#i would add snart and rip and stein but i don’t know if it counts as leaving the team if the reason you left is because you died
rainbowshrimps · 1 year
my absolute favourite thing that happens in lot is when one or more of the legends leave the team juuuusssst in time for shit to go down.
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aastralfox · 7 years
Pairing: Time Canary (Rip Hunter/Sara Lance)
Word Count: 1,337
Rating: General
Notes: Written for the amazing @brooklyn1949 for her birthday!! Love you! <3 Also I’m only about halfway through season one of LoT so if there are inconsistencies here then that’s entirely my fault, sorry!! (Also on my ao3).
Cooking was chemistry.
After a year of listening to Palmer and Stein chatter away about science, Sara knew a thing or two about chemistry. HCl was hydrochloric acid and shouldn't be touched with bare hands under any circumstances. She knew that pure sodium reacted with water and could be used as an explosive under certain circumstances (a tidbit that she greedily absorbed - it could come in useful). She knew that bromine and mercury were the only elements which were liquid at room temperature and that liquid nitrogen was really freaking cool (pun very much intended).
So yes, Sara knew a thing or two about chemistry.
Cooking? That was supposed to be way easier. People cooked all the time. It was supposed to be those simple basic things that everyone could do.
Whatever the hell this was? It wasn't easy.
Sara had all of one minute to study the charred remains of the first pancake before Gideon's fire detection systems came online and doused the mess hall in flame suppressants.
Something told her that the white fluff now coating what remained of the pancake mix wasn't quite edible. In fact, it probably went under the category of 'inedible' at best, and 'downright poisonous' at worst.
"Sara! What in God's..." Sara turned at the sound of Rip's voice. He ran his hand through his hair, surveying the mess. "What are you doing?"
"Making breakfast," Sara answered, with a proud tilt of her head. A fleck of flour coated the end of her nose. Or maybe it was some flame suppressant. Who knows.
Rip eyed the carnage. "For what species?" he asked.
Sara's expression shifted into the territory of 'definitely not amused' as she tilted her head to the side, mouth tightening around the corners. "Ha ha. Very funny, Rip."
"No, honestly. What were you trying to do? You know that the dispensers provide us with enough rati--"
"The rations taste like butts," Sara countered, flatly.
"...Fair. They don't make for the...finest of gustatory ‎experiences, but they are perfectly edible. Unlike..."
Sara huffed, colour rising to her cheeks. "Fine then. Don’t worry, I'll clean it up. I can probably do that without setting fire to the kitchens," she muttered to herself. “You go. When you come back it’ll be spotless and don’t worry, I won’t try it again.”
Not after this debacle, at any rate.
Maybe she should have gotten Mick to help her. It would have been the same result anyway and she could, at least, blame the fire on someone else. Though, Sara knew full well that Mick Rory was perfectly capable of doing things without igniting a room, if he so wished. Case in point was the fact that Mick made the best baked goods out of everyone on the Waverider, and everyone knew it. So, really, as far as shuffling the blame for a ruined kitchen went...Mick might not have been the best person to blame.
"I. No. Sara," Rip's tone was tinged with the same degree of exasperation normally reserved for Snart. "I only meant...what were you trying to accomplish?"
"I just said--"
"No, no. I wasn’t asking after immediate, obvious accomplishment of making breakfast...what I meant was...why?"
Sara tugged free one of the kitchen towels and wrung it in her hands for lack of anything better to do with them. ‎"I wanted to make something for the team...for you," she admitted. She turned her back swiftly, scrubbing at the nearest mess - the length of counter nearest to her. (Only the rest of the kitchen to go.)
"That's...that's quite sweet of you, Sara." He sounded almost proud of her and damn if that didn't set her off-guard. ‎She scrubbed harder, watching as the streaks of batter and suppressant cleared away with each successive pass of the cloth.
"I just...wanted to do something. To help take care of everyone," she said. Miranda probably made him breakfasts, in that happy future of theirs - the one they were trying to save. If anything, she had hoped to make for a nice moment, something to help ease the grief that she knew he still carried over his lost family.
