#if know the designs i referenced for the outfits of the first pic: nice lol
tinyetoile · 2 years
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I’ve been sitting on this idea for months lol, I figured since in my original Zelda story the most recent turn of the cycle would be the events of the NES Zelda games I should straighten out the lore I want for that... which turned into semi-redesigning the two Princess Zeldas of those games, since the official art tends to use the same design for both of them... and THEN figuring out how I could incorporate some other, lesser-known designs from the early days!
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ladybugboots · 3 years
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redesign of susato’s dlc outfit because i think it's ugly! some notes below the cut on my many many thoughts below the cut.
[id: first image: a picture of the original outfit, and the pose, sketch and line art for the redesign. the redesign has susato posing, touching the top of her hat with her raised right arm, her other arm at her side. she is taking a step forward, and winking at the camera. second image: the final colored drawing, in the same pose. the first layer of the dark magenta dress ends at the hip in a dark brown ruffle, and the second ends below the knee. the top is like a vest, with a dark brown V border, two buttons below, and ruffles on the shoulders. the white, collared undershirt sports a yellow cravat. the puffy sleeves are bound by a beige, metal armlet with a heart near elbow. the rest of the sleeve is pleated, ending at the forearm. at the waist is a belt, with a metal buckle, and a flower shaped button. she has tall, laced boots, with yellow petal shaped decoration, and is wearing vertically striped stockings. she is wearing cuffed gloves with a heart shape cut out on top of the hand. metal goggles with her family crest rest on her bowler hat, and she has a pink, heart shaped shoulder bag with her rabbit mascot keychain. behind her is a pink circle, an off white ring, and her crest. /end id.]
so i actually referenced the artbook pic but i didn't want to post that on my art blog since it’s from scans and i don’t own it lol l so i just sourced this from the official trailer. in-universe, the outfit is made by iris! so it makes sense it looks familiar to hers, but the decision to keep the same skirt length, as if susato wasn't taller than iris.. one of nuri's comments on overall character design was to keep things more modest for the time period, and well, all of the women wear either pants or long dresses, save for iris, who wears pantaloons under her shorter dress. so it just doesn't make sense! another thing is the buttons, which iris has as well, extending to below the belt. what's the point..? i altered the top layer to curve into under the belt, and extended the rest, a style seen in iris' concept art and a dgs2 side character (since i didnt feel like doing research lol). i got rid of the long sleeve glove things with the hearts because it looked ugly. i wouldn't have minded it if not for the repetition of the hearts, but i decided to take a route similar to iris again, with the puffy sleeves. i really enjoy the cherry blossom resembles a heart motif otherwise, which i think is emphasized enough through out the original design, so i kept everything else. did you know that her dgs1 render has laced boots? but i'm pretty sure that's the only time nuri took the time to draw them out, so in the rest of the official art theyre just smooth. i drew them laced here because they look nice :-) another fun fact! usato, the rabbit mascot, has a tail. you can kind of see it in her dlc model renders! also i examined the model and turned the rabbit around (btw, it's the only in-game model mascot (chunosuke, kumaris and usalock being the others) to sport a tail. one last thing; this pose is the same as in the artbook, but i had to change her proportions because it was really wonky. thanks for taking the time to read this if u made it this far :-D
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