#i'm feeling vulnerable in my emotions on this thursday and they make me so soft so we're starting the draft cleanout with these babies
politemagic · 3 months
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sleep token + posts about love i saw on pinterest
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baby-yongbok · 7 months
Chapter Seven - Moonlight
Hyunjin x Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff, the type that makes you say 'aw' out loud
Summary: A lot can change under the moonlight
Word Count: 4,488
A/N: I wrote this chapter much slower and I think that it turned out so much better I think that I'm going to start posting this story every other Thursday that way I can really focus on making it poetic like I want. + If you haven't already, I highly recommend reading the previous parts before this one so that you get the ✨full experience✨. See you next time at 6 💕
Part 6
✧Poetry Series Masterlist✧
✧Main Masterlist✧
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My mom used to make me sit in on the lectures that she gave to my brother everytime that he'd get into trouble. I never really understood why. I was a calm and quiet kid, I didn't have a ton of friends but I knew a couple of people. I mostly kept to myself but my brother was the opposite, he liked being loud and rowdy, he was a 'cool kid'. The exact opposite of me. I used to hate sitting in on his discipline sessions but tonight I'm grateful for them. Maybe this is why my mom wanted me to be there, so that I could have a better understanding of why people do what they do. So that I could be exposed to the emotions that I felt so seldomly. 
"Have you ever been here before?" I watch as the soft autumn breeze pushes Hyunjin’s hair back. His almond eyes scanned the space around us carefully. 
"I don't think so." Clicking my tongue in disapproval I skip over towards the fence overlooking the water. This pier has been one of my favorite places to go since I was in my Junior year of University. The water is so calming, the air is so fresh and pure, and at night it's the perfect place to decompress. 
"This is my favorite place to go when I'm having a rough time." Hyunjin makes his way over to me. Standing beside me with his hands in his pockets. His gaze is cast down at the glowing water of the river. 
"You didn't have to share your special place with me." He whispers and I furrow my brows in confusion. "After what just happened I feel like I might ruin this for you."
My heart softens at his vulnerability, I can't help but to let my eyes wander up to the side of his face. His eyes are tracing over the shining reflection of the moon on the waves but he seems tense. He seems worried. I take a step over to him so that our elbows are touching. I train my gaze on the moon's reflection and take a deep breath. My mom's advice echoes through my head. 
'People just want to be understood. Sometimes anger is an attempt at understanding. Sometimes we're not even really angry, we're just afraid.'
Carefully, I grabbed my camera, adjusting it around my neck before taking a step back and pointing it towards Hyunjin. I snapped two photos before he looked my way and then took another one. 
"What are you doing?" He asked with confused eyes, holding his hand up to cover his face. 
"I'm documenting the moment that I brought you here." I lower the camera and step back over to him, smiling wide. "You could never ruin this place for me. If anything it actually feels more special to me now."
"Really?" The surprise in his tone is amusing, I can't help but to chuckle a bit at the sound of it. 
"Really." A ghost of a smile pulls at the corner of his lips as he steps closer to me. The faint sound of children laughing and music coming from further up the pier surrounded us as we stood, soaking in each other's energy. "Are you ready?"
"Hm? Ready for what?" Our eyes meet and I take in the blush that the cold autumn air has caused to spread over his cheeks.
"For our second date." I smile up at him, backing away slowly. I stretch my arms out to my sides to feel the breeze rush through my fingers as it picks up. Hyunjin watches me, brows furrowed and a smile adorning his tinted lips. 
"I thought I was supposed to be the one asking you."
"Yeah, but you're taking forever." I roll my eyes playfully and Hyunjin smiles wider. He makes his way over to me, jogging towards me with his arms out to playfully attack me. I back up faster, breaking into a light sprint. The sound of his footsteps padding behind me and my laughter mixing with the distant sound of the happy children filled the space around us. 
"You're not faster than me." Hyunjin wraps his arms around my waist, lifting me up and spinning me with an ebullient laugh falling from his lips. 
"I'm taking forever, huh?" He tickles my sides lightly and I scream and kick against him, trying my best to escape his attack. 
"You are!" I laugh louder as I struggle to speak. 
