#if anything doesnt make sence or you want an explination pls just ask!
what were your thoughts on falsettos uk? i'm super interested in hearing them!
This is long my bad
Ok so lemme preface by saying I REALLY enjoyed it and if any of this seem particularly critical and like I don’t have a proper explanation it’s because I suck at articulating my thoughts
Also I know that bc I’ve seen the bway proshot so many times and that’s how I fell in love with the show I’m deffinetly influenced by that
- every single cast member has the most beautiful voice and they can all seranade me any time they like please and thank you
- Trina was in the first of of 4 Jews instead of Jason which I liked but I kinda missed him :( although his entrance made a lot of sense whith the choreo/blocking
- I did feel like some of the blocking/direction was a bit awkward or cliche at points? I already can’t think of an example (terrible memory sorry) but there were points that I felt could have been shown in a less obvious way that would have equally been effective and also just made the whole peice seem more real and subtle
Tbh this could be because of the thrust staging at The Other Place (you can see from the picture what I mean - we were in the front row but the stage came out further than we were sat) sometime the actors seemed to be moving about aimlessly, I assume so everyone had a chance to see them, but it’s one of my pet pevees with acting
- I also felt some of act 1 was played for laughs too much, I know there are funny moments! but there were a few added in and a few that just didn’t land and it slowed the pace down
Like Mendal came across and a bit of a perv rather than just really liking Trina and it was not funny or nice to watch
- kind of more on that point I did get the vibe that sometimes I felt like they were over acting parts? Don’t get me wrong they were all very very good actors and had clear characters but because it’s such a realistic and conversational peice I just wanted them to chill out a little bit and it would have made it feel silghtly more genuine. (this is something I really think the bway cast excelled at, but again it could be because that’s what I’m used to)
- on a more positive note I really liked the costumes! Someone pointed out that each character had a colour and then they all made up the rainbow which was a nice touch
- Whizzer and Marvin were really domestic in act 2 and it was really lovely to see them truly be content with each other
- I really liked the A day in falsettoland choreo/blocking! Good fun and happy
- omg when Jason is singing the ‘finally now it’s all my decision’ part he just broke and started fucking sobbing as he sang and Trina and Mendal hug him and she’s crying and it was just heartbreaking
- wizzer was still alive during what would I do! It was really horrible to watch him sing with Marvin just before he dies and it was very well done and emotional
- Oliver saville was a great wizzer and his solos were really good
- they stuck to the original lyrics most of the time but they kept ‘ you wanna blame me you have paintings of dicks. don’t talk to me about taste’ so SJB rights
- March or the falsettos was Trina’s nightmare? It was really clever bc it made its chaotic-ness make sense, particularly within trina’s solos, (it was set as her going to bed) but I did miss the crazy no explanation chaos that it usually comes with lol
- I’m Breaking down was so so good!
- the lesbians! I loved them couple goals. Cordelia was really cute
- I thought the set was good, (the floor was a chess board!!) however I’m not sure about the projections. I think they either needed to subscribe to the very simple style of props they had, or go with the realist style of images they were projecting (for example, in the songs set in the house they projected the room onto the frames surrounding the set, or the baseball field during the base ball game) I think the projections just added to the silghtly cliche vibe I had.
This sounds really negative I swear it was amazing and you should go see it if you can! Even I nearly was crying by the and and I only really cry when I’m angry lol
Also while me and my friend were at the train station the boy that played Jason came out of the toilet with his dad and I made direct eye contact for a second it was real awkward lol
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