#i'll probably have to rewatch again with subtitles bc i know i missed some of the dialogue
queenerdloser · 1 year
i finally watched nope (on my plane ride home lol... sorry 2 my seat mate) and my god!!!!! i dont know what it is about jordan peele specifically but he really does make horror movies that are Perfect For Me as in they are just the right combination of scary shit to social commentary to humor to beautiful cinematography. i think i might like nope more than get out? which is saying something bc that remains one of my favorite films (let alone horror films!). i still havent watched us yet bc to be frank it looked scarier and i am still a baby about horror in that i can handle some but if it gets too creepy i cant do it. but i yearn to watch it bc i really like how peele tells stories. 
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lilolilyr · 10 months
Tagged by @banashee to post 10 of my favorite comfort movies and then tag 10 people, thanks! <3 just had a look at yours again after writing mine, we agree on LotR :D and adsfg I really need to watch Rocky Horror one of these days (I've seen it live before, but never the movie I think?? Oupsie xD fast ne Bildungslücke!)
1. Lord of the Rings (whole trilogy but if I have to choose one then Return of the King)
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Comfort movie: battles and darkness and Winning
2. Racing Stripes
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(The film's in colour but it looks like this is the only gif I can find when I type in the title lmao)
One of a handful of taped movie me and my sister watched on repeat as a kid. Big nostalgia
3. Chestnut: Hero of Central Park
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I can't find a gif for that one at all, but it's another cute kids movie I used to watch A Lot and still sometimes return to for the comfort of nostalgia and safety
4. Monte Carlo
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I love all those silly switcharoo films, also the princess switch and its sequels etc, but Monte Carlo was the first one I watched and I still love to watch it for some mindless destress entertainment xD
Ummmm okay what else we got, I can't actually easily think of comfort!movies, I've got a whole bunch of comfort TV shows that come to mind, and movies I love but that aren't exactly /comfort/... *Goes through my Ao3 fandom list* no nothing clicks nothing clicks... Oh!
5. Pitch Perfect
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Just the first one tbh, I mean the others are fun too but this one's a comfort film for me!
6. murder, she said
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I adore Miss Marple, and this version of Miss Marple specifically! I've watched this one so many times :)
7. The Parent Trap
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It's cute. Okay? It's cute xD and I've probably watched this version at least as often as the German one I'll add next, probably bc this one was on TV more often? Idk, I couldn't actually say which one I like more
8. Charlie & Louise
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Again no gifs on here, but I adore this film! Also as you can maybe tell I'm actually running out of ideas and the Real comfort would be reading the book version of Das Doppelte Lottchen that both this and the parent trap are loosely based on xD my mom still has an old hardcover version and I've always adored that book, wished I had a twin whenever I read it as a kid!
9. Pride and Prejudice
Alright so th Colin Firth series version is better and the YouTube Lizzie's diaries or what it is is the best anyway but we're doing movies here and the Keira Knightley version Is definitely a comfort film for me so here goes
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Ok so there are Definitely pride and prejudice gifs somewhere on tumblr. It just won't show them in the search results for sommme reason. Seems to be because it has the word 'pride' in it, because whenever I type that it switches to the 'create your own gif' error image. @staff what's up with that? Latent homophobia again?
10. Kyss Mig
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First wlw film I ever watched, I still remember watching it (on mute, with English subtitles, there's no German or English dub anyway) in my parents' living room when I was 12 or so, with the computer display turned away from everyone else, actually pretending to be on tumblr (the rule was we had to be at least in the same room for evening family time even if I was uninterested in whatever movie or sports the others were watching but I was allowed to be on tumblr) and trying not to show any reaction to the screen bc at the time I had no idea what my parents' stance regarding LGBT ppl was (parents, tell your kids when you're okay with them being gay, bc they might be and they won't just Know that you're okay with that!), and idk I've had friends tell me it's not their fav film and maybe it's mainly the nostalgia for me but I still absolutely adore this movie and have rewatched it many times
Tagging my mutuals, friends and collaborators <3 @toboldlynerd @lavendelhummel @squishmittenficfan @purlturtle @mimi-mindless @asstraightasau-turn @katieswain123 @verajasmijnart @artax-risen @bookgirlfan only if you want to do it of course! :) & pls lmk if you'd rather I didn't tag you in the future!
Edit: looking at old posts in my 'movie tag' and 'comfort movies' tags now like omg! Of course! Mr&Mrs Smith, Lara Croft, Mean Girls, Carol..... Also I only just thought of Miss Congeniality! Adsfghjkl I really have 0 memory sometimes!
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