"Maybe I was just waiting for the perfect moment." He lowers me, keeping his arms around my waist and his chin on my shoulder. 
"Well, I beat you to it." I turn my head slightly, glancing over at his smiling face. "You can start planning the next one."
"I guess I better not take too long." He lets me go, taking a step back and adjusting his sweater. "You're in charge."
"I like the sound of that." He raises an eyebrow at me as I take his hand and start leading him further down the pier and over to the small boardwalk. 
"You like being in charge?" I look back at him, confused by the smirk on his lips. 
"Sometimes." His smile spreads as he shakes his head slowly. 
"I didn't think you were the type to like that." My confusion grows deeper as I stop and turn to him fully. "You seem like more of a bottom." 
I gape at his amused expression. His tongue in his cheek and a wide teasing smile on his face. 
"I- wha-" Both of his eyebrows raise this time and he clicks his tongue, shaking his head slightly. 
"Sounds like a bottom to me."
"Hyunjin!" His eyes morph into crescents as he laughs at me. I find myself smiling slightly as my mouth is still moderately agape. "You're horrible. I never thought that you were so dirty minded." 
I start walking again, the sound of Hyunjin’s footsteps behind me is being drowned out by his wild laughter and now it's my turn to tongue my cheek. 
"You said that you like to be in charge, not me." He takes a couple of wide strides towards me before he's back at my side, smiling down at me and taking my hand again. "And I'm not dirty minded."
I roll my eyes and he squeezes my hand. "Whatever." 
"Come on, don't be mad at me." He pushes his shoulder into mine as he takes in my reaction. 
"I'm not mad." I roll my eyes and turn my head as I try to hide the growing smile on my face. Why does he have to look at me like that? And why did he have to start a suggestive conversation? I'm not a virgin and I'm not shy about sex…unless you're someone who I'm interested in. If that's the case then I'm the actual human representation of bashful. 
"Also…" I take a deep breath, deciding to step outside of my comfort zone. It is Hyunjin after all. "I'm definitely a switch, not a bottom."
I look back over at the tall man next to me, making sure to maintain eye contact as he processes my confession. The smile on his face fades and mine grows once it hits him. 
"Is that right?" His eyebrows are raised again and he looks more than intrigued now. At least I know that he's interested in me, I'll take this as a confirmation. 
"Enough about that, come on." I pick up the pace, walking a bit faster and dragging him along with me.
 My plan from this point on is to ignore anything and everything that he says about my confession. I refuse to go into further detail for the sake of my sanity. Hyunjin moves fast as he tries to match my pace. Suddenly, he breaks our contact and his long arms are sneaking around my waist again, pulling me into him gently. 
"I think I like when you're in charge." My cheeks heat up at his words, my entire body stills against him and I think I might be holding my breath… I'm definitely holding my breath. 
"So, where is it that we're going?" He lets go of me, swiftly removing his arms from around my waist and draping one over my shoulder.
"I hate you." I scoff playfully, blinking up at him dramatically before falling into a steady stride again. "I don't wanna hear another dirty thing come out of your mouth all night."
He hums at my warning, shaking his head firmly. "Yes ma'am." 
I glare at him through my lashes and he smiles down at me with that mischievous look in his eyes. He can be such a nuisance sometimes and the worst part is that I know that he's enjoying it. 
"I'm just being polite." He raises his free hand in defense as I continue to glare at him.  We start to approach a very busy food truck and I guide Hyunjin over to the line. 
"Yeah yeah yeah." We take our place in line and Hyunjin starts looking at the menu. "It's Mistress by the way." 
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“So, why did you act like you didn’t know me in front of the kids?” After introducing Hyunjin to the best Korean bbq food truck in the city we started wandering aimlessly down the boardwalk.
“Because they’re extremely nosey and would never shut up about it. Especially James, he takes a certain pleasure in getting on my last nerve.”
We decided to take a stroll down the boardwalk, it's fairly busy despite the time. Children are running and laughing and people are getting their pictures taken and there are even some artists out tonight creating new pieces to sell. A particular landscape artist seems to catch Hyunjins attention, he's stopped to watch him as he paints. 
"He's just being a little brother. You seem very close to them so it would be odd if they didn't get on your nerves." A smirk pulls at his lips, a sweet and knowing one. 
