#if I've made any errors I apologise but this was hurriedly typed out on my phone during a coffee break
idk if it has something to do with it, but in shin's route the founders believed that it was transmitted through the air
Hi anon! Yes, I have this on my list of "what we know about Endzeit" although to be honest I think the writers included this as a way of showing that Carla knew more about the disease than Shin (and hinting to the fact he used it to kill Giesbach which hadn't come up at that point in Shin's route). This comes from the fact that in Shin's Daylight CD (when he doesn't know Carla has Endzeit), he says they don't know how it spread, although this could just be the writers forgetting things honestly ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
As for whether Endzeit is caused by a virus, unfortunately this doesn't help much as both viral and bacterial infections can be spread by airborne particles expelled by an infected individual. There are a lot of other reasons why the writers could have had the founders believe Endzeit was airborne:
1) diseases spread by airborne particles can be some of the most contagious (but please note this is NOT always the case) which would explain how all of the founders caught it plus the incubation period (the time between being infected and showing symptoms) for Endzeit is about a month so it would be very hard for them to actually trace where they'd caught it from and they wouldn't necessarily make the link to the actual route of infection: through blood (although, and I intend to elaborate on this at a later point, I wouldn't be too surprised if it couldn't be spread through other bodily fluids as well).
2) Coughing up blood is one of the symptoms of Endzeit and if something affects your lungs then it's not illogical to assume it's airborne.
3) It could be a fun nod to miasma theory, which was the belief that diseases were spread by bad air and was the prevelant theory on disease spread prior to germ theory (i.e. the idea that disease can be spread via pathogenic (which means disease-causing) micro-organisms). The reason I mention this is that germ theory only came to the forefront in the later half of the 19th century and if my theory on how long the Tsukinami brothers were sealed in Bandmaden for is in any way correct (i.e that they were sealed away in the later half of the 18th century), then misma theory would still have been prevalent in the human world and there wouldn't have been any reason for demons to investigate the causes of disease themselves as none, prior to Endziet, affected them.
Anyway in summary I have a lot of thoughts on Endzeit, I hope this was at least an interesting read!
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