#i'm gayer than usual in this reply but like it's pride month
ndmlm · 5 years
hello the gay disaster from the youth group is back hhhhh. this is a long one so i hope ur prepared. it’s also in no way organized it’s just Gay Rambling. at this last meeting we mainly just played cards against humanity and it was Hella Fun. my crush sat next to me and like idk if it’s just me but he seemed to be touching my hand a lot 👀. (1/5)
like he was high fiving me a lot and he compared hand sizes with me. we also meet in a church so beforehand he was all like “we should say a prayer so we don’t go to hell lmao” and told me to hold his hand for it. which i did. and we were all making dirty jokes the whole time cuz that’s just how cards against humanity is. nothing overtly sexual or enough to make anyone uncomfortable, but some things he said to me were Not Very Platonic. (2/5)
comparing hand sizes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,oh hun
fuck i think he was flirting with me. for some reason i’m just realizing this now i really am a dumb gay huh? and like i thought about asking him out, and then i didn’t. for some reason i still have my doubts as to whether or not he likes me and the thought of asking anybody out gives me Big Anxiety. but hoo boy if i wasn’t into him before i sure am now. i just wanna kiss him and hold his hand and buy him flowers 💓💕💖💞💗💘. (3/5)
from the information i have, i am 100% certain that if u asked him out he’d say yes omg hkdsjd
jdjdkdjd idk but this crush feels different than ones i’ve had before. just thinking about him makes me feel sooo happy and i just think about him 24/7 so i’m just happy about him all the time, smiling like an idiot. it’s affecting my daily life lmao. i literally have a history project due tomorrow but i’d rather talk about him. i’ve been listening to only love songs for the past 3 days. (4/5)
huN do not let him get away omg
i’m slowly realizing that if this doesn’t work out i’m gonna be Fucked. unfortunately this was the last meeting for a while cuz they line up with the school year and i don’t even know if they’re doing it next year cuz this is the first one. i’m Stressed cuz if i don’t see him until september i might actually die. the group does have plans to go to pride together, so that better work out. i’ve been talking for a While so i hope this wasn’t weird or tmi and was at least semi entertaining. (5/5) 
please please please ask this boy out oh my god, and please tell me exactly how it goes lmaoo. seriously tho this is so cute !! there’s no way he’s not into u, b. also asking someone out at pride is the move tbh. i am very entertained and enthralled do keep me updated !!!!!!!
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