#i say 'headcanons'. it's my AU so i guess these are just full-fledged canons?
2hoothoots · 2 years
Have you ever filled out a “get to know my ship in five minutes” templates for the fsaau trio? :) Cause if not here’s your chance to don’t hold back my guy here you go (template made by @/riessene)
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extra hcs/thoughts i had when filling this out under the cut
i don't know if i could give accurate numbers for their heights, Psychonaut heights are all out of wack. Sasha and Milla are both 7'2". Loboto is nine feet tall. listen what do you want me to do
Raz and Lili have a whole litany of nicknames for each other. every single sappy pet name you can think of, it's in there. sometimes they goof around and call each other by their last names if they're feeling particularly silly
Raz and Dogen are both pretty good cooks, but Raz is also a big health nut and watches his macros and stuff so if he's making a meal there's like a 50% chance it's just some kind of nutrient slurry to help him hit his calorie count for the day (a tin of corned beef and a handful of salad leaves counts as a meal, right?). Dogen is a good cook but he can get a bit distracted in the kitchen so he benefits a lot from having a steady sous chef. Lili sucks at cooking (she never really had the opportunity to learn at home), she can make noodles and that's about it
Lili will talk your ear off about how bugs are super important to ecosystems and crucial pollinators and need to be protected now more than ever given the decline of wild habitats, and Raz is like, I appreciate that but you're not gonna make me feel guilty over this mosquito i just smushed. (along those notes, although she gardens she's very anti-pesticide! she uses other methods to control pests, like fostering wild/sacrificial plants that pests would rather eat to keep the slugs off her orchids)
Dogen is a pretty shy guy and he can get real embarrassed in public. just furiously blushing and nodding his head to try and signal that yes, he would love to hold hands, he just gets worked up easily about that kind of thing. Raz has no shame but he is very easy to fluster. Lili has no shame, period.
Lili and Raz both drive, but in their day-to-day Lili usually drives because Raz has the bad habit of thinking speed limits are suggestions for other people and don't apply to secret agents. Dogen can't drive, he never got his license and finds the prospect of sitting behind the wheel of a car way too nerve-wracking to learn.
Lili and Dogen are pretty similar in the amount of human interaction they like, they both have a fairly low social battery and so they really enjoy quality time spent at home together. their ideal dates are chill ones, like going to the aquarium or to a botanical garden - anywhere they can just quietly enjoy each others' company.
as a trio they get into so much trouble. Dogen tries to avoid the trouble as much as possible. trouble arrives regardless
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lumiereandcogsworth · 3 years
thank you dude!!
2. why do you write fan fiction? wow i’ve never thought about WHY. i guess because i really love my otp, and writing has literally ALWAYS been an outlet for me. so it’s just a logical step i suppose. that, and i have all these scenes and headcanons in my head and if i don’t write them down—at least in a vague dialogue note on my phone— i’ll explode
3. what do you think makes your writing stand out from other works? gosh how could you ask me this!! you KNOW i don’t like tooting my own horn! (or as you would say, slapping my own ass!) but uhuhhhh hm. i don’t know, from compliments that i’ve received, i seem to really paint a picture well. like i’ve been told by multiple people that they can always see my scenes very clearly. which is SUCH a compliment!! so maybe my works stand out because they seem quite clearly as extensions of the film. which is always my goal. i want you to read my fics and think “yeah of course this happens after (or before) the movie, this makes perfect sense for them.”
6. what element of writing do you find comes easily? dialogue for sure. i always come up with the conversation before anything else. even if i don’t know fully what they’re talking about yet, adam and belle’s back and forth is just lodged in my head. it’s sort of like they’re in some room up there in my head and i just occasionally walk by and put a glass to the door and get some snippet of what they’re talking about.
7. what element of writing do you struggle with the most? descriptions, though i’ve improved a great deal in the last six months i’d say. also plot. making a spicy and interesting plot is greatly challenging, which is why i usually stick to my cozy little domestic slice of life corner of fic writing. that’s like comfort writing for me.
26. is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but been too scared to try? definitely a modern au for adam and belle. or just SOME au of them. like i talk about modern!adelle all the time, at least half of my heacanon lists are of them in modern time, but when it comes to actually writing a full-fledged fic?? idk. i’m either scared to or i’m just comfortable with the modern au that already exists and is so good and just let that be the “canon” modern!adelle. but either way, if i ever get the inspiration to actually write something, i’ll do it! it’s just always been a vague idea.
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