#i tried to use vroid studio once
Project progress update 2
A lot has happened these last couple weeks. As I’ve been working I’ve been taking notes and screenshots here and there to record my progress. Here is what I’ve been up to.
Designing, and posing characters   Weeks 4-6
I posed my first character Adda and took pictures. For all my other characters, I use the same process once I finished their hair and clothes. I hit the photo icon on the top right of Vroid Studio to start. When taking pictures of your Vroid model, you can put it in pose mode. I did this to move the character up, frame the camera around them, and pose them. I also adjusted the picture size to a width - of 881 height - of 720. Then I made the background color #04F404. This makes it special effects green color that you can remove to have a transparent background. I save that pose, name it character (mood) bring the image to - https://www.remove.bg/upload to get rid of the background. Then I save that photo to the respective asset folder I made for that character (character name expressions). 
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Uploaded assets to Headkanon.com. (Plus google drive)
- note about Adda’s design its supposed to be fun and dynamic like her.
I discovered you can recolor texture using color calibration
Saving different variations of eyes and skin for each character
I created Bindi's hair from scratch using the presets I initially used as a reference. It took me a while to figure out how to do a braid. I used one of my failed attempts at braiding as a part of Bindi's design. Now she has braided hair and twisty hair.
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Image of me posing Bindi (9/19/22)
For Bindi's dress I exported the guide and design template
Brought them together in Krita
Exported again as jpeg
I emailed it to myself to use as a guide in ibis paint Then I sent it back and put it in Vroid.
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Bindi is supposed to be in cosplay. I don't have her cosplaying as anything specifically, but I did want to her clothes to seem like that of a fantasy character. I randomly decided to go with a fairy princess flower theme.
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I also worked on other two main character’s Niko and Kaleo's shirts.
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Like I did with Adda, I am continuing this practice with other characters, bringing in the design from my phone and getting it to fit in the UV map. I'm using different techniques to get the design to fit. For Adda's shirt, I warped the perspective; however, for this shirt, I'm doing a different warp technique where I grab different points and stretch the shirt in different directions. By doing this, I can ensure that when I bring this texture to Vroid, the shirt will be in the correct place to display over the shirt. I'm also using liquify, which essentially spreads the shirt more freely.
I tried a different approach for the Mom's shirt. I did her design in vroid studio, then copied the layer multiple times, applying various effects like lighten, darken, etc. I also used the teardrop blur brush to make things look better. The lines are not as lovely when drawn on the computer.
I like how it came out.
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For the Mom's design, I unconsciously used my Moms two favorite colors (black and red) and her birthday as an inspiration. I also used the color pink with hearts because my Mom was born on Valentine's day, and pink is just a cute color to have with hearts.
Within Week 5, I finished posing the main characters since their shirts and hair were done.
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This is how I felt while doing it. It's really not the same as posing a character with rig controls in Blender.
- Kaleo's hair, as you can see above was kind of tricky to design. I wanted it to look thick and poofy and have a lion mane look. I also adjusted his face to look more Hawaiian.I looked up images of Hawaiian guys and used random pictures as a reference. 
- Kaleo shirt has a lot of triangles in the design; this was inspired by the traditional patterns Hawaiians would stamp on Kapa cloth There is also a lion in the center, which references the character's name and love for lions.
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This is how I felt when I finished doing it.
Niko's shirt is not too flashy. I used cool colors. This reflects how Niko wants to be calm and not draw attention to himself. The effects and brushes I used give the shirt a fluffy texture. Niko wants to be comfortable, and his clothes reflect that. 
Now for the side characters. 9/24/22
I decided to make Edwardo's shirt in vroid. I made his hair thick which is somewhat plot significant.To me, he looks like a popular kid in school
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I made this design a while back in ibis paint. I brought it into Krita, ensured it covered the shirt area, and then imported it into vroid. I was thinking along the lines of Hawaiian shirt/Japanese aesthetics, which ended up fitting the boss character who  I made Japanese. Fall is a significant season; it reflects impermanence as the leaves change color and dry up. Granted, in Hawaii, we don't experience this. I'm a huge fan of autumn leaves, and Ibis paint had a leaf brush that I went crazy with. Note that the purple at the bottom is supposed to be transparent; however, when I save it as a jpeg, it turns out like that. If you bring a png into vroid, the design will look faded, so I save them as a jpeg to keep the design looking vibrant.
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I Did the same thing for Bella's design. I made it in ibis paint. I should note that I was able to achieve this pattern by using the symmetry kaleidoscope tool. In other words, you have a bunch of lines repeating ray-like lines, and when you draw between these lines a pattern. The pattern you draw is then repeated several times over. I also really love getting crazy with different effects like glow, bevel, color contrast, etc.
