsistency, it’s just that it happened off screen. BY THE WAY I WOULD VERY MUCH A SPIN OFF ABOUT ROSE TYLER HOPPING WORLDS THANK YOU VERY MUCH @BBC!!! 
Now Donna? Where do I start? She’s also average, and also very relatable. In fact, personnally I think she’s the most relatable for me. Using humour, snark and sass to hide 10 thousands insecurities? Yes that’s the most relatable thing ever. Donna is the funniest character but she’s also the one who has the saddest ending in my opinion. Cause she grow up, she sees the world, and she understand that she is THE shit, she matters, she is important, and then she forgets all about it. That’s so cruel, and heartbreaking and angering, cause she deserved everyfuckingthing, she deserved the world. And her departure hit me so fucking hard. She’s going back to her life, thinking she would be not enough, I can feel that so deeply. Aaaahhh I’m hurting myself writing this. But she’s so amazing, she’s smart, thinking out of the box really make her so great, and she’s the one who take the least shit about anything. She stands up, yells, makes a scene, but she get straight to the point. Also she’s not the young and conventionally attractive companion and she knows that. And she’s so funny and sassy, and close to the Doctor. I mean she’s the Doctor Donna for a reason, she’s like a human version of the Doctor, with the sass, the babbling, the clumsiness. God I love Donna so much, I wish I had so much more of her. Also she has absolutely zero romantic feelings for the Doctor and the fact that they are the bitchy bffs of the universe is the best. 
Favourite Story: I love a lot of stories, but my favourite is The Stolen Earth/Journey’s End no doubt. The story is a perfect mix of happiness, having every RTD’s characters together, all my fave working together is the absolute best, and of sadness, the departure of Donna (I won’t re talk about it ok) and Ten letting Rose go AGAIN. And the fact that there’s everyone he loves in these episode but then he ends up all on his own. God why do I love being hurt so much??? And the Daleks are also my favourite villains (it’s just such DW bullshit as a villain tbh lmfao) so I have everything I want. Generally speaking I love RTD’s arcs, cause the sign are here the whole seasons (Bad Wolf, vote Saxon, the bees disappearing and she’s coming back) but it’s not a ‘HEY LOOK THERE’S SOMETHING FISHY TO SEE HERE HEYYYY’ or ‘WE ARE STARTING THE SEASON WITH ONE QUESTION, ONE PLOT POINT AND THAT’S WHAT YOU’LL WANT TO BE RESOLVED BY THE END OF THE SEASON’,  it’s subtle, it’s casual mention, and it’s when you’re in the last three episode that you’re starting to realize something is wrong...That’s one of my favourite type of writing ever (that’s probably why I love Sanderson’s books too). It’s not some mystery to solve, cause there weren’t any mystery to solve, because me, a dumbass viewer, weren’t even paying attention at first. But it’s here, it fills the plot. And when you see it you’re like ‘of course’. It’s not forced on me if I can say it like this. It allows me to see other stuffs. It’s not attention seeking I guess? But yes the end of s4 is my favourite story, all is in place. All characters do what they do best. There’s laugh and there’s tears, and I love it.
Favourite Soundtrack: everything Murray Gold has been doing for the show is pure gold and I think that’s a thing the whole fandom can agree upon. My artist of the decade according to Spotify is him, and considering I haven’t listened daily to his songs (except for some still regularly) I think that say a lot about how much I used to love both his music and the show at some point. My favourite of his are Doomsday’s Theme ofc, Love Across the Distant Stars, I am the Doctor, Rose’s Theme, Amy’s Theme, Clara’s Theme, Vale and cry. All of them. And that include the one soundtracks for episodes I don’t even like lmao.  
Dream Actor for next Doctor: I don’t know, why not John Boyega? He deserves to be the main character and be treated well, of a sci-fi show. 
Dream Composer: Murray Gold come back to me. Or I would love a glimpse of what Lorne Balfe could do.
Dream Story: Something that involves seeing Rose and Tentoo, and Martha as the Earth counselor, with Thirteen still having feelings for Rose. And Rose too.  But the plot? Idk lmao. However the end would be sad cause Thirteen would have to see Rose and Tentoo coming back to their world, and I would cry. Also Thirteen would aknowledge Martha as the smarter companion the Doctor had ever had lmao.
A Companion You’d like to see back:  Martha, but like not as a companion cause she made it clear that she would not come back, and that wouldn’t be fitting her character if she changed her mind. But she could always be accidentally stuck in the TARDIS, I mean it happened once. But really I would just love to have her coming to the rescue when shit on Earth goes too far and the Doctor needs help of a specialist. That’s Martha you need Doctor.
An Enemy/Alien/Creature you’d like to see again: I’m always here to see the daleks. 
If you could travel with one of the Doctors, which Doctor and why?: Ten? Because he’s my fave, but also Thirteen because I’m gay and I would like to take my chance lmao
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The Fallen, 10/17
Volume: 1.
Number of parts: 10/17.
