#for those who might not have noticed ovo
ananinidraws · 2 months
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My parts for the super awesome RTGame birthday collab! <33333 This was an amazing project to take part in, i had a lot of fun, and everyone's cupcakes turned out amazingly! <3333
Of course i had to do everything Miitopia related, and add a lil Chatical John in hehehehe <3333
Anyways, happy birthday to my favorite streamer guy! <3333
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amethyst-crystalfly · 2 years
Confessions of a Dandelion
Diluc x reader, Venti x reader (platonic)
Fluff with a lil bit of crack hehe ( ^ω^ )
Warnings: mentions of alcoholism, slightly suggestive actions? I am not sure if it really counts?
A/n Hello!! I’m so glad you are here! Hope you are doing well and taking care of yourself (^ - ^) If you like my work feel free to explore more here🌸 Or simply drop by and say hi! Happy reading^o^
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Diluc Ragnvindr, such a beautiful name. It flows off your tongue so effortlessly. You find yourself daydreaming about him ever so often. Thinking about him gives you butterflies all the time. You visit the tavern almost every other night after your shift at the Favonius Headquarters in hopes of catching a glimpse of the handsome owner. Although you usually just stick to drinking juice.
Today, however was different, you found yourself in company of Mondstadt’s beloved bard, Venti. He was fun to have around . Diluc wasn’t there yet, Charles was managing the counter, but you decided to stay because of the bard’s refreshing company. And before you knew it you had downed two glasses of dandelion wine. You were laughing away with Venti as if you two had been friends since forever. While sipping on your third glass of wine you ended up spilling all your secrets to him and being the ever-curious-about-other-people’s-business bard he is, he was delighted to hear about your romantic interest towards Diluc. He nudged you to tell you more and more you said. By the fourth glass you were a giggling mess.
“Oh and his eyes…did I tell you about his eyes?”
“Ah hehe yes y/n you did *hiccup* they are like flaming….cheetos?”
“No!! Like two flaming sunbirds! Or-or phoenix!”
“Eh-heh my bad, although eyes of cheetos are admirable too” ( ^ω^ )
Only a few patrons were left by this time, and those who were there were far too drunk to care about you babbling with Venti about your crush. Venti indulged you, he was having so much fun, especially considering the fact that he noticed something that skipped your attention in your drunken state. Diluc was there. He had walked in around the time when you were on your third glass of wine gushing about how you thought he was so cool and hardworking. As the night went on and you kept talking,his ears turned more and more red. Although he might pretend as if he was not bothered and simply doing his job, Venti could tell he was truly flustered. And his ears matched his hair now.
Diluc had actually come to the Tavern, wishing to see you, under the pretence of helping Charles close up. It had become a little routine of his, he tried to come help at the tavern as often as possible, in hopes of being acquainted with you. He has seen you helping people around the city many a times before. Before joining the knights of Favonius you used to help out at the adventurer’s Guild too, and Diluc knows that. He admires you for your kind soul and dedication to help others. You once fought an entire group of Hilichurls alone to save someone’s lost kittens from becoming their next meal. Armed with just a barely sturdy rod and a very recently earned vision which you weren’t even familiar with using yet. Diluc has seen you multiple times around Windrise with a book and a box of berries. On your day offs you would often go there with your satchel and read books or paint, the wind in Mondstadt has always been your friend, you are never alone, the wind always goes with you. Diluc too, has admired you for a while now.
So imagine his utter surprise when he heard you talk about how you adore him! What?? (OvO) no one told him??? The feeling was MUTUAL??
Venti couldn’t take this anymore this was too cute. Funny as it already was to watch the fearless Darknight hero be so bashful, it wasn’t enough. He wanted to take it up a few notches. So he did.
“Y/n look! Diluc! You should go and tell him how you feel else he will go away and he will never know how his eyes are like flaming cheetos!”
“Sunbirds!! And yes…you are right.. oh no-oh no he needs to know someone needs to tell him..I will tell him”
Diluc looked like a deer caught in the headlight. He didn’t know what to do as you got up, flipped your hair over your shoulders and walked towards him. Well the walk did not look as well composed as you thought it did considering the fact that you could barely walk straight. But my God you looked hot. Diluc could only watch with wide eyes as you made your way to the counter. Looked straight into his eyes and reached up and grabbed him by his collar. You tugged him forward by the collar and with your faces merely inches apart you said
“Diluc Ragvindr, you are beautiful. Your eyes…” you stumbled. There was heat blooming across your chest and the world wouldn’t hold still. It kept spinning, “…you eyes..are—are like…”
That’s when it happened. Diluc couldn’t stand this any longer. You looked so kissable at the moment. Your cheeks slightly flushed from all the alcohol, your eyes staring into his, as if searching for something, his heart was about to beat out of his chest. He had to do it, so he did. He cupped the side of your face with one hand and kissed you. At first you were surprised then you returned the kiss with equal fervour. You leaned into his touch and the hand that was on his collar made it’s way to the back of his neck while you put your other hand on his chest. Diluc leaned forward across the counter and wrapped his free arm around your waist pulling your torso closer. Venti and Charles who were the only remaining people at the tavern by this point, took this as their cue to leave and hurriedly departed. When the two of you finally pulled back for air you two were left gasping and panting yet wanting more. Diluc made his way across the counter towards the side you were on, looked you in the eyes, grabbed your waist with both hands and in one Swift strong motion of his arms lifted you on the bar counter. You wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him closed with your hands grabbing his shirt again and—-and then you passed out and almost fell off the counter. Thanks to Master Diluc’s quick reflex, he caught you. He quietly chuckled to himself and shook his head. He couldn’t quite believe what just transpired between the two of you. Well thankfully he did have a personal room upstairs in the tavern for days he couldn’t make it back to Dawn Winery. So he scooped you up in his arms and lovingly bridal carried you to the room upstairs and gently laid you down.
He is a gentle man so he won’t share the bed with you obviously…or well he wasn’t going to…until you tugged on his hand and drowsily asked him to stay with you. When you wake up the next day you are probably going to be embarrassed but for now, who cares? It’s just you and him, him and you. For tonight, there is nothing but the giddiness of new love.
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toastedclownery · 3 years
Hey so uh, I finally finished the bit I wanted to write based on this scene by @mintyfrosty!! I changed some things according to my version of them but it’s basically the same Gonna put in under a Read More. TW for anxiety attack and passing out of exhaustion ovo”
He looked at the board in front of him. Hours of work put into it, papers full of notes and reminders, calculations, timetables and floor plans.  And yet, he couldn't remember one thing he had written on it. He couldn't read, couldn't think clearly.
He had to get this heist right. Had to plan out every single detail, every possibility. That's what he was for. Think ahead, be prepared for anything that could go wrong, and create a way to avoid it. He was particularly good at that, it was easy for him to consider different scenarios where things could meet with disaster. However, it came at a cost.
Still staring at the bunch of papers pinned on his wall, he blinked slowly, unable to focus on anything. His mind was tired, and so was body, even if he himself didn't feel it. He took another sip of the cup of coffee he was holding, deciding to push his sleepiness away for one more night.
This one has to be perfect, they couldn't have any more mishaps. Terrence' last raid was the last straw. They had lost too many people to it. There had to be a stop to that de iure leader's wreckless nature. Reg thought if he proposed a calculated enough and totally safe plan, maybe the elites would listen to him. Maybe he could get a seat at their table. Maybe…
His head almost drooped and he quickly had to readjust himself, his eyes now wide open, heavy bags under them. His body was fighting against him. Why? He didn't feel tired. In fact, he wasn't feeling anything at all. He felt fine.
Rising his hand in order to reach for the cup again, he noticed the trembling waves inside the container. His hand was shaking. He frowned, shut his eyes in frustration and downed all the remaining coffee in one go. Two or three seconds later, he realized that might not have been the best idea.
No, it was okay. He didn't need to worry, he was fine. He looked at different points of the board rapidly, trying to take anything in. Nothing went through. His breathing became unsteady, and the corners of his vision were beginning to become blurry and dotted. 
It has to be perfect, he thought.
Realizing he was getting dizzy, he had to remind himself to breathe. He felt like he was choking. Why wasn't he getting any air?
We've lost too many people already, were the repeating thoughts drumming in his mind.
He was too out of it to notice his hand had given out, dropping the ceramic cup and letting it shatter. Startled by the loud noise, he tried taking a step back, only to notice his legs had turned wobbly, barely keeping him on his feet.
With one last glance at the board, all the papers were now a mess of smears and black spots. The room started tilting… and tilting… He was out before he even hit the floor.
Night patrol. It had to be night patrol. He would have preferred to have some rest tonight, but he had to be chosen for taking a walk around the base at ungodly hours of the night. He would have complained, but knew he couldn't speak against the Chief. He went along with it, knowing nobody else would do it anyway. Right thought Terrence usually cut the other elites too short, himself included. He felt like he could do more than just night patrol, but on second thought, he was the one that fit best for the job.
He was passing through the corridors, reaching a series of doors that led to the Toppat members' rooms. Unlike his fellow elite's bedrooms, these were smaller and had thinner walls. He remembered the time he had to sleep in one of those rooms. It was nearly impossible, any noise was able to get through those walls made of cardboard.
Just thinking about it made him tired. He was about to let out a yawn, but was stopped by a loud noise coming from one of the dorms ahead. It sounded like a glass-shattering noise, followed by a light thud. 
He saw a stream of light under one of the doors. Who in their right mind was still awake at this late hour of the night? He looked at the name on the door. "R. Copperbottom" It read. That name was familiar. He gave the door a couple of knocks.
"Oi, is everything alright in there?"
He waited about ten seconds, no response.
"Can I get in?" 
Again, silence. 
Right opened the door and stepped into the room. He didn't know what he was expecting to see, but it definitely wasn't a collapsed man in the middle of the floor. He cursed under his breath and went to check if he was okay. 
He gently turned him to face upward. He drew a few hairs back and was able to see his face. And then he recognized him. The smooth mane of hair that was usually collected in a ponytail was now a frizzy mess of ties and knots. There was also his familiar curled mustache, which seemed to get the same treatment, and a pair of dark circles around his eyes. 
He knew this one. He hadn’t spent that much time in the Clan, yet he had jumped up the ranks in no time. He ascended to his current position much faster than he had seen anyone do it in his time as an elite. There was a reason for that. The guy was a working machine. 
Ever since the day he was recruited, he would show interest in what the Clan’s next big heist was going to be. Even if he wasn’t part of it. Right had started to see his face more often around the higher positions. He shone with curiosity and initiative when robbery plans were finally handed to him for the first time, adding thousands of tweaks and details that would stun the field operatives. He would go on his way to arrange every minute of a heist, and then proceed to explain each new bit to his superiors. 
Needless to say they were surprised with this new guy appearing out of nowhere and before they knew it he was suddenly giving them lectures like a teacher rants to a bunch of toddlers. If he was met with any kind of criticism, he would come back the very next day with a new refined version of the plan. The team of elites were intrigued, they shared their recognition of his potential, whereas the Chief… Would usually butt heads with him. 
"I think you worry too much, pipsqueak" 
Right hated to agree on that, currently looking at said pipsqueak laying on the floor, most likely passed out from exhaustion. He doubted he got enough sleep when making all those schemes, and the scene before him proved his theory to be correct. 
He examined the room. Next to the unconscious prodigy were broken pieces of a ceramic mug. He must have dropped it before falling along with it. His hat was still on his head but tipped to the side. In front of them was a wide corkboard, filled with papers and post-its hung on it left, right and center. Right blinked twice before regaining his focus on the other man. 
