#i would get sayu because she fits with the rest of my things better
gamebunny-advance · 2 years
So a question, how do you feel about djss?
I like him a lot ^o^! I think he has the BEST character design in the entire game, and his VA does so much to bring him to life.
I think I've said this before, but DJSS is the *reason* I decided to buy NSR over Mad Rat Dead (besides my music preference). I just really had to meet him, and I was not disappointed when I did.
He's the first character I ever drew from the game because I basically fell in love with him at first sight.
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(My very first NSR doodle.)
The only real "negatives" I have to say about him is that I don't find him sympathetic at all. I just don't buy into sad boi DJSS propaganda. He is an asshole, was an asshole, and will probably always be an asshole.
But, I don't think he needs to be sympathetic to be likeable. I love that he's just an unrepentant prick from beginning to end, but that does mean that outside his aesthetics, I don't have anything nice to say about him. However, him being such a big prick means that it's very fun to bully him, so he's great for comics when I need something bad to happen to somebody >:3c.
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So in short, I love him a lot, and do not take my lack of posting about him as meaning otherwise.
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chocoenvy · 2 years
hii! i love your child god reader works and i wanted to know, how would sayu, klee, qiqi and diona react to the child god reader taking a liking to them? like learning sayu's ninja moves, exploding fish with klee, finding herbs and cocogoat milk with qiqi and helping diona find the most wretched of ingredients for her drinks? basically like they're playmates! (platonic ofc)
A Fishy Playdate
Child!god!reader w/ Klee, Diona, Sayu, and Qiqi
Warnings: cult behaviors, a child under the age of 10 is considered god, fluff
The child sat on the throne was surrounded by countless acolytes, all completely devoted to them. Right by their side, standing tall and proud, was Eula Lawrence, the god's right hand man (babysitter).
So it was an absolute mystery how you managed to run away.
They were watching you carefully, every movement of yours accounted for- and then you were suddenly gone! It sent the entire place into an uproar, looking for you everywhere. Practically tearing the place apart all to find little you, so tiny you could fit anywhere.
Meanwhile, you were blissfully unaware of the sheer amount of chaos you just left behind as you sat down at the body of water near Mt. Tianheng.
You huffed, grinning out of breath as you plopped down, "Thanks for getting me out of there, Sayu. It was way too stuffy."
The little ninja merely nodded, pulling her hood down more on her face as she sat next to you. She let out a small hum of acknowledgement.
"You were looking really upset back there!" Klee jumped in, still standing, a frown on her face, "I've seen Master Jean look like that before and Lisa got onto her about... something or the other. Either way, it was scary!" The girl - just a little older than you - pat your head reassuringly.
"It's because there were so many stupid adults in there!" Diona (who had insisted on coming along because she was the oldest - aside from Qiqi) declared, her hands on her hips and her tail swinging indignantly from side-to-side.
Qiqi nodded absentmindedly, sitting on the other side of Sayu.
You hummed, "I'm just glad to be out of there, so many people were watching me it was..." You trailed off, a frown tugging down on your lips.
Klee pouted, but all at once lit up, "I know what'll make you feel better!"
You perked up, looking at her expectantly.
She giggled, slinging off her backpack and digging her hand around in it. When she pulled her hand out, in it laid, "Fish blasting!" A bomb.
Your face immediately lit up in a smile, "Yes!"
She held the bomb out to you and you took it with a wide grin, holding the cutely shaped weaponry carefully in your palms.
Klee offered the bomb over to Diona, who took it with a worrying grin. She also offered one to Sayu but she refused. As for Qiqi, Klee knew not to give her anything potentially hot.
"I could use this to make my drinks taste absolutely dreadful!" Diona exclaimed, her tail wagging excitedly and her teeth bared in a worrying grin.
Klee narrowed her eyes, "No! That'll hurt someone! Master Jean told Klee to never put someone in harms way with my bombs!"
Diona deflated, her eyebrows scrunched up in frustration, "But that ash would be perfect for making the drink taste dreadful."
"You could just put straight up ash in there." You pointed out, "I mean, they can't say your drink tastes bad if they've been blown up."
Diona hummed, and then her grin returned, revealing her tiny fangs, "I like the ash idea! And I suppose you're right about the blowing up thing... though we could still blow up some parts of the Dawn Winery-"
"That could still put people in danger!" Klee argued, puffing her cheeks out indignantly.
Diona huffed, "Fine! Fine!"
You giggled and grabbed their arms, "Come on! Stop fighting, let's blow up some fish!"
Klee giggled, running with you and Diona over to the water.
Immediately, as the three of you crouched down around it, your attention was taken up by Diona. Her ears and tail became perfectly still as well as the rest of her body, and her eyes were dilated until they were round circles instead of slits.
You watched as instead of throwing the bomb into the water, as Klee was prepping herself to do, her dominant hand was slightly raising. Slowly, cautiously, until faster than you could register there was a splash in the water and in Diona's hands was a flailing fish.
You screamed excitedly, but you also backed up into Klee a bit, "Woah! It's moving! It's alive!"
"Diona," Klee wined, "You scared off all the- WOAH!" Klee completely shifted gears once she caught sight of the very much alive fish in Diona's palms.
Even Diona seemed surprised, but she grinned proudly, "I don't need any bombs! I'm quite-" Diona fumbled with the fish, trying desperately to keep it in her hands, "Skilled-"
"Quick! Kill it!" Klee exclaimed, a terrifying fervor in her eyes as she stared down the fish like it was her mortal enemy.
"What?" Diona screeched, her tail sticking straight up, "I don't want blood on my hands- agh!" Diona's hands chased after the fish as it flailed out of her hands and into the water. But when she reached out for it, her body ended up leaning forward a bit too much and-
You nor Klee, or even the sleeping ninja, had any time to catch Diona before she fell straight into the water.
The screech she unleashed was so loud and primal you had to cover your ears as Diona clawed her way back out of the water. Instinctively, you backed up because her claws were ready to dig into whatever they caught on to.
When she exited the water, she shook herself off, wetting you and Klee in the process.
"Diona!" Klee approached her worryingly, "Are you okay-"
Diona took her hat from the water, held it up to her face, and screamed bloody murder into it.
Both you and Klee cringed at the noise. When she was finished she indignantly put her hat back on with a huff.
Her glare could kill.
"I'm sorry Diona!" Klee wailed, getting her catalyst out, "I didn't mean for you to get wet here-" She opened up the book and procured a tiny but well lit fire, holding it next to her, "You can use this to warm back up!"
"I'm sorry too!" You exclaimed, "I watched you as you were about to catch the fish and I didn't stop you, I'm sorry!" You stood next to Klee, a deep frown on both of your faces.
Diona's glare softened and she sighed heavily, "It's... It's fine I suppose." Her hands gently held the book, and she visibly relaxed. Her - still wet - tail unwound and rested comfortably compared to how stiff it was. She turned towards the two sleepier members of the group with a frown, some of her intensity returned, "Sayu." She snapped, "You're a ninja, you're fast enough, why didn't you catch me?"
Sayu blinked at Diona and simply pointed to the zombie resting on her shoulder, "She's tired. She was picking herbs all morning apparently."
Diona huffed, "Sure." She shook herself off one more time for good measure, gave the book back to Klee, before plopping next to Sayu and resting her head on her other shoulder, effectively getting her wet.
"Diona..." Sayu whined, curling away from Diona.
Diona merely grinned triumphantly.
Klee grabbed your upper arms with intensity, her eyes ablaze, "Y/n! We need to get revenge on that fish!"
You grinned, "Of course!" And picked your bomb that you had discarded off the ground.
"Diona!" Klee shouted, a bomb in her hands, "We're gonna get revenge on those fish for you!"
Diona blinked in shock before grinning, her once stangant tail wagging happily, "Yeah! Get those fish for me!"
You and Klee gave thumbs up, hopping happily as you searched the water for a decent sized group of fish.
"Here, I'll get these ones, and you get those alright Y/n?" Klee pointed out the groups of fish you'd be slaughtering and you nodded in confirmation, readying your bomb.
"For safety," Klee said, "As soon as you release the bomb into the water, run back towards the others, okay? Just in case." She gave you an assuring grin.
You nodded, "Got it! Ready?"
"Mm-hm! 3..."
You let go of your bombs at the same time, running away towards the other three, giggling as explosions went of behind you.
It must've been a wonderful sight for Qiqi just starting to wake up.
Once you reached them, you both looked back to see the results.
Klee whooped in celebration, "Woo! Let's go! Look at all the fish!" Her eyes were sparkling as she ran back to the water, "Y/n, help me grab them all!"
"Oh, okay!" You giggled, scooping your hands into the water, grabbing all the burnt fish you could.
Klee was giggling excitedly, though with the slight soot on her face and the dead fish in her hands she looked slightly manic.
Though you doubted you looked any different, so you giggled with her.
"Here Diona!" You held out the fish to her, "Here's some fish for you! Do you like fish?"
She did her best to not look enamored by the smell of the cooked fish but failed. Her tail wagging, ears perked, and pupils dilating at the sight.
"Ah, thank you." She grabbed some fish from your palms.
"Here Sayu!" Klee handed some fish to the girl.
She took it and sleepily dug in.
"Hey! Qiqi, you're awake! Do you want some- or- wait-" Klee retracted her hand from giving Qiqi the fish, "You can't eat anything hot. I could get a non-cooked one for you!"
"That'd be raw!" You said, "It'd hurt her... I think? She's a zombie so..."
"Does Qiqi like cold tofu, perhaps?" An older, adult woman's voice spoke from behind you.
You, Diona and Sayu jumped nearly a foot in the air at the familiar voice. Sayu, though, immediately transformed into a barrel, suddenly wide-awake.
"It's fine, no need to be so worried." Yae's scary voice attempted to comfort you, "Especially you, Sayu." You swore you saw the barrel shake, "I saw you sneak their grace away. Don't worry, I allowed it to happen. I merely wanted you all to have fun." She smiled.
Her smile always worried you but this one seemed... slightly more genuine than the others you'd seen on her.
Sayu transformed back into a human, "...so I'm not in trouble?"
"With me, you aren't." The words rolled so well off her tongue you wondered if she had a script for every possible scenario ever, "With the Kamisatos and Yashiro commission? I can't say. However everyone is tearing the place apart looking for their grace so the lot of you best prepare yourselves."
"Oh no..." Klee frowned, looking down at her shoes in shame, "Master Jean is going to be so upset with Klee..."
"It's okay Klee!" You reassured her, "I'll break you out of solitary confinement with the help of Uncle Kaeya! Just like last time!"
"Last time?" Yae raised an eyebrow curiously, and amused smile on her lips.
"Uh-" You panicked, "Please don't tell anyone! Jean will be super duper mad at Klee and Kaeya!"
Yae waved her hands, "I won't, I won't... if..."
You froze. You've seen her pull this trick on people before, "...if?" Your voice trembled.
Yae's grin doubled at seeing how frightened all of you were - save for Qiqi, she didn't really care - "If you give me some of the fish of course! I think it's good payback for allowing you to sneak out and keeping your secrets."
"Deal." You said, handing her the rest of your fish and Klee did the same.
She chuckled, "Oh dears, I don't need this much! Here, you can have some," She handed you and Klee each a fish. "Oh and Qiqi," The girl looked up at the woman, "Would you like the tofu I offered?"
Qiqi nodded quietly, grabbing the tofu handed to her and munching on it, "Do you..." Her dull eyes were set determinedly, "Do you have any cocogoat milk?"
Yae tilted her head curiously, "Cocogoat milk? Hm... I'm afraid not..." At seeing Qiqi deflate she quickly said, "Ah! But I do have some dango milk!" She procured the said milk from seemingly nowhere and handed it to Qiqi, who took it curiously, "Just don't tell Ei. It was meant for her." Yae winked down at you and you nodded seriously.
You were terrified for what she'd do to you if you told Ei.
Although Qiqi did seem to enjoy the dango milk, her eyes lit up and she drank the whole bottle, "Thank you Miss." She said, "I like this..."
"Hey!" Klee grinned excitedly, opening up her catalyst, "Qiqi! Would you mind if I made a note that you like dango milk? That way none of us will forget and you can get some again!"
Qiqi's eyes sparkled up at Klee, "Yes please, thank you Klee!"
Klee's eyes were sparkling like firecrackers on new year's, her smile just as bright, "Of course Qiqi!"
Klee quickly scribbled the note down with a pen she had taken from her bag.
Diona's ear twitched and she turned her head towards the way you had came. Yae's ear also twitched, but it was much less obvious.
"Oh no." Diona stood up, "I think-"
Yae's smile grew wider, "Seems it's my time to go. See you little ones later." She waved before mysteriously disappearing.
"That-!" Diona growled and before any of you could react, there was a group of people that had now spotted you.
"Oh no..." Klee whined, hiding behind you.
Diona's tail went in between her legs and Sayu tugged her hood down, hiding her face in her knees, and Qiqi was still chewing on the tofu she was given.
"We're in so much trouble."
