#i played the quest i feel like i got hit by a truck tbh
cloudpalettes · 11 months
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i'm not him ,,,,,
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canmom · 2 months
asgard's wraff too (immediate impression)
I had a brief go at Asgard's Wrath 2, one of the flagship games of the Quest 2/3, published by Meta themselves through their 'Oculus Studios'. This game is provided free to every Quest 3 owner so I figured I'd give it a shot lol. Though I didn't play for all that long before I got a headache and had to stop. (I think the headset was a bit tight, it's very finicky to get this right even with a better strap, and games that demand more movement tend to be worse for it.)
Asgard's Wrath is not to be confused with Asura's Wrath, the fascinatingly odd QTE-based game featuring animation by Studio 4°C. No, what we have is a first-person action game based on Norse mythology. Actually this new game seems to be broadening the mythological palette a bit, but the prologue/recap segment keeps things Norse.
tbh I wasn't particularly sold, but this game's been getting rave reviews everywhere, so maybe it gets better.
When I booted the game it had to compile some 4500 shaders - kinda odd, every Quest is the same so surely it could come with the shaders precompiled? Nevertheless, once that was done the game could get going. What I found was... kinda awkward, if I'm honest.
Broadly speaking Asgard's Wrath II features thumbstick movement with a directional iframe dash, and you can swing your sword and hit stuff. The opening level sees you fight a giant gryphon-like monster which flies around you and shoots laser beams. Credit where it's due, I think it's about as decent an implementation of this kind of thing as you could hope for... but in that very respect it really starkly shows the limitations of VR for action games.
Standing up and playing this game did not, fundamentally, feel more ~immersive~ than sitting at my desk playing an FPS game. If anything it felt less so. It felt sort of like I was piloting a mech rather than standing there as a Norse goddess. Especially when your character is flung bodily around: you look down and see your character's body near-prone, but your proprioception tells you exactly where your feet are, and it isn't there.
Movement generally feels quite glidy - no doubt too much up-and-down camera movement would be a motion sickness trigger, but also you can feel that you're physically standing on the floor, and somehow that is more noticeable when you're supposed to be walking than when you're supposed to be flying in a game like Rez Infinite. If you try to physically move around, the world sorta slides away from you in a weird way. I honestly think I would have preferred the teleportation based movement used in games like Half Life Alyx.
The whole thing felt like it was constantly calling attention to the difference between my physical body and virtual body.
Still, all that aside...
The game throws you in to a recap of the previous game. You get a little controls tutorial in a mysterious mystical space by disembodied arms belonging to the Norns, then you ride a giant bird through a series of vignettes from the previous game; then you get to wander around a tavern that is supposedly a prison where Loki used to be contained (always up to his tricks), encountering sort of phantasms of almost all the Norse gods telling you off for trusting Loki. Plus a little band playing tunes with a centaur in it, that part was cute.
This story, where a nameless player character is just sort of crowbarred into Norse mythology, feels incredibly 'videogames excuse plot'. From the way the recap was told, it was pretty evidently the kind of game where you're led around through a series of setpieces, while being told that you're powerful and important and a big deal. It's a story that's hard to take seriously in its own right.
I don't love the character designs. They look like a Marvel movie crashed into a truck full of concept art, full of ostentatious armour and huge horns. The way they talk, as well, feels very much like 'I am trying to get this exposition over as efficiently as possible'.
Things picked up a bit when a gryphon shows up and attacks you. The big bird here looks great and movies really well. The mechanics involved a few types of attack pattern to respond to - it's a tutorial boss so nothing too complicated.
The main weak point is the actual act of swing the sword at the big bird when it's down. It felt sort of like I was just waggling at it with a foam sword - there is no way to disguise the fact that you are swinging a small plastic controller which isn't actually hitting anything. But it was also hard to tell how much damage I was doing.
After you beat the gryphon you fall in a lake. Here, you're floating back-first into the gloom, but in practice you're falling horizontally, so again it has that disconnect.
OK, now let's talk about rendering. You knew it was coming x3
A lot of the materials in this game have that sort of smooth, noticeably low-poly look you see on the Quest. The game does try pretty hard with baked lighting and what appeared to be some envmapped specular reflections, and one point in the opening sequence had a dynamic light playing across the hands of the Norns - that was neat. I was also impressed by the rope physics while you're riding the giant bird. Certainly those 4500 shaders are doing some work in here. The main issue is, as with every Quest game, the lack of any dynamic shadows.
