#i think he wouldnt rlly do that. he does emotional manipulation. he wouldnt want his kids scared of him. he wants his kids
sotogalmo · 4 months
Hmmm ... nightmare gas & red Smoke ,,,,
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cutemoniic · 7 years
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idk dude they started off wanting to kinda kill eachother sometimes??? sim wasnt genuinely THINKING that he would have ever asked her to be her girlfriend, knowing pretty well that he felt nothing in that spot………… and boy, their relationship got pretty okay for a few months??? sim was happy, wrath was happy (???)… thats until she wanted him to do things that he didnt wanted to. like butting heads on a mirror and expecting your reflex to change at some point
before when she had emotions this thing really hurt her: it would be perfectly fine for your bf/gf/theyfriend to see you upset and cheer you up spontaneously, no? yeah! she confided her feelings to him each time… only to get them twisted in her face. sometimes she expresses upsetness at what he does, and hes like “well ya gotta deal with it lol” in her eyes, which angers her. in her mind when she speaks up he puts her down brutally, making fun of her feelings – this is the way she sees it, at least. in her mind, aside for a few times, wrath never was like “okay, this thing upsets you. ill stop doing it.” or “are you okay? do you need me to come here?”, and despite knowing that wrath doesnt feel love she knows that he cares, and those things are to be expected.
by “you are my first priority” shes expects him to just drop everything hes doing when shes upset to come and help her out… yet thanks to his nonchalant attitude, hes managing to make her close up and look at his words with vague concern and pure spite. shes never going to open up again, thanks to how he deals with it (such as yesterday, telling her “so?” and basically a “what are ya gonna do bout it lol” aka provoking her to strike she decided that he isnt worthy of hearing what she feels ever again, unless he phrases it in the best way he can muster) and to her paranoic ass self. she loves him, but recognizes his provocations and tentatives of manipulation much better than when she had emotions and needed to comply in order to feel better.
with lin, she simply felt discarded. she wasnt planning to hurt her… not quite, and sees her megalomaniac acts as something in the past, that wont happen again, so she has discarded his feelings for them. she doesnt know why he acted like this, nor she will ask.
while she knows that he wont worship her, she wants him to see her as his equal. he might care all he wants, but the single thing that he can do to ruffle her feathers (on purpose or accidentally) is putting her feelings down or aside. in order for him to make her believe that shes his highest priority he would have to (and imperative, she would command him if she ever could) pay attention to her. for simon, without caerul to go to for emotional reassurance and wrath carelessly pressing the issue, wrath is slowly ceasing to be her shelter, and her lover most of all. she aknowledges that he cant love, but this is deliberately provoking her to strike him, and she left to prove a point: that he will need her sooner or later, so hell get back to her.
making him jealous wouldnt work at all, and lets not talk about her being passive aggressive, she’s not about that while she doesnt care. so shes just going to take herself out of his picture, make him wonder where she is when hell need her for one of his plans and question exactly what she’s doing. this is all about manipulation, because she will end their future conversation pretty soon and with bluntness, without telling him where she is. wrath is controlling and she knows it, and her strategy for this, like the piece of shit manipulator she is, is to make him paranoic. where is she? what is she plotting? how long until she comes back? its all a mind game, and shes just waiting for wrath to exhaust himself and require herself again, then shell have won. in her eyes if he really cared, he would have stopped her. if he cared about her well being, he would be pestering her on kik to know her location, but her phone is silent. shes gone to someone that truly cares about her, and thats whats on her mind: good sex, affections, and ultimately her thoughts go to him, her retaliation for him discarding her once more.
she was previously thinking about breaking up with him in order to be with caerul, she also didn’t wanted to: wrath has done so much for her, but everything is nullified when he acts like this on her. she is petty, she recognizes this – and she doesnt care. its not the words, but the actions that sends her over the edge, makes her want to pummed him into the ground and kill him istantly, wishing that her aura would be able to burn him into a crisp.
from now on until hell eventually manage to bring her kind of vaguely back, he will see everything that he does as a double meaning. chatting with lin and his other friends would send her the message ‘’i see that ya are gone and give less of a shit :o)’’ etc etc. she doesnt trust him right now, and she doesnt expect him to search for her: thats the thing.
if hell refuse to search for her while shell be gone, then shell manipulate him into doing it as best as she can. if hell refuse to comply to this, then she will simply leave. her being emotionless doesnt mean that hes allowed to do whatever she wants with her – and this is a point where if he doesnt prevent her relationship with envy to advance and somehow convinces her to come back/open up or does something, anything to vaguely bring her back, hes going to be left behind and butchered into pieces. she cares, but she had enough with his shit and wont listen to his reasonings… unless he would actually try to talk about how he feels, which would make them come to a truce and her more prone to come back. but she doesnt have much hope that hell do this, it isnt even an option in her mind?
she hates and loves him, she wants him to feel good and also to manipulate him. its a swing that always change, but that her own character will put an end soon (maybe…) if he doesnt move. sim loves him, but shes convinced to have her web around him sometimes.
but she doesnt. :3c
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