#id say musa also isnt as sarcastic or 'mean' with her
floralovebot · 2 years
what is the dynamic between flora & musa? i struggle a lot trying to thinking of headcanons for them </3 so i want to know your thoughts about them
They're definitely not as loud as some of the other winx pairings but they're obviously still besties! Here's just like a list of some important aspects of their friendship!!
Very supportive of each other! Obviously this is something that happens with all of them, but in terms of Musa's music specifically, you will always see Flora there hyping her up and giving her feedback. Musa also supports Flora's endeavors a lot!
Similar to the first one, very emotionally supportive of each other. I feel like this is probably one of the biggest things about them in canon! Musa tends to go to Flora a lot when she's having issues with Riven, especially if it has to do with jealousy/insecurities. And on the other side, Musa is literally always there when Flora is having issues with Helia! She's able to calm Flora down really well, in a way that some of the other winx haven't quite gotten the hang of.
At least with how they're shown in canon, they seem to be the kind of friends who just enjoy being around each other. Again, a statement that can be said about any of them, but you know what I mean! They actually have a surprising amount of scenes between them. They're just kind of always hanging out and they're very content with each other :)
They're also often with each other on missions! I'm not sure if there's an exact reason for that, maybe their powers mix really well or something?, but it happens quite a bit!
Honestly, there's not much to it! They're kind of the classic chill best friends who like to hang out and help each other a lot. Musa goes to all of the winx for help but Flora is seen helping her a lot more than say... idk Stella? And Musa tends to standup for Flora a lot when anyone talks shit about her!
Anyway here are some pictures of them together because I'm insane
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I didn't crop these so they probably look terrible but whatever!! Let me know if you want a more comprehensive post with actual moments and dialogue from them because they're genuinely one of the cutest yet most underrated winx pairings and it pains me :')
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