"Which is even more of a reason not to tell them yet, but I'm sure they'll figure it out soon." I step closer to get a better look at the painting but I'm caught off guard when Hyunjin suddenly turns his attention towards me as his sentence ends. "I don't think that I can treat you like you're not the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."
I stare back at him, utterly speechless and taken aback. His eyes search mine for a second, a smile present in his honey irises. His hand gently finds the small of my back and he breaks our eye contact, looking forward and guiding me back into a steady stroll down the strip. 
I can't seem to stop my thoughts from going absolutely wild. Everything that's happened over the past two months with Hyunjin is running loose in my mind and making me feel something, something so intense yet soft. What is this? 
"Want to sit by the water?" Hyunjin's question snaps me out of my thoughts just long enough for me to answer. We make our way over to the small dock and sit at the edge, our feet dangling off the edge as we gaze into the sparkling River. 
I try my best to put my thoughts together. I need to make it make sense. What is it that's bothering me? I think about Hyunjin constantly, every morning I wake up to his text and every night we're on the phone until I fall asleep. We have so much in common and he makes me feel safe. I can be myself around him and all I want is to be in his company, talk to him, grow with him. 
"Are you okay?"
"What are we?"
Our questions come out at the same time. Our words clash with one another's. He blinks down at me and I mimic the action towards him. His brows pull together in a slight confusion and mine raise in curiosity. The silence between us creates a small bubble that muffles the surrounding sounds. The only thing that I want to hear is his answer to the question burning through my brain.
"I- I suppose I can see why you'd ask that." He chuckles lightly as he scratches the back of his neck and shifts his gaze down towards the water. "I'm sorry that you even had to ask."
"I'll feel better if you answer it." My gaze stays trained on him, wanting and waiting. 
"Right, um, this is not how I wanted this to go." His tongue dips out of his mouth and skates across his bottom lip before he pulls it between his teeth. He stares out into the water, clearly trying to put together his next sentence. I'm willing to wait all night for an answer. 
"I've never met anyone like you, Y/n. You're everything that I've ever wanted to experience in a person and I honestly can't believe that I know you. From the moment that I first saw you at Adore I thought that you were stunning and then to find out that you're brilliant and kind and… I could honestly go on for hours talking about all that you are." 
He pauses, licking his lips again and taking a deep breath before his eyes meet mine. His gaze is soft and sweet and in this moment I realize what it is that I've been feeling. It's desire. The desire to be his, to be with him. 
"With all that you are I just feel like you can do so much better than me." My heart sinks as I process his words. I immediately shift my gaze to the reflection of the moon. Maybe if I wish upon it we can rewind and he'd say something different. 
"So, we're just friends?" My words come out in a sad whisper as I swing my feet off of the edge of the dock. Hyunjins long legs mimic mine, swinging more softly. 
"Oh God no." I snap my head in his direction and the smile on his face catches me off guard. "I'm way too in to you to be your friend." 
"But, you just said -"
"I do believe that you deserve better than me… but when I'm with you my world feels brighter. Colors are more vibrant, more beautiful and I can smile easily. Being with you is healing, it's healing me and if I can have the privilege of healing with you by my side I'm going to take it. I'd be a fool not to."
The soft smile on Hyunjin’s face only makes it easier for tears to well up in my eyes. I've never, in all my years of living been told anything as sweet as this, it's almost dizzying. To know that Hyunjin feels exactly how I feel and that my presence in his live has helped him makes me feel like I'm on fire but I don't ever want this fire to go out. 
"With that being said, Y/n would you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend? I'd be more than lucky to have you be my partner in crime."
A rosy blush creeps up and covers my cheeks as his question rings through my ears. I'm shaking my head yes with a radiant smile before I can even get my answer past my lips. Hyunjin mirrors my smile as he quickly grabs his camera, he aims and clicks a quick photo which only makes me smile even harder with a gleeful chuckle. I launch forward, wrapping my arms around his neck and scooting as close as I can to him. His arms snake around my waist, leaving electric shocks in his wake but it is no longer a foreign feeling to me, it is welcomed. 
"Took you long enough." A deep laugh is squeezed out of me as his hold around my waist tightens. 
