#i was gonna get a dog and name her dakota but i FORGOR and got an orange cat default instead. urgh
desceros · 2 months
okay, let me be calm. woo-sah. ahem. i don't cry a lot. it's less a factor of "tch, i'm a rough and tough guy, emotions are for losers" and more the fact that i... just don't really cry too much anymore, and i'm not too sure why. in any case, the only things that really get to me nowadays are certain movies, TV shows, and highly stressful situations. i can count on one hand the amount of times something i've read has gotten me to tear up
...and now, the latest chapter has been added to that list. it wasn't even anything sad, not exactly. just... Viola-Chan's talk with Todd and Mikey. as someone who semi-recently went through a break-up (a bit over a year ago; we'd been dating for 5 years), while it was not at all the same situation, iiiiit definitely still stabbed me right through the chest a little too close to my heart. like, the whole thing with Donnie and Vi has been extra "oof, ouch, owie" for me for a while because of that, but now, it's just been emphasized - but i LOVE IT, don't get me wrong! it hurts in a good way! i need a Todd in my life, honestly
and Mikey, omfg - i literally dropped my phone to punch the air with joy when he hugged Vi, i was SO happy for her (us?). all the family talk... good god. she (we) deserve(s) every piece of goodness the world has to offer
now. about that ending. completely blindsided me. blew me onto my ass. tore me asunder. i really... REALLY did NOT see that coming. like, at ALL. i knewwwww Alopex was gonna come back, we all knew it, but i had an entirely different theory that i am now shoving right back down my throat. Vi can never go for too long without suffering, can she? you are a sick and twisted person (and i love it)
side note: fuck yeah, new Stardew update! i'm gonna play it with a couple of my friends tomorrow since they're all busy today, and i'm sooooo excited about everything i'm hearing so far. hope you have fun too! :D
sounds like you had a nice catharsis, which is exactly the mood for this chapter! and yeah, we all need a todd and a mikey. i feel like that lemonade would fix me. and yeah, viola-chan's always got something going on. that's what makes a fic fun! :D
im having a lot of fun on turtle time farm, hehehe. i started with the new farm layout where you get two chickens in the beginning, and i named them donnie and leo. there is currently an intense battle to see who gives me the most gold star large eggs. im screaming
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