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
love’s a crazy, crazy thing, my peeps
Arthur: "What does the envelope have inside?" shinra: *he looks and blushes a bit* !! um.....oh.... tamaki: *she looks* the envelope just says 'to shinra kusakabe' Letter: "Whenever I see you, my heart dances. I want to be with you. I'm the kind of guy who brings flowers, would treat you like you deserve to be. I hope I'm not out of chances. Some might say that I'm too late. I'm just a boy, asking you to love me." shinra: *sweats* ummmmm..... miwa: whats going in in here? shinra: !!!!!!!! *he eats the letter* tamaki: O_________O shinra holy fuck. Iris: "Um...If you wanted more fiber, I could grow some more vegetables..." -at the 3rd- ryuuko: commander, there's someone here asking to be recruited.... Relan: *weak wave* mikami: ...... d-did your eye get burned too? Giovanni: "...Qualifications? Skills?" ryuuko: ?? *she looks at relan* Relan: *to Mikami* "N-No! My vision is perfect! Um...I think that's a qualification...I'm persistent. I can keep up at tasks...I can reach items on the highest shelf?" Giovanni: "That's not a very good haircut--hides your face--" Relan: "I WILL CUT MY HAIR, SO LONG AS I STILL LOOK ATTRACTIVE!" ryuuko: ..... mikami: Q-Q Giovanni: "...You're a looney, child." ryuuko: commander.... -_-; Relan: Q______Q "But I need this, sir! I want to help someone!" ryuuko: ?? Relan: "I-I want to protect someone! I want to get stronger for them!" ryuuko: ...i think i understand that feeling. *she looks at mikami* Relan: *gets down on his hands and knees* "Please let me join the 3rd!" Giovanni: *wheezes, looks around at the others* officer: do you have any ignition abilities? Relan: "N-No...I can do this--" *pulls out a matchbook, takes a match, strikes it--and it doesn't ignite. Tries again...and again...* officer: sir, its quite alright if you dont have any ignition abilities, hell the battalion commander of the 8th doesnt have any ignition abilities, and he gets by just fine. Relan: Q_Q "You mean...I can join?" Giovanni: "But I intend to work you ragged.. ryuuko: *sweatdrop* Relan: "I won't disappoint you, sir!" Giovanni: "Worst case, I get a new guinea pig." ryuuko: commander! Relan: (nervous laugh) mikami: i-its ok....c-commander giovanni might be scary sometimes, but im sure he's very nice when you get to know him more....*small smile* Relan: "I hope so...I'm Relan." mikami: i-its nice to mee you mr relan. m-my name is Mikami, and this is Ryuuko. Relan: *small wave* ryuuko:....*nod* a pleasure to meet you. the barracks are this way. Relan: (follows) "How long have you been here?" ryuuko: it feels like a year, maybe longer? Relan: "And you, Miss Mikami?" mikami: ryuuko and i joined around the same time. we've actually known each other for a long time, even before joining the brigade. Relan: "That must be nice...I mean, to know someone before joining." ryuuko: *she smiles* do you have a reason for joining the 3rd? Relan: o///o "Um...It seemed like the right thing to do -_-because...to get stronger for someone..." ryuuko: .....ah. Relan: ("Maybe I can be someone worthwhile for him...") "So...What's the first thing I do in training?" ryuuko: for now, i suggest getting moved into the barracks and resting up. tomorrow you'll be placed in where the commander things you will be the most useful, be it in infantry, research department, medical bay... Relan: "Well, I kind of read a bit...Not sure I know as much as you all about brigades and flame beings..." mikami: well....w-we'll try to help you fit in as b-best as we can. Relan: *smiles* "Thanks, Mikami." -at the 8th- shinra:................ Akitaru: "You okay?" shinra: yeah....just thinking... Akitaru: *nods* "Working, school, and everything here is a lot to have on your mind." shinra: yeah.....hey...can i ask kind of a weird question? Akitaru: "Go ahead." shinra: what do you do when someone seems to really like you, like, really _really_ like you, but something about them makes you feel uneasy? Akitaru: "Hmm...Well, if they have said something about really liking me, I'd say I'm not interested, and if they don't take the hint after that, I would avoid them--and if you can't, have someone with you to be safe." shinra: i guess that would make sense.... i mean, he seems pretty sincere and harmless, but given all the stuff that's happened recently, with joker and the hooded people, im a little on edge....besides, im still figuring things out on the inside, if you know what i mean... Akitaru: *smiles, small pat on the shoulder* "Yeah. Take your time to figure it out--there's no rush." shinra:..... -shinra explains the situation- shinra: i feel kind of bad for lying to him like that.... Akitaru: "But he also was giving you a bad vibe...And if he finds out you aren't at the 3rd..." shinra:....*trembling* Akitaru: "Hey..." *rests hand on his shoulder* "You're going to be okay, alright? I'm going to assign someone to chaperone you for a bit." shinra:...*he smiles weakly* Akitaru: "You are incredibly brave, Shinra--thank you for telling me all of this." shinra:....*hug*....y-you wont tell my grandma about this...will you? Akitaru: *hugs* "No, I won't. I promise." shinra:....thanks..... *he stays in the hug until he finally drifted off to sleep* Akitaru: *picks him up and puts him in his bed* -morning- Akitaru: *making breakfast* nozomi: *helping out* nayumi: *also helping out* sayu: morning everyone! tamaki: morniiing. Iris: *waves, as she sets plates* "Everyone sleep okay?' shinra:....yeah. misora: mmhmm~! Arthur: *yawn, tries to find a chair* "So much more crowded here now..." maki: it feels a lot less lonely now. *she smiles* Takehisa: *finishing a grocery list* "Indeed..." -at school- Izuku: "Hi, Shinra! How are you?" shinra: doing good. you? Izuku: *rotates his shoulder* "Alright. Just recovered from another small injury." shinra: ah. -in class- Stein: "You'll be doing group work in class today. Please open your books and finish the assignments on page 124." stocking: *turns the page* -seems a few new faces have joined this class- Kid: *looks at some new students* "Hmm..." -one of the new students was a girl with her hair in a side pony-tail- Kid: *twitch* ("Asymmetry...") girl: ...*taking notes* Kid: "What is with her hair? I mean, who is she?" liz: *shrug* i think i've seen her around a few times... i think she's in class 1-B in the hero program? Kid: "A hero who cannot achieve perfect balance? She has a long way to go..." liz: ..... *sighs* (thinking: so do you, apparently....) Stein: "Okay, time for your next assignment: you will be working in teams of two to give a class presentation--" Bakugo: "Arg...Great. Getting stuck having to drag someone else's sorry ass through an assignment." Stein: *glare* liz: ...... Stein: "I've written assignments onto slips of paper, two slips per assignment. Come down, grab a slip, once everyone has theirs, you'll know who is your partner." *holds up a jar...in the shape of a Lord Death skull* -after everyone gets their paper- stocking:.......... O_O .....you are kidding me..... liz:....huh..... momo: seems we'll be working on the assignment together, tokoyami. mina: *peeeks* ooooh! ochako you're working with todoroki it looks like! ojiro: ashido... ^-^; its not exactly polite to blurt that sort of thing out... Ochako: *waves at Shouto* Tokoyami: *stares at Momo* "Yes." Bakugo: "Who the hell is Itsuka?" ‘side tail’: um, that would be me. Itsuka Kendou, from class 1-B. nice to meet you. *she smiles and holds out a hand* Bakugo: *just staring at her hand, then at her...slaps her palm with his, like a clap* itsuka: .... ^^; well, lets try to work hard together, ok? Monoma: *stink eye at Bakugo talking with Itsuka* "Why did the teacher pair those two together?" student: beats me, man. Izuku: "Actually, we all picked numbers, Monoma, so really it was just by chance--" Monoma: *stink eye at Izuku* "My question was rhetorical!" tsuyu: yikes. liz: sheesh, whats eating him? Patty: *opens her mouth* Kid: *slaps hand over her mouth* "Don't." -at lunch- Bakugo: *struggling to find an open seat in the cafeteria* "Damn this crowd...Can't find any place to sit!" eijiro: oi! katsuki! *waving* Bakugo: "Oh, Kirishima?" *sits across from him* "Hey." eijiro: heard you got paired up with itsuka kendou on a project. Bakugo: "Yeah. This is so stupid. I'm probably going to have to do all the work." denki: or maybe not, from what i've heard, she's pretty hardworking. she's kind of like the 'big sis' of class 1-B. Bakugo: "Class 1B? That's hardly impressive--those students barley register." denki: .....!!! *alarmed at someone watching them* Bakugo: "What's with you?" denki: owo *sweats* so did you heard about what happened to that guy kishiri in the movie theater? pretty hilarious stuff right there! Monoma: *STARE* Bakugo: "No, what happened to that jerk?" Monoma: *creeping closer behind Bakugo, who doesn't notice, while Denki can see him* denki: apparently he sat right on his soda, and it looked like he peed himself! Bakugo: *small laugh* "Moron. And he wonders why people think he's--" *LOUD BREATHING* Bakugo: "???" denki: *sweats and short circuts, fainting* awawawawawawawawaaaaaaa Bakugo: "...What the hell got into him?" Monoma: *is now over Bakugo's shoulder, breathing* Bakugo: -_-; eijiro: um....hi? Monoma: "So, these are the oh-so-powerful Class 1A?" *looks at Denki* "...So impressive." denki: *frothing at the mouth* Bakugo: "...This loser is not representative of the entire class. Who the fuck are you?" Monoma: "Neito Monoma is who the fuck I am!" Bakugo: *glare* Monoma: *glare* *GLARES INTENSIFY* eijiro: *takes denki to the nurse* ???: what is going on here? Bakugo and Monoma: "This jerk is looking at me mean!" itsuka: *CHOPs monoma* honestly neito, i expected better from you. *she smiles at katsuki* sorry about him. Bakugo: "??? Um, yeah, sure. Thanks?" Monoma: T_T itsuka: since we'll be working together, did you want to hang out after school? Bakugo: "You mean, to start work on the project?" itsuka: yeah. *she smiles* Bakugo: *shrugs* "Might as well: sooner it's done, the better. See you at the front of the school?" Monoma: Q_Q itsuka: sounds good ^^ Bakugo: "Alright. See you then." shinra: dude, what the heck was that? Bakugo: "???" sayu: *pokes monoma* you ok mr? Monoma: "Oh, sure, I'm so good." *crosses his arms, pouts* shinra: you dont sound it... Monoma: *glares at Shinra* "I said I'm fine! I am in tune with my emotions and know that I am okay!" shinra: *nervous smile and backs off* *Someone bumps into Shinra as he backs away* shinra: ACK! sorry! tamaki:....half my tots are on the floor now.... Iris: "Oh, no..." *backs away from Tamaki* tamaki:......*broken smile at shinra* shinra:....oh no...... -15 seconds later- shinra: *slam dunked into the trashcan* Izuku: D: shinra: tamaki whyyyyy...... Izuku: "Do you think you should file a complaint about her?" *helps him out of the trash* -elsewhere- Hibana: *sighs contently* -after school- Bakugo: *looking around* "The heck is she?" itsuka: hey katsuki. *she smiles* Bakugo: "Oh, hey. So, where we going to prep for this assignment?" itsuka: maybe we could go to the library? seems as good a place as any? Bakugo: "Makes sense. The school library or another one?" -from behind one of the skull front's 'teeth'- Monoma: *"V" frowning at them* "Stupid hotheaded jerk...I can't let him work with Itsuka!" kirika:....the fuck is _his_ problem? Gopher: "I agree. He seems really uptight and creepy." kirika: oi, blondie, what the fuck is your deal, staring at people like a goddamn weirdo? kotone:.................. Monoma: o_O "Shhh! I'm trying to be covert and not draw attention to myself!" Bakugo: *far away, hears it* *sweatdrop* kirika: yeah, i admit, bakugo has a serious stick up his fucking ass, whats your excuse? Monoma: "1B students should not associate with such irresponsible 1A students! They are corrupting, dangerous, leave destruction everywhere--" kirika: dude....are you fucking crying right now? Monoma: Q_Q "...No?" kirika: really? the wetness on your face says otherwise.....(thinking: that was a weird thing to say -_-; ) kotone:......*cowering behind gopher* Gopher: *patting Kotone* "It's okay, don't worry...Just stay behind me if that helps..." Monoma: "I AM JUST FEELING A LOT OF THINGS!" *starts running away...in plain view of Itsuka and Bakugo* Bakugo: "...Is he your boyfriend or something?" itsuka: _ex_boyfriend, yeah. dont get me wrong, we're still on good terms.....but i think he may have taken it a little too hard.... Bakugo: "Ah...Well, thanks for that info. Makes it easier knowing what the hell is going on. Come on, let's get going." itsuka: right. *she smiles and walks with him* Bakugo: "So, what do you know about this thing? I just know it was important but not really who it affected." -elsewhere- Kid: *looking down the street* "Hmm..." stocking: hmmm? what is it kiddo? *she is drinking her slushie* Kid: "Is that...Wes?" stocking: wes and liz? Wes: *laughing lightly* "That was embarrassing." liz: you think _that_ was bad, let me tell you this one where kid- Kid: " 'Where Kid' what?" liz: gah! k-kid! stocking! hi! Wes: *comparatively calmer* "What's up?" Kid: *looks askance at Stocking...smirks* stocking: i got a slushie. *siiiiips* you? Wes: "Liz and I wanted to check out a few shops around town." *smiles at her* stocking: mind if we join you two? Wes: "I don't. Liz?" liz: sounds great! Kid: *smirking* "So, Wes, has Liz told you about the time--" liz: *covers his mouth* ahahahaha! he's such a kidder...get it? Wes: "Ha ha!" Kid: -_- *muffled muttering* -elsewhere- Relan: *shivering* "Um...Wh-What exactly is this assignment going to accomplish?" soldier: hey, stock and supply isnt that bad a job. Relan: "I-I know! I just wanted to double-check on directions...So, inventory everything here?" soldier: pretty much..... Relan: "Hmm...Commander Giovanni keeps a lot of medical supplies." soldier: yeah... Relan: *spots something* "Awwwww, look at the cute little rat!" soldier: yeek! Relan: "Hey, little guy. How are you?" rat: squeek! Relan: *holds out open palm* rat:....*climbs up into his hand* ?? Relan: *lifts hand closer* "You look kind of small. You hungry?" rat: ^o^ soldier: *cringe* Relan: "Great! Let's go to the commissary and--" Giovanni: "Oh, good--" *snatches Rat out of Relan's hands* "A new lab rat." Relan: "Wh-What?! No! Sir, please don't do that!" soldier: um...c-commander? Giovanni: "Yes, Soldier?" soldier: ..... Relan: *looks pleading at the Soldier* soldier: m-maybe leave the little guy go this time? Giovanni: "..." *looks at Relan* Relan: *tears streaming down his cheeks* Giovanni: "Hmph. Good thing this place is so filthy. *releases the rat into Relan's hands* Relan: "Th-Thank you, sir! I won't disappoint you! He'll not trouble anyone--" soldier:....