"Hey, Reginald? Can you hear me?"
He shook him by the shoulders a little bit. Maybe he would be able to wake up momentarily so he could go to bed on his own. Seeing how that wasn't the case, he sighed, and decided to do it himself. 
He drew the bed sheets back, scooped him up carefully and held him in some kind of bridal style, his head resting on his shoulder. He was light as a feather, so he was pretty easy to carry around. The smallest yelp came out of Reg’s mouth at the feeling of being picked up, but he relaxed again when leaning on Right's chest. Right slowly put him down on the bed and tucked him in. 
It was weird, seeing him like this. The only times he would see him were quickly running through the corridors or giving his presentations on schemes. Always full of energy and enthusiasm. Right noticed a certain spark in his eyes when he talked. He noticed the way he would smile while telling his favorite parts of a plan. How he would sometimes motion rapidly while nervously rambling things under his breath. Now, he was laying limp on the bed, looking a mess, a strong fatigue visible on his features. Right chuckled. He would not want to be seen like this. Suddenly, he blinked, and found himself sitting on the side of the bed, hypnotized by the rhythmic breath of his sleep longer than he would have liked to admit. 
He shook his head and got up. He had completely forgotten about the ceramic shards still on the floor. He picked the broken pieces one by one. Luckily, there didn’t seem to be a lot of small bits, just five big shapes that fit neatly like a puzzle. He chose not to throw them away, thinking of putting them back together if possible. He grabbed the dark gray fedora that had rolled off his head and left it on the bedside table. 
He saw an alarm clock, set to chime three hours from now. He turned it off. There was no way he was gonna let him sleep so little. He would let him sleep in, have the day off. He could make up something not to make the others suspicious. He’d ask him about that jungle of papers another time. He needed rest now. 
He turned off the lights and shut the door, the pieces of the coffee cup still in his right hand.
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glassartpeasants · 4 years
Crying In The Club
 Overhaul x F!Reader
Warnings: Angst, bullying, false love, physical abuse
*Part 1* *Part 2* *Part 3*
A/N: Bruh i didn’t mean for it to be this long. I think i might have gotten to into it. I promise that this was only going to be angst but then i started. This is not as angsty as i thought it was gonna be but i still like it. The ending may seem a bit rushed and to that im sorry OvO
@zuffer-weird-girl finally finished it after many gruesome hours trying to figure out where this fic should lead too XD
It wasn’t a secret to anyone that knew you that you always a a taste in mysterious and secretive men. You just couldn’t help it. You liked the mystery. You were never one to back down from a challenge.
That was until you met Chisaki Kai.
You were introduced to him by the club owner of the place you use to work at. For some odd reason you couldn’t help but fall in love with those mysterious golden eyes. Whenever he was around you, your heart would beat faster then it ever had for any of the other men you have dated over the years.
His voice sent shivers down your spine making you bit your lip. Your co-workers noticed that whenever he came into the club for business reasons you were always the one who needed to be their server. They didn’t question it cause they found the little game of cat and mouse funny.
You kinda knew you were playing with fire when you started to flirt with him. You made sure to do your research before going up to a complete stranger and start flirting with them. You knew that he went by the name Overhaul even though his real name was Chisaki Kai.
5 month’s after you first met him
“Hey Overhaul. What would you like today sir?” You say smiling at the gangster. You may have done some research but you only knew his name, his real name at least.
“Black coffee.”
“Of course sir!” You turn around and walk towards the counter. Even the slightest things made you all pink and blushy. You couldn’t help that you were so damn attracted to this sex appeal of a man. 
“Just ask him out already dipshit.” You snap your head towards the voice, about to go off before you realize it was your boss.
“W-what do you mean boss?” You laugh nervously trying to avoid the subject.
“It’s obvious you like him. Whats the worse that can happen? He could say no.”
“Or he could kill me-”
“That too. But hey, it’s a no unless you ask.” With that final word he turned around and left, leaving you to your thoughts.
You make his coffee before going back to the seating area and giving him his coffee, quickly smiling a quickly running back to the bar to watch him from afar.
Once he picked up his coffee he noticed a small piece of napkin underneath his cup. He was going to complain but before he could he noticed the numbers that was written on the napkin.
“The hell is this?” Kai said as he picked up the piece of napkin with his gloved fingers before looking at you which in return you quickly looked away.
“I believe she gave you her phone number boss. Doesn’t surprise me, she’s been hitting on you for awhile.” Overhaul looked at his clock haired friend.
“Really? I must not have noticed or cared.” Overhaul looked at the paper again before destroying it with is quirk. He had no time for relationships when his drug was close to perfection. He looked in the direction he last saw you in, which you were no longer there.
You were in fact hiding in the emoplyee’s only bathroom crying your eyes out. Why are you crying? You didn’t even know him that long.
‘It could be the fact he just decided to tear it up in front of you.’ You thought to yourself as you felt your mascara running down your cheeks. You probably looked like a hot mess but you didnt care. You were hurt. Rejection hurt in general but for some reason when it came to him, your heart felt like it was disintegrating in your own chest.
“I can’t go back out there. It would be too embarrassing.” You say to yourself as you try to calm yourself down.
“No what’s embarrassing is the fact i just took multiple pictures of you crying on the bathroom floor.” A smug voice laughed at you. You looked up and saw it was one of your ex co-workers. You remembered her. She was the one who was recently fired from her job here since you were doing so well that they decided that they didn’t need her.
“I’m going to print this picture and put it all over the bar how does that sound? Sounds pretty embarrassing if you ask me.” She laughed at your quivering figure on the floor. How would you even show your face at work after that. 
Before she could say anything else you got up, pushed her to the side and ran out the back door, all the while with tears streaming down your face.
You haven’t shown your face there since.
3 months after incident
You were called by your boss over and over again begging you to come back to work. Saying how that the girl was arrested and how nobody even saw the pictures. Which was a complete fucking lie. The girl even sent you the pictures she printed of you hung all around the club. Including some of your co-workers and customers laughing at you.
What if he saw them?
The fact that Overhaul could’ve seen them sent you into a frenzy. How would he look at you now? Probably as some low little girl with no sense of dignity. That’s probably what he thought about you. 
Kai sat at the VIP lounge with his body radiating angry. He had just left the Shie Hassakai base in a rage after an argument with his adoptive father.
His foot tapped rapidly on the ground while his eyebrow twitched. His hands clenching into fist that left his knuckles white.
How dare Pops do this to him?
Pops had told Kai that day that if Kai wanted to become the next head of the Shie Hassakai, that he would have to find a relationship. In Pops words ‘someone to calm you down whenever you upset or stress.’ 
Kai knew that being the head of the Shie Hassakai would be stressful, but he didn’t need someone to ‘calm him down’, he was fine by himself. Even though it pissed Kai off royally, he didn’t want to disappoint Pops. Which lead him back to the club you use to work at.
After the incident of you asking him out he didn’t show back up for awhile. He hated awkward encounters and to see your face after it? Gave him shivers. SO he didn’t show up to said club after a couple months, hoping that by giving it time, everything would go back to the it was.
He heard the familiar footsteps of someone approaching the lounge. He expected to see you but was disappointed when a different server came prancing in.
“Where is (Y/N)?” Considering how long you served him, he knew you by name. So considering that you weren’t there was confusing.
“O-oh! Miss (Y/N) quit a 3 months ago after a incident happened. But what can i get you?” The girl felt scared as she looked at him. He had a reputation for being mean and angry, not to mention how many people he’s killed. So the fact that you were able to go up to him without a problem was kinda cool.
“...Black coffee.”
“Right away sir!” The girl quickly scurried away leaving the man to think. 
He hoped that maybe some coffee would clear his mind and try to figure out of the situation he was put in by his father.
Then it hit him.
If you were willing to go out with him once? Why wouldn’t you try to ask him out again? Of course he would be only using you for his own personal gain, not really caring if you were happy but if he was dating you then Pops would finally get off his ass.
4 months after incident
You were walking by your old job with a mask covering your face wishing that no one noticed you.
But he did.
“Hey you.” You froze up, remembering that enchanting voice. You turn around and are greeted with a close up of the man who kinda screwed you over.
“What do you want?” You say trying to sound confident but you only came across as meek and scared.
“Why did you quit?” He looked down at you. His eyes felt like he was peering into your soul, leaving no room for lies.
“I rather not speak about it.” You go to turn around and leave before you feel a gloved hand grab your wrist and pull you back closer to the male.
“I wanted to talk to you about another thing.” You looked at him, trying to figure out what he could possibly talk to you about.
“Okay I guess...what is it?”
“Would you still like to go out on a date?”
“I...your not making fun of me are you?”
“I may be an asshole but I would like to apologize.” Kai said as he looked at you directly. You were going to say no, since the damage had already been done, but you couldn’t find it in you. There was just something in his eyes that you couldn’t look away from.
First Date?
You were excited to say the least. After he asked you out and you said yes, you agreed to meet him at a cafe nearby on Sunday.
As the days went by, you slowly got more and more excited. How could you not be? After a few shitty months something actually good happens.
“Casual I should dress casual- SHIT ONLY 20 MINUTES LEFT?!” You screeched as soon as you saw the clock. You had already taken a shower. A long one in fact since you knew the man didn’t like germs. 
You grab a simple outfit that you thought would do the trick and quickly put your hair into a ponytail (if you have short hair you can just vibe :) ).
You grabbed your purse and got into your car as fast as you could. You hoped you would make it on time since everyone seemed to be going places that same day.
You managed to get to the cafe 5 minutes early only to see him already there.
‘Nice going (y/n), now he’s gonna think we have horrible time management.’ You curse yourself in your head before walking in and sitting down next to him.
“Sorry, it was really busy traffic.” You giggle nervously as you tuck a lose strand behind your ear.
“It’s fine. Now tell me about yourself.” Straight to the point huh? Well that’s another thing you liked about him. Your little crush probably had sparkled into a whole ass infatuation. 
You only smile before a pink blush covered your cheeks and neck. You let out a little chuckle before you pretty much told him everything. You liked how he was listening to all of it, it made you all giddy inside.
Kai looked at you continue to ramble about non-important things. Well it seemed important to you. But not to him. Like he said before, he didn’t care about you. He just wanted Pops off his ass so he could just be the next head of the yakuza.
Oh god how he wanted to kill you. Your rambling was getting on his nerves. Did you ever shut up? Kai wasn’t a patient man and many people knew this. 
“But enough about me, what do you like to do for fun?” You questions snapped him out of his thoughts and brought him back to this disgusting cafe.
“I’m usually too busy to do anything other than work.” He wasn’t lying. His work was getting the best of him and he had no time to dilly dally around.
“Well that sounds like it sucks, but hey at least your hardworking! That’s a good trait right?” You said trying to lighten up his seemingly sour mood.
“Sure. What kind of education do you have?” His question seemed to have struck a cord with you when he saw your smile drop. He didn’t show it but behind his mask he was holding back a chuckle.
“I n-never went to college....” Kai looked at you with disgust or disappointment he couldn’t really tell. You didn’t even have a college degree. Jeez, your just a lowly spec underneath his shoe.
“Why so?”  You then proceeded to tell him that you needed a job to pay for your brothers medicine and that your family was too poor for college.
So what? Sure you didn’t have the upper hand in life but neither did he and look what he accomplished! God you were so insufferable.
After the date
“I had such a good time! Did you?” You ask as you smile out of extreme happiness. This has been the most happy you’ve been in a long time.
