#if any talented artists have made a version of Dawn of Justice please send it my way
embraceweird · 1 month
Imagine being at a Fig and the Cig Figs concert. They just finished an epic rendition of "Burn Towns Get Money". After a beat Fig walks up to the mic. You start to notice stage hands wheeling an excessive number of cymbals onto the stage. You're buzzing, you know what's coming next.
You hear Fig's voice call out "For this next song we're going to need some help." And stepping out from back stage is a SECOND Gorgug! The crowd goes wild. This is the moment everyone has been waiting for!!
The first Gorgug proceeds to double in size while the second Gorgug shrinks. The massive Gorgug then places the small Gorgug into a baby carrier strapped to his chest and they both take their seat behind the drums.
What follows is the most hard core, rebellion and rage fueled performance you have ever seen. You have just been blessed (by what? Who's to say) to have been able to witness the masterpiece that is "Dawn of Justice" live!
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