*weak smile at relan* Relan: *smiles at the Soldier* "Thank you! This means a lot to--" Giovanni: "Now run 100 laps around the building." Relan: D: soldier: *siiigh* yes sir. -and so- shinra: *walking home with sayu. they got groceries* sayu: *singing a marching song about heroes* *Huffing and puffing can be heard* sayu: hmm? *she looks* shinra: hmm? what is it sayu? Relan: *weakly jogging at a slow pace, shambling back and forth from exhaustion, unbalanced* shinra: !!! *nearly falls over* sayu: !!!! *runs in to help him* shinra: s-sayu!! Relan: *continues jogging--then spots Sayu and--* "Gah!" *trips* shinra: *sighs and goes over* you alright there? Relan: "F-Fine!" *awkwardly trying not to touch Shinra, tries to smile--and with sweat, his panting, and his nervousness, his smile looks creepy* -As in, he's trying not to touch Shinra's arms for support- shinra: *nervous smile* um..... Relan: *nervous smile* sayu: *tries to help him up* Relan: *sees Sayu, stops smiling but still polite* "Th-Thank you...Um...Hi?" sayu: all in a hero's work. *beaming smile* shinra: so, i see you got recruited into the 3rd. Relan: (" 'Hero'?") "Y-Yeah! I-I've wanted to be in the 3rd for the longest time--since forever!" *nervous laugh* shinra:...you ok? *he takes a bottled water out of the bag* you look thirsty. *he hands it to him* Relan: "Oh...Um, t-thanks..." *sips on bottle* ("Ah, that is so refreshing to drink out of his water bottle that he PREVIOUSLY DRANK OUT OF--") *holds water in his mouth, not swallowing, cheeks puffed* shinra: um....you ok, dude? Relan: ("Do I swallow? I took in too much water! I can't hold--!") *Relan spits in Shinra's face* shinra: >-< *hes soaked* ah! sayu: O-O; Relan: "I am so sorry! I-I don't usually do that! I mean, I drank too much all at once--a-and I was so scared I was going to choke after that running and I don't want to choke and I should swallow but I couldn't--because this workout it-it-it all ti-tired m-me..." *his knees are wobbling and starting to give out under him* shinra: h-hey easy there! *catches him* you shouldnt overwork yourself man... Relan: "..." *starts sobbing* shinra: h-hey, whats wrong? Relan: "This is harder than I thought! People are actually talking to me, no one is crazy here--I mean, the Commander is weird but not awful! Then I feel exhausted, and I just--I don't want to go back yet! And it's all sad and scary and I'm going to screw this up and embarrass you--" shinra: h-hey, i-its ok. *awkward back pat* Relan: *trying to breathe, moaning* "I'm sorry. I know this isn't a big deal...but it is to me." shinra:.....its ok man, im not mad at you or anything... *smile* Relan: *nods* "I-I will get better...for you." shinra: .///. y..yeah... Relan: *sniffs, smiles...he has large amount of snot dripping out of his nose* shinra: *gives him a tissue packet* here. Relan: o_o *takes the tissues* "I will treasure this forever." shinra:......w-we should head back now, see ya later i guess? Relan: "Y-Yeah! Sure!" *creepy nervous smile* -later- shinra: and thats basically what happened.... Akitaru: "Are you okay?" shinra: yeah, he didnt attack me or anything. maki: *paying full attention* nozomi: ....oh goodness.... tamaki: dawwww how cute. Akitaru: "But now he just happens to have joined the 3rd...I can understand wanting to impress someone, but...I would be cautious." Arthur: *staring at Maki and Tamaki with a "WTF?" look* shinra: yeah....have been. Akitaru: "Want me to talk with Giovanni?" shinra: i-i guess that would be ok... Akitaru: "Okay. Do you want to come with me?" shinra: no no, its fine... tamaki can go! tamaki: D : < Akitaru: "Great! Tamaki can learn a lot from this meeting, too!" tamaki: *death glare at shinra* nozomi: i'll go with her. Akitaru: "Even better!" shinra:...um...iris? y-you arent mad, are you? 7////7; Iris: -_- "I'm fine. Why do you ask?" shinra: *nervous smile* .....heeelp? miwa: not sure if i can help you with this one, sorry. Iris: *stands up abruptly* "I would like to be by myself for a while." *stomps her feet out of the room* "Stupid..." shinra: ............. q-q Akitaru: *sympathetic shoulder pat* Takehisa: "Could be worse. You could always die alone, lonely, elderly, surrounded by only cats..." shinra: Q_______Q Akitaru: "Not. Helping." maki: commander hinawa! *tiny chop* thats not nice! Takehisa: "Ow!" *rubs his head* nayumi: i'll go talk to her. *follows* Iris: *curled up atop her bed, frowning* nayumi: *knocks on the door* hey, you ok? Iris: "..." *cries* nayumi:....*hug* h-hey, its ok.... Iris: *hug* "I'm confused, too..." nayumi:....do you want to talk to someone? when i feel lost, i always call my family...it helps i think... Iris: "...I don't know...My 'family'...?" -and so- Hibana: *standing in the 8th, an aura of dark energy circling her* "Hello, Shinra~" shinra: OwO;;;;;;;;; Hibana: "You mind explaining why Iris is upset?" shinra: um....c-commandeeeer? Akitaru: o____o *tries to run away* Hibana: *clutches him by the neck* "No, you don't. I've been working out~" *drags him back into the room* miwa: ...... *watching* shinra: *sneaking away* gabriella: *suplexes him back into the room* Hibana: "HOLD IT THERE, SHINRA! We have to talk about Iris's feelings..." shinra: X-X oooowwww... Hibana: "Good work." *pats Gabriella's face* shinra: QwQ (thinking: girls are scary girls are scary girls are scary girls are scary....) Hibana: "Now, Shinra, _why is my Iris upset with you_? Let's hear your side..." *seizes him by the chin* shinra: *gulps* -he explains the situation- shinra: i never meant to upset iris, im still confused about all this too! Hibana: "...Oh, dear..." *pats Shinra's shoulder* "I'm sorry." shinra: q-q Iris: *around the corner, eavesdropping* Hibana: "...You're young. And this is your decision--that you get to take all the time you want. You don't even have to date anyone. This is your life and no one else's. But be honest, even if that is to say 'I don't know.'" shinra:....i really dont.... Iris: "..." *covers her face* Hibana: "Then that's all you do know right now. Be patient with yourself, and don't take crap off of others. I'm sorry for being so abrupt when I got here...but I do think you have to be honest with Iris and this boy that you don't know right now." shinra: ......*he nods* Hibana: *hugs him* "You'll be okay." shinra:....i should say something to iris- Hibana: *lets go* "Go on..." Iris: "!!!" *tries to run back to her room--and trips* "Ow!" shinra: ah!! iris! are you ok? Iris: *still on the floor, stumbling in her habit* "F-Fine!" *tries to smile* shinra: d....did you hear any of that? Iris: "..." *nods* shinra:.....you arent still mad at me....are you? Iris: "..." *shakes her head* "I was never mad with you. I was mad with this situation...and myself." shinra:.....*hug* Iris: o\\\\\o shinra: im sorry....about all of this. Iris: *hugs back* "I am too. I didn't think how....much of a struggle this can be for you." shinra:.....*tiny blush* Iris: "I want what everyone here wants: for you to be happy." shinra:....*small smile* thanks...i want you all to be happy too.... Iris: *wipes a tear* "Yeah...Thank you." -elsewhere- Relan: *feeding the pet rat* "How's the cheese?" rat: ^o^ mikami: have you given them a name yet? Relan: "I don't know...I was thinking..." *blushes* "Um..." Relan: " 'Shinra Jr'?" *awkward smile* mikami: eh? ryuuko: why would he be named after kusakabe? Relan: "J-Just kidding! Just a joke after Shinra helped me earlier today." *forced laugh* "Um...How about 'Salamandastron'? It means 'Mountain of the Fire Lizard.' Kind of fiery, right?" mikami: how about 'Buttons'? Relan: "Why 'Buttons'? I mean, that's cute..." ryuuko: i agree, it's adorable. Relan: "..." *holds the rat in his hands* " 'Buttons.' Does that name work for you?" buttons: ^w^ Relan: *smiles, puts him on his shoulder* "Okay, Buttons it is!" mikami: *she smiles* im sure we can find a cage for him to live in... Relan: *nods* "That would help. Thanks!" -elsewhere- Hibana: *walking away from the 8th and back home, tugging some of her hair lightly* "Can I tell you something, Gabriella?" gabriella: what is it? Hibana: "When you suplexed Shinra..." gabriella: s-should i not have done that? Hibana: "...I think we were both a bit rough on him, and that's my fault. I think we should apologize to him...but that wasn't the only thing I wanted to say..." gabriella: oh? o///o Hibana: *blushing, tugging her hair still* "...I didn't realize you were that strong." gabriella: well.... i-i have been practicing. Hibana: "It paid off...You're so amazing. Do you...want to spar some time?" gabriella: i-i suppose if its ok with you, i could fit it in... Hibana: *nods* "I would like that, thank you." *puts a hand along her other shoulder, patting it as they walk...* -elsewhere- Wes: *laughs* "You weren't too embarrassed about running into Kid and Stocking earlier, are you?" liz: no, we got to learn some interesting stories though... Wes: "Yeah...I didn't realize Kid's dad kind of acted like my mom did about family photographs." liz: yep, thats lord death for you... Wes: "..." *holds her hand, rubs lightly* liz: *she smiles and kisses his cheek* Wes: *smiles* "I'm happy to be in your life...and to have you in mine." liz: *she smiles* -elsewhere- tsubaki: *walking home with groceries* Black Star: "What you thinking for dinner?" tsubaki: how about we have gyoza for dinner? Black Star: "Nice! Can't wait to get back--" tsubaki: ?? *she notices a street performer* Black Star: "Huh? What the heck kind of a performance is that?" tsubaki: looks like a street magician...*she takes some spare change and puts it in the bin* belkia: why thank you for your kind service, madam~! ^o^ Black Star: *looking around Belkia* "So...What's the trick? How did you just do that thing?" -after the performance- belkia: i'll be here all week! till then my pretties! hoho! tsubaki: that was amazing. well, we should head home now too... Black Star: *frowning at Belkia* "Do they remind you of Stocking's dad a bit?" tsubaki: oh? hmmm, i guess the hat was similar... Black Star: "Yeah, that's what I was thinking...Still want to know how he did those tricks. Maybe he has a dimensional portal in his pants or something." tsubaki: ^^; yeah...come on black*star... Black Star: *follows, still eyeing Belkia as he departs...* belkia: *waves* ^^ Black Star: "Tch...Tsubaki, you into those kinds of magic tricks?" belkia: ......!!! (thinking: oh....ohohohohoho! what a development this is! and such tremendous power i sense from her.... this town just got a whoooole lot more interestiiing~!) -elsewhere- Emine: "This is embarrassing...I swear, I will kill all of you." mana: we're home! chie: welcome back. *keeping a safe distance from emine* Emine: *stuck in a t-shirt that says 'If lost, return to Shotaro'* "...I don't recognize half of you, but I hate you all already." Yohei: "...Um...What the fuck?" mono: who's _this_ weirdo? nea: nice place you got here...its no penthouse, but its nice... Shinoda: "Where is your kitchen?" Emine: *glares at Mono* "Shotaro, why is that small person wearing asymmetrical attire? It's rather unnerving..." akaderu: *points in the direction* mana: that's just mono. dont mind her too much.... Shinoda: *studying Akaderu* "...I like your attire. Red suits you." akaderu: so i've been told. Emine: "I mind her especially. Her look displeases me. Make her change her clothes." Shinoda: "...Do you have apples here?" saki: yeah, i just bought some recently. akaderu: you got the red ones too, didnt you? Shinoda: *shiny eyes* "Lead the way~" nea: *death glare at shinoda* Shinoda: *glances at Nea* "...What? I love apples." nea: 7-7;; somethings miss- -LOUD KNOCKING- Shotaro: "???" lin:.....emiiiiineeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! *CRASH* EMINE! *HUG* thank god you're alright! i was so worried sick about you! have you done your bad deed today? Emine: o\\\\\\\O "Um...No?" mono:....oh dont do it. -footage not found- Shotaro: o\\\\\\o mono: WHAT THE HELL?!?!?! >//////< chie: *covering yohei's eyes, jawdropped* Yohei: *removes his jacket, handing it to Mono* Emine: "There. Bad deed completed." mono: *covers* I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!! D : < Emine: *to Lin* "Satisfied?" lin: o-o; Shotaro: "..." *slight nosebleed* setsuna: .... mana:..... -CHOP- Shotaro: "Ow!" mana: =_=# Emine: "I simply thought her outfit was tacky, so I made improvements where I--" -BWAP- mana: T-T# Emine and Shotaro: *on the floor, bleeding* nea:....SHINODA! D8< Shinoda: "What?! What did I do?!" mono: YOU PERVERTS ARE THE 3RD WORST KIND OF PEOPLE EVER! IM GOING TO MY ROOM! -door slam- setsuna:...that was rather eventful... Yohei: *eyes still covered* "Not the best first impression, Emine." -elsewhere- Kid: *taking off his shirt, which is covered in sweat* "One of the worst parts of a workout: the sweat." stocking: want to join me in the shower? Kid: *nods, as he removes his belt* "I would." -later- Kid: *purrs* stocking: ahhhh.....*nuzzles against him* that was so good.... Kid: *nods* "I think we both needed that..." *kisses her softly* "Only now we're all sweaty again~" -morning- Kid: *whispers in her ear* "This is your wake-up call..." stocking: mmmmn....morning~ Kid: *kisses behind her ear* "Morning." stocking: *nuzzles* Kid: "Sleep well?" stocking: yeah...you? Kid: "Very..." *kisses her cheek* "You were in my dreams." stocking: as were you....*she smiles* -elsewhere- girl: *she wakes up startled....trembling* justin: miss? are you alright? girl:.....*she grabs his arm tightly* justin:......*small comforting half-hug* its alright... girl:...b-bloody man.....shadows..... justin:..... -at the school- Izuku: *looking around* -in class- Kid: "Seems more and more new students are arriving.' liz: yeah... Patty: "And they still won't let me touch their hair." *pouts* liz:....*sweatdrop* Kid: -_-; "Most people don't. Just make the students feel welcomed." liz: alright. Patty: *grumbles* "Fine...What is our class today, anyway?" -elsewhere- Medusa: *feeling her baby's forehead* "You don't seem to have a fever. But you do seem a little sick." neian: *whimpering* Medusa: *holds her* "It's okay..." *bounces her a bit* "I'm here." neian: mumu… Medusa: *smiles* "How about a bath?" neian:...muu! Medusa: "Okay. Mom is here for you, child." -elsewhere- Yohei: "So, how are our 'guests' adjusting?" mana: decently.... its amazing how many spare rooms this place has... Yohei: "True. Any more disagreements brewing?" mana: not too many, thankfully... chie:....