#i told myself that ong would be the ongly one
1800-seungshine · 7 years
member: park woojin. genre(s): high school!au, hoobae!woojin summary: ludic. (adj) - full of fun and high spirits. in which park woojin finds himself entangled in the antics of the school’s troublemaker sunbae. (requested - bullet point format) word count: 1.6k
note: the very first request ever on this blog! thank you so much to the anon that sent this ;; i was going to format it in paragraphs but somehow i ended up going bullet-point format and and i don’t know i feel nervous presenting this bc i fear that it won’t reach your expectations but i hope that you’ll like it anon!  btw, thank you so much for all the reblogs, likes and follows that i’ve received throughout the week. it means a lot to me heheh! i’ll try to continue working hard ;; i really, seriously, truthfully, completely, thank you all! < 3333
you were known around the school as the school’s lucky trouble maker 
notorious for pulling light-hearted pranks, sleeping through classes or completely skipping it, and occasionally picking fights (which fyi is often bc of something you find injustice and for students can’t stand up for themselves so you just butt in and use your fists as a representative) 
and for majority of the trouble you cause, you usually escape the consequences and get out of it with light warnings and punishment 
hence the ‘lucky’ bit in your title
basically you’re the definition of the ‘c package’ 
authornim what in the world is a ‘c package’ - well obvs you wouldn’t know cos i made it up duh. 
cute, charming and cool. (it’s as lame as me i know but i’m proud) 
everyone just loves you okay
well,,, not really everyone bc there are a few students (mainly the ones you picked fights with) who hate your guts and a few teachers who don’t know what fun means 
but somewhere within the school, there’s one person who doesn’t really get the memo and is confused on why everyone’s whipped for you
introducing park woojin everybody
the first time he heard about you was from a conversation one lunch break when his friends were fanboying talking about you. “who are you talking about?” 
inserts daehwi’s dramatic gasp “oH mY gOd YoU dON’T knOW?!?! lol bye you’re deleted. idk who you are.”
he earned a lot of insults from his friends in one sitting that day
“have you been living under a rock” - park jihoon 
“how dumb are you to not know who y/n sunbae is, you’ve been here for as long as she has.” - bae jinyoung 
“hyung, are you sure you’re not the foreign student, like wth even i know who y/n is.” - lai guanlin
he felt so attacked, “well i didn’t know it was requirement to know who this person is to be socially accepted here.” 
but dw his ass was forgiven after he got forced to listen to the four of them educating him about you, “don’t you feel enlightened now?” cue woojin’s eyes going 360 into the galaxy bc he done w/ their crap
woojin just hears numerous stories about you like how you once won this verbal fight against this rude popular senior and her clique who were bullying a tenth grade student, or the time you pulled a prank on this serious teacher that no one saw laugh until you placed a whoopee cushion on his seat (you still got detention for that though smh), or when you were the matchmaker for pdhpe teachers, mr. park and ms. kang who are now the school’s couple goals and just other great things about you
so apart from that one time when he was zoning out in maths class and out of the window he saw you climbing over the school’s fence to skip class (he finally understood why some students refer to you as the cute fence girl)
woojin has never really encountered you before
which is really strange bc he’s developing a slight crush on you after hearing what other people say and also seeing you from afar during lunch breaks
like the sound of your personality is like making his heart go ‘!!!!’ and he can’t even explain what he’s feeling 
but he’s blaming his friends for it
and so this all changed when a classmate of yours pranked you by pouring a bucket of water at you one lunch break and in return you started a water fight in the cafeteria 
the principal heard about the chaos and started to quickly head that way 
so he witnessed you pull the fire alarm and he calls your name with pure rage that you were damn sure he was gonna hulk smash you
you made a run for it
mEANWHILE woojin just left the library and was walking towards the school canteen 
from afar he sees this girl coming closer and closer, running as if her life depended on it (cos it lowkey actually did) and he had this feeling that it was you
so as soon as you came close enough that his eyes could make clear of your appearance, he was proven right 
but further along the distance, he also sees the teachers who suck up to the principal and the principal himself trying to catch up to you
and being the smart kid he is, woojin moves to the side so he doesn’t block your way
however, you weren’t exactly the brightest during that moment and thought that he’d have to snitch on where you were gonna go and get you in more trouble
hence why you grabbed his hand and woojin’s now running with you.
rip woojin
you two manage to pass the school gates, cross the traffic light and hide into an alleyway seconds before the teachers reach up the gates
so you’re both heavily panting, he’s sh00k and awkward bc wth he didn’t even sign up for this crap but he immediately forgives you once he hears you break into laughter, causing him to do the same 
“sorry for dragging you.” you say sheepishly as you send an apologetic smile, “in my head, i was thinking you could have snitched and you could put me in more trouble but now that i realise, you wouldn’t have known where i was going in the first place.” 