"You're just impatient." He laughs, his chin resting on my shoulder. Neither of us move to break the embrace. We sit in each others arms, taking in the warmth and energy that we've created. It almost feels different now, it feels warmer and softer around us. It feels comfortable like when I gaze at the moon or read a book. 
"You do realize that the only reason that we're on a second date is because I brought you here and the only reason that we're together now is because I asked a question that made you ask me out." He pulls away, looking down at me and rolling his eyes with a grin. 
"You did say that you like being in charge." I tongue my cheek and push him playfully, he leans back, nearly losing his balance and falling off of the dock. My eyes widen in panic as I lunge forward to grab him.
"Oh shit." I reach for his hand to save him but the laugh that erupts from his throat stops me. 
"Got ya." A dramatic sigh leaves me as I stand from the dock and start walking away from him. "Aw come on, angel." 
He calls after me and I turn around and flip him off with both hands. He stands from the dock and raises his camera towards me, snapping a picture before I turn and start walking away again. 
"I'll make a scene if you don't turn around." I keep walking, he's probably bluffing. He calls after me again but I ignore him, walking away slowly. 
"Mistress! Where are you?" I whip around as Hyunjin starts yelling as he follows behind me. With wide eyes, I speed walk over to him. "Oh, there you are baby. I thought I lost ya."
"Shut up" I scold him through gritted teeth and he laughs. I grab his hand and drag him behind me as I try to avoid the amused and confused look of the people around us. 
"I warned you." Hyunjin throws his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his side. 
"You're a maniac." I smile a bit, I suppose that was kind of funny. I'm not usually loud in public like that so having someone in my life who can shout at the top of their lungs regardless of what anyone thinks is kind of refreshing. 
"Get used to it. This maniac is your boyfriend now." He smiles down at me as I side eye him. "You're stuck with me, angel."
There goes that damn nickname again, why does it always make my heart flutter. 
"Oh, baby, do you want some ice cream? The stand up there isn't busy."
My cheeks burn as the new pet name registers in my brain. How am I going to survive this? I sneak my hand into his knitted sweater pocket and try to get myself to relax. 
"Baby?" Fuck, my heart is going to explode. 
"Uh, yeah let's do it."
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"Yeah, sorry I thought I sent the text" With everything that went on earlier I seemed to have forgotten to let Changbin know that I wasn't coming straight home. It was only after I checked my phone and saw the millions of messages and missed calls that I remembered. 
"You scared me, Y/n. I thought something happened to you." Changbin is upset, that's how I know I fucked up. He never gets upset with me. "I almost called the cops, if Serena wasn't here there would be a search party for you." 
"Binnie, I'm really sorry. I'll explain everything when I get home but I just got so caught up. My ringer is on now and I'll text you when I'm on my way home. I should be leaving soon." Changbin sighs on the other line and I can hear Serena trying to calm him down in the background. 
"Please, don't let this happen again, nugget." A smile pulls at my lips as I nod my head, he can't see me of course but I feel so much better now that he's used the nickname that he gave me when we were in university. 
"I won't, I'll text you okay?" Changbin and I say our goodbyes and I exhale in relief. I can't stand when he's mad at me. It's extremely rare that it happens but when it does the tension in the apartment drives me wild. 
I turn around and scan the area, searching for Hyunjin who left to give me privacy. I finally spot him a bit further down the boardwalk, leaning over the railing and trying to get a picture of something. I take this opportunity to capture him with my own camera. Using what he's taught me in today's class I take a couple of shots. When I look back at them on the small camera screen I can't help but smile. He looks so peaceful and beautiful in the moonlight. Once I'm satisfied with my pictures I check the time and start walking towards him. We should really get going if we want to catch the last bus back, I'm not sure what time it comes but I am sure that it's soon. 
"Hey, we should probably head to the bus stop, the last bus is coming soon."
Hyunjin snaps one more photo before standing tall and checking what he just captured on his camera screen. 
"What's the rush? We can take an uber." His eyes stay on his screen causing him to miss the way that my face scrunched up at his suggestion. 
"I would rather not, it'll be so expensive. Why spend that much when we can pay two dollars for the bus?" Hyunjin shifts his gaze to meet mine, smirking softly. 