“Yes.” Overhaul looked down at you. His face still as blank as ever. But it didn’t bother you, he was always like that!
“Well that’s good to hear. I should get going now-”
“Come home with me.”
“What?!” Your eyes went wide as you stare at the taller man who only looked at you with a questionable glance. What did he mean by that?
“I want you to meet someone.” Oh thank god it’s only that. You were getting kinda worried that he was jumping into THAT STUFF. But he only wanted you to meet someone.
“Oh okay...who am I meeting?” You ask nervously as you followed Overhaul to the direction he was going.
“My father.” SHIT REALLY?! THIS EARLY?! Okay okay (y/n) don’t fucking panic. Everything will be fine. Everything will be okay, just don’t act super fucking stupid.
“Pops this is my girlfriend (Y/N).” Kai said as he pushed you towards him. Kai could sense you surprise but he knew that you wouldn’t do anything about it. You were to shy for that.
“Ah is that so? Tell me miss (Y/N) how long have you been dating?” Pops looked down at you. Overhauls presence was suffocating as you were pushed to lie just by his presence.
“About two months now. It’s great to meet you!” You smile at the older man who seemed pleased at your response.
“That’s good to hear. I wished you would have told me about her sooner Kai. She seems like a swell lady.” The older man said to his son. 
So people on the street called him Overhaul but in this house he was Kai. Interesting. You turned and looked at Kai a smile on your face but he didn’t seem to notice you. He walked up to his father and started talking to him in hushed whispers. You wanted to lean in closer to what he was saying but decided against it in order to stay on his good side.
One Month Later
As you sat in the back of Overhauls car you couldn’t help but tap your leg repeatedly. Your nervousness getting the better of you as you make your way to the Shie Hassakai base once more.
One week ago Overhaul had told you he wanted you to move in with him. He said it was for ‘safety purposes’ considering you were the girlfriend of the future head of the Hassakai. You were unsure at first but you said yes eventually with enough convincing.
You didn’t have many things in your apartment so moving wasn’t really that hard for you. You had sold a lot of your things just to be able to pay rent. SO you only had stuff that had sentimental value.
You looked around the empty car that was only occupied by you and the driver. Who was another Yakuza member. You pat your knees nervously as you look outside the car window seeing it moving past stores and people.
“I’m here.” You say as you entered the compound. You grab your things and begin to look for Overhaul. 
The silence in the compound was deafening. it felt like it threatened your entire exsitence.
“This way.” You jump at the sound of Overhauls voice coming from behind you. You turn around and meekly follow him into a plan white room. There was a bed a bathroom connected to said bedroom and a closet. You walk into the room looking at it in admiration.
“This is so cool! Thanks-”
You jumped in place and turn behind you quickly. And to your surprise, the door was closed and Overhaul was no where to be seen. You rub your arm meekly and turn around to unpack your things.
You open up your suitcase and begun to take out your clothes and your personal items before going into the bathroom to take a shower.
The next morning
You sit in your lovers office while he talks to his father. You didn’t even say anything this entire meeting other then sit there and look pretty. Honestly you were so close to drifting off but thankfully Pops had asked you a question before you could.
“What do you think is my sons best quality?” You were shocked at such a random question but answered no less.
“There are too many to choose from! His work ethic is outstanding and his confidence is what I like about him. Of course there’s more though.” You smile. You went to move a bit only to accidentally brush a single fingertip on Overhaul’s thigh. You didn’t even notice it honestly.
But he did.
How fucking dare you touch him? How dare you rub your disgusting quirk filled body onto his pure one? You even touched him in front of his father! He was so embarrassed. It took him his entire being not to break out in hives and kill you right then in there. He couldn’t take it anymore. He couldn’t handle knowing that you thought he loved you when in reality he was only using you to get what he wants. Its not out of guilt it was maybe if he told you, you would be so close to him. That you wouldn’t even speak so he didn’t have to listen to your disgusting ass voice.
He was surely going to punish you after this meeting was over and you both were back in your room.
You walked towards your room after the little meeting having a spring in your step. It seemed like it was all going well. Pops liked you and Overhaul seemed to not be bothered by everything as much anymore.
You open your door to your room only to be pushed in and the door locked behind you.
“Hey what the hell?” You turn around to see a really angry Overhaul covered in hives and a murderous look in his eye.
“Are you o-” Before you could say anything else Overhaul grabbed you by the throat lifting you up in the air.
“How fucking dare you touch me during that meeting?!” You let out a little gasp for air as your legs kicked around trying to find stable ground.
“B-but i thought.” You choke the words out as your vision starts to go black. His grip around your throat getting harder and harder.
“Well you thought wrong. The only reason im with your pathetic ass is because my father said that if i don’t get a girlfriend he won’t make me the leader of the Shie Hassakai.” Tears formed in your eyes as you realized that this entire time was just a ploy to use you for his own personal gain. 
“Why m-me?” You gasped out the words as your entire body felt like it was dying. Your energy going down by the second.
“Cause you were the only one I knew who would immediately say yes.” He let go of your throat and letting you fall to the ground. You hold your throat as you choke and gasp for air. Coughing as air finally entered your lungs once more. You look up at Overhaul who only smacked you on your left cheek.
“Whenever we’re alone you are to not look at me, touch me, or even speak to me. I want nothing to do to you other then use you for my personal gain. You will never mean anything to me understand?” His words carved into your heart like knives. Just as you started to feel like yourself again, another incident comes to fuck it all up.
“I said do you understand?!” Overhaul grabbed you by your hair tugging it making you face him. 
“Yes I understand!” Tears fall down your eyes like a water faucet. Overhauls fingerprints stain your neck as they slowly start to bruise. The red hand-print adorned your face like a tattoo and the grip on your hair felt like he was ripping them all out slowly.
Overhaul finally let you go after you had answered him. Your body lying on the floor shaking in sadness and fear.
“When my father asks you why you have those finger prints on your neck lie about how you got them. Or you will be in even more trouble that your worth.”
“O-okay...” You hiccuped. Overhaul turned around and left the room locking it from the outside.
You grab your knees and bring yourself into a fetal position as your tears make the carpet wet. 
2 months later
After that situation you never really came out of your room. Only when it was necessary. Why would you leave? It seems like every time you do, it always leads to another sort of punishment.
You sit in your room lying on your ed and trying to plan an escape out of this hell hole and a revenge plan on Overhaul.
‘You could tell his father.’ You say to yourself as you let out a sigh. How would you even get close to Pops? Overhaul is around him like bee’s to honey.
‘Do it when he’s in the bathroom! You’ll be protected by him. There’s not way he’d hurt his father.’
You felt a gleam of hope at this newfound idea in which you got up quickly to get dressed a little bit better. 
Once all dressed and ready you walk the halls of the compound silently hoping to find pops and tell him everything that has been going on.
You tip toe around the base as you look over your shoulder repeatedly hoping that Overhaul wasn’t there. You tip toe faster when you hear the voice of Pops in a nearby room.
You open the door and see Pops sitting on a couch talking to someone. Once you heard his voice you go to shut the door but Pops had spotted you before you could make a run for it.
“Ah (y/n), what can we do for you?” Your head was running a million miles per hour as you look at Overhaul who glared at you with his golden orbs.
“Uh Pops can I talk to you privately? I got a surprise for him but i wanted to know your opinion.” That was a complete lie. You would never give that monster anything. But maybe if you told Pops that truth he would punish him and would be able to set you free.
“Oh sure! Kai your girlfriend is such a sweet little thing.” Overhauls widen once he realized you plan. But before he could drag Pops back you had already had him out the door.
“So whats the surprise?” Pops chuckled before you started tearing up and balling.
“Woah woah, what wrong?”
“It’s your son! Don’t believe a word he says! He doesn’t love me! He’s only using me to be the head of the Hassakai! Please you have to help me leave! Every time i do something he doesn’t like he punishes me for it!” You cry as tears stream down your face.
“Is this true?” His voice was calming as it soothed your fear. You looked up at him feeling safe with a bit of hope gleaming in your eyes. You shook your head yes.
“I’m so sorry my son had done this to you I’ll-” Before he could even finish his sentence Kai had touched Pops in the neck, causing him to pass out onto the floor. 
“You really did it now (y/n).” Overhaul took steps towards you as you walked away from him. Your entire body shook as you stared at the ruthless man.
“What did you do to Pops?!” You scream at him. 
“That’s nothing of your concern.” He ran at you with high speed as to catch you. You turn around and begin to run like your life depended on it. Which it did.
“Get back here!” Your tears stained your face making it difficult to see where you were going.
You knew you couldn’t out run Overhaul forever. He was way more fit then you were and was taller too. But through your tears you saw the front door of the compound.
Your heart nearly jumped out of its chest before running even faster using all of your energy to try and make it to the door. You saw your freedom right in front of you, it was there. You could almost feel it-
“Got you (y/n).” You felt your hair being grabbed then tugged backwards, causing you to land on the ground.
“Please..just let me go...”
“After that stunt you just pulled? I don’t think i can do that.” With your hair still in his hand he dragged you back to your room by your hair.
“If your gonna kill me just do it already then you piece of shit!” You scream at him from the top of your lungs. You continue to swear at him and try to escape from his grasp.
Your room door open and you were thrown into it. Hearing the door lock behind you. You rub you head and see Overhaul standing above you.
“Now where to begin?”
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xamassed · 3 years
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「 @mcmcntomorii​  」
( @ beel ovo ) Really the only times Mukuro got any sleep was when she was laying next to Beel, and even so, she didn't want to have to do so every night. Not wanting to burden him every night, Mukuro tried to limit asking if she could sleep next to him as minimal as she could. And so, now with barely a few hours' worths of sleep over the course of two weeks, Mukuro's mental state was on the decline, and the walls she normally kept up were starting to crack and crumble. Getting to the point where she couldn't easily hide her emotions.
So there she stood, in the midst of baking a pie, assuming that would help calm her down, but as she waited, that only gave way to more self-deprecating thoughts to bloom and a few tears to drip down from her eyes as a result of those thoughts. Her arms wrapped around herself in a way that was obvious she was giving herself a hug, trying to calm herself down.
Mukuro hadn't noticed Beel had entered the kitchen until she felt a hand. Acting quick, hoping he hadn't already seen, Mukuro made a quick gesture of wiping her eyes and attempted to put on a smile before she'd address him.
「Sorry-- seemed l was lost in thought.」 Or rather, she was drowning in a sea of self-doubt. Telling herself that she didn't deserve to be in a relationship with Beel, that he was far too kind to someone like her. That he probably wouldn't feel the way he does about her if he knew who she really was, what she does as a career back in the Human World. How truly awful she was.
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The stomach-rumbling scent of warm pie was what had drawn him in, but there was no appetite to be had once he caught sight of her holding herself. Pain — the way she embraced herself, he could see nothing but mind-numbing and heart-aching pain.
How often had he found himself curled up in his own bed after falling, the guilt of Lilith’s death tearing him apart from the inside? He had hugged himself in much the same way, hoping that his desperate hold might keep him from utterly falling apart. It hadn’t worked. He vaguely recalled that it had taken the arms of another to ease the pain. His brothers had done everything in their power to assure him that his guilt wasn’t justified. They had held him, talked to him, spent hours sitting in silence with him as he ate his feelings away.
Would the same work for her.  .  . ?
Quietly, he touched at her arm. She wiped at her eyes and gave him a feeble smile, but he didn’t buy it. He knew he missed cues even on a good day, but there was no ignoring that she was having a rough day.