Rather than doing what I did with the boss's shirt, I decided to have the design overlap itself. The small square design on top covers the torso portion of Bella's dress, and then behind it, the rest of the dress is covered by a larger design. Then like I have for the other designs made outside of vroid, I took this design along with an exported UV map of Bella's dress and ensured the design covered the entire area. This was a bit of a gamble, but when I brought it into vroid, it looked pretty good, to my relief.
Keyon's shirt was made in vroid. I was trying to make a plaid shirt. It doesn't look plaid, but it looks good.
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Cara's design, like Bella's, was a case of me having fun with the symmetry kaleidoscope tool. You can adjust the number of times the design repeats. You can also turn it off and add to it, which I did. Like I did with Kaleo's shirt, the design fits within the main body of the shirt, so I have to use the liquify tool to spread it outwards for the sleeves to be covered.
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I had to add some props to some of the character expressions. I started with Kaleo, whose pose calls for taking notes with a pencil and notebook.   I used this method several times of selecting the hand in the original layer, then going back to the layer with the object in it and erasing the highlighted part so that their hand looks like it's going over the object.
Some other examples
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Editing the story
- Story 1 Has been reviewed once over by people I know. (Sep 11-12) Poll questions were modified. A psychologist I know pointed out that people don't want to look bad when publicly choosing an answer. The way I wrote some of my questions made it seem like you'd be a jerk if you didn't put a specific answer. She suggested I have some questions not be multiple choice, so the viewer has to type in a response. I also got help from my brother, a law school student (writing is his bread and butter) plus, he was once an editor for a college magazine, so he gave me some tips on grammar/wording. On top of that, I use a program called Grammarly.
-I also went through the script of story 3  with my brother (Sep 21). I changed the poll's wording and audience response options and went to the other stories to tweak them. I also checked with Grammarly for the first two stories to see how many seconds it takes to read each part and their respective poll questions. So far, each part is under the max 90 seconds, except for one part that is 3 seconds over. Now I'm just reviewing all four stories and editing the grammar and tone.
Poll questions
As I mentioned in my previous update, I got some excellent advice from UH West Oahu's Gloria Niles before I started writing my questions. She advised that I use the questions to ask the audience how they would feel if they were the character in the story or if it was someone they knew. Perspective-taking is the key. If I can get the audience to understand the character and imagine what it's like to be them or know them. Ideally, that will cultivate some understanding. Another thing I was advised to do is address the disability that's being represented. So I also made questions that say this character has such and such and explored that within the question. By that, I mean encouraging the audience to imagine what it's like or describe how they would feel. For example, one of my questions for story 3, which talks about autism, is this - "How would you feel if you were Kaleo and had no idea why people were annoyed with you? What would you do?"   When you have trouble reading nonverbal cues, as some folks with autism do, it gets confusing. I'm fluent in vocal English, but my silent English isn't great. It's almost like you are a foreigner in your own home.
Finally, yesterday I changed the dialogue box to a default option that mimics subtitles.
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With all the character’s done now, what I need to do by week 8 Oct 11th.
1. Get approval
2. Finish editing the stories
3. Change the expressions of the characters throughout the story - would write a cue in the script like - Adda happy.
4. Get some background images
5. Record each clip to bring to Instagram
Finally, I will keep doing my best.
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vergess · 3 years
i am poking around with vroid studio because the idea of being a vtuber is one of my many life backup plans and also it looks fun and i have discovered 2 things. 1. i keep forgetting that this is 3d so when i paint textures i keep forgetting to ROTATE THE MODEL AAA and also 2. combining dark academia with 90s kinderwh0re grunge to create My Dream Aesthetic is WAY MORE DIFFICULT THAN IT SOUNDS
Bro it sounds difficult as fuck already? Ar you okay????
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pokefan531 · 4 years
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[MMD] Miraculous Ladybug Classmates Vroid Studio DL
Link: https://www.deviantart.com/jonicito1994/art/MMD-Miraculous-Ladybug-Classmate-Vroid-Studio-DL-856508569
Today, here is new set of models from me with couple of new characters. Present Alix Kubdel, Natalie, Mylene, and Ivan. Not only that, but I fixed a couple of bone structures and naming for all of them. I even did small texturing to some of my 2019 models on flat color to give small detail. 2019 Christmas release was a good time, and now I feel like releasing a batch, especially the New York Special.
NOTE: All of them have Auto-Breathing tool implemented, so they breathe by themselves. If you encounter a problem where they keep twitching, SET MORPH on "Disable Auto-Breathing" to 1.0 to disable it. Also, try to make it easier when selecting all bones as it can have an affect on auto-breathing.