"Maybe I should show you my bank account. Maybe then you'll understand that money isn't a problem for me." 
"Yeah yeah, Versace man I get." He chuckles at the nickname as he drapes his camera strap back over his shoulder.
"I'm serious, I try not to be flashy and in your face about it but you have nothing to worry about, angel." He takes my hand in his, pulling me towards him. "Let me take care of -" 
He stops speaking suddenly, turning his head as though he was trying to hear something. 
"What is -" He holds his free hand up to silence me, he closes his eyes and stands still, concentrating hard on the surrounding sounds. I try to do the same but I'm not sure what it is that caught his attention. 
Before I can process what's going on he's pulling me behind him. Our fingers are interlaced as he weaves through people and over towards what he heard. The challenge of keeping up with his long legs makes me jog after him as he speed walks over to the source of the sound. As we get further down the boardwalk I start to hear the sounds of a violin get clearer and clearer. Is that what caught his attention?
He stops walking abruptly and I bump into him softly. He stands about six feet from the violinist. He's an elder who I see here often, sometimes he plays his guitar but it seems that he opted to switch it up tonight. 
"Sorry, I just… I haven't heard this piece in so long." He glances down at me, a shy smile on his lips before he turns his attention back to the performer. The violinist looks up and catches his gaze, and the old man's face lights up with a knowing smile before turning his attention back. 
“This is a part of a larger piece by Yo-Yo Ma. The entire piece is called the Carnival of Animals. This particular piece is The Swan.” I watch Hyunjin with a small smile on my lips as he focuses on the notes filling the air. His eyebrows raise every now and then and he’s started swaying lightly. “I used to listen to this…when my mom would fight with one of her boyfriends. When I just couldn’t stand to be surrounded by anger anymore. It always relaxed me.”
My heart swells at his confession. I imagine teenage Hyunjin locking himself in his room and searching for the piece on Youtube. I wonder if he played it out loud or in headphones, did he sway by himself in his room? Did he dance?
Silently, I take Hyunjin’s other hand in mine and turn him towards me. “What are you…” 
His sentence trails off into silence as I lean my head against his chest. I move his hands to my waist and I snake my arms around his neck. We rock gently as the music surrounds us, I can feel Hyunjin relax into me as we move. I know that his eyes are closed, I don’t need to look. His forehead rests on top of my head as we soak in the moment together. The soft autumn breeze carries the music and swirls it around us, all of our worries fade away with it as it leaves. Right now we are whole, right now all that matters is that we have each other. 
Before we know it the piece comes to completion and I open my eyes slowly. Hyunjin takes a deep breath before lifting his head and looking down at me, I meet his gaze and a fond smile stretches across my lips. Before I have a chance to say anything his lips are on mine. My eyes flutter shut once I process the feeling, butterflies fill my stomach and my knees feel weak as our lips move together.  I deepen the kiss, pulling him closer with my arms around his neck and he holds me tight, pulling my chest against his as our kiss intensifies. I melt into him and he into me, it feels like we are one and time stands still. 
With one last smooth and gentle kiss he pulls away just enough to catch my gaze. My eyes flutter open slowly and my heart is beating fast in my chest as we hold each other's gaze. Slowly, I pull away, we both smile as we come back to the real world. Suddenly the sound of applause erupts around us and we both look over our shoulders. There are a couple of people standing around us, they must've watched us dance to the music. I glance over towards the violinist to find that even he is clapping for us with a wide smile on his face. He flashes a thumbs up and I chuckle in response. Hyunjin pulls away from me, grabbing my hand and spinning me quickly. A surprised laugh falls from my lips as Hyunjin pulls me back into him. 
“Thank you, angel” He smiles down at me and I can tell that he means it. My heart lights up like a Christmas tree, bringing him comfort brings me so much joy. 
“Come on, we have a bus to catch.”
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swonkimn · 1 year
Yesterday and today I have been struggling with myself. As in, I have been throwing up nearly every day and I've been back to having persistent negative thoughts...like everyone secretly hates me, my coworkers wish that I wasn't part of their team, that my husband is barely tolerating me.
