#i've never watched lotr
sexy-sapphic-sorcerer · 3 months
I'm watching lord of the rings for the first time. this has the potential to consume me
I'm already lost in elijah wood's eyes
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girlscience · 11 months
i am so goddamn tired of every single fantasy story being about men. i am so goddamn tired of women being side characters and love interests and set dressing and an afterthought. i am so goddamn tired of women who are powerful but feminine. women who are "dressed to kill" and they are wearing eyeliner and a dress and heels. i am so goddamn tired of women always being healers and having water magic. i am so goddamn tired of men going on adventures and dying nobly. i am so goddamn tired of never being able to find a story about women that i can fall in love with. i am so goddamn tired of all fandom being about men.
#i have spent the past several weeks becoming increasingly upset about this#hannibal? men. lotr/the hobbit? men. stargate atlantis? men. dragon age inquistion? men. one piece? men.#the handful of superhero's i periodically read about? men. transformers? men. every goddamn anime i've ever loved? men.#the witcher? men. fantasy anachronism? men. literally every single fantasy adventurer series? men.#it's men and men and men and men and men and men and men and men#i just want ONE. one single goddamn story about women that is as well written and well made and as deep as everything else#i want ONE story about a women or women who are noble and honorable and fight in the face of impossible odds#and i don't want them to be pretty and small and feminine#make them hairy and fat and muscular and tall and wear steel toed boots and carry swords and fight monsters and sleep in the woods#and eat stew and carry heavy packs for long distances and be intelligent and sneaky and cowardly and fearful and brave#make them laugh and cry and scream and fall in love and write poetry and books and songs#make them wrestle and pick on each other and pull each others hair and sit around campfires#MAKE THEM GODDAMN PEOPLE#there are books out there about women going on adventures. they exist. i've read some#but they are not the majority and they never get big#and so many end up being poorly written or a romance or a combo of the two#i don't WANT to have to read genderbends just to read about women#i don't want to scroll tumblr and just see men on my dash#all i have ever wanted my whole life is to be a fantasy adventurer. and none of them. not ONE of them looks like me#i am tired of watching youtube critiques of fantasy shows/movies/stories and them just shitting on the women characters#i am just so tired of it
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Mishima shouldn't be taking the hobbits to isengard
Kazumi Mishima shouldn't be taking the Hobbits to Isengard!
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vulpixelates · 2 months
are the hobbit movies worth rewatching in 2024? 🤔
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robotslenderman · 2 months
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA LotR marathon with @nevertrustanoracle and @ryttu3k tomorrow! <3 <3 <3
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softboiledwonderland · 11 months
Why have I not become a LOTR nerd sooner in my life I have truly missed out... but even more than that it’s happened at the right time and exactly when it should have
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wantonlywindswept · 4 months
gotta say i have been seeing some extremely cold takes in my chosen fandom of late and i am both Not About It but also Very Tired
#just to be clear#if you think that there is a division between 'worthy' and 'unworthy' fans#you are a problem#what is this early anime fandom all over again#'oh you've only seen the dub?'#'sorry but you're only a True Fan (tm) if you've watched the subtitled version and read all 120 volumes of the manga'#actually you know what fandom i respect the most?#lotr fandom#easily the nicest friendliest fandom hands down#never cared if people had read the silmarillion or not and not just because that would be cruel and unusual punishment#i adored the movies but could not for the life of me read the books#fucking hated tolkien's style of writing#maybe i'd like it now who knows#but you know what that was never an issue#'oh you came from the movies? that's so cool here's three different recipes for lembas and the translation of your name in sindarin'#actually is gatekeeping on the rise along with all the recent weird puritanical shit i've been seeing across multiple fandoms?#that would make a lot of sense actually#and look#i usually go fucking FERAL for research and background lore#but there are limits to my time my energy my access and my interest#i have never been so interested-alienated in regards to a fandom before#like 'damn i would love to get into this but there is So Much Fucking Stuff i feel i should know first'#so i've been ending up just being an observer#which is great on one hand! observers and readers and viewers are incredible love them peeps they're absolutely vital to fandom#but that's not how *I* usually interface with fandom#i like creating things#and that's been stopped up by my own personal desire to Know All The Things First before writing#(which i would never actually require for other people that's just a How My Brain Works thing)#and the fandom's own self-policing of what level of knowledge is valid and what isn't#tumblr fuck u for not letting me use more tags ANYWAY yeah sad for me or w/e but don't do this shit to new fans they deserve better
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goldensadnessdolphin · 9 months
there's an afab hobbit in the shorts, baseball cap and sleeveless shirt.
call that a Tom Boybadil
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Buying Time for the Hero
Your comrade is the one who needs to save the world. Their quest is too important to fail and you knew it, so when the risk was greatest, you fought with everything you had to keep it at bay. In the end, you lost your life, but you did so in the most badass way possible. Be proud!
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Tagged by: @ensnchekov Tagging: @jurati, @dimensionalspades (Julian!), @heartfledged, @ofmogh, & you!
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everglade-blue · 2 years
bf: i’m realizing maybe the reason you can’t get into isekai shows is that you’ve never seen lord of the rings.. that’s where so many fantasy tropes come from
me: wait so you’ve seen lord of the rings
bf: no but i’ve seen the hobbit
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ritzy-biscuit · 2 years
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With Rings of Power and having recently watched LOTR extended edition I'm on a Tolkien trip.
I always wanted to paint this on my wall and by God it's about time I did. I took to Photoshop and it looks great, (it's gonna be a little off center but it's ok. Or I could shrink it more). Project is go. My friend told me to do glow paint and that's not a bad idea!
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jeansyvesmoreau · 1 year
*incoherent screeching*
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lovely-v · 2 years
I'm just starting my journey with lotr so I had to ask after seeing your tags. Where I can watch the extended movies versions on unofficial sites? Thank you <3
eeek i really wish I knew! I unfortunately bought them digitally (like a loser). I really tried to find a recommendation for you, but most of the sites I usually look at for movies and shows only have the theatrical releases. If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to drop them here!
And I'm very glad that you're starting your lotr journey :))
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can-of-pringles · 1 month
I had a dream last night that I was watching some sort of fantasy show and then I woke up and realized it was fake
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theophagie · 3 months
I love it when mr trono my man my guy posts screenshots of his video editing program. Like
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*guy who knows nothing about how this works voice* Huh. That does sure look like a lot
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six-improbable-things · 8 months
FINALLY started watching the LOTR movies. Idk why it took me almost 20 years to start watching them. I've been meaning to for ages, especially given that I read the books in 6th or 7th grade. I just finished The Fellowship of the Ring, and I'm going to watch Two Tower, and maybe Return of the King tomorrow. (If I don't want RotK tomorrow, I'll watch it on Sunday.)
I'm having a great time. And yes, predictably, Aragorn is my favorite. :)
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