Credits: Sonic Adventure DX City - SAB64 (Some model have accessories that are from Deviantart. Accessories from the likes of Dead-Silver-Virus, couple of 3DCG porters, an others made some accessories and couldn't remember every single author of it)
Shaders - N3+C
Not only that, but here are my thoughts of Miraculous Ladybug New York Special, then my headcanons! NOTE: Don't read the following description if you haven't seen the special and don't want to get spoiled!
Well, I thought it was good. Not the best, but pretty good. I watched the premiere on Disney Channel US and saw it entirely without interuptions at all! This shows how invested I am to this franchise! The new characters and heroes are really interesting, and they do show about each of them. We do see Majesta as a real superhero of New York City. Also, the two new girls we saw. Aeon is a robot that transforms into a human, and Jessica is her partner and gets the eagle miraculous later on. Both tried to help Marinette and Adrien interact better, and let's get to the two. I really didn't feel like Marinette's interaction with Adrien has developed at all and I feel like it's kinda falls to Puppeteer 2 situation again, but I'm thankful it wasn't that bad. I get that Marinette blush too hard when sitting with Adrien in the plane. I wished she stop with that whole heavy repetivite of not knowing what to say that makes him misunderstand, which is a big reason I didn't like from Puppeteer 2. Marinette always trips and stuff whenever she's with Adrien, after all three seasons! I would expect to have her develop better and do less of that at least. There's no development of Marinette overcome her awkwardness or direct interaction between the two whatsoever that the special make it seem like it would do. It's all barely developed, and we see little bit of scene where Marinette is fine with talking to Adrien, like the flying hot dog scene in the party. Also, Adrien gets taken away in later half of the special by his dad, so their direct interaction seems to end that way, so no further development. I know the class made a thing for Adrien at the end of the special, both watching the sunrise in the plane, and also Marinette chasing Adrien in the car, but I just want to see her overcome her awkward behavior when talking to Adrien directly. I know it's been a thing, but I want to see some change in character development. So let's get to other MLB characters. Well, I am surprised and happy to see Mrs. Bustier pregneat. Lila gets put in the bus after the beginning of the special, which is good to hear. Chloe came and she's pretty much a tsundere when Sabrina asks her questions. I didn't expect for Sabrina to have a crush on a random guy in NY, which is interesting. Oh, Marinette and Alya has to share the same room with Chloe and Sabrina. How interesing. XDDD The classmates are about the same, so I don't have that much to say. The science teacher is in charge of the class, and it's funny that the class aren't happy with that, which saddens the teacher. The Principle came with them, and only thing I see him do is dress up as his Owl superhero during the fight scene around the airplane. Seems embarrassing. XD As for the fight scenes, introducing superheroes and see how they showed up in the airplane is really interesting to watch. I expected Hawkmoth to appear to NY, but his part looks very interesting. Taking a random guy, Mike Rochip, to akumatize him twice, and seeing how he ruled the city, wow! What a powerful supervillain! They got control of most superheroes in New York, so they're pretty strong. As of Ladybug and Cat Noir, I see that Ladybug was a bit too far with Cat Noir. Granted, he was supposed to be in Paris, but as Adrien, he has to come to NY. Well, we see Adrien struggle with his faults of almost killing Uncanny Valley and appearing without Ladybug's approval. I feel sad that Cat Noir gets that treatment, but at least Ladybug knows she needs him. I am glad the special is animated by SAMG Animation, and I thought it wouldn't. As I checked, the special is rendered at 720p and upscaled to 1080p with native resolution for texts and credits, like the first three seasons. I mentioned this on my research on Tumblr last year. Also, as much as I like seeing all new settings, two scenes looks like it's reused from first three seasons. The sewers looks the same, and one stair scene inside Statue of Liberty reused the stair setting from the TV studio in Paris, at least once. I wished they were either recolored or something a bit more different, but other than that, the special is completely new. Sad to see that Season 4 won't use SAMG for their episodes on animation, but this special looks really good. FINAL THOUGHTS: This special is interesting and really good. I wished to see better development on Marinette when interacting with Adrien directly, and also wished he stayed longer with them to see the development. I just want something new for character development. Besides that, I like all the new characters and villains, and the action scenes with all the heroes and even the villains too.
Now that I wrote my review of the movie, here is my headcanon:
From my Pokemon MMD videos, from my last MMD post, Bunnix took me, Ash, Konata, and Bea to Castelia City, Pokemon's New York City. We go to the party while Bunnix used a gadget to be another human character as a disguise to enter the same party as MLB Class with X and Y trainers, along with couple of Unova Pokemon Trainers and Masters.
ANNOUNCEMENT: With that headcanon, I will make MMD Comic Panel Strip of that story as part of my MMD series later this year!
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