I wonder if this vulnerability is from sharing my testimony two weeks ago, because the bulimia really started kicking back up since last week. It started on the Thursday that I decided to share, and it's slowly been climbing up in frequency since then. It's not that I feel regretful of sharing my life with the people in my community group, but it's the aftermath knowledge of accepting that I'm all out in the open. To share it isn't just to share it once, it's to live in your audience's heads and for their perception of you to forever be changed. It feels vulnerable and shaky for me to have expressed it out to a core group of people in my life, and then to see them again and again each point afterwards takes more bravery than I realized.
I've also been a bit bummed out because I recently cut my long hair short LOL. At the time I was so refreshed by the change and exhilarated by the newness of the experience, but I'm starting to think now that it was very impulsive and manic. I cut about a foot of hair without much second thought, briefly scanned through pinterest for inspiration before just landing on a random photo and showing it to the hairdresser without even much direction. And...now I have hair that is shorter than my shoulder, and it feels like my reflection is very foreign to me. It feels like my clothes do not fit the person that I am in on the inside. This is exactly it--the person I am on the outside and who I am on the inside feels mismatched. I feel like I've been soft, quiet, minimal in my clothing these days...but this hair cut makes me feel like I either have to wear a lot of makeup or reduce myself to being and feeling matronly or administrative. It just makes me feel like I have to work at building up my image instead of this haircut adding to the identity that I already am. It's sad, even though I shared my testimony just a week ago about wanting to die to these chains. it feels like I'm always being swept back up by these powerful emotions of helplessness, of unworthiness, of rejection.
When I looked at those photos on pinterest, I wanted to emulate those same effortless images of chic, everyday glam, off-duty polished looks. Instead I look like a quasi librarian/stay-at-home-mom/middle schooler going through a makeup and wardrobe malfunction. These are all issues that I so wish to leave behind me...like why am I still struggling with these issues that are so juvenile and immature? I'm almost thirty. Why do I still struggle so much with my body image and self-confidence?
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pocarinapyon · 2 years
[Chili] Intimate Moments
Doing the usual wild deed is fun and all but at times, the slow [emotional] ones are even better.
Starring : Albedo, Childe / Tartaglia, Diluc, Kaeya, and Zhongli (separate)
Warning : 🌶🌶 [Chilis] Seggs
Initial target audience is female reader but pronouns and wordings used can be considered gender neutral… Except that one line from Childe calling you “princess”.
To whoever is reading, please enjoy. Forgive my thirst from thirsty Thursday. 😜
** Yes, it is a late post...again… >__<’’!
** I'm new to the [--keep reading--] thing so please spare me... >__<"! i just tried the "new shiny editor" 😅
> Passionate kisses with Albedo starts with a nose kiss and a heartfelt gaze in each other’s eyes. He loves to cup your face and make small circles on your cheeks with his thumb as he nuzzles his forehead on yours.
> His go signal for the kissis if you reciprocate with a peck or if you place a hand on the back of his head instead of on his shoulders.
> Once you permit him entrance, he will first give you pecks and licks. He enjoys savouring your soft lips while glancing at your enticing eyes.
> “[your name], my love, you truly are captivating.”
> He then proceeds to push his tongue inside to give you a breathtaking kiss. During the lip session, Albedo loves it when you gently trace your fingertips on his neck and his birthmark – it sends pleasing shivers down his spine.
> Albedo would never hesitate to go down on you. He’s a good eater.
> But at times like this, it is you who is going down on him and Albedo holds your hair so they wouldn’t be in your way.
> You know he prefers it if you stroke him while you rest your cheeks on his thigh and meet his gaze.
> Albedo makes cute moans as you please him with your delicate hands and warm moist mouth. He feels vulnerable yet cannot resist the emotions you make him feel.
> After the preparation, Albedo helps you up and gently lays you in bed. He cups your face and pecks your lips one last time before prodding his lovestick in your hole.
> His head stretches you open and slowly puts his whole length in. Soft groans escape his lips as he fancies your accommodating insides. Once fully sheathed, he doesn’t move. Instead, he lingers and feels your snug warm walls around him.
> Albedo loves the warmth you give him. He loves how your hot breath feels as you mewl his name between moans of pleasure. He loves your heat down there and how your walls tighten to squeeze him more – encouraging him to give you his thick milk.