*hugging yohei* =/////= Yohei: "???" *returns the hug* "You okay?" chie: i luuuuv yoooou~<3 Yohei: *chuckles* "I love you, too." *kisses her cheek* chie: ^w^~<3 -elsewhere- Benimaru: "Zzz..." fang-hua: *looks at tsukiyo* how are the twins? Tsukiyo: -_-; "Obnoxiously adorable." fang-hua: yeah, they kind of remind me of my brothers back home... *she smiles* Tsukiyo: "They remind me of diabetes..." *munches on a piece of carrot cake* "Why do we need them here? Isn't my cuteness enough?" fang-hua: i think they might be the commander's siblings, but im not sure... Tsukiyo: "Hmph." *pouts* "Wish the Commander gave me as much attention as he does those ankle-biters." Benimaru: *behind Fang-Hua and Tsukiyo, looking ghastly from lack of sleep* "You keep waking me up like this, and I'll give you all the attention you ever wanted..." fang-hua: EEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!! Tsukiyo: Q_Q "Um...What kind of attention did you have in mind--" Benimaru: "Clean the gutters." fang-hua: *sweatdrop* right away sir.... (thinking: scary...) Tsukiyo: "Tch. The only gutter I want to clean is the one in the Commander's pa--" -FANG-HUA CHOP- fang-hua: the only gutter _you_ need to clean is the one your mind is stuck in... Tsukiyo: Q____Q Benimaru: *sighs, sits back down, tries to go back to sleep* -elsewhere- Kid: *at cafeteria, reviewing some notes* homura: *also reviewing notes* Kid: *points to one image* "This one likely should be in our presentation." homura: *she looks at the picture of a group of people* *she nods* yes. Kid: "Imagine what these people went through..." *looking at persons in the photo* "Hmm...Does that person look familiar to you?" homura: *she looks closely* hmmm.... Kid: "He kind of looks like...Stein?" homura: *squints* somewhat, yes... Kid: *taps his library book* "The list of physicians involved in this experiment...Only a few of them went onto additional research. The rest..." *looks serious* homura: ....*she looks too* Kid: "Many died within the five years after the experiment...and at comparatively young ages, too." homura:.......*solemn*.... *she reads the names of the surviving persons* Kid: "Hmm...This one physician went on to work with the DWMA Western Europe branch." homura: *she reads the name* Kid: "!!! 'Stein'?" homura: hmm, that would explain things i suppose... homura:... 'Dr Walter Hermann Stein.' Kid: "It's uncanny...Why would he assign us this history lesson when he has family involved?" homura: then again, this is _stein_ we're discussing. Kid: "Head games are his hobby..." *opens another book* "Still, these survivors...Hmm...I wonder what else we can learn about them. And why so many died..." -elsewhere- Assistant: *looking at Clone!Justin* "Well, you're looking well, handsome~" luka: dont do that. (thinking: its enough of a pain that that cult comes in here and talks to him, its going to affect his mental growth...if he ends up being like them, im blaming noriko for this.) Assistant: "What? I'm just boosting his self-confidence." luka: TnT; *sighs* assistant 2: ah! he's beginning to wake up! Assistant #1: "???" assistant 2: rise and shine, priesty Clone!Justin: "Hmm...W-What? Where--?" luka: i see you're woken up now. noriko: *pokes her head into the room* Clone!Justin: "Where am I?" -luka explains whats going on- Clone!Justin: "...I'm...a clone?" luka: now, i know this is a lot to take in- Assistant #1: "Real confused, real cute~" assistant 2: lisa! not now you slu- Lisa: " 'Slut'?! Who was the one trying to get into spinny-boy's pants?" Clone!Justin: "I just need some qui--" assistant 2: that pink haired git who died probably, and i wanted nothing to do with that guy! he was waaay too creepy for me thanks. luka: *backing out of the room* Clone!Justin: "M-My ears are hurting. I can't handle this much sound. Please, just--" Lisa: "Then why were you sucking his dick in the hallway?" assistant 2: i never did that! just cause i prefer guys doesnt mean im going to suck the dick of every guy i f*cking meet! Lisa: "Slut! Skank! Bitch! Fa--" Clone!Justin: "ENOUGH NOISE!" *Blades explode out of Justin, beheading Lisa and Assistant #2* Clone!Justin: "..." Q_____Q "Oh my God! I just killed people!" luka: god....DAMMIT! its going to take ages to clean this mess... Clone!Justin: *sobbing* "I didn't mean to!" luka:....fucking... noriko:...its alright...you must be confused.. Clone!Justin: "DON'T TOUCH ME! I don't want to kill again--" noriko: i can help you...i can lead you down the path to true salvation... Clone!Justin: "...'Salvation'? What is that?" noriko: i can show you...*smiles* salvation through madness... -elsewhere- Hibana: *in workout attire, bouncing in place* "Okay--I'm psyched, I'm ready for this. Let's see what you got, Gabriella." gabriella: *streeeetch* ok... ready! *taking stance* Hibana: "Remember: don't hold back, got it?" *doing a little shadow boxing before approaching* gabriella:...!! *dodge and grabs the arm* Hibana: "!!!" *not enough time for her to dig down her heels...* gabriella: are you ok? Hibana: "Very--" *swings leg under Gabriella and flips her over* gabriella: ack! oof! *grabs at her legs* Hibana: "!!!" ("Crap! She's got my legs in a vice grip!") gabriella: *not letting go* Hibana: *looses balance, stumbles onto her back* "Omph!" gabriella: princess! are you ok?! Hibana: *growls and shouts as she tackles Gabriella, pinning her shoulders down* gabriella: ah! .... O//////O Hibana: *holds her down, panting...calming down...blushes lightly* gabriella: .///////. Hibana: "..." *leans her face closer to Gabriella's...* gabriella: O////////////////////O Hibana: *closes her eyes...brings her lips to Gabriella's, lightly* gabriella: *blush*.... mmmmmm.... >//////////////////////////////////////< Hibana: *wraps her arms behind Gabriella, lying beside her and kisses, her tongue licking lightly along her lips* gabriella: p...princess.... i-if you wanted to do this...s-shouldnt we do this someplace more private? .//////. Hibana: "No..." *pulls off her sports bra, revealing her breasts* "This is private enough." gabriella: ............. *NOSEBLEEDS* awawawawawawawawa @-@ Hibana: "I've waited so long...Gabriella..." gabriella:.... *blushing and tearing up* Hibana: *wipes away tears lightly with her thumb* "What's wrong?" *holds her close* gabriella: i...i dont deserve this.... you...you're so amazing hibana....and im just a low class nobody........im nowhere near your league...even then....i love you so much...how can a useless, good for nothing bitch like me ever deserve you? *crying* Hibana: "Don't say that." *nuzzles* "You are not low-class...You are one of the most incredible people I have met: patient, kind...and you are so strong, and you kick so much ass. You are not useless...Gabriella...I love you, too." gabriella: *blushing* h-...hibana.... *hugs her and cries* Hibana: *strokes her back, kisses her forehead* "Let it out..." Hibana: *hugs her* gabriella:....*she starts to calm down* im...not sure if im ready for sex yet.... Hibana: *small pout* "Are you sure?" *presses her breasts together* (sounding half-jokingly) "I'll be ready whenever you are~" gabriella: *gulp* i-it will be worth the wait.... *still flustered* Hibana: *sighs, sits up and stretches* "I suppose so...But now that I'm all hot and bothered, I guess thoughts of what I'm going to do to you will have to be enough~" Hibana: "After that workout, I'm going to need a shower...and something else..." gabriella: r-ri-rai-right away! Hibana: *smirks* "That 'something else' is something I'll have to handle personally..." *holds up her hand* "Unless you have changed your mind about sex?" gabriella: o////////o ....i-i could do oral at the earliest...i guess..... Hibana: *smirks, lies down* "You sure?" gabriella: *gulps* a-a-a-are you? *close to fainting* Hibana: -\\\\\\- "Very sure..." gabriella: *GULP* THANKYOUFORTHEMEAL! *she goes right to business* Hibana: *slipping out of her shorts and panties, giggling* "S-So enthusiastic! Ah!" -a few minutes later- Hibana: "A-a-a-ah!!!" *squirts* "Oh, my Goddess, wow!" gabriella: *blushing* ahhhh.. w-was i too rough? i've never d-done this before...n-not with another woman at least.... Hibana: *blushing hard* "I like it rough..." *leans down...licks her face* gabriella: >//////< -elsewhere- Arthur: "..." shinra: whats up? Arthur: "Thinking...about Tamaki." shinra: and? Arthur: "...I love her." shinra: .....i knew it. Arthur: *nods* "I just...I don't think she loves me." shinra: why do you think that? Arthur: "Because of 'shiny laser navel' douchebag." shinra: of course it is. Arthur: "??? What do you mean?" shinra: you complain about him in your journal all the time............n-not like i've _read_ it or anything! d-dummy... Arthur: ): "I'm just going to ignore that for now...and ask what I'm supposed to do. I can't make Tamaki like me...and I want her to be happy." shinra: i honestly dont know what to tell you. girls are very complicated....and terrifyingly dangerous if you aggravate them... Arthur: "No kidding...You know, sometimes I wish I had what you have with Tamaki. Both of you seem to know what you want out of the other, and it's easier for you..." shinra: ........ *imagining tamaki-zilla*......*shudders* yeeeeaaaahhh...... Arthur: *sighs* "It's been so awkward...I wish none of this had happened and things could just get back to normal..." *looks at Shinra* "I guess you have that same feeling too, huh?" shinra: ........ (thinking: sho.....) Arthur: "...Sorry. I guess I'm bringing us both down. Maybe we need to do something to get our minds off of things." shinra: .......ippudo ramen? Arthur: *nods* "Sounds good." -and so- Arthur: *claps hands* "Thank you for the meal." shinra: its getting pretty late now... Arthur: *nods* "Best be careful getting home, then..." shinra: yeah.... Arthur: *exits with Shinra, looking around the night sky* shinra:...... Izuku: "Hey, guys!" shinra: hey izuku. *waves* Arthur: "Hello. So, you're out late." Izuku: *his arm is in a cast* "I had a little accident in training today..." shinra: well try to be careful, i heard there's been vampire attacks late at night, recently... Izuku: *laughs* "Vampires...That's a good one..." *sees Shinra's face* "...You're not joking, are you?" shinra:....*shrug* im just saying what i heard around school... Izuku: "...You know, maybe I should follow you guys for a bit!" *nervous laugh* shinra: sure. i think your house isnt far from here, right? Izuku: *nods* "Y-Yeah..." -later- Izuku: "Well, this is my stop." shinra: ok. see you in school tomorrow then. Izuku: "G-Good night..." *looks around* Arthur: "..." *pulls out a sword...from his pants, hands it to Izuku* "Here. It's dangerous to go alone." Izuku: o_____o shinra: i dont think that will do him any good -_-; Arthur: "What do you mean? A sword is always valuable." Izuku: "I-I'm not really that good with weapons..." shinra: dont mind arthur, he might seem like an idiot... *whispers* because he is an idiot Izuku: *snort* "Ha! Um...Thanks for the sword? I'll return it at school tomorrow." Arthur: *nods* "Sleep well, squire." -later, elsewhere- Kid: *yawns* "So much reading..." stocking: yeah...*nuzzling* my back still feels stiff... Kid: "Work out?" stocking: i was thinking a massage~<3 Kid: *smiles* "Alright..." *takes her hand to guide her to bed* stocking: *strips down to her undergarments and lays face down* Kid: *puts lotion along his hands, starts with light massage with his fingertips along her lower back* stocking: mmmmm.... Kid: "So tense here..." *massages a little deeper* "You must have had quite a day." stocking: *blush* yeah....especially given my project partner....*sigh* Kid: "They're being that difficult, huh?" stocking: you could say that.... Kid: "Let's try to get you through that difficulty..." *massages along her hips, as he leans down and kisses the back of her neck* stocking: mmmmm.... Kid: *continues massaging along her hips...letting his fingers drag inside the straps of her panties* stocking: ahhh~! Kid: *slides the panties down just a bit, as he massages her lower back* "Sing for me..." stocking: mmmmmmn~<3 Kid: *smiles* "Lovely..." *massages along her shoulders before unhooking her bra* -later- stocking: *asleep* Kid: *smiles at her, holding her close as he drifts asleep* -a few days later- Ochako: *squeeing* "So exciting!" tsuyu: so many new faces... Ochako: *looking around* "But I don't see her..." -amongst the new students is a tall boy with blonde hair and blue hair clips, a girl with purple hair, and several others- ???: ah, there you are. Ochako: "???" yuu: hello, ochako. Ochako: "Yuu-chan!" *bear hug* yuu: ah! easy there, you'll levitate us into the ceiling... Ochako: o_o "Oh, right!" *blushes, smiles, pulls back, sets her down* "How was the trip in?" yuu: not terrible, all things considered. tsuyu: so this is your cousin? yuu: *she nods* Yuu Uraraka. a pleasure to make your acquaintances. Ochako: *squeeing* "Isn't she so polite?!" momo: yeah. mina: she kind of reminds me of iida, in a way. hehe~ momo: o///o Ochako: "...Huh. You're right." *looks around* "IIDA! GET OVER HERE!" Iida: "No shouting in the halls!" yuu: what he said. Iida: *looks at Yuu, then Ochako* "...Why are there two of you? Do I need to repair my glasses?" -elsewhere- *Fire alarm going off in Gabriella's bedroom* gabriella: EEK! WHAT'S GOING ON?! *Smoke is coming out of the kitchen* gabriella: *goes in to investigate* Hibana: *in her dress and with an apron, waving a fan at the flames on the stove* "Stupid breakfast cooking bullshit!" -one fire extinguisher later- gabriella: you arent hurt, are you? Hibana: *sniff, rubs her face* "No...I just wanted to make you breakfast and...I'm sorry." gabriella: its alright...*she smiles* i appreciate it... Hibana: *sniff, nods* "There is also...something important we have procrastinated on..." *holds up a clipboard with a contract* gabriella: ?? Hibana: "If we are dating, as I am your boss, we have to sign this legal agreement to protect your employee rights..." gabriella: O///O r-r-right! *she does so* here! Hibana: "??? You don't want to read it more carefully?" gabriella: ack! should i have? *worried* Hibana: *shrug* "I think it would be a good idea, in case there is anything you find disagreeable. Your privacy as my...girlfriend will be maintained. It's just to have a record with the Brigade so they don't think I am giving preferential or negative treatment towards you." gabriella: *looking carefully* Hibana: *looks at Gabriella...smiles lightly* gabriella: *looking* -elsewhere- Joker: *passes a cigarette to Scarlet* scarlet: thanks.....*takes a long drag and sighs* ...... Joker: "You've seemed more tense than usual." scarlet:....thanks.... Joker: "What's up? Still cranky because you haven't accomplished your goals yet?" scarlet: .............we killed those interns, didnt we? (thinking: that one girl....she looked just like-) Joker: "Yeah..." *small laugh* "That certainly scared those industry jackals." scarlet: ...... Joker: "But that's not enough, huh? You want to go in for the big catch..." scarlet:.....yeah. i guess so. Joker: "Maybe we need an option to get that prey alone..." -after school- tsubaki: hmm? *there is a camilla bouquet on the doorstep* Black Star: "...The heck?" tsubaki: weird.... *she sees a note card attached* hmm? *she reads it* Black Star: "What's the note say?" *The note praises Tsubaki's beauty and power...* tsubaki: um... *she rips the note up and puts the flowers in water* Black Star: "???" -from atop the roof- belkia: *JAWDROP* betch are you serious right now? Black Star: "You hear something, Tsubaki?" belkia: *absconded* Black Star: "???" tsubaki:....