The tavern scene seems to be running into some kind of limit with showing skinned meshes, since most characters only appear when you move near to them, and they're all rendered with this Fresnel glow shader that hides any actual lighting information. But the characters rendered more normally generally look good. The animations at least are solid and abundant. Expressive body language is vital in a game.
I'll give it a bit more time at some point, but overall this feels very much like a game that was made as 'flagship action game to prove an AAA-style game is viable in VR', and on that front I feel like I'll take some convincing still - everything so far feels like it would work a lot better on a flat screen. It doesn't really have much identity as a game so far either - its interpretation of Norse mythology is gaudy and not particularly original, and it really feels like it's taking itself way too seriously. I think a dash of humour and weirdness would help tremendously. But maybe the Egyptian and Aztec sections will be more appealing, Norse shit is kinda played out these days.
iunno, are people still interested in reading about these VR adventures? I know most people don't have these platforms so I may as well be discussing the fauna of the moon
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zeynatura · 1 year
Returning to the hell that is Genshin
I stopped playing before Heizou came out, but came back because Scara got playable and i still had some primos so i decided to spend them all and leave the game for good this time but guess what happened c:
I literally had enough for 20 wishes, first 10 and got Gorou my sweet puppy general i've always wanted but didn't get even when i spent 70 wishes on his first banner and got Itto instead le cries
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So i was like: ok i'm happy with this, is nice c:
Then last 10 wishes hit me like a truck
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Ayo wha-
I did not expect this xD i was totally ready to get nothing and say c'est la vie! and goodbye to genshin forever... but then i got the opportunity to have the all geo team i always wanted and my dream all anemo boys as well.
None of my Geo characters have a good build, and i stopped playing before my anemo chars got to have a good one, at least they're decent, except for the new boi
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Wanna see what is like to fight an Eye of the Storm with an all anemo team?
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Tbh i had fun attacking physically while Wanderer was just there looking xD like the seniors showing the new kid how it's done pfft
I also found out Hoyoverse now gives daily rewards and so i was thinking of maybe loging daily for them and save them for when Baizhu is coming, bc we all know he's coming and he's the one i want the most that would make me want to pull for him..
But then the Hoyoverse bastards decided to have a TCG event right in the middle of my obession with Shadowverse and while my love for card games is stronger than ever
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So i've been doing nothing but having duels with NPCs ;u; i hyperfocused last night and didn't realize i played till 4 am help
The reasons i stopped playing Genshin was mostly bc of the toxic fandom, then not having enough time, between my complicated life and the many online videogames i play i decided to prioritize the ones i've been playing the longest and so genshin as the new game had to go, at that time i already got the characters i wanted and didn't like the rushing feeling of the story in Genshin and i still don't so it wasn't that sad, the best part imo is the fancontent which i continued to consume and the reason i found out about the new playable chars cause i literally blocked all the official genshin accs xD
Now i really hope i don't get too much into the game again, for my own good, cause is not even a game i can enjoy casually and on my time like King's Raid or Hero Cantare, in those games you have no rush to be up to date with the newest main quest and it does not punish you if you miss events and they're all gacha.. is just that Genshin is literally the worst gacha i've ever played and i play a lot of them and i am f2p in all of them cause i have a lot of trauma- i mean self restraint when it comes to spending money (i literally made a vow to myself that if Lucifer gbf ever gets playable and i don't get him with all my f2p currency i will spend irl money cause he's the only character that's worth it)
Anyway i just wanted to share my experience, cause i vented to my friends that don't play gacha and got silence as a response, well they did make a comparizon of toxic games some of them play like LoL and DBD saying that Genshin was my toxic game haha
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adhdvane · 2 years
i just want to keep rambling about ewiyar while i continue angel halo farming bc i apparently hit the tag limit on my reblog and tags got cut off and my adhd meds kick in so i cant shut up but i’ll put under the cut