> In a slow and calculated manner, Albedo thrusts you into an orgasm. He kisses your lips once again as you bask in the afterglow.
> With a chuckle, Childe always kitten licks your lips to ask for entrance.
> If you allow him, he would let out a soft giggle before nibbling on your soft lips.
> If you do not allow him, he would pout and beg you to kiss him. Please allow him because he just wants to love you.
> “Princess, I promise I will never ever let anyone hurt you. You’ll be safe here – in my arms – in my heart – because you’re mine.”
> He stares at your eyes and gives you a toothy grin with a satisfied laugh. He is really happy that you gave him permission to kiss you.
> He parts your lips with his thumb and slithers his tongue inside your warm cavern, eagerly exploring it like it was his first time kissing you.
> Childe’s hands wander around your body as he kisses you passionately. It would sometimes be on your shoulders; your arms; your breasts; your back; your waist; your thighs; even your sex. He’s touchy like that.
> Childe loves going down on you. He eats you like you were the finest dish and he makes sure you orgasm from it.
> He would pull away so you don’t get overstimulated. Although sometimes he unintentionally does it late as he is caught up in slurping the sweet honey you gave him. Please forgive him.
> He adores watching you rest as you come down from your high.
> Childe already had your knees lifted to your chest before asking if he could bury himself inside of you.
> Another cute chuckle. He would peck your lips and chuckle before shoving his erection inside of you.
> Your eyes widen at the sudden stretch but he would immediately latch his lips on yours as a distraction. It’s his way of apology as he simply couldn’t get enough of you.
> He lets his tongue play roughly with yours in contrast to the gentle thrusts he gives you…at first.
> Childe’s rate of motion varies from time to time. At times he penetrates you slowly, making sure you get the feel of his full length stretching your walls. Other times he would roll his hips fast, unable to control his selfishness and simple letting loose to enjoy your tightness around him.
> Either way, you moan his name in between gaspsof satisfaction.
> Sound of flesh clapping continue to echo in the room.
> He makes sure both of you orgasm at the same time and he doesn’t unplug himself just yet. To cum at the same time – it makes him feel that your hearts are truly connected to each other.
> You are seated on Diluc’s lap and you could feel his erection between the cheeks of your buttocks.
> His hands are on your hips, thumbs making small circles on your skin as he pleads with his eyes if he could make love to you.
> You smile at him and he steals your breath away with a kiss.
> “My dearest, I am truly fortunate to have met you. I love you so much.”
> Diluc keeps his mouth latched with yours, exchanging spit and tongue playing with each other.
> He guides your waist so you could grind on his aching manhood. You do so and he rewards you with an erotic moan.
> Diluc buries his head on the crook of your neck and kisses your delicate spot. He skillfully swirls his tongue on it and gives it a nibble. It was your turn to reward him with your lovely sound.
> Your hand wanders below and touches the tip of his clothed erection. A simple touch makes Diluc a starving wolf.
> Still buried, he asks for permission inside of you, his voice muffled by your soft flesh as he kisses you. He peers at your eyes – both pleading and demanding.
> Diluc thanks you for allowing himself inside of you. Truly, he feels the luckiest man to be loved by you.
> Both unclothed, you adjust your position as you lift yourself from Diluc and he positions his erection to meet your hole.
> You lower yourself inch by inch, deliciously being stretched by your lover until your butt is finally flushed against his thighs.
> As the one on top, you are in control and you want Diluc to just relax and enjoy your tight snug hole.
> Your motion starts languidly, bouncing up and down. His hands are on your waist to guide and support you.
> Diluc loves the feeling of your nipples brushing against his as you hop. It gives him sweet tingling sensations.
> You aren’t as energetic as Diluc and soon you found yourself taking a break from moving up and down.
> Still inside of you, he grabs a hold of your butt cheeks and stands up, lifting you in the air. You wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist.
> He kisses your lips while thrusting your perfect hole.
> As he rolls his hips slowly, he lowers you down to meet his motion.
> Hearing your melodious moans speaking his name, Diluc lets out a hum of satisfaction.
> He continues to penetrate you, slowly but surely, until you reach your orgasm. Your grip on his body tighten as you feel the surge of pleasure in your body.