“and now i got you into trouble too.” you mumbled to yourself sadly before your bottom lip juts into a pout
legit his heart started to parkour in his chest when he saw you pout bc he didn’t know you could be this cute??? like he expected it but he didn’t really expect it yknow
“ah, no..uhm...” he replies with a shy smile, “it’s..uh...it’s okay. i don’t mind.” 
what a shy awkward bean omg omg dONT YOU JUST LOVE HIM 
you let out a chuckle as you look at him, casually going on your toes to pat his head, “you’re pretty cute, park woojin.” 
woojin was sure he was gonna melt into a puddle after that like he doesn’t even know if he’s breathing or nah but whatever- he’s standing next to his crush who just called him cute. hE GOT CALLED CUTE. BY HIS CRUSH. 
w a i t 
“uh...h-how did you know my name?” he says in a confused manner bc he doesn’t seem to remember telling you-
you point at the right side of his chest, “well the name tag says park woojin and i’m assuming that you’re the park woojin that the younger students are talking about.” 
w a i t  p t  2
“what?” he says after recalling the second bit of your words. 
“you don’t know?” you say to him before you clear your throat and begin to imitate one of the ninth grade girls you tend to overhear, “park woojin - cute snaggletooth oppa. the most adorable awkward bean with reversal charms; he’s super shy but really sexy when he dances. ah, he’s so dreamy.” 
you end your acting as you clasp your hands together and you start to laugh as you notice the dark shade of red on his cheeks, paired with his red ears. 
“i didn’t know i was seen in that kind of light.” he shyly mutters to himself causing you to grin even more bc damn this boi is kinda really cute. 
“well, i can kinda see why they think of you that way.” you reply back with another grin as you notice his cheeks becoming red once again, “you just don’t know about it since the younger grades are good about keeping it lowkey from the seniors.” 
you look out of the alley, knowing that the teachers would have given up looking for you and you turn back around to him with another breathtaking smile. 
“well, you’re not really going to get any punishment apart from a detention since i’ll take all the blame for today, so mr. reversal charms how about i make up for causing you trouble by spending the rest of the school hours, skipping classes with me?”   
woojin remains in silence, almost as if he’s deciding your offer
but lmao he’s just freaking out internally bc you’re making his heart beat even faster than usual and it’s unhealthy for his kokoro plus how will he act cool around you?!?!? 
however you considered his silence as a yes and you take his hand into yours, gently dragging him causing his heart to flip. “i won’t take no for an answer, park woojin and even if it’s my first time to use it to be authoritative, you should say yes to your sunbae.” 
“o-okay, sunbaenim.” “good.” 
so now you’re just both walking wherever your feet may lead you like what you usually do when you skip classes
but his eyes are fixed on both of your hands and you look at where he’s looking before you flash a grin at him, “let’s just say that your hand looked heavy so i’m here to help you with that.” 
“wow she’s pretty cheesy. more emphasis on the pretty bit though.”
he hears you burst into laughter and he instantly covers his mouth with his free hand, realising that he didn’t just think it but he said it too. 
“d-did i say that out loud? god, i didn’t mean to. i swear- i’m so sorry ahh...this is so embarrassing.” 
but you’re just there laughing and quite close to tears which makes him lowkey satisfied bc even if he embarrassed himself in front of you, he’s making you smile (ong my goodness this is so pure and cheesy idek) 
after you calm yourself down, you shake your head in amusement.  “don’t be sorry, if anything, i’m kinda glad that my dumb ass dragged you, park woojin.”  
and so for the rest of the day, woojin finds himself falling for you harder than he had imagined. 
maybe getting into trouble will be worth it after all. 
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