A warm hand came down on top of hers and she stopped moving. "Sara, you take care of us, all of us, in your own way," Rip said, gently. "You keep us all safe and alive. You're there to make sure that no one gets killed."
"By killing."
"By protecting‎," Rip insisted. "You mean more to me...to us, than you know."
Sara stared up at him and, for a moment, neither spoke. Rip let go first, retracting his hand and coughing (more to clear the air than his throat). "So there's no need to try and help us through...food poisoning," Rip said, gesturing vaguely at the mess.
Sara snorted, covering her laugh. "You know, you were way cuter ten seconds ago with that speech," she informed.
Another startled cough. "I what--?"
Sara launched a spare kitchen towel at him. "Start cleaning."
The ensuing silence was only broken by the squeak of dishcloths rubbing over glass counter tops, and the occasional spray of water as they were rinsed. “Perhaps, once we’ve amended this disaster, I can show you how to make a real breakfast?” Rip offered.
Sara paused, tapping the end of her finger against the counter. Her nail clicked against the surface in a light tap-tap. “I can handle the batter,” she decided. “I used, to all the time before...with my family,” she said, remembering the bright Saturday mornings with Laurel and her father. This was years ago, of course, before the Gambit sank and before either Lance sister bore the title of ‘Canary’. “So I take care of that while you fry up the pancakes. Deal?”
“Deal,” Rip agreed, with a grin.
There was a shuffle near the rear of the kitchen and a muted yawn - Ray - followed by a low grumble - Mick, likely - and a thump from a shoulder catching against a wall, accompanied by muttered curse - Jax. No doubt Len and Kendra would be down shortly as well. Stein had been awake hours before Sara had, and was likely already down below decks, tinkering. He’d be back in an hour or so for a coffee refill.
“Better make it quick, Captain. The zombies have risen,” Sara commented, wryly. 
“Evidently. Well, since they’re here, I can’t see why everyone can’t assist. Many hands to feed the many mouths, as it were.” Rip raised his voice, turning to the group. “Dr. Palmer, if you could assist Sara with making the pancake batter...”
“Got it!”
“..and Mr. Rory, kindly man the fry pans with me, hm?”
“With you? You’re goin’ to have to keep up with me.” Mick Rory was particular about the way his pancakes were cooked. 
“We shall see. Jefferson, if you could ask Gideon for some orange juice. We’ve glasses in that far cupboard there. And, Sara,” Rip dropped his voice, drifting back over to her. “Perhaps we could save a more...personal cooking lesson for later?”
Sara tightened her lips to keep from smiling, and failed. “I’d like that.”
“Well look. It’s a regular party here,” Len commented in his usual drawl, strolling into the mess to drop his weight on a dining chair.
“Pancakes? Ooh, can we add cinnamon and banana slices?” Kendra asked, arriving shortly after.
“Though...” Sara said, in a low whisper. “I’m not quite sure when we’ll find the time with this family.”
“Ah, you’re all finally awake and, industrious, I see. Good for you. Now, if I may just get past you, Mr. Palmer, I’d like my refill,” Stein said, trying to squeeze by the others to reach the coffee machine.
“It’s Doctor Palmer,” Ray countered, with a pout, as he shifted his bulk to one side, bumping into Mick who was trying to ready the skillets. 
“Watch yourself, Haircut.”
The chatter continued in the background as Rip snorted softly. “I suppose then, we’ll have to make time.”
“I suppose so,” Sara agreed.