Two arms, strong and firm, wrapped around her shoulders. He pulled her into his chest, head resting atop hers. There was nothing he could say to help, so he kept his lips shut and firmly planted against her hair. He couldn’t be sure that his affection would do any better, but it was all he could offer. So long as it didn’t make her feel worse and she needed it, he would always offer himself to her.
But after a long while of silence, he felt he needed to say at least one truth to her.
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Cheek pressed to hers, he muttered honestly into her ear. “If something is bothering you, you can talk to me. I’m not the smartest or the best at helping, but I like you and I want to listen.” He pulled his head away and used the ends of his long fingers to brush aside her hair. Each cheek was given a firm kiss. They held the slightest hint of salty tears, but that wouldn’t turn him away.
“If you need me, I’m here. Don’t hide from me, please.  .  .”
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dcmkemogust20xx · 4 years
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To all other fans stuck in DCMK hell!
It’s August and last year this fandom had a little event called Emogust - Emotional August. By courtesy of the amazing @sup-poki and @mintchocolateleaves!
It was really fun! But unfortunately, this year nothing concrete was planned. So with their permission, I went ahead and reawakened it! And without further rambling.
Emogust will run from Mon 03.08 till Fri 28.08*, for those who wish Mon 31.08 is also included. OvO Our aim for the event is to make one another feel emotions!
Well it will be a little different for this year since it’s a little short notice, my apologies.
But basically, each sunday there will be 5 predetermined prompts that will be posted for the following week.
And to almost quote last year:
“But, there’s a twist to each content challenge and of course, that means there’s a twist to this one! And that is, that each day, we have to change the genre up. What does this mean? It means, if we create something in the angst genre on Monday, we can’t create something angsty again until Wednesday.” All genres are welcome. Just make sure to not do the same one two days in a row. Ex. Mon: Angst, Tue: Fluff, Wed: Angst, Thu: Humor etc.
And of course, we all would love for you to join in! Join us all in our prompts - and suffering - and be sure to tag your content #DCMKEmogust2020. Or, better yet, @ me! A challenge is always more fun if it’s not done in a void!”
Why not! It’s an emotional content war between us all, y’all should just go with it.
Weekends are for collecting our thoughts and emotions, and for having a break after a week of creating things. We’re not inhuman - we need breakdays or we might quit halfway through.
*Dates are what we’re planning on, if we don’t like, die and stop halfway through. No offense: Creating stuff is hard ^^-
Art by @sup-poki​
Here is my own lil writing corner @wickfursfanfics​ Thanks Wick OvO
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leam1983 · 3 years
On Grief
This is a long one. You're under no obligation to push further if you don't want to. It's a personal post, so I'll more than understand if this isn't to your tastes. The normally-scheduled pedantry, commentary and memes will resume shortly.
One of my relatives was diagnosed with ALS. What started as an odd case of palsy in her left set of vocal cords that could've been far more benign was just confirmed by her referred physician. It's Lou Gherig's, and with her age and current condition, her prognosis is of three to five years, tops. Sure, Stephen Hawking blew his own prognosis out of the water, but a combination of notoriety and luck enabled him to eke out as much existence as medical tech could've possibly allowed.
We knew things were suspect when my aunt, a marathoner with a monthly sub to Runner's World, stopped running. Her food intake dropped like a stone, and she soon took to increasingly simple painting and drawing styles. At first we thought it was just her wanting to explore simpler rendering techniques, but then...
Then we noticed the twitching. How awkwardly her pens and brushes were set in her hands. She was in great shape and didn't mind living in the ass-end of Sutton, basically in the open country and with a path leading up to her front door that was all in rough cobblestones. She broke a hip against them, last year.
Her speech started to slur, lately. Her last bike trip also landed her in the ER. She doesn't bike anymore. She doesn't run, and being a gourmand by nature, feels obligated to restrain herself, for fear of gaining weight. She's aggressively vegan. Not towards others, but towards herself. No meat, no eggs, nothing. Most of us ovo-lactos and omnivores in the family know her constant snacking meant her seventy-plus body is desperate for energy.
From the look of things, it feels like the diagnosis broke through her bullshit reasoning for being vegan. She wasn't vegan for the sake of limiting her carbon footprint or making more responsible choices at the grocery store, but because she, as a lifelong anorexic, thought she was ugly and needed to lose weight. That's been a constant with her. Age catches up and skin sags? She mistakes it for a love handle, cuts out virtually all sources of protein and carbs safe for tofu, seitan and bean-based preps. Of course, like a lot of anorexics, she'd have bulemic episodes. I used to sleep over at her last bachelor pad, as a teen, and I remember her pantry was loaded up for bear with Danish cookie tins, Nutella jars and whipped cream. I remember she invited me over specifically when she intended to cheat. Then it was back to yoga, pot-smoking, meditation and shopping runs - and she probably kept her purging for when I was gone.
So yeah. I'm betting Belgian Asshole (see one of my previous posts) convinced her to break her vows and went looking for a "slice of authentic Tikka Masala", to quote his email. The entire family is made up of ethnic food diehards, so we spam-flooded his inbox with recommendations. Looks like she'll be eating meat again, soon. Her own email mentioned concerns of strength and stamina, so I get it.
Otherwise? We're gobsmacked. Imagine spending an entire weekday both at work and off work, aggressively goofing off because you're trying as hard as you can not to think of your favourite aunt's mention of assisted suicide as an option.
Three to five years. Maybe one, or two good Christmases. After that, her condition should probably have started to deteriorate quickly.
I'm not close with a ton of my own family. I love them all, but it's more a sense of polite respect than anything involving solid bonds. The only two folks I know I'll be devastated for when they'll die are her, and my youngest cousin on the other side of the family.
I'm mostly okay now. No doubts, no crisis of unbelief, no anger, no rage... But then I'll see her in a more diminished state, one of those days. How am I going to take to it?
Part of me keeps a tally of the deaths in the family. First, it was my uncle on my mother's side. Ruptured abdominal artery, with a leak small enough to pool into the gut's cavity for months. Decay settled in, guy got anesthetized for an intervention...
They didn't even bother sewing him back up.
Second one was my other paternal aunt's new husband. First one was great, but left the country in the seventies to go live in Stockholm with his medical assistant. Second one was a geologist and physicist at the same campus she taught as. French guy, the son of innkeepers four generations down. It showed, too. Our Christmas tables haven't been the same since he left us his recipie books, all his corny jokes on provincial eating habits, and his obstinate focus on turning every 25th of December into a Roman orgy probably befitting of the old Saturnalia traditions. I mean, when's the last time you've had an eight-course meal, outside of Thanksgiving?
Tumors in his mesenteric artery lined the blood vessel's inner walls, deposited virtually everywhere in his body. He was diagnosed in June and dead by August. He'd always been the lanky type, bone-thin even if he hoovered food like he'd never have enough. He looked even thinner in his hospital bed.
Then, my maternal grandpa bit it. Decades of casual alcoholism, cirrhosis more or less jumping on him around his seventy-sixth year. He looked a bit like John Keston, the actor who played Gehn in CyanWorlds' Riven. Same hairline, same hawkish nose, same eyes - just more Cajun and less New England-esque. I don't know if it was youth or stupidity or - anything, really, but I dropped by to see him, just two days before he died. I didn't realize he was tallying my life, asking me if I had everything in order, if things were planned.
Now, I understand.
Next one on the chopping block is Aunt Doris, still on Mom's side. She of the serial mooching, she of the concept of not needing much to get by if you were the cute one of the family. She was pretty enough in her prime, sure - if by pretty you meant "cigarette-butt blonde with a discount Farah Fawcett blow-up and an unfinished High School degree". First husband was an abusive ass who gave her an uncommonly sensitive son, second one figured she'd stick to the minimum-wage circuit while he tore out rotator cuffs or busted his C7 while on his outboard like clockwork. By the end, she roped my grandmother into living with her, spent her days sloppy-drunk and died on her ratty couch while falling asleep and choking on her own vomit.
Before them all, the youngest of my uncles died at age two. Cancer. Never knew which one, was told it didn't matter. You didn't survive much of anything cancerous, back in the late fifties.
Ping-pong this back to three years ago, and my oldest paternal uncle dies. Paul, who smoked like a chimney for most of his life and successfully stopped after discovering Champix. He got to live five great years as the high-IQ oddball he'd always been, smoke-free. Paul was the weird bird in the family, the type to remember a really engrossing story at two in the morning and making a note to call you up first thing in the morning to share it. He always had a project of some sort to work on, like a simulated investors' tank for young entrepreneurs looking to learn the ropes, or a Byzantine arrangement of coaxials allowing four of his lakeside neighbours to pirate his cable sub. He'd invite us over for dinner, gather all the ingredients we'd need for whatever it was he wanted to treat us to - and then he'd let us cook it - just sitting by the sidelines, chatting away.
He was also a bit of a narcoleptic, and looked a bit like William Howard Taft if you'd worked him out of these old sack suits and into modern shirts and suspenders. He fell asleep practically everywhere, with his more wakeful environments being his workshop and his property's dock. He took me out fishing, once, and knew what the entire family expected.
"Oars're here, Gremlin, fish're that way. Wake me up when you've got a bite."
At this point, it wasn't even a point of concern; it was just an Uncle Paul Thing, the exact thing you'd have expected out of this kind, eccentric blob of a man whose idea of fishing involved pushing his hat over his eyes and basically all but ensuring that his roaring snores would scare prey away. He'd been a supposedly high-IQ type, terminally bored with almost everything, only really getting agitated and interested back when I asked him for help for my Junior High Computer class's Javascript calculator. Once the syntax hit something familiar and he realized that JS has some similarities with FORTRAN, he was on a roll, acting like someone had snuck a Red Bull in his coffee.
Well, fibrosis caught up with him. His last hours were spent directing us on how to cook what would've been his last meal. I think he really just wanted to know we were alright, that we still could exchange laughs around the kitchen counter. He clocked out the way he always did, except he had an oxygen tube running under his nose. His head bobbed down, he snored loudly for a few minutes, then turned increasingly quiet...
And that was it.
And now there's Isabelle. The marathoner, my partner-in-crime when it comes to professing to have a healthy diet while occasionally cheating in glorious, weekend-defining means, my gateway to cannabis and also the first person who took my cringy self-insert fanfic fodder and went No, that's worth it! Push it, develop that universe of yours!
I wouldn't be almost two-thirds of the way through my first decent manuscript, if not for her, and I wouldn't be shopping for publishers with the same energy you'd reserve for weekend-grade Facebook putzing-about. I owe her part of my self-acceptance, and part of my discovery of what defines my routine to this day. Isabelle was my first meditation coach.
And in three to five years, she might be gone.
I just thought grief might be... noisier, is all. Louder. Right now, it's just germane to confusion, and it's sitting there. There's a pinch of fear in it, too. My parents are in their mid-sixties. How long do I have left with them?!
And the family and I just covered that up with jokes and, well, cooking. I've been told I'd make a half-decent therapist but - navigating your own emotions is hard work...
I don't know. I guess I needed to put this down somewhere.
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Introduction to On-line Casino Bonuses
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The web casino method has developed tremendously while in the past 10 years or making sure that it has been in existence - to a degree exactly where it is actually just about surpassing the brick and mortar on line casino system of your fore. Indeed, though tough data are hard to appear by, likelihood is that at this time in time, you will discover much more common casino gamers who perform on on the net casinos than there are actually enjoying while in the classic brick and mortar casinos. Evaluating with regard to taking part in volumes (amounts of money deposited and winnings attained), online casinos will also be likely to earn over brick and mortar casinos palms down.
