#i'm glad i was able to participate <3333
ananinidraws · 2 months
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My parts for the super awesome RTGame birthday collab! <33333 This was an amazing project to take part in, i had a lot of fun, and everyone's cupcakes turned out amazingly! <3333
Of course i had to do everything Miitopia related, and add a lil Chatical John in hehehehe <3333
Anyways, happy birthday to my favorite streamer guy! <3333
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parkjayssi · 2 months
Thankyou so much for the song. I have heard enhypen songs but bite me never came across. Thanks to you, I was able to give an ear to it. The message resonated with me to my present. I am grateful for the reading. Sending you lots of love and blessings.💖
i'm glad and thank you very much <3333
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darlingpwease · 1 year
Yes, Teacher??? /t /why must u bully me 😔😔
Oh shit– I guess they really don't like swan lake then lmao Thank you for bringing it here to tumblr,, it wasn't only cool to learn but also just really interesting too!! :DD /gen
Yes yes,, thank you for teaching information, Dove <33 I'm looking forward for the next one!! /ht /hgen /I do think it's cool when u do that tho
Ahhh okok,,, then make sure to rest well. I can only imagine how nerve-wracking that must've been. I can't really do anything, but I really do hope that everything's good now and that you and others are feeling better now.
Yeah,, where I am tensions are rising with both the government and it's citizens, it's like there's no middle ground abdhdks. I'm just hoping that it will stay somewhat calm until I'm able to leave lmao,, it just seems like there's not much rest for anyone recently ha ha... I can't imagine life like that tho, it sounds exhausting.. (not meant in any offense) however, I can definitely relate to some things losing their points of "joking" tho,,,, its... it's not enjoyable <//33
Uwwhhh thank you,, unfortunately I'm still gonna fluctuate like this for the next 2-ish weeks I'm so sorry I'm so sorry <//3333 I'll also reply to the other post when I can I promise aaahdbskd
-panna cotta
hehe, good pamna, good~ mwah♡ as they said in one highly social advertisement about how relatives bully children with their 'attempts' to help them, "bullying begins at home"<3333 /t /j /nsrs
you know, but not even everyone in the country knows about such a feature with the term "swan ballet", especially among young people, since they simply did not find that time and none of the adults told them how this ballet was played immediately after the coup - also, it is associated with the death of the general secretary of the CPSU, so as on the day of his mourning, only this ballet was played on TV. I do not know if you have watched it, but it is a very calm and even quiet, serene ballet, completely unrelated to politics, but now it is quite politicized due to the connection with the August coup and the "purge". you look at him,,, what a charmer<33333 /affectionate
yaau~ then next time I'll tell you something more exciting, considering that events are getting more and more tense and bad ☆〜(ゝ。∂)/ht /ht /pos
I mean, unlike almost all the people in my environment, I don't even take pills yet, so I'm still very fine<333 after all, I can still be joyful even without antidepressants, so!!! a very sanguine person!!! hold my malewives tight!!!
the same, babyboo<///3 I only hope that something will happen when the elite dies out, because I don't see any other ways to solve the current socio-political problems. at least let them not close all borders and there will be at least some way to leave, and then everything will be fine. sometimes they say that it will only get worse in other countries, but I will be glad if I don't participate in an absolutely serious dialogue in the style of "do you think there will be a nuclear war or not?" for at least a couple of months. however!!! don't take it as a complaint, I don't think my situation is worse or better than yours;;; maybe the world is just changing and we need to follow if we are not at the helm, but sometimes I would like to stop following and just stop sjdhhd /ht I agree; especially when it becomes difficult to understand if it's just a joke or if it's serious, because laughter is the only thing that,,,, remains</3
everything is fine!!! fortunately, next week I have the last final and I'm all through August<3333 of course I have a little more study here and there for additional education, but these are small things~ well well well...🤨🤨🤨 /t /j /pos
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