> Diluc unplugs himself and lets the juices drip on the floor. He lays you on the bed gently and peppers you lips with kisses as you recover from your high.
> Kaeya’s way of asking for entrance to your lips is by first kissing and nibbling on your fingertips. Still, with or without your permission, he would go to your jaw and pepper it with more kisses.
> A hum of his name is enough go signal for him to travel to your lips.
> He lets out a sigh, fanning his hot breath on your lips.
> “Hey, [your name]. You know I love you, right? Because I really do. I love you.”
> Kaeya’s usual arrogant expression is replaced with a softer look. His usual playful and teasing attitude is replaced with a serious and quiet demeanour.
> He only has one goal and he is earnest in dealing with it – that is to please you; to let this moment be all about you.
> Kaeya knows you like the back of his hand. He knows how to kiss you; he knows where to run his tongue on you; he knows which partsof your skin aresensitive to his touch; he knows when to call your name and say ‘I love you’. All of these knowledge he puts to use and make sure you feel just how much he adores you.
> Before he buries himself inside of you, he would kiss your jaw and whisper hisrequest.
> If you let him penetrate you, he would first prod his sex in your hole, peerin your eyes, and smile gently.
> Eye contact. He will keep his gaze on yours, watching your reactions as he inches himself inside of you.
> On the other hand, if you do not let him in, he would continue to plead softly as he peppers your jaw and neck with kisses. He will not stop until you say yes.
> Kaeya is quiet during intimate sex. He prefersto listen to the melody of your voice as you moan his name. Occasional pants and grunts are the only sounds that he lets past his lips.
> His thrusts are slow yet precise, hitting your right spot as he rolls his hips.
> Slow sweet sex – less words, more pure emotions – this kind of intimacy is what he secretly enjoy most.
> He triggers your orgasm by making sure all of your sensitive areas receive attention while rolling his hips. Once you tighten around him, he will shower you with praises and adoration, telling you how much he loves you and that you are his perfect one.
> To ask for a kiss permission, Zhongli would first gently caress your hands. He will then kiss the back of your hands and plead with his lovely amber eyes.
> Once you allow him, Zhongli will kiss your fingertips before intertwining your fingers with his. He will slowly inch himself closer until such time that your eyesmeet.
> He will observe your pretty orbsand smile gently, adoring his beautiful love.
> “My beloved, my most precious gem, you are the love of my life.”
> He loves to plant a kiss on the corner of your lips before diving into a slow heated kiss.
> Zhongli’s tongue invades your wet cavern and wrestles with yours, tasting the sweetness of your kiss and leaving you breathless.
> He gives you a peck before traveling down your neck. He grazes his teeth on your flesh before sucking on your sensitive spot.
> Going lower, he admires the shape of your breasts.
> One lump receives attention from Zhongli’s delicate moulding hands. He rubs your erected little nub with his thumb.
> The other nipple receives moist ticklish tongue flicks. Zhongli swirls his tongue around the erected lump before giving it a suck.
> He leaves a trail of kisses as he goes lower. His half-lidded amber eyes gaze at yours as he touches his lips on your thigh.
> You part your legs for Zhongli to marvel at your beautiful sex.
> A man skilled with his tongue, he masterfully pleases your sex that leave you gasping in delight.
> Zhongli needs to prepare you and he does it meticulously for he is huge down there. He doesn’t want to give pain to his most precious beloved.
> As soon as he knows you are ready, he will lift himself up and show you his already hard erection. It’s his way of saying he will now penetrate you.
> Slow pace. He enters you slowly while caressing your cheeks and continuously checking if you are OK. The last thing he wanted to do is to hurt you.
> He plugs himself fully and allows you to adjust yourself to his size. Once you’ve settled is the time he starts to roll his hips – nice and slow.
> Soft groans would escape past his lips as your snug walls tighten around him.
> Zhongli keeps his sweet sensual thrusts until you reach orgasm and gasp in pleasure. He uses this opportunity to slide his tongue inside yours and steal a kiss.
> Finally, he caresses your cheeks and tells you he loves you.
Sorry for the non-edit.
To whoever read this, thank you for your time. Here, have some corn. 🌽
Stay hydrated, people!
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