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Now certainly one of the greatest attractions that have drawn a great number of persons into on the net casinos would be the bonuses they provide.
How the online casino bonuses perform is this kind of that for every amount of 'playing money' dollars one deposits in to the on-line casino, the casino -or the 'house' as the casino is understood in these circles - tops up which has a certain amount. By doing this, anyone who deposits $100 into your on line casino, for illustration, could discover the 'house' topping their $100 deposit with one more $20, so that as a result of the online casino bonuses system, these types of anyone receives to perform just as much since they might have performed had they deposited $120 into the on line casino, for enjoying reasons.
On the net casino bonuses can hence be noticed as being the on the internet casino's strategy of a 'discount on purchase' in which for each and every number of 'playing service' a player purchases, these are specified some far more of your identical assistance, for free.
Each on the internet casino that provides a reward generally does so less than its personal effectively assumed out procedure, to make sure that we find yourself by using a problem where 'all on the web on line casino deposits are usually not equivalent.' Certainly, analyzing the assorted bonuses that on-line casinos provide, we might find yourself having a condition exactly where armed using a scoring standards, we are able to rank the varied online casino bonuses in the 'mediocre' on the 'ordinary' and on to the best on line casino bonuses.
To the most part, the top on line casino bonuses are typically said in percentages (like the place the 'house' presents to top rated up every quantity deposited in to the casino account that has a fastened share of it, say 5 or 10 per cent). Of course, you can find some on the web casinos that state their bonuses in mounted dollar quantities (like wherever for each $100 deposited, they prime up with $10), and these much too, can turn out to be fantastic in certain conditions.
Most on line casinos offering bonuses ordinarily place a limit for the quantities on to which they pay back the bonuses, to ensure that - for instance, for every $100 deposited, the 'house' tops up with 10%, but only up to a maximum of $100. Now regarding these limitations, the very best casino bonuses will are generally those that utilize into the finest amounts of income, to make sure that although you deposit a huge amount of revenue, you could still be able to enjoy the reward. The opposite of these, naturally, tend to be the severely limited online on line casino bonuses, which utilize only for modest deposits, where by just about every deposit previously mentioned such and this kind of an total will not be topic to your bonus.
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gg-astrology · 5 years
hi!! this might be a kind off the wall questions regarding persona charts? i noticed that some of the persona charts of generational planets have similar dates to each other (ie. say someone born in september 2000 and someone born in january 2000, they'd have similar dates on there saturn/neptune/pluto persona charts, those dates would also be similar to someone born december 2000, yeah?) 1/2
so do you think that would give any not.. generational.. it's not long enough for that but like, would it give any influence to people who are born around the same day that many others generational persona charts are dated? idk, ive heard persona charts are,, digging deeper into You, so would finding someone who was born around one of your persona charts kinda be a Hey! Similar Person moment or would that only apply if someone was born the exact same time/day as one of your persona charts? 2/2
also im really sorry for the scare about ur account being terminated :(( im glad u got it back up and running!! i hope nothing like that happens in the future 💞💕
Hello!! 💘💗💖Ah yeah! That’s because these planets move slowly so sometimes when we go by year we can get very similar charts to people in our generation ;; the one thing that might be different is if you have different birthtimes/rising signs  - but like you said, with the generational planets it’s hard to get something personal because it IS generational? I’d probably recommend checking personal planets and axis for the ‘digging deeper into you’ part? 💘💗💖
As for finding someone who was born around the same day or was born around the same time as you chart - I don’t know enough about persona charts to be able to answer this question properly tbh? ovo 💘💗💖 I’m not sure about the implication or how to interpret this. Or how to delineate it in relation to another person? 💘💗💖 But I wish u the best!! 💘💗💖💘💗💖Good luck on ur journey pls tell me more fascinating things in the future as well!! 💘💗💖
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clarislam · 5 years
good morning!! this may seem like a random question, but i’ve read a lot of your bravely fanficions and i love them a lot; do you have any tips on writing as Aimee, Angelo, and Geist? Like their behavior, habits, how they speak, etc.?
Hello there, and good morning to you! 
Firstly, thank you for the support you give to my Bravely fanfiction. I appreciate the love you send towards them! 
To answer your question, however—given my lack of experience in writing Aimee and Angelo as opposed to Geist, I’m going to focus on giving some more general advice here that could apply to any of the three and hopefully other characters, using Geist as an example. (Also, apologies for the super-long post but I have no idea how to condense it without giving thorough examples in this case.)
For those who might be reading this and don’t know who Geist Grace from Bravely Second is, without giving away too many spoilers, he’s an Exorcist who is sadistic and bloodthirsty, but he also has a softer, fatherly side through his connection with his son Revenant. Angelo OVO Pannetone and Aimee Matchlock are also from Bravely Second, and they’re known for patisserie abilities and gunslinging abilites respectively (and, spoiler alert, they do end up becoming a couple by the end of Second).
When I write a character such as Geist for example, how I write him depends on two things: Firstly, what are the main asects of him that we know? What recognizes Geist as, well, Geist? Given that he’s one of the initial antagonist NPCs (non-player characters) in Second (along with Aimee and Angelo), we don’t have as much depth on him as we do with protagonists such as Yew Geneolgia or Magnolia Arch, for instance, so we need to work with what we know. 
If you want to get into the nitty-gritty details of behavior, habits, how characters speak, etc., I think it would be best to look at all the scenes where they’re majorly involved and/or have at least some dialogue in them for examining their behavior and how they speak, as well as rewatch their boss battles for things such as how they move or do things (they’re also mini-cutscenes in a way, given that they also have some bits of dialogue as well). The Asterisk Holder-related Boss Battles in Bravely Default and Second are great in depicting the movements of opponents through their attacks, as well as their general posture while you’re sorting out your protagonists’ next attacks against them. For instance, I noticed that Geist tended to twirl around whenever an attack didn’t hit him.
The second thing is: what’s going on in that fanfic? For example, let’s take one of my fanfics “Quiet Violence” for instance. In this fic, I focus a lot on him confronting his sadism and bloodthirsty tendencies, which is 1. a core part of him and 2. a part of him I wanted to explore in more depth. Because of this, I had to dig deep into figuring out how Geist might feel about exploring said sadism and bloodthirsty tendencies. This can also get into headcanon-creating territory as well, given the exploration you’ll have to do with these characters, and this is where you can get super-creative and have tons of fun thinking up things that suit the character. 
In short: Examine their source material carefully, figure out their main aspects and pay attention to them. Additionally, take into account the context of what is going on with them in the fanfic you write them into, and you may or may not need to write some headcanons in there to make some sense. 
I hope you can apply some of this to writing them, as well as other characters and other fandoms!
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isshinene · 5 years
#20 ovo
Sentence prompts
Thanks for the ask! Also, sorry for answering so late… I was planning on doing it yesterday but I fell asleep 0_0 I just finished watching Hapi Mari a couple of days ago, so I felt inspired! If you want to watch the scene that this story is based on, here you go!
20. “Let’s run. Together.”
The fresh air of the ocean felt good against her skin as the small countryside town brought her far from anything close to Tokyo or Kyoto. Nene stretched in the sunshine, relishing in the warmth as she felt her husband hug her from behind.
Are you doing well? How time flies. It is almost a month since we moved to this city. It feels for the first time after we got married, Satoshi and I have gotten some room to finally breathe.
We still haven’t found out who made those threats to us. But Satoshi still has a feeling it was someone from the Isshiki family. It seems whoever was ordering the attacks was only after the head of the clan; they stopped once he renounced the position.
I’m not quite sure where Satoshi got the idea to live here. But I heard it was one of his locations for business ever since our Totsuki days. It’s a lot smaller than what I’m used to, but it’s also quieter here as well. Everyone — they all warmly welcome us.
Thanks to everyone, the baby is growing healthily as well. Satoshi has been filling his time with gardening. He is trying hard to get the plants in the backyard to grow before our coming child. He wakes up in the morning, works, and we’d eat lunch together afterward. Sometimes, Satoshi works in the fields with the aunties he is close with from the market; he seems to have fun talking about whatever gossip that’s going around.
By night, we would all share our dinner while we drink and talk. Our neighbors always compliment us for our dishes, but I’m pretty sure they don’t know that we both are chefs though. After the visitors go home, my husband and I would sit as we gaze at the stars.
Wherever I look, Satoshi is just right there beside me. And that really puts me at ease. But, to tell the truth, I feel a bit worried. The Satoshi who is always kind and cheerful, somehow, for me it’s different than before.
“You had a big restaurant in Kyoto, didn’t you? You should think of a way to make money,” one of the older ladies told him. He gathered the gardening tools for them, carrying them in buckets on their way back to the house.
“I don’t plan to go back to Kyoto anymore. I like it here,” he replied.
“You do say, but you can’t always beat around the bush, you know?” the woman preached. “What are you gonna do?”
“You’re right.”
“Why don’t you open a shop with your wife? She’s cute, she’ll call a lot of customers!”
“That’s a great idea, too,” Satoshi smiled.
“Hey, Satoshi.” Nene walked up beside him. “What do you think we should do from now on?”
He nodded in response, wondering the same as the green-haired woman.
“Someone suggested for us to open a store. Not a bad idea, right? Luckily, it can be set up easily if it is a small store. A table with a few seats by a bar. We can use fish and fresh vegetables as ingredients.”
“Do you expect it to be Japanese cuisine?” she smiled.
“Of course, it’s our specialty!”
“That might work,” Nene hummed, holding his arm to rest her head against.
“Right?” he beamed back to her, but it faltered as he noticed her hesitance lingering.
“Hey,” she started, “did you ever think of considering to run a full-scale restaurant like we did before? You know, Kaiseki-style.”
He contemplated her question, thinking back to both of their traditions, their oppressive families, their pasts. “If I do that, we would be dealing with both our families again.” He turned to the pregnant woman, lightly holding her shoulders. “But as long as you’re with me, I’m fine with that.”
You said that as long as you’re with me, you were willing to live in any corner of the world. But, I can’t keep you here with me when I still think that you are still more suitable for standing at the top of the world. That’s why my heart has decided.
Nene closed her umbrella in the misty dew of early morning, waiting for the train to make way. In the meanwhile, as the sun rose through the curtains, Satoshi awakens gently to an empty bed and silver ring on the nightstand.
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“are you still mad at me?” (Michiko/Toshio), “you’re stuck in my head.” (Naoki/Chiharu), “girl, you’re trouble.” (Riku/Yuriko) ovo
Yes!! Of course!! I love these!! Also I made all of them somewhat connected gbdfkjg
It was a little accident and no one did it on purpose this time. Riku ended up getting mad at everyone inside the dorm and he didn’t allow anyone to point fingers. After he released all his anger, he decided to leave the dorm with a rather angry expression. Now, everyone in the dorm was all silent, but Michiko. 
“I can’t believe you guys!” She yelled at the rest of the first years, who only began looking down. “This was a good day until you all decided to mess this day up! Now even Riku-Senpai is angry at us!” She never liked people getting angry at her in general, but now it was one of the oldest people in the dorm- she couldn’t handle it. She never felt so mad at herself for not being able to stop other people from doing actions.
She sighed heavily, realizing that this was one of the biggest mistakes when the other girls of the dorm left. She was stuck with Haruki and Toshio, who were troublemakers. Hiro, on the other hand, had to deal with the wrath of their senpai even if he did nothing wrong.
