#i’m still mad that i went snooping in the dialogue files hoping for answers about his past and instead found out how much the writers
kinokoshoujoart · 7 months
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note: “69” is the word “rock” written in goroawase (substitution of letters for homophonic numbers) so it’s not uncommon to see him called 69 by jp users…
“the young lady” = lumina. (the “he” saying interesting things is rock. the other “he” is an insertion…)
taelwoo = they wrote teilou and this got auto translated funny
i wanted to spotlight these posts by twitter user wl_mihaya who has consistently neat writings regarding wonderful life’s characters
somehow i read this as Wada and Matsuyama showed the writing team the reference sheet again like “Look at this irredeemable debauchee. This spoilt summer child, this pampered prodigal prince who has tasted not the bitterness of life. This libertine, this chaud lapin. Coasting on the coattails of his well-to-do family in his obnoxiously baggy clothes. Disgusting. Good-for-nothing worthless son. Into the Romance Scenarios with him.”
AnWL’s NPC to tumblrsexyman conversion pipeline scenario writing department: “ok got it boss🫡(ohhhhhh what a tragic little meow meow 🥺 are you guys even seeing this. isn’t he just the most heartachingly aware of how pathetic he is yet utterly determined to carry on this pretense of confidence. let’s secretly make him wet and pathetic and impossibly stupid and so very Adopted)”
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