*she closes the blinds* Black Star: "So, what you need me to do for dinner?" -elsewhere- Ponera: *observing the creature* shaula: you got to admit, this is crazy hella cool. Ponera: "But will it work?" shaula: lets find out! sending it to… *throws a dart at a map* sucks to be you austria! Ponera: "Grimmy, gather the troops..." -elsewhere- Wes: "Hmm..." soul: *watching TV* Wes: "This is what people listen to now?" soul: yeah... Wes: "...Jesus." soul:....want to watch something else? *News, weather, and an interview with--* Wes: "?!!!" soul: !!! Mr. Evans: "And that is one reason for this donation--" Wes: *cringing* soul: *changes the channel* fuck off... reporter: -incident at the north street plaza, resulting in one male student being hospitalized. Wes: "Wait...'Student'?" soul: ?! reporter: eyewitness reports the assailant as a man with long pink hair and dressed as a magician. if anyone has any further information regarding the suspect, locals are advised to inform the authorities as soon as possible. Wes: "Yikes." soul: *turns off the TV* Wes: "...That's scary." -elsewhere- Gopher: -w- kotone: ....... kirika: *nomming on her crepe*...not bad. Gopher: "I'm glad you liked it! Do you like yours, Kotone?" kotone:....*tiniest nom* Gopher: *small squee* kirika:...ok thats kinda cute actually... kotone: *scoots closer to gopher* Gopher: *small laugh* "It's a good crepe, isn't it? We have a variety of flavors." kotone:..... -elsewhere- Emine: *small smirk* mana: TnT *cola all over the place*....really? Emine: "Diet cola..." *pulls out a remote* "Wait for it..." mana: honestly... Emine: *pushes the button--and Mentos fall into each diet cola bottle* -BFWOOOOOM- mana: D8 Emine: *holds up umbrella* -later, elsewhere- Patty: "Sis, there's some guy at the front door asking to do a good deed..." -elsewhere- Karim: *wipes his brow* "Okay, I finished with the kitchen." pearl: i got the pantry organized now. Karim: *smiles* "Good work." pearl: t-thank you father fulham. Karim: "I appreciated your help: it made the work go quickly." *lifts garbage bags* "Just need to take the rest to the trash..." pearl: right. Karim: *opens the door to go to the outside dumpster* -elsewhere- Spirit: *washing dishes* sachiko: *she's tucked izumi in* izumi: zzzzz...... Spirit: "How is she?" sachiko: tired. she had a pretty busy first day... Spirit: "Will she be okay?" sachiko: yeah. she's a brave girl... Spirit: "..." *looks downcast* sachiko:..you ok? Spirit: " 'Brave girl'...That's what I used to call Maka." sachiko:...............oh...... Spirit: *nods* sachiko: sorry.... Spirit: "Thank you..." *takes off dishwash gloves...rubs his eyes* sachiko:...... *she hugs him* Spirit: *holds her, crying* sachiko:....*strokes his head and back*..... Spirit: *calming down a bit* sachiko:..... Spirit: *has calmed down, smiles at her* "Thank you." sachiko: *she smiles* Spirit: *yawn* "I think that does it for me." sachiko: did you want to spend the night or...? Spirit: "I would like that, if that's alright." sachiko: *she smiles* -and so- Spirit: "Hmmm..." sachiko: *holding him* mmmmm.... Spirit: *kisses her shoulder lightly* sachiko: hmhm... Spirit: *wraps his arms around her waist, kissing up her shoulder to along her neck* sachiko: mmm-ah! that tickles! Spirit: "Really now~" *small kiss on her neck* "Does that?" sachiko: >///< *squirming* Spirit: *tugs lightly on one strap of her negligee, kissing again on her shoulder, while his hand slides to her hip* sachiko: *small sigh* u///u Spirit: *massages her hip, as his lips move down from her shoulder to her chest* -elsewhere- lin: hey shinoooooda! i have a question. Shinoda: "And what's that?" lin: :3 you're still in love with nea, arent you? Shinoda: o///o "N-N-No. Why would you ever think that?" *he's sweating...* lin: ....... Shinoda: -\\\\\\- "Stop staring at me. Go back to stalking Emine." lin: TnT you're so stubborn, isnt he nea? Shinoda: "!!!" *looking around for Nea* lin: i got you! >u< Shinoda: *glaring* "Y-Y-You...Shut up!" *stands abruptly* "I need an apple! Assuming someone has not sapped the red from all of them..." akaderu: *asleep* lin: there's plenty, dont worry! Shinoda: "Best be..." *opens the fridge to remove an apple* nea: *eating a popsicle* Shinoda: *holding apple, looking at her* "...Hi." nea:........*stares, still sucking on her popsicle* Shinoda: "..." *staring a beat too long* o\\\\o nea:.......hmph. *turns away* Shinoda: "Wh-What's gotten into you?" nea: *she exits* 7//,//7 lin: ouch. Shinoda: T_T lin: *gives him an apple* here you go... Shinoda: "Hmph..." *bites into the apple...* "Ugh..." -minutes later- Shinoda: *hick* "I just thought we had something special!" *sob sob sob* lin: owo;;; (thinking: this may have worked too well...) akaderu: nnngh..... T-T keepit down, im tryin'a sleep here.... Shinoda: "I don't get to sleep with anyone!" *sobbing* chie: *just gets water*......not even gonna ask....*goes back upstairs* Shinoda: "I'm just--there were so many missed opportunities! A home in the country! A pet dog! 2.3 children!" lin: *dragging him upstairs and drops him in front of nea's door and knocks, then takes off* nea: what the hell-...oh what do _you_ want? Shinoda: "Neeeeeeeeeeeea!" *drunken glomp* nea: O////////O WH-WH-WHA-WHA-WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?! Shinoda: *nuzzling her cheek* "Baby..." nea: O/////O G-GET OFF ME! >/////< Shinoda: *his tongue is hanging out of his mouth, as he moves closer to her lips* nea: O//////////////////____________________________________//////////////////o -PUNCH- Shinoda: *knocked down, giggling on the floor* "What a kisser..." -SLAM- nea: idiot!........ 7//////7 Shinoda: *pawing at the door* "Let kitty in..." nea: *getting changed into her pjs* -/////- Shinoda: *starts singing...badly* "I bought my love a chicken..." nea: SHINODA FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, YOU ARE A GROWN ASS MAN, START ACTING LIKE IT DAMN YOU! chie: SHUT THE FUCK UP OUT THERE BEFORE I THROW YOU INTO A FUCKING WOODCHIPPER!....*cuddles yohei* =w=~<3 Yohei: O_________O ("Help me...") Shinoda: (slurring) "Nea! I want to fuck you so hard that you'll feel it tomorrow!" Shotaro: *struggling to sleep* "Emine?" *calls up to the bunk above him* "Is it a good deed or a bad deed to shut Shinoda up?" Emine: "...Both." Shotaro: "..." *grins* "WE GET TO BOND OVER BEATING UP SHINODA!" setsuna: *asleep* Shotaro: *opens the door, finds Shinoda with his pants at his ankles* Emine: "..." *picks up Shinoda by the armpits, Shotaro picks him up by the ankles* Shotaro: "The window?" Emine: "The window." mono: what is going-...................*SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAMS* Emine: "..." *smirks* "Two bad deeds in one day..." Shotaro: *blushing at seeing Mono, as he quickly tries to rush Shinoda to the window* mono: *slams the door* Shotaro: "Okay, I got the window opened..." Emine: "Bye bye, motherfucker..." *They toss Shinoda out the window* -there are some conveniently placed bushes outside- Shinoda: "Ow! My bum!" -the next morning- Kepuri: *yawn* "What was that racket last night?" akaderu: ....dunno....*yaaaaaaawn* zzzzzz...... -at school- Izuku: *handing sword back to Arthur* -elsewhere in school- Kid: "Just look at this photograph..." liz: .....wow...its almost uncanny...minus the stitches and the screw.... sayaka: its totally wigging me out! Patty: *pulls out a Sharpie* "Can add some!" homura: dont do that. Patty: *pout* Kid: "This should help us with our report, and it gives us more names to research." -elsewhere in the school- Spirit: *whistling on his way to teachers' lounge* justin: GOOD MORNING SPIRIT! Spirit: *covers his ears* "Yes, hello...How are you?" justin: *ahem* quite good. girl: uu~ ^^ Spirit: "??? Oh, hello." *waves at the girl* girl:..*small wave* justin: since i'll be teaching a class today, i didnt want to leave her home by herself...would it be too much to ask to let her stay in the death room for a while? Spirit: "That's fine...I'm Spirit. What's your name?" girl:.....?? justin:.... -justin explains the situation- Spirit: "Oh..." *smiles at the Girl* "Do you like tea?" -inside the death room- kirika: why did i even get dragged in here? lord death: consider it 'family bonding time', getting to see where dad works and all that! Spirit: "Yo, boss!" justin: good morning, my lord! girl: uu! lord death: good morning~! oh? who's this you have with you justin? kirika:.. nyeh?..................!!!!!!!! Spirit: *waves at Kirika* kirika: *staring at the girl* justin: miss kure? is there a problem? kirika:......*wide eyed, tearing up* ....ori....ko? Spirit: "???" Lord Death: "Kirika? Do you know this girl?" oriko:...uu? kirika: *she runs up to her* oriko...is....are you...are you actually here right now?....i...i thought you died..... Lord Death: "Kirika...Wh-Who?" kirika:....that girl....she's oriko mikuni. my foster sister...or at least she was... oriko:.....??? Lord Death: "Justin...Where did you find Oriko?" justin: well, i found her on a morning walk...she seemed to have just been left there, but she wasnt injured too badly... Lord Death: "...Please have Stein do a check-up on Oriko." justin: i already did that a while back. she's in good health, but she appears to have amnesia... kirika:.....at least she's alive.....*whimpering* Lord Death: *pats Kirika's shoulder* "Let's give them a few moments alone..." -in class- Arthur: *struggling to write notes...staring at...* tamaki: *writing notes down* Arthur: "..." *writes something onto paper, hands it to Shinra* "Pass it to her." shinra: pass it yourself. Arthur: "I can't reach her, now can I? So you pass it..." shinra: figure something out then! Arthur: "..." *light bulb* *folds the note into an airplane...* tamaki: *focused* Arthur: *aims...tosses the airplane down to Tamaki* -fwuf- layla: O-O *it landed in her hair* -___-; Arthur: D: -at lunch- Izuku: "How bad was it?" shinra: try asking arthur once he's out of his despair corner..... nozomi: in translation, not well for arthur... Arthur: *cloud of despair over his head* shinra: yikes............. (thinking: i feel someone watching me.....) ???: *heavy breathing* shinra: O-O;;;;; Relan: "H-Hello..." *inhaler pressed* shinra: oh! uh...hi? Relan: *sweating, smiling nervously, awkward jerky wave* shinra:....*awkward wave back* Relan: "...Hi. How are you?" shinra: doing good. you? Relan: "Better...now." *smile* shinra:....*notices he doesnt have anything on his tray* you hungry at all? Relan: "..." *downcast* "I...don't have any money." ("Stupid bullies. Especially that pink-hair girl...") shinra:.... *he looks at izuku* Izuku: "!!!" *slides a slice of his pizza towards Relan* shinra:.... *small smile* Relan: "..." *big smile* "Thank you! I have been starving!" *munches loudly into pizza* Izuku: "..." *stares at Shinra* shinra: *gives him a look of 'its a long story'* Izuku: *slight nod* Relan: "That was delicious, friend of Shin--" *loud burp* 0\\\\\0 *covers his mouth* shinra:...*pats his back* its ok man... Relan: *slight shiver but smiles* "Thank you again!" shinra:...ah! right, introductions. dude, this is Izuku. and this girl is Nozomi, she's in the 8th brigade. Relan: *small wave, smiles nervously at both of them* Izuku: *friendly All Might smile* "Hello!" nozomi: *small wave* its nice to meet you mr....? Relan: "Relan! Relan Koizumi!" *nervous smile* shinra: ah. Relan: "I'm in the 3rd Brigade!" nozomi: oh, so then you know miss houo and miss kurai then? Relan: *nods* "A little bit. I'm still new." nozomi: i see. do you have ignition abilities? Relan: *downcast* "N-No..." shinra: hey, its ok, neither does the com- *ahem* commander oubi. Relan: "R-Really? How did he become a commander, then?" shinra: not sure... i'll- nozomi: i'll ask him some day later... Relan: *nods* "I would appreciate that..." Izuku: "It is hard to rise up from the bottom." *smiles* "But I'm sure you can do it!" shinra: *smiles at nozomi* (thinking: thanks for covering for me there...) yeah! dont give up on your dreams! Relan: "I won't!" *seizes Shinra's hands...after his are still coated with pizza grease* "Thank you!" shinra: um... .////. Relan: *realizes what he is doing* "...Sorry!" *lets go of his hands, starts pulling at multiple napkins out of dispenser--causing the dispenser to fly loose and hit--* tamaki: OW! Relan: *hides behind Shinra* shinra: um...h-hey, its alright... tamaki: *demonic glare* nozomi: tamaki dont! Relan: *shriek* *picks up Shinra* "I'll save you!" *starts running, holding Shinra over his head* shinra: e-EH?! Relan: "I heard about that crazy cat girl! How she beats you! With me around, she will never hurt you again!" shinra: um.... tamaki: oh im sorry, the F*CK DID YOU CALL ME?! nozomi: m-m-miss tamaki please calm down! Relan: "...Shit!" *tries to run faster* Izuku: "Yes! Please, Tamaki! Don't do anything reckless!" shinra: O-O (thinking: this is bad, this guys nuts, but if i yell for help i'll just upset him and make his self esteem worse, but if i dont i might get hauled off or have tamaki catstrate me.... *SCREAMING INTERNALLY*) Relan: "Don't worry, Shinra! Just around this corner and--" *TRIP* shinra: O-O *flying out* Kid: "So, Stocking, what would you--" stocking: !!! *tackles kid to the ground* Relan: *face down on floor* "Ow..." Kid: "?!!" -catch- shinra: thanks-- ........ O____________O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Relan: *looks up through fingers* selim:......*creepy smile* hi....hehehe..... Relan: D: Kid: "???" shinra: OxO;;;;; selim:....can i give your blood to my sister? shinra: OxO;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; stocking: O-O what the fu— Relan: *struggling to stand up* "Unhand him, vi-vile b-b-b-brute!" selim: *cocks head to the side* (: ~? Relan: "I will not have y-you harm my b-b-b-b-friend!" *Relan assumes fighting pose* selim:....may i have his blood? shinra: NO! D:< Relan: "No! Now let go of him, or I will...FUCK YOU UP, BITCH!" shinra: O-O selim:....ok. *drops him* just checking.....im....accepting donors...bye....*just sort of glides away* shinra:....*cringes* fuckin' moriyama... Relan: *frowning at Selim...then approaches Shinra, tentatively* "I-I'm sorry...f-for everything...I could help you up..." shinra: you all alright? stocking: yeah... Relan: "???" shinra: and how about you relan? Relan: *shivers* "M-Me?! B-But what about you?! Are you okay?" shinra: more or less.....just glad moriyama didnt use his lava.....that would have been bad... Relan: "..." *squeaky voice* " 'Lava'?" shinra: long story... Relan: *whimpering* "I'm just glad you are o-okay...No thanks to me..." shinra: h-hey, its ok... im fine, arent i? so are you. Relan: *whimpering* "I'll try to do better in the future..." -later- Izuku: "So..." shinra: yeah, thats basically whats been going on with me... Izuku: "...I'm sorry. That's a lot you must be dealing with." shinra: i just know this lie is going to bite me in the ass..... i just...i cant help but feel bad for the poor guy... Izuku: *nods* "He seems...nice enough." shinra: yeah...i guess so... Izuku: "Maybe...he just needs a friend. I know what it is like when someone doesn't have confidence that you can be...more than you are." shinra:.....