#i promise i'll stop harping on the grindr scene now lmao
wordsinhaled · 10 months
several folks in the tags of my queer!aziraphale post have pointed out that in that scene, grindr was mentioned in the same breath with twitter, giving that line the context of aziraphale being in general very technologically inept. and like, yeah, that is totally true - aziraphale is a (proud) luddite.
but. i don't know. i think there's still something to be said for the fact that this person even mentioned grindr to him in the first place; the point of the sentiment ('i barely use my phone') would've held up just fine with just mentioning twitter. like. it's grindr??? mentioning it is a pretty overt way to out yourself as a member of the community, especially to a total stranger. (this may, of course, also just be my own self-preservation speaking - but i imagine even the proudest and most comfortable lgbtqia+ folks living in the safest and friendliest places still likely read the room before each time they come out, you know?)
and it could certainly be argued that maybe that says more about that person and their level of comfort with their own identity than it does about aziraphale, but... my thought process is, something about aziraphale's presence and manner told this person it was okay to drop this signal about themselves. like, aziraphale may not have known what it was, to be able to recognize the reference? but that person talking to him obviously did and i feel like that's what's meaningful here too.
it really is a lovely, genius little interaction because it both establishes aziraphale as happily living in his own rather vintage iteration of the community (which doesn't touch technology or hookup culture because he has no need or personal preference for either) AND shows him to be recognizably part of the queer community even to modern folks (read as queer by peers in a way that makes them want to connect with him over it).
like. wow. wow! anyway i love aziraphale /send post
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