#i need to hunt down the kenny hcs i wrote a while back……
lmaooo kenny watching you sleep is so creepy (might also be the type of person to randomly trace your nose to see if you'll wake up???)
i can imagine being in a relationship with kenny being like dealing with an unpredictable hot potato of an angry cat who can bite you at any given moment (but, like, the risks of getting scratched and bitten until you bleed outweigh petting a cute cat...)
also, i feel like kenny would just know random details about you?? like your ring size. or your shoe size. or, if you have period, when it starts. and ends. or that you used to have a fringe in seventh grade. or that your grandma likes to bake victoria sponge cake.
or like, casually remembering something small, and being, five years down the line, like, "Do you remember you told me on X day of the X week at X hour XYZ?"
and you're like ????
and sometimes, when kenny would be weirdly nice like getting you a blanket or really leaning into domesticity, you would like watch him like O.O what's next...?
would casually spring up things on you. "Let's get married." "Do you think I should test this out on a human?" "I am leaving for five days, don't contact me." "Should we freak your mother and father out by saying that I'm centuries old?" "You remind me of someone I knew in the sixteenth century. They were... interesting." "I got you a wedding dress, put it on. If you don't, there'll be consequences." "I don't think I'll kill you... I think."
high-key very unhinged... but at least you're kept on your toes all the time? right?
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he’s so fucking Weird . 100% stares at you sleeping and traces the bridge of your nose … smiles a little when that makes your face scrunch up a bit. he’s just fascinated by you i think!! by the fondness you make him feel. he’s like oh :) emotion :)….
AND YES. HE LITERALLY IS JUST A CAT. when it comes to dating kenny i feel like you sort of have to adjust to his whims….. he can definitely be silly and affectionate (in a mildly condescending way) but then he can also be very Cold. and come off as apathetic. he’s like a stray cat who waltzed into your home one day and let you pet and feed it…. sleeps in your bed and purrs when you scratch behind its ears but won’t hesitate to hiss if you do something he doesn’t like. random bouts of affection but only ever at his whim, y’know? like. he’s Your Cat but he also isn’t. he doesn’t always come home and it’s clear he has a life outside of you. but he likes your company enough to let you come closer than anyone else has been and that means a lot on its own!!! he’s just…. your mildly creepy cat. who watches you sleep with his big creepy eyes and protects you from the shadows.
BUT OK enough abt kenyaku (<- his Cat name)….. ANON I LOVE YOU. i agree!! on all points!!!! him knowing random little things about you….. randomly recalling certain things…. i feel like his memory is a little jumbled. kenjaku is the type to forget your bday but like … he’ll remember your thoughts on Every Single Character in the show you’ve been binging. or the exact tone of voice you had when you spoke to him for the first time. his love definitely shows in the little things… he might not tell you that he Loves You outright and i don’t think he’d care about making your relationship official in any way, but if you mention liking a brand of soda you’ll find one waiting for you in the fridge the next day. he’s cute. i’ve said this before a while ago but i also think kenny would take you on random trips a lot…. just to spend time with you!! but he doesn’t Tell You where you’re going so you just have to listen to him say ”we’re almost there ^_^” like 50 times. lmao.
ALSO BEFORE I FORGET . the period thing. you’re a genius anon. he just randomly sniffs you and then goes ”you’re on your period aren’t you” and you’re like ??? wtf is wrong with you ?????? (he was Right btw) LIKE HE’S SO STRANGE. you don’t need a period tracker because he’ll just casually let you know you’ll be getting your period tomorrow. and that it’ll probably be a little worse than usual. and he’s Always right so you just have to nod.. silently…. trying not to give him side eye……… for the record i think he also takes care of you well during your Time of The Month. tries to be a little more tender because he knows you’re sensitive and doesn’t really want to deal with you crying (he doesn’t like seeing you in distress but that’s a secret)….. makes sure you’re taking ibuprofen. makes sure you get some fresh air. lets you sleep on his lap like a puppy while he reads. places one of his big warm hands on your lower stomach. he’s a little more indulgent i think.
but ok period comfort ASIDE . the random bouts of affection/domesticity….. you Get it anon. i think he’s actually fairly physically affectionate but it’s never something He initiates. he just expects you to know when it’s okay to cling to him and not. so if he pulls you into his lap or covers you in a blanket or whatever you kind of melt a bit…. i DO think he’s a frequent hair-ruffler though. and a serial booper. he’ll mess up your hair and boop your nose and you just have to Deal with it. get booped idiot. (it’s how he shows affection :3)
"Let's get married." "Do you think I should test this out on a human?" "I am leaving for five days, don't contact me." "Should we freak your mother and father out by saying that I'm centuries old?" "You remind me of someone I knew in the sixteenth century. They were... interesting." "I got you a wedding dress, put it on. If you don't, there'll be consequences." "I don't think I'll kill you... I think."
AND FINALLY. THIS. i went insane btw. all of these r so real and true anon …. he’s just kind of silly and weird and tiptoes that line between hot and cold. but he Cares for you in his own weird way.
and!!! i don’t think he would ever kill you!!!!! i do think he’d say that last line but only to see your reaction lmao. compared to other jjk villains kenny is never shown killing anyone on a pure whim, obviously he doesn’t Mind doing it but it’s not something i see him doing casually yk?? especially not to someone whose company he genuinely enjoys…. maybe if he thinks he’s getting Too attached to you? :0 idk but!! i feel like kenny keeps you around for as long as he possibly can if he cares for you. spending time with you is important to him. even if he randomly disappears now and then. (if he genuinely Loves you i think there’s a good chance he’ll just throw you over his shoulder and bring you with him LMAO)
BUT YES. i’m OBSESSED with him. thank you soso much for feeding my kenny thoughts anon <333 the kenny talks i’ve been having lately r Really tempting me to finish some kenny fics T_T….. soon.
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