Pairings: Nine x Rose.
A/N: Tagging @thebookster on her demand.
“We've all fallen, but at the same time we're not broken. There is the hint that we are going to get up again.” - Amy Lee.
Maxence was running along a never-ending corridor. No, it wasn’t a corridor. It looked more like a tunnel dug in the raw stone of the earth. The ground was inequal. He was tripping with every step. He never stopped. Running was keeping him alive. How he had ended up here, he had no idea. He had to run, run for his life. If he fell, if he slowed down, what he was running from would catch him and it would be over for him. Death was waiting for him if he didn’t run. This tunnel was dark. He couldn’t see a thing. He couldn’t the end of it. For how much time had he be running? His heart was pounding to the rhythm of his steps; his lungs were on fire; his feet hurt and a stitch was ripping his side apart. Fear was giving him wings. The landing was brutal. His bare feet got caught in the root of a tree that was coming out of the ground. There was no way he could not fall this time. All of his weight was transferred to his shoulder when it hit the ground. There was a pop and a flash of pain. His body rolled on the harsh earth. His head bumped against something metallic. For a moment, he was so stunned that he couldn’t do anything for a couple minutes. His ears were ringing; his head was throbbing. He would have a large bump on his forehead and a bruise twice its size. His shoulder certainly was dislocated. Yet, he couldn’t stay here. Panic was anchored in his heart and was urging him to move. His hand clutched the metallic tube his head had bumped into. He made a guess of what it could be by feeling. A ladder. It was a ladder. He pushed himself up on his feet, climbed on the first rung. The ascent was long and difficult. His hand was barely responding and making it almost impossible to climb the ladder. It felt like forever and suddenly, his hand hit a plain and hard surface. He pushed it. What was a hatch moved. A faint light sneaked in the tiny opening. He completely pushed the heavy metal plate away and dragged himself out of the damaged asphalt. Breathless. The threat was still in his mind. He was aware he had to move. His body had reached its limits and it needed time to recover from the long run he had just done. He touched his head and looked at his fingers. They were covered with blood. He must have a cut on his head from hitting the metallic ladder. He would be in pain if he wasn’t so charged with adrenaline. An adrenaline that was fading away. His body was shutting down. It needed rest. It wasn’t the moment. He had to jerk out of this condition, to fight the darkness. Nothing was responding anymore. It was a battle he lost. A drop hit his forehead. He blinked. A couple of other drops hit his face. It was raining. Just a little. It was still night. He was still in that street. He pulled himself together, cried out and grabbed his shoulder with a hand. His fingers crisped on the skin. The pain was vivid, breath-taking. Beside that, his arm was completely listless, numb. Worrying. He had to move, to find someone. He had to find help. With all the difficulties of the world, he scrambled to his feet, reeled dangerously and he walked. The sun was rising behind the heavy layer of dark grey clouds. People were waking up. Many of them came across his path but no one gave him a minute of attention. He was just another tramp walking down the streets. He had no idea of where he was going. He was just walking aimlessly. On his third day of wandering, he collapsed in a gutter full of water. He was numb from the cold. It had kept raining in the last few days and London was drowning under the waters of both the sky and the Thames. The little boy was struggling against the strong hold of his father. Furious, the man had grabbed him hard by the flesh of his neck. So hard that his nails were like claws digging in his skin. He carried him through the house like this. The boy was crying and yelling but nothing could bring pity to this man. Not even the loud cries of the son he was frightening. The only thing he had asked for was a bath. When he was alone with his mummy, she was giving him a bath, and they were having fun with his toys. But being alone with his father was a whole different story. He had asked for a bath. He was gonna have a bath. However, this wasn’t one he was gonna enjoy. The water was barely warm when he was plunged into it. His father had grabbed him by his shirt and was now pressing on his head to keep it underwater. He eventually released it. The boy gasped, breathed deeply, taking as much oxygen as possible. His father was already plunging his head back underwater and no matter how hard he was struggling, there was no way he could escape this torture. He was growing tired and holding on was harder and harder. His lungs burnt and his limbs were heavy. And suddenly, the relief. Two warm and strong hands pulled him out of the water. His waterlogged clothes were dripping heavily on the ground and he was badly trembling. “Are you insane?” a woman’s voice screamed. “He’s not even two! He wanted his daddy to give him a bath. Not to drown him!” A door slammed. The woman tightly wrapped a towel around the little boy. She knelt down and finally he could see her face. His mummy, Joanne, had come to his rescue. The face was carved in his memory when he woke up coughing his lungs out. A complete stranger who was as soaked as he was had dragged him out of the gutter and resuscitated him before he drowned in the dirty water like many other poor souls. He didn’t take the time to look at that person. He just gathered his tall skinny body the best he could and ran. They could have saved him only to inflict him more pain. Maybe they were part of the threat purportedly following him. Plus, he knew where he had to go now. He had a safe place, a safe person to go to and each of his steps were accompanied by this thought, by this face he desperately needed to see. The house was there, standing fiercely in the pouring rain and striking wind. It hadn’t changed at all. Or maybe did it look duller than usual. It could be the weather giving him that perception of things. Or it could be his mental state. But he was so relieved and happy to have found his way home that it didn’t matter. He knocked once, twice. Perhaps did he frankly hit the door repeatedly with the palm of his hand. The result was the same. He got an answer. A woman with brown hair that was going on a greyish white – more than he recalled – opened the door. She looked straight at him, observed him from head to toes, from toes to head as if he was a random stranger in a distressed outfit, a random stranger she yet would have recognised anywhere despite the rags, skinniness, long hair and beard. “Mom,” he croaked. “I finally made it back home.” Exhaustion only allowed him this short interaction with the woman who brought him to life and saved it many times after that. He collapsed in his arms. Fear had left him. He was saved. He was protected. He was home.