“Jeez. You don’t need to be angry at us. He’ll get over it like always.” Haruki shrugged before nudging Toshio. “Right?”He gave a wink to  him as the male only began laughing nervously. He didn’t know how to respond without Michiko bursting out in anger. “Michiko over here is just a goody-two-shoes and now she’s burying us with her anger too!”
This scene was enough to make Michiko get so irritated that she walked out the room. “You’re all jerks!” Those were the last words she said before the three males could only watch her disappear from sight. Hiro began shaking, his expression becoming worried.
“Haruki! She’s mad at us now… What should we do?! i don’t like making people angry at me, I…” Before Hiro could continue, Toshio patted his shoulder.
“I’ll talk to her later.”
Once the clock hit 4:00pm, Toshio ended up knocking on the door of Michiko and he waited for her reply. She was probably still upset because she refused to open the door. He sighed softly before knocking once again. “Michiko, it’s me. You probably don’t want to talk to me right now but… I wanted to ask- Are you still mad at me?”
The door opened slightly, revealing Michiko. “Not at you. At Haruki for being insensitive as always. I know breaking the plates wasn’t your fault.” She mumbled and Toshio was pretty relieved that he heard that from her. “I just don’t feel like dealing with anyone else as of the moment.”
“Anyone but me?”
“Stop that or else I’ll really be mad at you.”
A day off of school was pretty rare unless it was the weekends. Chiharu decided to invite Naoki to a cafe- a place where he might enjoy. The scent of coffee, and there were a couple of other beverages that he might like was all in that cafe. She was afraid that he wasn’t going to come, so someone ended up having to be with her while walking to the cafe.
Of course it has to be the male who was able to gain the respect of Naoki. It was Kazuo Kuga. He was holding a folder which had a couple of papers and he even had some shades on. “I have never thought that Eizan-san will have a girlfriend as sweet as you, Aoki-chan.” 
“I-!” Her face flushed red and she began playing with her fingers. “We’re… not dating, Kazuo-senpai…” She mumbles, trying to calm herself down and he only ended up turning his head to look at her, even tilting his head. “I j-just wanted to h-hang out with him…” She felt her face heat up and he only chuckled.
“I see. I believe your words then, Aoki-chan. However, I hope you don’t mind the favor I’m about to ask you.” When he brought this up, Chiharu jumped in surprise. Did an Elite Ten member besides Riku and Himari trust her with something? “It’s a simple task, really. I just need you to Eizan-san. I have to go elsewhere for a while. Feel free to give me a call in case he ditched you. I’ll scold him myself.”
“O-O course!” She held the folder and only stared at Kazuo before he bowed politely, even placing his hand on his chest as a gesture, showing he really appreciated her acceptance to the favor.
“Thank you so much. I hope you have a wonderful day with Eizan-san.”
After a while, Chiharu finally entered the cafe, and she began turning side to side to try and look for the male she invited. She spotted him on the cornet of the cafe, reading a book. Her eyes lit up and she began to walk to the empty chair in front of him. “You came!”
Naoki felt his heart skip a beat the moment she flashed her smile at him and he began looking away from her. He attempted to hide his blush, and it was actually a success. “Of course I did. I wouldn’t let an opportunity like this slide.” He may have sounded more threatening than what his words mean, but she only laughed a bit- knowing what he meant despite the tone of his voice.
She sat down in front of him and before he could ask why she invited him to such an area, she already admitted the reason with her face as red as strawberries. “I-I haven’t seen y-you in a while…”She began playing with the tips of her hair, her eyes closed shut as she continued. “So… you were stuck in my head…”
He couldn’t hold back his flustered face anymore. His face ended up becoming slightly pink and he grumbled a bit before placing a playful grin on his face to try and go back in character. “That’s not a surprise to hear. But we should order now, shouldn’t we?”
She nodded her head slightly before handing a folder to him. “We should-! But Kazuo-senpai told me to give this to you… I-I almost forgot.” Naoki reached for the folder, and as soon as he opened it- his face only beame redder. “N-Naoki-?”
“Don’t… mind me.” He responded, hoping that she wouldn’t notice how embarrassed he actually felt once he saw the words “You have good tastes, Eizan-san” with a bunch of red hearts drawn around it.
Riku felt anger in his veins because of a couple of plates being broken. He wasn’t able to stop the dumbasses in his dorm from breaking it. It was the best decision to be away from them for a moment so he wouldn’t end up hurting them. He was vocal, and even he admitted that he sometimes talked too much. He believed he made the right choice. Before he could actually continue walking, he spotted someone spray painting a wall.
God, first was his dorm mates and now he saw someone randomly going against his moral code?! He marched up to the person and voiced out his thoughts. “Girl, you’re trouble.” His voice sounded rather angry, and he should have expected to see the woman under the hood. “Of course.”
The girl was no other than a female he considered himself close to. Yuriko Kusunoki. A little smirk played on her lips as she tossed his the spray paint can. “Ri-kun, didn’t know you’d spot me!” She sounded rather playful and she hopped to him. “But hm… the atmosphere around you feels different. Did something happen?”
She was much more observant than what people would think. He shrugged his shoulders before scoffing. “Nothing much. It was the usual.” He answered her question and she began ruffling his hair. “And what do you think you’re doing?” He might have sounded strict, but it wasn’t the case. He was more confused than anything.
“Ruffling your hair, silly. If you want to calm down- then why don’t you paint this plain wall with me!” She pointed at the wall before he shook his head violently, which gave his reply without any words. She began pouting before crossing her arms. “What a waste. I even threw the can at you and you caught it.”
“That’s vandalism. Why would you even do that? I’m so lucky that you don’t do these things in school and-” He stopped talking the moment he felt a finger on his lips. A blush crept on his face as she placed away her finger and placed it on her own lips.
“You talk too much. You didn’t even hear the story! I was allowed to do this by Miss Nakai.” She laughed playfully. “She thought I was artistic and she wanted to see what I can do with her building. I thought that I could do it myself but it turns out I can’t!”
“Then why not ask Takashi?”
“He wanted to meet his brother! He left poor beautiful me alone!” She sighed and wrapped her arms around Riku. “So can you join me? I’d enjoy it more if someone can have fun with me! It’s also a good way of releasing stress, you know? Let your emotions and creativity out!” 
He looked at the can of spray paint for some seconds and he began to shake it. “You sure we’re doing this legally?”
“Would I ever lie to you, Ri-kun?”
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fluffyblaire · 6 years
Highlights of My Hero Academia Chp.191
⚠️‼️Spoilers ahead‼️⚠️
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Guys, the Dabi is a Todoroki Theory is either canon or one of the biggest misdirections in manga history. Don’t get mad, but the more Horikoshi is milking the suspense like in this chapter, the more I think it’s a misdirection 😖
Notice how Endeavor conveniently can’t see very well in this scene so he can’t recognize who Dabi is and reveal their connection to the reader. This is like when Endeavor stood guard outside and didn’t raid the villains’ headquarters. I don’t think Horikoshi would use this same trick for the same purpose twice for no reason. This time he might be using it just to distract us ✨👀
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OoooOOOOoooh??? Rabbit girl, omg, I vaguely remember her from several chapters ago, but I had no idea she would actually be a badass...! Gaaaah, I love the muscle on her òwó so often artists are afraid to draw women with muscles. Good work, Horikoshi ✨👀
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From this panel it totally looks like Dabi has something personal against Endeavor as shown with this seemly random use of his real name. Dabi also looks a lot less composed than usual this whole chapter, so it’s probably emotional. Again, this is good for the Dabi is a Todoroki Theory, but I still think there’s something bigger going on here. Especially when we see how this encounter ends.
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Nothing. No fight, no real conversation. Dabi leaves without any info being dropped about his relationship with Endeavor. Still though, I think it’s clear that Horikoshi is building up to some reveal.
If the big reveal is that Dabi is a Todoroki, I can’t help but feel that several panels this and last chapter were wasted with just building suspense and tantalizing theorists.
Horikoshi should know he doesn’t need to drop any more evidence as the entire fandom is hyping the Dabi is a Todoroki theory. But he is using precious page space to do just that, and I’m starting to believe he is doing so to keep the fandom firmly fixated with the theory so he can drop a plot twist on us that we set ourselves up for. If Dabi is a Todoroki, the almost-fight in the streets seems so unnecessary, so I have to come to the conclusion that it supplements a distraction for what is really coming up.
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.........UM WAT
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Oh God that almost gave me a heart attack lol Hawks is so precious to me, for a minute there I questioned everything I knew about My Hero Academia and my good judgement OAO
It’s awesome that Hawks is a double agent tho! And he’s good at it, totally fooled me!!! We haven’t seen heroes like that before, and this just keeps strengthening my ego as one who has adopted Hawks knowing my son is special 😍
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What a freaking roller coaster of emotions for Hawks stans like me;w; first he’s a traitor, then he’s a double agent, then he’s given credit for his humbleness, then we see THIS:
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My heart...! it looks like Hawks has been crying based on the markings on the lower part of his eyes huuuuu I can’t imagine how bad he must feel being partially responsible for Endeavor’s state. Being a spy is hard, so hard;; I’m worried about Hawks in the future if he’s going to keep infiltrating deeper. Please, my boy, stay alive 🙏🏼
I wonder how that scar will look on Endeavor’s face when those bandages come off tho. Are we really going to get that perfect karma we’ve been waiting for???
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Oh shit. I didn’t see this coming at all OvO what a pleasant surprise for Dabi to get some depth in such a powerful way!! I like this, but it seems like a potentially controversial move.
There’s probably two camps right now. 1) people who like this development and 2) people who are rioting about Horikoshi’s “bad writing” (why are ya’ll still reading at this point lol) and treating the sensei like a spawn of hell for giving humanity to a killer like he gave humanity to an abuser, Endeavor.
Camp #1 is cool. My only concern: I hope if you’re in this camp, you aren’t one of those twats who is religiously against Endeavor’s development and redemption. So Horikoshi can give humanity to Dabi the murderer/terrorist but he can’t give humanity to the abuser Endeavor? I better not find any of that garbage on my dash. Otherwise, let’s support Dabi’s depth together~ I’m excited for it ^^
We’re not going to talk about Camp #2~
I assume the next chapter(s) will definitely calm down a little and focus on Endeavor’s recovery and public opinion after the High End incident. I really want to know more about Hawks’ undercover work and see him interact with Endeavor more after this mess. After Endeavor took that beating, I’m sure the dynamic between him and Hawks will change. On to Chp. 192~ ❤️
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ca-3 · 6 years
Hello! Can you share more hc or thoughts on KuroMahuSaki? Because I'm slowly getting on board, the dynamic is awesome!
Hello! Also sorry I’m 2 days(??) late to this, I’ve been real busy and tired.
But omg, it always makes me happy when people start to get on board with this ship!!! Both KuroMahi and SakuMahi are good and deserve love and respect~ 💙❤💚 I love idea of the dynamics a lot too. 
Sure! I can share some more random thoughts and hcs for KuroMahiSaku! Man, where do I even start… OvO;;
I guess I’ll start with the cuter hcs? and see what else comes to mind from there. I don’t know, I don’t usually write these out so I’ll do my best. 
In a happier world/totally not delusional ending I always imagined that the three of them end up all living together in the apartment,(because think of all the endless shenanigans that could happen from that.) 