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cogentranting · 7 years
LoT 2x17 Predictions/Speculation
Legends of Tomorrow is gonna shake up it’s team roster again tonight via deaths and just people leaving the team. My thoughts and predictions:
Amaya will leave the team. Let’s be real: we all know that she won’t stay dead and I highly doubt they’ll rekill her because of the Mari Vixen story. However, they’ll also probably send her back to be a part of her timeline and all that. Does she have to go back to the timeline right this minute instead of in a couple seasons? No. But I think she will anyway. I hope not. But... (prove me wrong Legends)
Rip will die. They’ve stated that someone is going to die. I think it will be Rip. And I think that’s lazy. Because they already wrote him out for most of the season, so killing him off immediately after his extended absence just strips the death of any stakes and gives the illusion of being a bold writing choice with out actually being one. But the writing of the season has shown a weird aversion to writing for Rip and has seemed to go out of its way to make Rip expendable. They’ve forgotten all about his story arcs involving his family and the Time Masters, they’ve taken away his role as captain, and they’ve had all the characters neglect him to the point that his most signficant relationship on the show is with the ship. It doesn’t have to be this way- Rip’s a cool character with lots of potential and Arthur Darvill is a capable actor- but for some reason that seems to be the direction they’re heading. 
Mick needs some sort of resolution to his arc, which has been one of the most important this season. This could be achieved by securing his role on the team (which I think would be best). However, it could also lead into the idea of Mick leaving the team to be on his own (not very likely I don’t think, since it sort of goes against what the arc has been building towards). Or Mick could sacrifice himself for the team and die, which would work except that it would be an almost exact repeat of last season with Snart (which doesn’t mean they won’t do it. wouldn’t be the first Arrowverse show to repeat it’s first season in the second *coughFlashcough*)
Jax and Stein- nothing’s gonna happen to these two, they’re fine. Jax is the ship engineer and doesn’t really have anyone who can replace him in that. If you kill one you have to get rid of both or find an immediate Firestorm replacement and we’ve already gone through that. Firestorm isn’t going anywhere as a combo, they’ve barely begun to explore the extent of those powers. Plus they add variety to the team, being both the oldest and youngest members, and because Jax is black. And Stein’s Lily arc doesn’t seem entirely played out yet. 
Ray. Killing Ray would be weird because at this point he’s in his third season in the Arrowverse (meaning only the true Arrow veterans have been around longer), but this is season he’s been least important in. So he’s at this odd point where he’s been a staple for too long to be treated as expendable, but he hasn’t had enough of an arc to justify being a major death. Killing Ray would require (or should require) more buildup. On top of that, Ray is fairly unobtrusive. He doesn’t take up much space the way they write him. 
Nate. As a newbie Nate is more at risk of leaving or being killed because there’s less history and less attachment. Also, arguably his strongest character connection is to Amaya. If she leaves there’s a good chance Nate goes too. In particular, with the way their romance arc is going, I wouldn’t be surprised if Nate sacrifices himself, dying so that Amaya can live to rejoin the timeline. Alternatively, there’s a chance he leaves with Amaya to go back into the timeline, which would also fit with Nate having his multiple strong connections to her period of history, with few ties to the present. The historian becomes a part of history. The show could maybe even get away with the reveal that Nate is Mari’s grandfather (I’m not sure because I don’t know much about that version of Vixen or her show). I hope they don’t kill Nate, because I really like him, and I think it’s a fairly obvious writing choice. 
Sara. I personally think Sara would be the most interesting death the show could do. She’s been around for as long as Ray (just with a season off in the middle of her tenure) but unlike him, she has had a strong arc for each of her seasons, so a death could feel suitably climactic. Sara dying would also have the biggest impact on the show out of all the characters. The entire team dynamic would have to adjust and it would provide plenty of sparks for season 3. That being said, I don’t think they’ll do it because: it’s a risky move because of how huge it would be; they’ve killed her before and killing the Lance sisters is becoming habit and I don’t think Quentin could take it; they would get so much hate for killing off their bisexual female not-quite-but-almost-lead character. I also I’m still holding out hope for Captain Canary. 
Which brings me to: Snart. They might bring him back using the spear of destiny. they might leave him dead. i don’t know. it could go either way. I hope he comes back. I’m not counting on it. 
And lastly, Thawne will die, Merlyn will go home, Darhk will be returned to the timeline (possibly/probably with memory erased) back on his merry way to Arrow season 4 and death at Oliver’s hand. 
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