Tegan Spitz entered the small kitchen of the family house and let himself fall on the chair facing his mother’s. The poor woman looked more tired and sad than ever. The last two years had been hard on her and she seemed to have considerably aged in this period. Not that it was a surprise. Her only blood-related son had gone missing without a trace two years ago and all her efforts to find him – police, private detectives, flyers, interviews, calls for witnesses – had all been vain. No one had seen her son – only a man looking just like him who was popping up here and there across the world. She had fallen into a cycle of depression and guilt to have been unable to protect him. And she had been clinging to the hope that Maxence would come back one day. Tegan was Maxence’s young brother, only by a couple months. Contrarily to him, Tegan had been adopted by Joanne when he was seven. All thanks to Maxence. The two of them had met in school. Tegan was the victim of a constant bullying. One day, Maxence had witnessed his bullies beating the shit out of him and ran straight to the fight. Alone against four kids, he stood no chance but that didn’t stop him. He was punished for that, by his teacher and by his mother. He always said that it was worth it. The two of them had become inseparable and for his seventh birthday, Maxence had asked Joanne a particular gift: he wanted her to adopt the orphan who had become his best friend, his brother. Joanne had made sure it really was what he wanted and on his seventh birthday Joanne started the process of adopting him. It took many months to pass all the tests and interviews and get all the papers but on the Christmas of the same year, Tegan Smith the orphan became Tegan Spitz the loving son and brother. And their home became a safe place for foster kids. “It’s really him?” Joanne knew that it was her son lying on the couch in the living-room but her judgement was clouded by the strong hope that he was back. Nevertheless, Tegan rubbed his tired face and acquiesced. There was no doubt. The man on the couch looked like a stranger but he was his brother. Maxence had come back home after over two years of absence. Tegan was the first person Joanne had called. Maxence had always been indecisive about what he wanted to do as a job but Tegan had the dream of working in the field medicine. He wanted to be a doctor. This thought had been haunting him all of his life and he had achieved his dream: he was a G.P. and he was really appreciated by his patients. Maxence had followed him on this path and had completed the first years of studies before banishing into thin air. He was going for the psychiatric field. He was more interested in the human psychology than in their physical troubles. He was brilliant at that and would have been an amazing therapist if he hadn’t gone missing. “How is he?” “Not great, I’m afraid,” Tegan sighed. “On the physical area, it’s not brilliant. Lost a lot of weight; has an incredible collection of bruises, cuts and scratches too. All recent. A dislocated shoulder that had started to heal. His feet are seriously infected. It’s a miracle he was even able to walk back home.” “He said nothing. When I bathed him. He didn’t cry or make a sound. He was in pain and he kept silent.” “Mom…” hesitated her son. “Wherever he was, someone had hurt him, badly. You probably saw the scars.” “Yes, I did.” Maxence had a small long healed scar behind each ear. Each temple wore the marks of recent burns. The rest of his body was marked by countless other tiny scars. Her boy must have gone through Hell. No wonder why he was so relieved to be back home where he knew he would find safety and protection. “I put his shoulder back in place and immobilised it. I cleaned and bandaged his feet. Can’t do much more. Keep him warm and in bed. I’ll come and change the bandages every day. Feed him, comfort him. Maybe he’ll speak when he’ll feel better.” “He hasn’t spoken to you either?” “He replies to my questions. Short answers. He strained to remember his own name, but perfectly knows our names and what we are to him. Can’t tell the year we’re in and seems to have no idea of where he was or what has happened to him. He’ll need a therapy. He only demands after you.” Requesting her presence was an euphemism. As soon as she was back by his side, he refused to let her go, even for a second. He was taking her hands and placing them on his face, leaning in her touch. He was craving her comforting and warm touch and the sound of her voice. She was being careful not to hurt him, left him only to prepare some soup to feed him and came back immediately. She used a camp bed to lie down beside him. None of them slept much that night. Joanne took care of him, Maxence was afraid that all of this could be just a dream. Afraid that the monsters hunting him down might still be around to get to him…
To be continued...
The Fallen © | 2019 | Tous droits réservés.
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