Sakuya always quickly offering to help Mahiru with the chores and Kuro watching them not really caring at first (cause hey means he doesn’t have to do it even more now and he can relax.) and Kuro always calls Sakuya a “suck up” for it when he instantly jumps up to help lol, but Kuro sees how much fun they have and how much closer the two of them become and seeing that helps him participate more in that kind of thing and Kuro really ends up enjoying it and spending time with them. 
In the early days of this though(like before Sakuya and Kuro completely warm up to each other) I can definitely see the two of them competing with the chores sometimes. Like seeing who can do things faster and more efficiently than the other and see who can impress Mahiru with their housekeeper skills. But whenever they end up competing it usually leads to the job looking very rushed and sloppy from both of them and Mahiru scolds them about it and tells them they should work together and NOT compete like idiots. (Oh what is Mahi going to do with these boys?? His poor laundry can’t take much more of this hahaha)
Imagine members of Team Melancholy and the Servamp Family coming over every so often. Both Sakuya and Kuro having their “annoying relatives™” coming over from time to time. It’s usually absolute chaos when they all come together but ends up being a good time a lot. (Again in an ideal happy ending I’m hoping the war between them all ends peacefully and everyone can have gatherings and be friends like this. JUST LET ME HAVE THIS THOUGHT PLEASE. I KNOW WE MIGHT LOSE SOME CHARACTERS ALONG THE WAY. BUT I NEED THEM ALL HAPPY. PLEASE.)
Tsubaki. Just imagine Tsubaki constantly teasing Kuro and Sakuya about stuff and their “relationship” with Mahiru. You know he would, how could Tsubaki not tease his older brother and his young subclass about it? “It’s so fun!” (I’m sure some of the others do this sometimes too for sure, but Tsubaki is close to them both so he gets the best of worlds and he loves it. lol) 
I like to imagine that a cute way that Sakuya and Kuro can bond is over their daily interests. For example, Kuro likes video games and Sakuya likes music. Sakuya’s canon interests include browsing music stores and playing rhythm games. So I can just imagined one day Kuro being like “What???? You don’t really play anything besides rhythm games??? What’s wrong with you?” Or something like that lol and makes Sakuya try something else for once. Or maybe Sakuya or Kuro challenging the other in a game of their choice and it results in several rounds of different kinds of gaming. (Sakuya purposely keeps picking rhythm games, so he can get a guaranteed win.) But Mahiru is so happy to see them having fun.
Mahiru definitely joins in their gaming sessions sometimes. (I don’t know why but I imagine Sakuya lets Mahiru win a lot lololol and Kuro is just over there like “God, what a suck up…” for the 800th time, but still constantly destroys them both in video games because you guys know Kuro has to be the best player out of the 3 of them.) 
Eventually sharing these interests will result in Sakuya sharing music with Kuro. (Sure, we don’t know if Kuro is a huge music fan or even what kind of music he likes,but I’m sure Sakuya and Kuro’s music tastes would be different enough that they would be able to share unique stuff with each other.) 
Imagine them all cooking dinner together. Mahiru trying to teach these two kitchen disasters how to cook. (Kuro sometimes eating some of the ingredients or completed parts of the meal before they even finish everything or just needing help in general sometimes haha, Mahiru thinks its rather cute sometimes too and doesn’t mind showing Kuro how.) I actually have a lot of thoughts about them cooking and just doing chores together. HELP ME. 
I doodled something like this once before a long time ago, but since Mahiru is still a human I like to imagine him slowly getting taller than both Sakuya and Kuro(even though not by that much, Mahiru is still the shortest out of three, soooooooo I just really like this idea.) Mahiru continually thinking it’s funny when they notice the changes and when either of them get confused or flustered by the fact “Oh what? Hey… you’re eye level to me now.” (Oh, those two poor immortal babies.) 
A bit of a sudden sadder thought here though, but I’m sure Kuro and Sakuya share the over-whelming sense of dread knowing Mahiru won’t last forever. Mahiru is still a human after all. But hey…. they will still have each other. Besides, it would be so sad that they stopped being friends or whatever they ended up becoming just because they lost Mahiru. Kuro and Sakuya would know Mahiru would probably want them to stay close and not fall apart because he’s no longer there. Mahiru would want them to be friends on their own and not just for him. 
Okay, but imagine school starting up again for Mahiru. Imagine Mahiru thinking Sakuya should go back to school with him(and kitty Kuro of course). Just like how it used to be. But Sakuya instantly being apprehensive and saying a lot of things like “Oh… n-no Mahiru… I can’t do that. You know I can’t. Not after the way I left and what I did… I don’t belong there….and they don’t remember me anymore…you know that.”  Mahiru would be saddened by Sakuya’s words and negativity because of the emotional baggage that comes with even the good memories of their time in school together. But Mahiru would maybe reassure Sakuya saying things like “Well…things are different now and I wouldn’t want to leave you here alone almost everyday. I just thought it might be the best solution for us all and I thought… I thought that’s what you originally wanted because now you have that choice again…” (FOR  REAL THOUGH GUYS SAKUYA’S ORIGINAL WISH WAS TO FINISH HIGH SCHOOL WITH MAHIRU, RYUSEI AND KOYUKI AND THEN LEAVE THEIR LIVES WITHOUT ANY COMMOTION  BECAUSE HE KNOWS HE’S A VAMPIRE AND CAN’T STAY WITH THEM AND I AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA) 
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Even though this is Sakuya’s internal dialogue here, it’s a still a very real thing he wanted AND I THINK ABOUT IT TOO MUCH. THE BOY JUST WANTS TO GO TO HIGH SCHOOL AND BE A “NORMAL” TEEN BECAUSE HE NEVER GOT THAT BEFORE AND IT HURTS MEEEE.  ITS LITERALLY NO JOKE. 
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okay need to end this hc here cause I actually have too many thoughts about this and could go on about this. 
Anyways, don’t think I forgot about Uncle Tooru haha but I can see things going a couple of ways with explaining things to him. (I mean, he’s got to find out about Mahiru’s involvement with vampires in the canon story eventually. Right?? Although…. I still wonder about Tooru’s potential involvement with C3…? but that’s another conversation for another time. But it makes me curious about this hc.) He technically knows about Kuro already. Only in cat form though in canon….and Tooru knows Sakuya exists as Mahiru’s friend still too and Tooru is the one who helped Mahiru realize he should go after Sakuya in the canon story. So I wonder if things would start out with Mahiru being like “Um… is it okay if my friend here stays for awhile?” or maybe they would just be at the point where they straight up tell the truth when they get chance. (Again, just a lot of ways this can play out. So aaaaaahhhh)
I’m sure there are times Mahiru misses his mother, especially when it gets around to the day the accident happened and I already had a small thought/headcanon that Kuro helps comfort Mahiru around that time the best he can, Mahiru has comforted Kuro during tough times and helped him face his regrets, so of course Kuro would do something like this for Mahiru. But now hear me out with this too. I also think the same thing happens for Sakuya but with his older sister, cause it’s no doubt she was very important to Sakuya. These losses are equally traumatic for Mahiru and Sakuya because they both lost important family members at a very young age. But they definitely mourn differently about it. I feel like Sakuya doesn’t like showing this kind of “weakness” and his sister/past overall is likely already a very touchy subject to bring up around him. (I mean we had to have Tsubaki tell Sakuya’s past in the canon story and not Sakuya himself, so I feel it’s something he definitely hates talking about and probably wouldn’t have ever mentioned it to Mahiru if it wasn’t for Tsubaki.) I feel like Sakuya would cry somewhere secretly in silence, because he doesn’t want anyone to ask him about it. I mean he’s technically done that before over Mahiru *cough* *cough* never forget episode 4 *cough* As much as Mahiru is likely to be the one to help Sakuya open up more and being the one Sakuya feels most comfortable talking to….I really really do like the idea of Sakuya and Kuro becoming close too and I truthfully don’t talk about it enough. I like the thought of Kuro actually beginning to really care about him first. So I like the thought of Kuro awkwardly trying to figure it out there’s anything he can do and if he should do any kind of physical contact or anything??? Kuro trying his best to be more social and showing more care in his own little Kuro way, gives me life alright? I need more of this kind of character development and Kuro trying to interact with others. I get the funniest thought of Kuro panicking and just patting Sakuya on the head and being like….”uh… there, there.” Help him he is trying. Kuro knows how to handle Mahiru but not green boy yet.  
I realized these hcs and thoughts slowly are getting more and more into angst territory, but hey I already said things wouldn’t always be smooth sailing for this ship. It would take a lot of building up.  
But it was nice talking about the fun ideas rather than mostly discussing angsty canon stuff. 
Since this is already getting super long and will turn into more rambles I will stop for now. Cause the more I talk the longer and more elaborate I try to get.  I wasn’t joking when I said I have way too many thoughts. 😂😂😂
Anyways, thanks for asking!!!! ❤❤❤❤💚💚💚💚💙💙💙💙 (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)
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rigelmejo · 3 years
Tempted to try Skritter app again (to learn Hanzi because it’s an srs so I’d just do it until I learned “enough”) but I don’t remember if last time they even had mnemonics (and honestly that’s the benefit of a premade thing - I don’t have to do that myself lol)... I feel like last time I tried it, it’s setup was not what I wanted, especially for the price... (and yet, I wanna try and see if it works better than I thought lol). Also I am reading actually reading the Alan hoenig chinese characters book now.
Also tempted to try wanikani app for the same reason but Japanese (again I could just... skip it and continue the Nukemarine decks, and read books I own lol).
Anyway moral of the story is I’m great at wanting to distract myself. Instead of just using what I have.
Also I’ve come to terms with the fact I will just HAVE to do some study separately to build output skills that I’m not doing right now. I’ve been doing L R Method primarily FOR listening comprehension improvement - and it shows. If I want to improve speaking? I’ll need to either add shadowing or do it other times (which is more time than I want to spend per chapter right now). If I want to improve character recognition(so reading skills), I need to do separate Hanzi study or slower extensive/intensive reading where I have more time to dedicate to learning the written word. If I do intensive reading during L R Method I either - slow down the time chapters take to get through by adding that extra step, or don’t actually focus on listening which is what I was aiming to improve. L R improves listening FAST and WELL but to do the other skills i need to do more things or separate.
So I’ve realized right now I should probably just focus on L R Method and realize I’m going to need to do more intensive reading(or Hanzi study) later to help reading recognition, and more shadowing later. I am contemplating adding shadowing once my listening comprehension is better.
If I want to do L R Method through a whole book, adding all the extra steps takes longer so I’m doing those later - maybe toward the end of the book once listening comprehension is better. (For me either focus on one thing and improve noticeably and or focus on several and improve slower in each).
Also, I AM in a sweet spot where when I listen to the audiobook as I read in step 2 of L R Method - I can follow the story. So like, if I’d like to finish reading guardian in a reasonable amount of time that’s my best bet - with the benefit of listening practice and hearing pronunciation of all known/unknown words. (At least until my extensive reading speed surpassed speaking speed).
Recent positives:
1. I reminded myself any study is better than no study. (In the end I imagine... a lot of it boils down to just “did you study 2600 hours” or whatever X is needed for competent language skills in the language you studied... so if I’m doing anything it’s better than nothing).
2. In light of that, i read some manga in Japanese today. Went well. Still baffled I’m capable of following the main idea without a dictionary now. Picking up more varied daily speech ways of saying stuff. Also I remembered bilingualmanga.com exists so I’m using that to look up new word meanings. For the first time in years I am?? Interested in manga again?? (Also yes you can TELL I don’t want to do srs flashcards a la Nukemarine’s memrise courses lol anything but that even though I’d probably progress the Fastest if I just buckled down and did them...)
