#ic interaction . . . adam godard
deatherealm · 6 months
@qapsiel has crossed your path . . .
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“I’m still not exactly sure what I saw.” Or how to explain it in a way that wouldn’t make him seem like he’d been purposefully exaggerating or experienced some sort of hyper-delusion. All he did know is that one minute his friends were standing next to him, dancing and indulging themselves, and the next they’d started to morph and mutate into unrecognizable creatures you’d only witness in your worst nightmares. An icy shiver snakes it’s way around his spine, but he persists with his statement.
“One minute everything was normal, and the next… they weren’t themselves anymore.”
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deatherealm · 6 months
@jvmiel has crossed your path . . .
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“I like to come out here when I can’t think straight. Got a nice view, don’t you think?”
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deatherealm · 5 months
everybody has days when they think the grass might be greener somewhere else. (For Adam)
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“Those days seem to be happening to me a lot. I’m beginning to think I may never witness greener pastures. How do you hold on to hope when it looks like there's nothing left?”
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