#i too wish to eat 5 hamburgers whenever i walk into an A&W
slaughtergutz · 1 year
I keep seeing like weird mentions here and there about how Joe is stronger than Hiromi and I??????
Joe is cut, but those abs aren't for strength, they're for show. (Yes, he absolutely is strong and athletic compared to others, but,)
This is what men who train for strength look like
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They aren't skinny lads.
Hiromi is a BEEFCAKE. And I don't have any good pictures of him on my phone so u get this (which is also pretty accurate for people who strength train actually)
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Joe probably trains specifically for agility, but that isn't to say larger men wouldn't be able to go toe to toe with him either. He'd have an advantage for aerial tricks I'd assume and honestly I'm mostly talking out of my ass here bc I know jack shit about skating, but I've formerly trained for professional wrestling so that's what I relate it to
Hiromi seems like he's new to lifting so that'd probably be his biggest disadvantage in a hypothetical strength test with the two of em BUT HES GOT A LOT OF HEART-- he would probably pull something by lifting too much bc he wanted to impress the manager lbr
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goth-greyhound · 6 years
OOF ok lets go
1) Talk about the first time you watched your favorite movie: My favorite movie is probably howl’s moving castle, and I think I first saw it when I was 6 or so. I distinctly remember watching it a lot in Russia with a shitty Russian dub but sub is always the best
2) Talk about your first kiss: 14, summer camp. Me and cute girl in my cabin (16) were walking at night to pick up her night meds, when she asks if I’ve ever kissed anyone. I say no and she kissed me. 11/10
3)Talk about the person you’ve had the most intense romantic feelings for: Honestly I’m not entirely sure. Could’ve been that one girl I had a crush on for a while a few years ago, or the guy who used to be my best friend ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
4) Talk about the thing you regret most so far: oof I don’t know I regret a lot of things tbh. Most of it has to do w like…interactions with people (mostly them wanting to interact and me being dumb about it).
5)Talk about the best birthday you’ve had: Hmm…Honestly I can’t remember but that time we flew to Block Island was kinda neat. There was my most recent one where I just went out to really good sushi w my family.
6)Talk about the worst birthday you’ve had: Oof I can’t remember tbh I’m sorry anon
7) Talk about your biggest insecurity: I dunno, I’m insecure about a lot of things. I guess like…how I smell? Or the way I eat? I feel weird eating in public tbh especially with people I don’t reeeeally know.
8) Talk about the thing you are most proud of: In recent memory probably the fact that I got to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro
9)Talk about little things on your body that you like the most: definitely my eyelashes, neck, and collarbone. I’ve gotten compliments on my thighs which feels good too 
10)Talk about the biggest fight you’ve ever had: My dad and I went like a week without speaking to each other once because he got upset over something petty I did
11)Talk about the best dream you’ve ever had: What currently comes to mind is that one dream I had when I had infinite hamburgers. Just like…whenever I wanted. And they were always delicious and perfect and when I woke up I had no burgers so that was sad :(
12)Talk about the worst dream you’ve ever had: I had this one, years n years ago, where I essentially had to watch myself and all of my friends die multiple times in multiple timelines because the people fucking with the timelines didn’t realize we were just children.
13)Talk about the first time you had sex/how you imagine your first time: With a guy I met online, who at first wasn’t going to come over because he couldn’t but eventually found out he could. So he came over at like 10:30pm n we went into my attic (which has a guest room) n it wasn’t awkward (for me anyway) and then we showered together (at like 2am) n he stayed the night and it just felt good waking up next to someone??
14)Talk about a vacation: I went to Africa (Kenya/Tanzania) over this winter break and hiked to the top of Africa that was pretty cool. N we celebrated New Years at a lodge in Kenya where I almost got w a really hot dude anyway then there was a week long safari it was a pretty cool time.
15)Talk about the time you were most content in life: Yo these “most _” questions are so hard to answer but honestly I was really happy when I didn’t wake up alone after the fucc
16)Talk about the best party you’ve ever been to: Tbh the party we had in honor of my grandfather when he died it was touching and personal idk I don’t go to many parties
17)Talk about someone you want to be friends with: tbh being friends with Joji would be cool he’s such a neat guy ok
18)Talk about something that happened in elementary school: one of my friends in first grade once kissed me on the cheek and I freaked out
19)Talk about something that happened in middle school: No
20)Talk about something that happened in high school: I once got my school to play the homestuck version of megalovania over the loudspeakers
21)Talk about a time you had to turn someone down: There was that one guy who was 2 years older than me that was really into me when I was a freshman/sophomore and he asked me to prom and it was just aljsdgljdfg he was so uncomfortable
22)Talk about your worst fear: I dunno….being completely and utterly lost? In a totally unfamiliar place with totally unfamiliar people with no way of getting back? That or falling
23)Talk about a time someone turned you down: Uhh well like too much I really don’t wanna get into that tbh it’s embarrassing haha
24)Talk about something someone told you that meant a lot: My parents tell me not to go out alone at night but I usually ignore it because I mean they’re supposed to say that right? But I was out w someone last night and he told me the same thing and for some reason it just meant more coming from him, a person that’s probably seen a lot of weird shit at night
25)Talk about an ex-best friend: we became friends in 8th grade, then we started dating, then I fucked it up, and now we don’t talk and it kinda sucks
26)Talk about things you do when you’re sick: Lie in bed under lots of comfy blankets, lots of tea, Netflix, going through a tissue box a day
27)Talk about your favorite part of someone else’s body: I know a few guys with really nice butts. Like….really nice
28)Talk about your fetishes: Oh boy lets go but no judgement aight?: biting/choking/sucking/blindfolding/anything in which I’m the submissive one tbh/bondage seems cool but I’ve never done it??/lowkey might have a daddy kink
29)Talk about what turns you on: breathing/licking/kissing/light biting on neck or ears; when someone runs their hands over the side of my body but like really slowly and lightly; “good girl”
30)Talk about what turns you off: unsolicited dick picks (but who isn’t turned off by that right); jackhammering (you know)
31)Talk about what you think death is like: probably dark and cold and lonely
32)Talk about a place you remember from your childhood: I still remember the garden from Russia and the rock we’d have to stand on to get reception and the little path between houses and the cats and wow I’ve just been hit full force with a wave of nostalgia yay
33)Talk about what you do when you are sad: lie on my couch and swaddle myself in blankets, tea, maybe some comfort food
34)Talk about the worst physical pain you’ve endured: I’ve been stung on the leg by a jellyfish and you know those crippling cramps that start in your toes for no reason and work their way up your whole leg until your silently screaming in agony? Yeah I had one of those this morning 
35) Talk about things you wish you could stop doing: nail biting, overanalyzing people/situations, shitty diet, bad organization, I could keep going tbh
36) Talk about your guilty pleasures: tbh lying somewhere soft topless, the song Havana, sending noods tbh
37)Talk about someone you thought you were in love with: ok how about we don’t go back down that path hmm?
38)Talk about songs that remind you of certain people: Anything by Alina Baraz & Galimatias reminds me of my second ex (she’s really good tho)
39)Talk about things you wish you’d known earlier: that honestly my face isn’t that bad n confidence is key
40)Talk about the end of something in your life: my grandfather dying wasn’t just the end of his life, it was just…a small part of all of us went with him
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