3. I read 1/3 of Japanese in 30 Hours. I plan to finish it this month. I stopped transcribing it - I’ll get reading practice elsewhere tbh. I just wanna make myself read through a grammar guide tbh. It’s going well. I find this book pretty logical (only odd thing is it teaches masu form first like Genki, and not regular form until lesson 40 - but since I’ve read the first third of Tae Kim’s Grammar Guide it’s a nice contrast in a way). It does describe masu as a helper verb.
4. I have the urge lately to read a lot of the books I already own. Is it the most organized way to study? Nope. But it is studying, and the low pressure of “do what I want, read what I want, work THROUGH materials” is motivating. Just read, it’ll help. I don’t have to be perfect. And I will make use of the books I’ve already bought! In that line of thinking, I am finishing Japanese in 30 Hours, I’ve started reading Reading in Japanese (a 500 page beginner book but lots of big print so let’s say ~300 pages equivalent). When I finish that, I wanna read my mnemonics Japanese kanji book. Then maybe Japanese Sentence Patterns, or my more comprehensive Reading Japanese book. Basically - I figure if I read through what I have, I will reinforce a lot, learn a lot, and at least get some use out of it. Also cause if I wasn’t studying on purpose? I’d read this kind of stuff out of interest! So I might as well read!
5. Also in light of that I’m finally buckling down and reading the Alan hoeing Chinese Characters book (I know, who am I?). I’m not going over old chapters - I could, but also not trying to be perfect... just trying to FINISH the book for once. The Word Brain said words take 5 minutes to learn - usually seeing them 5 times in ideal timing to remember (spaced repetition). Well I’m not doing flashcards. But some of these words I’ve seen plenty before. So maybe reading my stuff will finally cement them better. I’m also hoping the advice of mnemonics help, will help make the memories stick better (I AM still making a sound mnemonic for every hanzi). Realistically plenty of these Hanzi will not stick, but having a mnemonic now maybe means next time I see them in reading they’ll start being remembered easier. Plus I have like 2 other Hanzi books - so if I read Alan hoenigs book and they don’t stick, maybe they’ll stick better with the next book reinforcing. Basically - in reading I got some to stick, but want to speed up the process with some mnemonics lol. Also? Again Skritter seems appealing if only because maybe I could do 2000 Hanzi in 2-3 months with srs.... but of course the problem there is: will I DO srs or hate flashcards too much? Whereas reading a book? I can do it, if readings all I need to do.
6. Inspired to read I read 2 more mental health self help books this past week, am reading 2 more that have exercises, and it reminded me when the year started I said to myself any book would count as book read goals if I wanted to read it. So maybe I Can just read my learning books for fun, my fiction books for fun, you know? Maybe I should do that more again. At any rate, the open minded idea to read anything I want without pressure to “do it in a perfect way” made me feel much more free and motivated to do things.
7. I’m back to working out a little, on account of my stomach medicine helping with the pain a bit! Wooh! I saw a video that yeah made me feel gay like everyone else who watched ToT but also the girl had a hella cool ab routine so I am copying it I’d love to be strong like her. And surprisingly, I can actually do a modified version of it (so like stand up bicycle crunches instead of laying down, knee planks instead of regular). So I can do that ovo)/
8. I got a gift card so I bought 2 Chinese novels at about ~2 ease rating (from that rec list I posted). So they should be 小王子 reading level. I’ve tested them both by reading online snippets and I could follow them. So I’m gonna make a goal to read them extensively. (And now that I know Google translate can lookup words in pics I might underline unknown words to look up after finishing each chapter). It would be cool to finish more novels! And the more I read, the easier reading will get! It’s that pages read goal baby lol! One of the novels is 撒野 so I’m excited for that (and hear it’s gonna have a drama). The other is by Ye hua (I think that’s his name), but I didn’t get 活着, I got a different novel he’s written that I was more interested in.
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workfromhom · 4 years
Investing in the hidden generation
Ilse Calderon Contributor
Ilse Calderon is an investor at OVO Fund where she specializes in pre-seed investments across capital-efficient markets. Prior to OVO, Ilse spent a year at Silicon Valley Bank rotating across consumer and software teams.
While it’s no secret Hispanics represent unparalleled growth opportunities for the U.S. economy, most startups don’t realize Hispanic youth means an abundance of prime spending years (translation: dollars for businesses). The average age of a Hispanic living in the U.S. is 28. Meanwhile, the average age of their white counterpart is 42. Nearly one in every five people in the U.S. identifies as Hispanic. 
Those few companies that do notice Hispanics and their massive purchasing power (~$1.5 trillion) tend to be legacy companies doing a subpar job at capturing the Hispanic consumer. Furthermore, they don’t target the most valuable member of the Hispanic community — what I call, the “Hypercultural Latinx.” They are where tons of unspent dollars lie. 
As an investor and member of the Hispanic community, I’m confident the startups solving problems for this Hypercultural Latinx member will have the potential to create companies with venture-like returns. 
Who is the Hypercultural Latinx?
The Hypercultural Latinx is a second-generation Hispanic who is 100% Hispanic and 100% American. And while that might sometimes lead to misunderstandings and conflicts with her white counterparts, it also means she excels by creating a pseudo culture where she can thrive best. She brings her unique characteristics to this self-created culture — a culture where her customs, language and values shine through. Furthermore, this person, who often identifies as a Gen Zer or young millennial, is a fanatic of mobile. After all, across socioeconomic classes, their disposable income is disproportionately going to screens (of all types) and tech toys.
I mean, just go into your Hispanic friend’s home: They are likely to have more TV screens than people residing in that household. In fact, a bewildering 29% of U.S. Hispanics planned to purchase a new TV set just ahead of the Super Bowl (guilty as charged). For reference, of the 30% of overall Americans that planned to buy a TV in 2017, only 2.8% purchased in the days before the Super Bowl. Heck, when my family moved, we bought TV screens for every room even before the living room was furnished. Technology — especially newer tech, is significantly more tempting to Hispanics. 
The Hypercultural Latinx should be top of mind for venture investors and founders. She desires to test the untested, and thus, is likely to cross the chasm before the early majority. This makes her an ideal customer segment for consumer startups.
Image Credits: Ilsa Calderon
Startup founders and VCs alike are missing out. As an investor, I often find myself reduced to frustration with the lack of founders and investors committed to exploring audience segments outside cookie-cutter ones. We might not need another consumer vertical product solving a half-felt pain point for the highly educated, white female with a $100,000+ salary living in NYC, SF or LA. However, we do need more products catered toward the Hypercultural Latinx who, by the way, outspend their white counterparts across most categories. In the same way Fenty Beauty exists to solve the make-up needs of primarily Black women, we need that for the Hypercultural Latinx population.
Numbers aside, investors should care about Hypercultural Latinx because they are tech-forward trendsetters who adopt social media at higher rates than their white peers. For example, a Hispanic youth is 87% more likely to use WhatsApp. Additionally, they produce an exorbitant amount of videos on Tik Tok. Several Tik Tok Hispanic-centric hashtags, such as #hispanicmom, are wildly popular and boost over 44 million views. For reference, the most followed Tik Tok stars, like Addison Rae, have just over 47 million followers. In fact, one Hispanic Tik Tok queen, Rosa, has already reached pop culture peak. 
Facebook ad experiment
Examples of ads I ran. (Image Credits: Ilse Calderon )
If you are more driven by quantitative data, know that paid spend targeting this Hypercultural Latinx could result in lower click cost rates and higher engagement. I ran a two-week experiment on Facebook to prove out this hypothesis. I created a landing page for a fake sunscreen brand, Bounce Skin, with a fake first product, an SPF mist. I created a couple of ads. Then, I ran ads on Facebook targeting two audiences: young Hispanic girls (the Hypercultural Latinx audience) and white girls. The average click cost for the young Hispanic girl audience was $0.06 per click; for white girls, it was $0.33 per click. Of course, my experiment was limited, but it did demonstrate that the Hypercultural Latinx is out there and craving content that tells the narrative of her life. (For more details, please check out this Medium post).
Why is the tech community decades behind when it comes to this Hispanic segment? 
Three key reasons: fear, the subpar state of Hispanic marketing and white men cannot relate to the Hypercultural Latinx. 
Fear. There’s always risk associated with offending the same audience you are trying to captivate. Just take a look at the beauty industry and its frequently associated race problem. The world is not white, and beauty brands that think it is have lived through PR nightmares. Even beyond beauty, tech startups fear negative press cutting short the life of their business. However, it is this gap that creates opportunity.
I encourage the right set of up and coming startups to authentically pursue the Hypercultural Latinx. Even though legacy companies might have heavier balance sheets, they don’t have the clout to lure this young, bicultural consumer. Let’s just say, no 18-year-old is going to be rushing to the Walmarts of the world looking for aspirational goods. They are even less likely to browse Walmart.com for content. 
The state of U.S. Hispanic marketing is ridiculous. In fact, there’s a graveyard of failed marketing attempts to the Hispanic community. Most recently, there was a Mother’s Day Kmart ad that blended two Spanish words (Mama + Namaste) to accidentally create a word translating into a very vulgar and offensive word. Furthermore, given most businesses’ “one size fits all” approach to Hispanic marketing, it’s no surprise they keep getting it wrong. However, if anyone is best positioned to take Hispanic marketing out of the 20th century, it’s small, nimble startups with no history of bad marketing or image problems. 
Perhaps the biggest reason the tech community isn’t approaching the Hypercultural Latinx is because most venture-backed founders and investors are white men. These white men cannot possibly relate to the life experiences of young, biracial teenagers and young adults living in white America. Last year, a measly less than 2% of venture funding went to Hispanic founders — those are the founders best suited to be able to genuinely capture the eyeballs and wallets of this Hispanic youth. On the investor side, it’s even worse with only 1% of venture investors identifying as Hispanic. 
The solution is complex, and frankly, I can’t provide a solution with clarity. However, we can start by building goodwill and non-transactional relationships with those role models Hypercultural Latinx admire. I’ve found that these role models are usually under-the-radar influencers, like Glenda. We as investors can also diversify our top of funnel deal flow to include more underrepresented founders. Lastly, founders with a reach and network of Hispanic youth should consider diving deep into the pain points of Hypercultural Latinx lives.
The new darling of the VC world will be solving problems for the Hypercultural Latinx
In order to become this new VC darling, founders approaching the Hypercultural Latinx should consider two suggestions: a platform play and an army of social guides.
The platform approach entails creating an organization of brands that later spew out new brands horizontally or vertically. An example of this is the company behind my favorite over-priced lemon drink, Iris Nova, or Glossier-team spin-off, Arfa.
The second approach, an army of social guides, means combining elements of affiliate marketing with a kick-ass referral program to create loyal fans that are financially incentivized to sell your products. Sequoia-backed Stella & Dot built out their version of social guides that ultimately became its most defensible strategy. Additionally, in a post-coronavirus world, this strategy is a way for an ever-increasing labor force to get back on their feet. 
At the end of the day, the Hypercultural Latinx demographic is only increasing, and so are its needs. For founders who truly care about the U.S. Hispanic market, pay attention to this hidden generation. For investors, look beyond solutions for your own problems. Winning over the multi-faceted Hypercultural Latinx is not easy, but startups that successfully do so attract my attention and my investment dollars. 
from Facebook – TechCrunch https://ift.tt/3hcIZhZ via IFTTT
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