and also add tags for my own sake so i don’t have to keep looking on a different page #i did enough raids to get to like 43 and then got like 5 drops today er last night i mean still same like day like per daily reset w/e #ewiyar's beak dropped twice for me when i was farming that raid #too bad i dont really have a need for it lol #it was kinda funny to like join raids and find out everyone had fainted and be like ok ok ok i'll fuckin kill it for you guys #dont bother reviving i'll be a good guy and not leach #bc i remember when ewiyar was the scary solo quest and i couldnt do it and had to fucking farm lineage fragments #so i could get gale rocks to uncap tiamat AND THAT WAS WHEN THE TRADE COSTED 100 FRICKIN LINEAGE FRAGMENTS NOT 30 #I HAD TO FARM 300 OF THOSE FRICKING THINGS BC EWIYAR HIT LIKE A TRUCK AND WAS IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME TO CLEAR #and then i got the devil full uncapped and lucifer fully uncapped and traded for ullikuumi to have as a mainhaind #and dicpicked siegfried (fire) #and now in the solo quest ewiyar is a punk bitch bc i double angi and we all got over 40k to 50k hp #ewiyar is both less scary and scarier in raid form #bc like raid form if sieg's special party buff it up and ewiyar isn't casting march whatere or dragon's nest i wont even guard
i wont even guard bc i have a lot of hp and the buff give armor and tbh elixirs are unlimited and i have (currently) 379, like i MIGHT AS WELL YOU KNOW ACTUALLY USE THEM FOR SOMETHING. so there’s less of a fear of dying bc i can just... revive without feelings bad. the scarier thing about the raid is that there’s like two fated chain cancels, YEAH dragon’s nest at  40% and 10% how the fuck do you cancel both of those and having to gaurd and take the hit sucks bc you can veil against the skill seal but you can’t veil against all your charge bar is going and that’s just annoying as fuck, especially if your joining a raid later and it can be harder to get that fated chain ready for the first trigger and its like OH BOY NO BUFFS OR CHARGE BAR FOR ME :) BACK TO STEP 1 (except like sieg’s buff not being able to be removed and the lumberjack buff. im not using anyone with dispel cancel bc :) too bad) and like okay, even after overdrive buff go away, i s2g ewiyar still hits like a fucking truck past 40% compared to the other dragons. so like first 60% of hp, even more of a bitch than solo quest, 40% and under, oh god i need to be a little more careful. but like anyways i just wanted to ramble into the void about how glad i am at my improvement, bc like even when it was the first time i cleared the ewiyar solo quest, after i had those upgrades, i still did it with a careful team, using illnot and anila bc illnot has crazy delay game i s2g. and ewiyar was still scary to me bc that bitch has 1 charge diamond. I was bring more heals and a revive. but the ones i’ve been doing the past couple days, i just did with regular fire set up. didn’t bother changing the skills, leaf burning, dappling, clear. just bright tien and izmir. heck, last time i even played with swapping izmir with vasaraga bc i wanted to see if i could... actually see his ougi for once... i did, one time on both of the runs. it’s just.... hard to get him low when the hp pool is high and lots of heals... drain, dappling, ullikuumi... and then that lumberjack upgrade, and then him casting his skill every time the foe special attacks. admittedly i think those first times i cleared it i didn’t have wilnas... and that summon really really does make those hit 20 times trivial when that summon hits fucking 15 times. that and actually using tien. yeah... those triggers cancels are rarely a problem. sdkfjhsdlkfsoirjsdf if bonus damage didn’t count as a separate hit i s2g a lot of v2 cancels would be AWFUL. tbh making ewiyar disguise themselves as a cat was the best thing gbf could do for the most asshole dragon quest/raid. but like also bc of ewiyar’s voice lines, like the most on brand shit.
gunna throw my goddamn laptop out the window if angel halo keeps dropping harps. RUSTED WEAPONS HATE ME rusted weapon totals (not counting sabers): daggers: 26 fully 1 one star - feower 5* 7-25-2020 spear: 8 fully 1 no star - anre 5* 3-27-2022 axe: 9 fully 1 one star - threo 5* 1-22-2022 staff: 7 fully 1 no star - fif 5* 9-12-2021 gun: 30 fully 1 no star - tien 5* 05-01-2019 melee: 4 fully 1 one star - seox transcendence 4-19-2021 & 8-10-2021 (& 8-12) bow: 16 fully - tweyen 5* 1-15-2022 katana: 11 fully 1 one star - eahta 5* 12-18-2020 harp: 13 fully 1 one star - niyon 5* 11-21-2021
the reason i have like 18 fully uncapped sabers and 7 no star sabers is bc like i think at least 4 different months i remember to trade for the 8 in stock so at least 8 of the fully uncapped are traded. seofon was 5* on 4-15-2021 if i subtracted the traded and combined the 7 no star i’d have 11 fully 1 two star. which for the date feels more reasonable. tien makes sense bc she was my first 5 star. yo feower what the fuck man. eahta was like less than 5 months behind you and you have 15 fully uncapped on him. anyways back the angel halo mines bc i have 40 more relic fragments i need to farm
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