*he smiles* i think i might try to talk to him a little more... it might help things. Izuku: *nods* "Sounds good..." *looks around* "So...How did you avoid You-Know-Who?" shinra: you can thank nozomi. tamaki: -w- zzzzzz..... Izuku: "???" shinra: guess she tired herself out... nozomi: a little help? Izuku: *shrugs* "I'm not doing anything--I can carry her back..." Izuku: "Just help me get her on my back..." shinra: *liiift* Arthur: *enters dramatically* "Hold on, squires! I am Tamaki's beloved, and I--" Aoyama: *knocks Arthur down* "I will carry the fair lady to her castle!" shinra: oh boy... Arthur: *grabs Aoyama's ankle, pulling him down; stands, hair a mess* "I will carry the divine creature--" Aoyama: "Navel laser!" *Blasts Arthur into the wall* Izuku: ^^; Arthur: *leaps back onto his feet* "FLAMING SWORD!" *swings Excalibur at Aoyama* shinra: should we stop this? Izuku: "That's a good question. I have another one: is it better to have Tamaki get upset with this fight, or bring her home as quickly as possible so she doesn't know this fight ever happened?" shinra:......good point.....*carefully picks up tamaki* we better hurry. nozomi, can you get her stuff out of her locker? nozomi: *she nods and goes to do so* Arthur: "Have at thee!" *slice at Aoyama* Aoyama: "En guarde!" *laser beam blast* kyouka:...*eating popcorn* Izuku: -_-; "This is such a weird school..." soul: you have no idea... Aoyama: *out of breath* "My poor tummy--" Arthur: *gut punch to Aoyama* Aoyama: o____O student: here comes the pitch! Izuku: "...Soul? Don't they usually need a teacher to referee?" Aoyama: *cheeks puffing* Arthur: "???" Aoyama: "...!!!" *rainbow barf* *SPLAT* kyouka: OOOH DANG! Arthur: "...EW!" Aoyama: *hurling* mahiru: *already getting the nurse* -after school let out- Izuku: *walking back carefully so not to awaken Tamaki* "That sure was something...Poor Aoyama." shinra: yeah, no kidding.... Izuku: "..." *small laugh* "Never thought this would be my life..." shinra: yeah, life is full of surprises...... for better or worse i guess..... Izuku: *nods* "For now...'for better' seems to be it." *smiles at Shinra* "You avoided getting into a fight today." shinra: yeah, haha... -elsewhere- Hibana: *holds up the DVD* "Something for nighttime viewing~ It's by the same director of that film we saw a few months ago--only this one is less heartwrenching." gabriella: ah, i see. *she smiles, already in pjs* now that the work hours of the day are done, we can enjoy each others company... Hibana: *in nightgown* "Indeed." *holds her hand, rubbing it* gabriella: *snuggles up to her* U////U Hibana: *puts an arm around her shoulder and kisses her cheek, as she presses PLAY on the remote* "I love you." gabriella: i love you too, hibana.... U////U Hibana: *watches with her, resting her head against hers* "This is...what I have wanted for so long." gabriella: me too..... Hibana: *looks at her, smiles* "I never thought I would find someone like you..." *sad smile* "I...never had someone so kind since...what happened..." gabriella:.....*hugs her* Hibana: *returns the hug* "I want to be so much for you..." gabriella: .....*she blushes* -a somewhat sensual scene appears in the movie* gabriella: o////o Hibana: -\\\\\- "That's really hot." gabriella: um...h-hibana? Hibana: "Hmmm?" gabriella: w-would you like me to make you f-feel good? Hibana: "..." *kisses her lips lightly* "No...I want _us_ to make _each other_ feel great." gabriella: o///o s-should i start? Hibana: *smiles* "By all means..." gabriella: *blushes and leans down to rub her fingers over hibana's panties* like this? Hibana: "Mmmm...That's good..." *rests a hand along Gabriella's side* gabriella: *she smiles and slowly rubs* Hibana: "A-ah...So good..." *her fingers tug a bit on Gabriella's waistband* gabriella: should i make your breasts feel good too? Hibana: *whining lightly* "P-Please?" gabriella: *she slides hibana's nightgown down slightly, exposing her left breast, before licking the nipple* Hibana: *squirming, moaning with a slight giggle* "Gabi..." -elsewhere- Yumi: *curled up under a blanket* lord death: zzzz......*snuggling* =w= Yumi: *pulls the blanket over both of them, smiles, kisses his cheek* lord death: *purrs* Yumi: ("So cute...Little kitty cat...") *hugs* -elsewhere- Kid: *still reading* stocking: *in her PJs* *peeek* Kid: *sees her* o\\\\o "Sorry. This history has been rather engaging." stocking: mind if i see it? its not the same project im doing, so im curious... Kid: *hands the book to her, looking over her shoulder* -elsewhere- Black Star: *brushing his teeth* tsubaki: *brushing her hair* Black Star: *exits the bathroom* "Heading to bed?" tsubaki: soon. Black Star: *nods, yawns* "Well, see you in a bit. Night." tsubaki: good night *she smiles* Black Star: *enters bedroom, plops down on bed* tsubaki: *she puts her hair brush back down* *Sound of something skittering* tsubaki: ?? *she turns to face the yard* hmm? *Small sound, like something pawing in the mud outside* tsubaki:....*she opens the sliding glass door* *chittering sound, like a dog or a cat or a...* tsubaki: *she puts on a robe and slippers and checks outside* *Paw prints are along the mud, leading into the bushes* tsubaki: ??? *Bright eyes shine from the bushes* tsubaki:.... *shudders and goes back inside, locking the door behind her*.... *Small chittering, like laughter* tsubaki:.... *closes the blinds* (thinking: ....creepy....) Black Star: *back in the living room* "Hey. What's going on?" tsubaki:...nothing, it was probably just a raccoon outside.... *she smiles* Black Star: "...Huh. I did cover the trash can, I swear..." -morning- Hibana: *small moan of pleasure* "Good morning." gabriella: morning... *streeeeetch* another day ahead of us.... *ahem* lets do our best, princess. *she smiles warmly* -elsewhere- tsubaki: *yawns* Black Star: *groan* "Five more minutes...* tsubaki:..... *she goes to prepare breakfast, but opens the blinds to let the morning light in* tsubaki:....hmm? Black Star: *looks over* "What the heck?" tsubaki: thats odd.... *she checks the card, which is addressed 'to my sweet camilla'* ??? *she reads it* Black Star: "???" *"I have seen you from afar..."* tsubaki: ._.; *unnerved, but continues* *"Your abilities, your power--your raw magnetism attracts me. Be mine and--"* tsubaki: o_____O;; *"--I will give you a power you never felt before--and such pleasurable sensations, too~"* tsubaki: *thoroughly creeped out now* *"Your skin is perfect, your eyes pools of dark energy--and you have the body of an angel, in need of a demon to let out your inner wild side."* Black Star: "Um...What's it say?" tsubaki: *her blood runs cold* *"See you soon~"* Black Star: "Tsubaki?" tsubaki:...... tsubaki:..... *she puts the note by the phone to call 911* ...... Black Star: "Hey...You okay?" tsubaki:....*forcing a smile* yeah.... we should head to class soon. -at school- Kid: "Just about finished with the report..." stocking: same here. liz: same here as well. Patty: Q____Q -after class- stocking: seems everything went better than expected... Kid: *small smile* "Indeed." Patty: *knocking her head against a wall* tsuyu:....katsuki? you seem flustered. itsuka: *heading back to the next class, waving to him* Bakugo: "I'm fine..." *clenching teeth* tsuyu: you sure? Bakugo: *goofy wave to Itsuka* itsuka: ^^ Izuku: :3 Bakugo: "!!! Shut up or I will straight up kill you!" yuu: *chop* down boy. Bakugo: "Ow! Watch it, Uraraka! Wait...what did you do to your hair?" tsuyu: wrong uraraka. Bakugo: "What the hell do you mean? There's only one Uraraka, right?" mina: hey ochako! *waves* Ochako: "Howdy! Oh, get, cuz! You treating Bakugo well?" Bakugo: o_____o -later at lunch- Bakugo: "Extra students...Weird." *looking around for someone* itsuka: hey katsuki. *she smiles* Bakugo: "!!! H-Hey! H-How are you doing? How was class?" Monoma: *hiding behind bushes* itsuka: it went well. how about you? Bakugo: "Dull as usual. Unless the class involves fighting or heroics, seems pointless." -elsewhere in the lunch room- Iida: "How are you adapting to the school, Yuu?" yuu: *she smiles* fairly well. i've already made a new friend, Yamikumo. Izuku: " 'Yamikumo'?" -elsewhere in the room- Arthur: *black eye* Aoyama: *sallow and haggard* Arthur and Aoyama: *in get-along shirt* shinra:....*snerk* Arthur: *death glare* Aoyama: "This is not fashionable at all...and you're squishing me in this shirt!" shinra: come on you two, be nice... Arthur: "Not happening! He's trying to steal Tamaki from me!" Aoyama: "I steal no one: I simply make myself available~" shinra: -_-; Arthur: "French knave!" Aoyama: "Please, sweet talk will get you nowhere..." -DOUBLE BWAHP- Arthur and Aoyama: Q~Q yasunoki: *fist steaming from the punch*...my apologies, kusakabe. shinra; oh, hey yasunoki...hey takeru takeru: *tiny wave* Arthur: "What was that for?" yasunoki: civil recklessness. Aoyama: "...What's a crime?" yasunoki: disrupting the peace, sir! Aoyama: "..." *bedroom eyes* "Little old me? I'm simply a passionate person who is in love with life~" yasunoki:..... *backing away* *eye twitch, but the blinding bangs obscure it* Arthur: "You are such a freaking playboy!" Aoyama: "I can give you tips~" Arthur: "..." *rips shirt in two* Aoyama: *covers his chest* o\\\\o shinra: O-O;;; woah... -elsewhere- Yohei: "How you holding up?" chie: good.....*rubs her stomach* Yohei: *smiles at her* "May I...?" *gestures to her stomach* chie:...*she nods and smiles* Yohei: *lays his hand along her stomach* "Our child..." *smiles* chie: hehe~..... Yohei: *kisses her stomach* "You are incredible, Chie." chie: *she blushes* feel anything? Yohei: "Maybe..." *small kick* Yohei: "There!" chie: ah!.....*tearful smile* hey sweetie... *rubs her stomach* Yohei: *laughs, hugs Chie* chie: hehe~ ^^ Yohei: *slight singing* "We're going to be parents~" -elsewhere- Yumi: "How is Kirika holding up?" lord death: she's....she's sleeping right now... it was a real shock for her... Yumi: "And her...sister?" lord death: miss oriko will continue to be monitored by justin for the time being. she seems to have grown attached to him... Yumi: "...How has Oriko responded to Kirika?" lord death:... -he explains the situation- Yumi: "...She is going to need us, more than ever." lord death: *he nods*... Yumi: "...Has she eaten? Been drinking water?" lord death: yes, a little bit. Yumi: "Any word from the maids?" -elsewhere- Medusa: -_-; "...Seeing as Shaula made this creature, I should not be surprised at how ugly it is." shaula: you're just jealous that you didnt think of it first~ Medusa: "Yeah, being shit-faced every night has really helped your mental processes, Sister." shaula: not _every_ night. Xp Medusa: "Of course. How else would you fit in time to get high?" shaula: if i wanted to get shit-faced all the time, i'd just wear a mask with your face on it XP Medusa: "Is that your face, or did your neck vomit?" -elsewhere- arachne: ugh... *having a migraine* Giriko: "I got the ice pack and some medicine..." arachne: thank you.... *she smiles* i can just tell my sisters are being a pain as usual... Giriko: "??? You think...they're around?" arachne:.....they're alive alright...but they arent here.... call it a 'sister's 6th sense' Giriko: *grunt* "That's...worrying me." -elsewhere- Benimaru: *picking up groceries* kyouko: *nomming on a taiyaki* *also getting groceries* Benimaru: *bumps into Kyouko* "Oh. Sorry." kyouko: its fine. *picking up some green tea and some snacks* Benimaru: "Hmm...That's a good brand of tea." kyouko: thanks. *looking at her list of names+orders* Benimaru: *reaching up to highest shelf for honey* "Lot of groceries you got there. Need some vegetables, though. Can't just live on carbs alone." kyouko: this isnt everything im buying. Benimaru: "Just sayin'. That is quite a lot of snacks, though." kyouko: well, there's two kids at one of the houses i go to... plus i have a younger sister at home. Benimaru: " 'Go to'? Like, as a volunteer?" kyouko: yeah. *she smiles* Benimaru: "Hmm. Good for you. And to your sister." -elsewhere- Relan: :3 buttons: *running in his wheel* Relan: o____o "That's so cool..." mikami: *with a distance tracker* ah! 25 meters, thats a new record, ryuuko! trainee: that's the shining star of the 3rd brigade for ya... at least i think so. Relan: "I wish I could be that powerful..." trainee: im sure one day you will. Relan: "Not when I'm not a flame person...and I'm so weak..." mikami: even if you dont have i-ignition abilities, that doesnt mean you're a weak person... Relan: "No...but being weak makes me weak." *sigh* "I don't know how long it's going to take for me to get strong..." *clenches his fists* "But I have to!" trainee: right! go the extra mile and you'll succeed! PLUS ULTRA!....... owo 7w7; i watch a lot of hero shows in my spare time... Relan: "Oh...Um...I-I was never allowed to watch those..." -elsewhere- Kishiri: "Yo, Gab--I finished my paperwork, signed and everything." gabriella: good job kishiri. and the others? Kishiri: "Just about finished..." *leans onto her desk* gabriella: *pushing him back* stop that. -_-; -elsewhere- Kid: *cross-eyed* "So...much...reading..." stocking: *massaging his head* aww... Kid: *closes his eyes* "There is so much work to do..." stocking: *she nods* but you still need time for rest... Kid: "But...I'm a shinigami. I should be able to handle more..." *yawn* stocking:.....