#i realllly love reading angst so I may have adapt it to my writing as well hihi
mitsuyaya · 1 year
hello 👋 can you do angst #44 + #28 with atsumu? i don't really like to read angst stories but there's something about how you write angst fics that made me feel like i'm really a masochist 🥲
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when you fall for someone it feels like everything crashes; your peaceful day, sanity, everything.
the world will come to an abrupt stop and everything from the pedestal will fall, ear splitting sounds of something breaking echoing from within.
that's how it felt like when you found yourself falling for Atsumu Miya, the man you only got in contact with because of a friend.
those moments you shared with him felt surreal, it's like reality and make-believe combined.
the feeling of his hands subtly wrapping around your waist when the room crowds with reporters, his silvery voice calling out your name in such a manner that leaves you dumbfounded, and his efforts that keeps you yearning for his presence everyday.
but just like everything there is, the world will once again revolve. the broken things would be repaired and it will go back to its original place.
it’s the same way with Atsumu — from the days where you would wake up and go to sleep talking with him on the phone turned into a whole week of being radio silent. dialing his number only to be met with the words that says ‘did not answer’ or ‘busy.’
days where he'll greet you first when you visit the court turned into him avoiding you like a plague or excuses he relayed to his teammates saying he’s busy practicing, showering or just tired.
it gets to the point that it just becomes irritating rather than painful.
“what did I do for you to treat me like this, ‘Tsumu?” months of receiving this kind of treatment became taxing and you've had enough, you don't deserve this.
“just go home y/n, ‘m tired” he grumbles, his back facing you as he packs his things one by one. “you always say that. ignoring, avoiding, giving me those lame excuses! I just want to talk. Is it that difficult?”
he didn't answer, still fixated on his things and treating you as if you're a ghost. you definitely don't deserve any of this.
Unable to stop your tears from falling you let the words you tried to hold back slipped from your lips “What am I in your life? Because as of lately I feel as though I’ve been nothing to you.”
This time he looked as though you said something unbelievable, something that irks him.
Having had enough, Atsumu grabbed his backpack and attempted to leave the locker room.
Before he could leave you blocked the door, sniffling “Please just give me an explanation ‘Tsumu.”
Frankly, if he had just told you even the worst explanation you've ever heard you'd forgive him but the words he just uttered:
“Move out of my way before I make you.” it's enough to make you realize that he wasn't the man you fell in love with.
If you were to be completely honest, even if you'll be called stupid for saying this – you still want him back.
Even as your heart crashes at the sight of him being happy and kissing someone else — you're still foolishly in love with Atsumu Miya.
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drabble ask game: closed
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