#idk have a thing. i spent the last 3 hours grinding a mobile game for an event item and baRELY MISSED GETTING IT so i'm a little miffed
byanyan · 5 months
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ㅤㅤ" you ever see a guy an' just... wanna put his neck under your boot? like, y'don't know 'im, y'don't know anything about 'im, but y'can tell that someone needs t' snap that fucker in half? "
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compassrosegames · 5 months
Played This Week 2024.01.01-01.06
Got to play a couple of games this week, only one on PC while another couple on mobile.
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ASTRONEER - System Era Softworks (2016/12)
~ 1 Hour (~48 hours for the main story + extras)
This is an old favorite of mine, a game about exploration and mining that is much gentler than some of the other games in the genre that share similar mechanics. It was funky getting back into the mechanics of the game but it was still enjoyable and very engaging. Especially seeing all of the new stuff that they have added to the game since I last played seriously. While I do kind of miss it I have never completed the main story so I want to do that since unlike Space Engineer, Satisfactory, or Stationeers there is a little bit more of one that isn't hidden behind layers of base optimization.
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Sword Ling RPG - 854Game (???)
~idk? About an hour a day? so 6-8 hours mostly in the background
I have been slowly grinding through the stuff but holy shit is it overwhelming. Each little menu has like 2 or 3 things that can end up contributing to the player's Combat Power (CP). And that's before finding whole other heros who can each be equipped to add CP. Looks like this one really is gonna be a long haul.
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TrainStation 2 - Pixel Federation Games (2019 CW)
~idk? probably about 6 hours total now?
It's hard to keep track of these fuckers. This is a cute little game that caught my attention because I like trains. Well, transit. Transportation. Whatever. I have spent a decent amount of time in Transtportation Fever 2 and this game brings a little nostalgia back from that style of gameplay, moving resources around. I may go deeper into my thoughts on it but it is a very comforting game that does interesting things with pacing transit times, especially in this the tutorial levels.
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Monster Hunter Now - Niantic Inc. (2023/09)
~2 hours a day so ~12 hours this week?
I should really get a program logger installed to see how long I am playing these.
This particular game is made by Niantic of Pokemon Go fame. While I had been on Pokemon Go this caught my eye and has hooked me longer. Concept is the same only the player actually fights monsters from the Monster Hunter universe using weapons of various styles. I can definitely see where the learned a lot from the game-play weaknesses of Pokemon Go and really turned it into a game I don't mind walking around for. I do want to go into a deep dive on the differences between the two so I might do that over the next few weeks.
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Lost Abroad Language Cafe - Lost Abroad Inc. (2022 CW, EA)
~ 0.5 hours
A little language game that I saw an ad on Reddit for. Despite early access this seems like a very interesting concept for learning basic grammar and politeness. I tried Japanese for a little bit and it was pretty fun. While I would like to put more time into it, it is in Early Access so not everything seems to be implemented yet, but I need to check. I have only played on my phone so I need to try it on my iPad to get the full experience where it seems to be intended. It has a very similar feel to Influent, but because there is a much smaller scale of words that are unlocked rather slowly through forced repetition and a relatively rapid speed of comprehension through that repetition make this a game that I want to keep my eye on. Gameplay takes place in chunks of 1, 2, or 5 minutes which make it a nice snack for any language learners.
So I actually played more than I thought. Which is nice. Unfortunately a lot of the mobile games kind of slide into the 'unconscious' play style where I might as well be doom scrolling for all of the attention I am paying to them. Lost Abroad being the one exception.
Anywho, which would y'all like to see further analysis of?
Have a good week y'all, see ya Sunday
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