*still rubbing his head and humming* Kid: *kitten yawn* "That's lovely..." -morning- Kid: *loud snore* stocking: *yaaaawns* .... Kid: *wakes up* "Stocking?" stocking: morning kiddo~ Kid: *smiles* "You are such a bright light each morning..." stocking: hehehe, oh you~ *rubs her nose against his* Kid: *rubs back* "How was your sleep?" -at school- Black Star: "You sure you okay?" tsubaki: yeah, the authorities said there would be a patrol car driving by twice a night... Black Star: "..." *hand on shoulder* "And I'll be there, too." tsubaki: *she smiles* Black Star: *smiles* "Maybe order in some food?" tsubaki: hmm? what did you have in mind? Black Star: "What would you be up for? Thai? Italian?" -elsewhere in school- Arthur: "I wish they would let us bring swords into gym..." shinra: if you're going to do that, go to the training room -_-; so what are we doing? Arthur: "Track and field activities." *squats in place* "I'll jump so high..." Hiro: "Here I go!" *runs to leaps--" ef: *timing him* Hiro: *leaps and--slams face-first into pole* tamaki: *wince* ouch. Arthur: *snort* ef: are you ok?! Hiro: "Yeah...Ow...I'm pretty hard-headed..." *small laugh* -next up, distance run- tamaki: *streetch* alright.... im ready. *All run* Anya: *sprinting at a good pace* Arthur: *trying to put all his energy into the first parts* Aoyama: *hasn't left starting line* -about halfway, tamaki trips and rolls to the end into a wall, landing bottoms up- tamaki: owww..... Arthur: "Tamaki!" *leaves the track, running through into Anya's lane--tripping her* Aoyama: "!!! Laser beam!" *fires himself towards Tamaki's location* Anya: o_O *trips, face-first into sand* Arthur: "I'll help you, Tamaki!" Aoyama: "No! I will help her!" Anya: *grumbling into the sand* shinra: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! *crashes face first into the wall beside tamaki, sliding down* mmgmph.... tamaki: *wince of sympathy* ooohh... shinra: *falls of and lands in the same position as tamaki* *Arthur and Aoyama are getting too close after Shinra crashed* Arthur and Aoyama: o______O "We're going too fast!" *Aoyama is sailing towards Shinra, Arthur sailing towards Tamaki* shinra: o////////////o;;;;;;;;;;; tamaki: !!!!! *Aoyama crashes into Shinra, Arthur crashes into Tamaki* shinra: O//////////////O tamaki: O/////////////////O students: WOOOOAH! denki: double lucky lewdness! maki: its like they really are siblings! *Aoyama's backside is in Shinra's face, as his face is facing Shinra's crotch* *And Arthur and Tamaki...* tamaki: O////////////////////////////////O shinra: G-GEDDOFF! >/////////////< Aoyama: "Oh my..." Arthur: o\\\\\\\\\\o "Um...Hi?" tamaki: ah..... -PUNCH- tamaki: PERVERT! DX Arthur: *twitching on the floor* "...I didn't mean to..." -later- Kana: *visiting the nurse's office, putting a bandage on Tamaki* "Perhaps you need charm magic..." tamaki: thanks kana... *she smiles a bit* shinra:..... Kana: "..." *looks at the two of them* "When did you get a male clone, Tamaki?" shinra: D8 tamaki: he's not-! *sigh* -she explains the situation- Kana: "...They do say that people who date each other for a long time come to resemble each other." *stares at Shinra* "How long have you been dating?" tamaki + shinra: THAT'S NOT HOW IT IS AT ALL! Kana: "...You even say things at the same time." -elsewhere- Anya: "I hate gym..." *pouts tsugumi: you did your best. *pap pap* Anya: "My face still hurts..." -elsewhere- Joker: *aiming for the 7 ball, fires...misses* "Damn. Table must be tilted." ivy: looks fine to me.... Joker: "Tch. You would say that--you're ahead." ivy: *whistling* Joker: "Just take your damn shot..." ivy: hmm..... *she aims for the 5 ball... and misses* shit! *muttering* damn you, hibana... Joker: "??? You that fixated on the Princess?" *hits the stripe into the pocket* ivy: hate that bitch hate that bitch hate that bitch hate that bitch.... Joker: *shoves drink into her hand* ivy: *downs it* thanks.... Joker: "Seemed like you needed to take the edge off." ivy: *muttering and drinking* Joker: "You know we'll need a way to draw Hibana out..." ivy: ....... *smirks* how about that little sister of the 8th? she's a useless little weakling...a perfect target... Joker: "Nice...The 8th has a little more security, so we may want to corner the girl somewhere..." -elsewhere- Kid: "How is she, Father?" lord death: asleep right now. Kid: *sighs* "I wish I could help..." lord death: all we can do for right know is show our support, but also give her a little space if needed... Kid: *nods* "It's just...I know what it is like to lose someone, and all the work it takes after they return..." lord death:.....*pats his head* Kid: "I wonder how long she'll need space--" *THUMP* lord death: ?! kirika: wheh? what the...?! Gopher: *slammed against the outside the window* kirika:....*siiiighs and opens the window* Gopher: "...Hi." *collapses face-down* kirika:....honestly.... *she picks him up and lets him lay in her bed.* Gopher: o\\\\o "Th-Thank you...I have not seen you at school..." kirika:....been kinda sick....i'll get over it.... Gopher: "..." *puts his hand on her forehead* kirika: !!... -////- its....its a long story.... -she explains all that happened- Gopher: T_T "I'm sorry..." kirika: hey, you didnt do anything wrong....im... actually really happy....i feel like a huge weights been lifted off my shoulders.....*tearing up* Gopher: *pulls out handkerchief* kirika:...*awkward hug* thanks for listening.... Gopher: *pats her back* -morning- tsubaki: *yaaaawn* Black Star: *snoring* tsubaki:.... ?? *she sees a note taped to her window* ???? Black Star: *yawns, waking up* "Morning..." tsubaki: *silent, horrified as she reads the note* Black Star: "??!! What is that?!" tsubaki: *she doesnt say anything* .............. *The description explains what Tsubaki will be forced to do while Black Star watches--before he is mutilated* Black Star: *snatches the note* tsubaki:.....*close to being sick....* note: 'you look lovely when you sleep~' Black Star: "I'm calling the cops, now." tsubaki: .... *she nods* Black Star: "..." *holds her* tsubaki:.....*she hugs him back* t...thanks.... Black Star: "Any time...It's going to be okay." -at school- Black Star: "It sucks..." soul: yeah, i could imagine.... liz: need us to spend the night? tsubaki:.....i would appreciate that.... Black Star: "Can fold out the couch." soul: sure. kilik: we'll stay over too. sayaka: we could play mario kart! Black Star: *glare* "I WILL BEAT YOU AT IT!" sayaka: oh you are so on! haha! tsubaki: that sounds nice, and we'd love to have you over, it feels like we dont get to see you enough... Black Star: "Guess school and missions has kept so many of us busy." liz: yeah... Kid: "We'll have to make time--something other than missions." liz: plus there's supposed to be a festival in Asakusa coming up soon... Kid: "Would be a worthwhile trip..." tsubaki: *she smiles* Patty: *hugs Tsubaki* tsubaki: ^^; Black Star: "Hey, Sayaka, can you help me with getting groceries for tonight?" sayaka: sure, i'll be sure to call my mom and let her know. Kid: "We also can have additional security available, Tsubaki." liz: *cracks knuckles* Patty: "Anyone tries anything, we'll wallop them!" stocking: i'll cut them down to shreds. tsubaki: ^^; thanks, all of you. Patty: "And worst case, if nothing happens, we can braid Kid's hair!" Kid: "..." stocking: aww, cute. Kid: -\\\\\\- stocking: hehe~ Patty: "Then we can put make-up onto Soul!" soul: heh.... Thunder: *clapping hands* kilik: *smiles* fire: ^o^ Black Star: "Well, Soul's out-voted: put some rouge on him!" -elsewhere- Burns: "Are all soldiers present?" dia: all here and accounted for. Burns: "Then we begin with an assessment of new recruits' abilities, followed by progress reports." dia: right... Karim: "We have a few new recruits whose abilities...are a little underdeveloped." Burns: "Hmm..." *points to one trainee* "Let's see what you got." Trainee #1: *gulps, holds out a hand--which ignites, followed by all of his sleeve* "Um...I don't have it under control?" trainee 2: OH SWEET LORD WE ARE GONNA DIE!! Burns: *sighs* "Karim, get the fire extinguisher..." -elsewhere- Hibana: "Time for lunch~" gabriella: here you go, princess. *she smiles* Hibana: "Thank you." *sits across from her* "How's this morning been?" gabriella: going well. *she nods* -elsewhere- Harvar: *fiddling with his phone* ox: *writing* Harvar: *muttering, groaning* ox: ?? Harvar: "Can't get past this level...What the hell?" ox: *he looks* Harvar: *playing a visual novel game* ox: harv... -_-; Harvar: "...What? It's research." ox: sure harv. Harvar: "Maybe you need this 'research.' At the rate you're going, you'll die a virgin before Kim--" ox: YOUJUSTSHUTYOMOUTH! D : < Harvar: "...Maybe you should try flirting with other girls." -elsewhere- Yumi: "Kirika? You okay?" kirika: yeah...why wouldnt i be? Yumi: "Because...it's a lot for you to take in..." kirika:.....i'll be fine.... Yumi: "We're here for you." kirika:.....thanks..... Yumi: *nods, hugs her* kirika:......*says nothing* Yumi: *pats her back* -elsewhere- Relan: *lifting groceries* "Too heavy..." ryuuko: would you like us to carry some of them? Relan: *nods* "I was hoping I could get stronger taking them all myself...Guess I can't even get that right." mikami: *carrying a few bags* >3< i-i can do this! Relan: *nods* "Right! Let's do this thing!" ryuuko:...*small smile* Relan: *inching forward with bags, easier than before* "There we go...Just a few more blocks..." -elsewhere- ???: *watching Tsubaki and Black Star's residence from afar* ????: no sign of anyone right now... Mr. Tsubaki: *sigh* "So tedious, just waiting..." ???: yeah....!!! oh shit, its the fuzz! Mr. Tsubaki: -_-; "Useless...Hardly worth the effort." ???: dude! fucking hide! *pulls him back into the darkness* officer:...see anything, sancha? Mr. Tsubaki: *lands in the darkness* "Vile contemptuous buffoon..." Sancha: "I see nyan-thing." -elsewhere- Dabi: *sniffs* sachi: kurogiriiiii! dabi's got crack in his room yet again! himiko: hehehehehehehehe~<3 Dabi: "NARK!" Kurogiri: "That's unfortunate...Dabi, do I have to warp away your stash, or will you behave?" Dabi: *glares at Sachi* sachi: *whistling and playing around with a manifested snowflake* Dabi: "Best watch what you say in the future, you shit, or I'll skin you and wear your face for a week!" yuuji: *closer to sachi, glaring at him* Dabi: "Same goes for your little vessel bitch there." yuuji:.... sachi: *rolls eyes* whatever... come on yuuji. -elsewhere- Kid: *studying the streets* stocking: *enjoying her ice cream cone* mmm~<3 Kid: *smiles while he's still studying the streets* "Tasty?" stocking: ~<3 hehe~..... looking for something? Kid: "Just making sure no one suspicious is around..." stocking:....*she nods* Kid: "Hmmm...I can't sense any souls either. Short of searching under benches--" Patty: "I already did, Kiddo!" *holds up wads of gum* "I pulled these off of the bottom of benches!" Kid: *eye twitch* liz: gross... Patty: "It's ABC Gum! Want some? No? More for me then!" liz:.......anyway, i think we're just about there now... Kid: *nods* "I see it from here." liz: *she smiles* -inside- Patty: "Wooooooooow..." *looking around the room* tsubaki: make yourselves at home. *she smiles* sayaka: you have a really nice place here. Black Star: "Thanks! We did a lot of work to make it look nice--SO TAKE OFF YOUR SHOES AND DON'T MAKE A MESS!" Kid: -_-; "Why are you telling that to _me_?" -and so, they put in a movie- sayaka: *eating popcorn* Patty: "So, do things get scary in this one?" liz: Q-Q *hiding behind a pillow* Black Star: "Not that scary..." soul: this is supposed to be an old one, right?....they just dont make vampire movies the way they used too... Kid: "Quite. Nowadays, it's all CGI and bad sex." stocking: *she rolls her eyes and hugs his arms* *whispering* but it does give me some ideas~<3 Kid: o\\\\\\\o stocking: hehe~ kilik: ugh, TMI, we can hear you. -_-; stocking: prude. Black Star: "This is normal for them. The minute Stocking stops wanting to jump Kid's bones is--" Patty: "Ha ha ha! 'Bones.'" -CHOP- stocking: =_=; Patty: Q_Q "But Kid's dad is a skull-head, and you want Kid's boner--" -DOUBLE CHOP- Patty: *bleeding on the floor* Black Star: "Dude! We just cleaned!" tsubaki: *chuckling* ^^; Kid: "Anyway...back to the film..." *passes snacks* -about 13 minutes into the film, rustling is heard outside- Black Star: "!!!" tsubaki: !!! *turns on the porch light* -she is armed with a kitchen knife- Black Star: "Hmmm...I don't see nothing." Kid: *trying to sense a soul...* "Damn..." tsubaki:..... *locks the door and closes the curtain* ...... Kid: "Perhaps...We'll take turns monitoring this evening." liz: yeah... Patty: *salutes* -later in the evening- liz:.....*checking her phone* *text alert* liz: *she looks and smiles* Wes: [text: how u holding up?] liz: [text: good. still creeped out from that vampire movie >~< ] Wes: [aw, i'm sorry. can't sleep?] liz: [text: not till l8er. on guard duty @ tsubaki's.] Wes: [oh. are you safe?] liz: [ya. will B switching out W/ soul in about 10 mins.] Wes: [how is he?] liz: [good.] Wes: [thanks for looking out for him--i appreciate that] liz: *she smiles* *RUSTLE* liz: !!! [call U back ^^] Wes: [ok] Wes: [stay safe] liz: *grabs the knife and quietly walks over to the window, peeking out, trying not to be seen* *Outside is a small rabbit* liz:....*sigh* *she sits back down on the couch* Rabbit: "???" liz:.....*turns on some tv* Rabbit: *hops back towards the bushes--and an arm reaches out, grabbing it* liz: ........ -after a few minutes, soul came in and took over- soul:.... *watching the weather channel* Meteorologist: "Odd tidal waves reported along the Australian coast--" soul: *switches to the local weather report* Weatherperson: "Looks like some thunderstorms--" soul: *watching* Weatherperson: "--followed by sunny days ahead. Onto other news--" soul: *changes the channel to a prank show* Girl: *at a grocery store, pulling product off the shelf* soul: ......... Girl: *removes the product--and a hand reaches out and grabs her* WHAT THE FU- soul: *turns off the tv* creepy..... *text alert* soul: ?? *he checks his phone* Wes: [still up?] soul: [yeah. not much on TV this hour tho :\ ] Wes: [no kidding. don't suppose they have Netflix?] -morning- Kid: *groans* stocking: zzzz...... *sleeping next to kid on the futon* Kid: *holds her* Patty: *somehow asleep on top of the kitchen table* sayaka + kilik: *asleep in another futon* Thunder: *shaking Kilik* Black Star: *doing push-ups* kilik: *yaaaawn* morning... sayaka: imupimup... -at school- Black Star: "Nothing weird at our place? That's good at least..." tsubaki: *she nods* Black Star: *looks at Tsubaki* "Maybe..." -in class- Stein: "So, as we can see, the soul structure around cats affords only a select few multiple lives." soul:.....*awkward memories* Stein: "Thank you for demonstrating, Blair. You may step down." blair: *she smiles* see you all later~ Kid: *looks around the classroom to gauge reactions* -at lunch- Kid: "M'lady." *serves Stocking a slice of strawberry cheesecake* stocking: why thank you~<3 Kid: "Of course~ So, any plans after school?" stocking: how about we go to the mall? i hear they have halloween stuff in! Kid: "Okay! Maybe we also can stop by a clothing store: I wanted to get a new sweater." stocking: sounds good! Kid: *looks around, then whispers* "With Halloween, and that vampire film last night..." stocking: oho~? 7////w////7 Kid: *whispering* "Maybe we can find something new for our room to set the mood..." stocking: *griiiins* -elsewhere- Takehisa: *hammering* tamaki: *looking at the festival poster* Iris: "Should be exciting. I wonder which battles will take place." maki: im looking forward to the festival games ^^ Arthur: "What kind of games do they have? Battle of wills?" shinra: you got gold-fish catching, a shooter game, all kinds of stuff.... nozomi: we'll have to get yukatas for the festival too... Arthur: "...Yukatas..." -\\\\\\\- shinra: could i get mine with fire on it? not literally though... Akitaru: "Ha! At this rate, it'll be Tamaki's that's on fire--" tamaki: *very creepy death glare* Akitaru: "..." *runs away* miwa:....good lord that is terrifying.... tamaki: ....shinra if i get into an embarrassing situation during the festival, you'll pay for this. shinra: WHY?! w-what if you dont? tamaki: then you will be spared. Iris: -_-; "Logic is not your strong suit, Tamaki." nozomi: ^^; Arthur: *pats Tamaki on the shoulder* "I promise, that if Shinra embarrasses you, I will strike him down where he stands." Iris: ._. shinra: D8> you guys are jerks! Arthur: "Then don't embarrass her at the festival, such as by groping her, undressing her, knocking her into water, pointing out that birthmark on her left butt cheek--" -too violent to show here- Iris: D: "Why?!" -elsewhere- Kid: *exits dressing room in a pumpkin sweater* Patty: *exits dressing room...in a very gaudy shirt* stocking: how cute~ liz: -_-; Kid: -\\\\\\\- Patty: "I got this one for you, Sis!" liz: D8 stocking: ta-dah~ -she is in a halloween themed Lolita dress- Patty: *eyebrow wiggle* "Wear it for Wes--he'll go nuts." Kid: *blushing and smiling, as he claps* "Exquisite!" Kid: *then studies the dress* "Is it...asymmetrical?" stocking: we could get it tailored. Kid: "SOLD!" stocking: ^^ ???: "Stocking?" stocking: ?? *she looks around* eh? Jacqueline: *small wave* "Hello. That's a lovely dress." stocking: oh, hey jackie. *she smiles* kim: looking for halloween costumes? or dresses for the dance? Kid: *shrugs* "A little of both." Jacqueline: *looking at Kim* kim: *she is showing of a cute dress with a scarecrow style* cute huh? Jacqueline: -\\\\\\- "Quite. I wish I could figure out what to wear." kim: maybe you should be a pumpkin, haha! Jacqueline: *frowns* Kid: *shows off his shirt* "Not a bad design." Jacqueline: "Just looks...silly." Kid: *frowns back* stocking: i think its cute~ Kid: *blushes and smiles* -later- Jacqueline: *holding up the silver studded belt* "Does this look...too Hot Topic?" kim: it looks super rad! Jacqueline: -\\\\- "I guess I can buy this...Thanks." -elsewhere- chie: zzzzzzzzzzzzz................... Yohei: "???" Yohei: *lifts her carefully to bring her to bed* chie: yoheeeeiiiii, that ostrich asshole carl is messing up...the..bagonias.....zzzzz Yohei: "..." *struggling not to laugh* chie:......*nuzzle* =w= Yohei: *holds her close as he opens the door and lays her onto the bed* -elsewhere- Emine: "So...What am I to do for a bad deed that doesn't involve killing, stealing, or stripping?" sayaka: *she has a nice crepe* yum times~! Emine: "..." *smacks crepe out of her hand* sayaka: D : > WHY?! Emine: "Bad deed for the day accomplished." Shotaro: ^^; "How about I buy you another crepe to make up for my friend's behavior?" sayaka: thanks... Shotaro: *pays for her crepe* "Here you go!" Emine: "Hmph." -elsewhere- Clone!Justin: "..." *adjusts his attire* acolyte: brother...it is soon time... Clone!Justin: "..." *small smile* "It is, indeed." *marches forward* -in a hall, several people sit, garbed in similar uniforms, some of them masked- Priest: "Welcome our newfound brother!" -chanting in an unknown language, long forgotten by modern times- Clone!Justin: "..." *smiles* "I...am home." -elsewhere- justin: *he woke up in a cold sweat* ah!!......*he looks around....he's in his room*.....*sigh* -elsewhere- stocking: kiiiiiiid, i dont feel like walkiiiing! >.< Kid: "??? I could help you with that~" stocking: *arms out like she wants to be carried* >n< Kid: *swings his arms down, his arm out to catch her upper back and neck while his other arm picks her up at her knees, holding her bridal style* "Well..." stocking: *mewl of approval* ^w^ Kid: "Where to, kitten?" stocking: my place~? Kid: *smiles* "Okay." -and so- stocking: *nuzzling* ^w^ Kid: *chuckles* "You are spoiled so sweetly..." stocking: hehe~...oh! i want to show you some pics i took today. *she shows a few pictures on her phone, of their outfits.....and baby clothes* so cute~ Kid: "Awwww..." *blushes as he looks askance at her* "Did you...?" stocking: hmm? what is it kiddo? Kid: "...Are you thinking about the future...with having children?" stocking:.....maaaaybe a little~ Kid: *nods* "Likewise. When I see Shiori...and I see you...and how good you are, how beautiful you are...If we have children, they would be amazing." stocking: *huuuugs* ^//////^ Kid: "I know it's too soon...but there's another part of me that is so excited at the idea." stocking: yeah....can we cuddle for right now? Kid: *nods* "Of course." *holds her* stocking: mmmmmm~ Kid: "I love you, so much." stocking: i love you too kid... *ruffling his hair* Kid: *chuckles* "That tickles." stocking: you know what else tickles?.....*she lifts up his shirt and blows a raspberry on his chest* Kid: *loud laughter* "St-Stocking!" stocking: hehe~ *tickling his sides* Kid: *his back on the bed, giggling* "N-Not fair!" stocking: oh~ are you going to try fighting back kiddo~? Kid: *slides his hands under her skirt, tickling her legs* stocking: kya! haha!! X3 Kid: *giggling, struggling to keep tickling her* "How you like that?" stocking: i wont give up that easily! Kid: "O-Oh?" *he continues tickling, grappling with her as he tries to move his hands up to her hips* stocking: oooh~<3 *softly moaning* *she leans forwards and....* -plomf- stocking: O//////O Kid: o\\\\\\\o stocking: *gets back up* .//////. Kid: "...Your breasts are amazing." stocking: *blushing* did you want to.... >////> be in there again? Kid: "..." *nods* stocking: ok.... *she lets him rest his face in her bosom* feel comfy? Kid: *sighs* "Yes..." :3 stocking: hehe~ *ruffling his hair* so cute~ Kid: *blushing a bit* "You're amazing...I want you to know, whatever happens, however we change...I will always love you." stocking: *she smiles* -elsewhere- *KNOCK KNOCK on Gallows Mansion* lord death: ???? M'yellooo? Wes: "Hello, sir. I wanted to know whether Liz was here." lord death: ah yes, she's in her room right now. Wes: *nods* "May I go up?" lord death: sure, its down the hall to your left. Wes: "Thank you." *Wes goes up the stairs and knocks on what he expects is Liz's room* liz: yeah- oh! wes, hey! Wes: *waves* "Hi! Sorry for stopping by out of the blue like this." liz: its fine. *she smiles* Wes: "You're looking well. How has today been?" liz: alright. you? Wes: "Same. A lot of practicing before our next performance." *walks into her room* -elsewhere- Black Star: *washing dishes* tsubaki: *putting the clean dishes away* Black Star: "Was pretty fun having everyone hanging out here--and they didn't make as big a mess as I would've." tsubaki: *chuckles* Black Star: "You gonna be okay tonight?" tsubaki: yeah....*she smiles* oh! thats right! the asakusa festival is coming up...i'll need to pick out my outfit for it... Black Star: "Cool! What were you thinking for this year?" tsubaki: hmm... *she goes into her room and comes out with a camilla print yukata* ta-dah~ Black Star: *two thumbs up* "Good look." tsubaki: *she smiles* Black Star: "Still not sure about mine. I could wear the one with stars, the one with the other stars, the other one with the bigger stars--" tsubaki: ^^;; -elsewhere- Hibana: *brushing her teeth* gabriella: *yaaawn* such a long day todaaay.... Hibana: *spits into the bathroom sink* "I swear, if I have to listen to one more gasbag at another meeting, I'm going to need caffeine put in intravenously." gabriella: noted. Hibana: *smiles at her* "You'll be by my side when I wake up?" gabriella: of course i will. *kisses her on the cheek* Hibana: *hugs her, as they crawl into bed* "Love you." gabriella: love you too~ ^^ Hibana: *yawns* "Good night, Darling." -morning, at school- Patty: *giggling* liz: you seem to be in a good mood like usual. Patty: "Just a little optimistic about something~" liz: is that so? Patty: *whispers* "I'm asking Takeru out." liz: wow, congrats! Patty: "Hee hee. I owe it to you, Sis. I'm so proud of you and what you are doing..." liz:...*she smiles* Patty: *pats Liz's hand* "Wish me luck--we'll see how this goes." -and so- takeru: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE hito: HE WOULD LOVE TO! Patty: O________O Patty: "Um...Okay?" -in class- Kid: *staring at textbook, sweating* soul: you ok? Kid: *tapping his anatomy book* "A...symmetrical...Why can't the heart be in the center?...Sorry...Just having a rough morning, I suppose..." *stares at Soul* "...You're hair is off." soul: ?? Kid: "..." *puts his hands into Soul's hair* "Let me fix that..." Tsukiyo: "!!!" *watching* soul: hey, its fine, relax... Kid: "There! All symmetrical!" *holds up a mirror...Soul's hair is pointed straight up* Present Mic: "..." *thumbs up to Soul* Great Job! soul:..... -elsewhere at school- Izuku: "Things getting any better, Shinra?" shinra: i think so. looking forwards to the festival coming up... Izuku: *nods* "Should be fun! What's going on at this festival, anyway? I haven't been to this one." shinra: neither have i to be honest ^^; -elsewhere at school- Jacqueline: *in her new punk-ish attire* kim: nice look! *thumbs up* Jacqueline: -\\\\\- "I'm not sure about--" Tsukiyo: *whistles* "Nice!" Jacqueline: o\\\\o kim: -_-; Tsukiyo: "Hey, pumpkin. Haven't seen you around this campus~" Jacqueline: *inches to stand behind Kim* kim: we've been here a while. and she has a name you know. Jacqueline: *nods defiantly* Tsukiyo: "I think 'Pumpkin' works. Because I just want to gobble her up~" Jacqueline: *clutches Kim* kim:...... -CHOP- Tsukiyo: *face down on the floor* Jacqueline: *whispers to Kim* "It's like a rabbit version of your mom..." kim: you cant just give people names against their will! ef:............................ -_-;;; Tsukiyo: "..." *gets up, glares at Kim* "I got a name for you...'Bitch.'" kim: .....the fuck did you just say? -elsewhere- Black Star: "Hey, Tsubaki, you ever think that things are a little too quiet here--" *BOOM* Black Star: "..." -The fight led to a small fire in the hallway, which was stopped by Backdraft...and somehow still embarrassed Tamaki- -later- tamaki: *ptooie* still got foam in my mouth.. XP Tsukiyo: *black eye, but smirking* "Foam party, yo." -after school- Kid: *eye twitching* "It'll take forever to clean it up well--" stocking: *covers his eyes* guess who~ Kid: "..." *melts into a goofy Charlie Brown smile* "My angel." stocking: *she smiles and kisses his cheeks* Kid: "I'm so happy to see you." stocking: hehe~....soul told me you were having a rough morning... Kid: *nodded* "I assure you, I have kept up on my medicine. I just...it was difficult today." stocking: did you want to go for a walk? Kid: *nods* -and so- stocking: *she holds onto his arm* so cute... Kid: -\\\\- "So are you." *looking at the trees and the sky...and at children around* -one young boy runs up to his parents, hugging his mother- Kid: "..." *small squeeze on Stocking's hand* stocking:....*nods* Kid: *smiles at her* "Sorry. Just a little...nostalgic." stocking:......*she holds his hand* Kid: *rubs his eye a bit, smiling* "But...I'm happy." -elsewhere- Patty: *holding up a dress* "How about this one? Will this one work on me?" liz: i guess. though most people will be wearing more traditional outfits, like kimonos and stuff? Patty: *facepalm* "Right! Sorry! All turned around by this! Um...What do most people wear underneath?" liz:... o-o let me check... -elsewhere- Shotaro: "I think Emine's coming along well!" chie: thats great to hear. Shotaro: "Hee hee. And it lets me do good deeds to offset his bad deed." Emine: *about to pull the chair out from under Chie* Shotaro: "!!!" *leaps, puts the chair back before Chie sits* saki: his room is just about ready too... chie: emine. one thing.... if you do _anything_ to hurt my baby. you're going to have a very bad time, ok~? *tranquil fury* Tuhl: *has paint on him* -_-; "If more of the paint got on the walls..." lin: looks good to me. Yohei: *installing lighting* mana: here chie, your really weird smoothie. chie: thanks~ *downs it* Shotaro: "What's in it, Mana?" mana: you dont want to know. Shotaro: "..." *tries to sneak a taste off of the top of Mana's drink...* -elsewhere- yuuji: do you hear something? himiko: nooooooo? :3 sachi: sounds like....a baby crying? Kurogiri: "...Oh no..." yuuji: the fuck is that? Kurogiri: *studying* "My baby!!!" Kurogiri: "..." -_-; "Best not to ask too many questions..." -the baby is still crying- Kurogiri: *cradling the baby, singing...in that creepy monotone voice* yuuji: *cringes* kurome: ^o^ sachi: how that kid can get any sleep with that is beyond me... Kurogiri: *continues singing...paint is peeling from the walls* sachi: stop it! DX Kurogiri: *DEATH GLARE* "I am helping my child sleep. Watch it, or I will put _you_ to sleep..." sachi: O-O;;; -elsewhere- Relan: D: "Owie...I hurt all over...I have muscles I never knew I had that hurt..." nurse: *putting bandages on his wounds* Relan: "You're very kind to tend to my wounds...but I'm sore all over. Ouch." nurse: on the bright side, you arent as banged up as the last time. Relan: Q~Q "That's true...Is this what happens to all new recruits? The Commander seems...brutal." -elsewhere- Gopher: "..." kotone: *sleeping* eibon:....is everything alright, my child? Gopher: "Sorry...I am just worried for Kotone...as I am for Kirika and her sister..." eibon: ah, i see... inori:....*she also seems concerned* Gopher: "Kirika missed school...She seemed...so sad." eibon: would you like to visit her? Gopher: -W- *nods* -later- kirika:...*playing with mocha with a cat toy* *KNOCK KNOCK* kirika: doors open. Gopher: *pops his head in* kirika:...*small chuckle* hey. *holding mocha* Gopher: *small wave, smile* "Hey..." *enters* "How are you?" kirika:...alright....you? Gopher: "Okay...I wanted to see you..." kirika:...*awkward lean on his shoulder* .....been kind of out of it for a while... Gopher: o\\\\\o "That's...understandable. I'm sorry." kirika: its fine.....d-dont get me wrong, im happier than anyting she's alive its just.....*sigh* its kind of weird getting used to.... Gopher: *nods* "It's a lot to get used to." kirika: yeah....kinda surreal.....*rubbing her eyes* Gopher: "..." *pulls out a handkerchief and hands it to her* kirika:...thanks.... Gopher: *small smile* "You're welcome...You really are kind and loving." kirika: !! 7////7 oh shush you! Gopher: *small chuckle* -elsewhere- Hibana: *reclining in bathtub* "Goddamn..." gabriella: *washing her hair* feel better? Hibana: "Sooooo much...Meetings, work out, paperwork...Long day...Long for you, too." gabriella: *she smiles and nods* Hibana: "How you want to relax tonight?" *splashes water a bit* gabriella: *blushing* c-could i....join you in the bath? i-it is off work hours now so... >/////> Hibana: *smirks* "Of course. Hop on in." gabriella: o////o *undressing* s-should i be at the other end or...s-spu-spooning? Hibana: "Which would you prefer, sexy girl?" *slides a finger along Gabriella's leg* gabriella: *bluuuush* *she went with the spooning* Hibana: *nuzzles with her, kissing along her* "So sexy." gabriella: ./////////////////////////////////.
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