#if someone did PLEASE REMIND MEEEE <333
I just wanted to say what if the reader (from the fic where dottore put foul legacy’s blood was put into the reader) well what if they were out into a type of stasis and that’s why they were thought to be dead. And they walk in and find that your body is gone. When childe is back to normal he goes on a mission into the forest and he finds an abysal monster roaming the forest and whether or not he realises who it is can be up to you, I just think that it would be cool. You can ignore this if you don’t like this idea!
🍑 anon
(related to this post and the ones before it <33) yesss, YEEESSSSS MORE ANGST MORE ANGSTTTTT *EVIL GIGGLING*
alright hear me out- once Dottore finally retracts his claws and allows Childe to transform back into his human form (mostly because the Tsaritsa ordered it), Childe remembers almost nothing from his ordeal. he only knows that something happened, that he had to be "hospitalized", and that you were mysteriously gone- why? he had been so forward to seeing you again, after so long, but now you've vanished. Dottore merely shrugs when asked, and Pantalone has to keep from cursing whenever your name is mentioned. none of the other agents will give him an answer, either looking confused or hastily walking away from the Eleventh, almost tripping over their guilt
something is wrong here. Childe can feel it in his bones. but what?
the moment he's deemed well enough, he's dispatched on a mission- the Tsaritsa's missed her finest weapon, after all- it's actually quite close to Snezhnaya, and Childe finds himself staring out at the snowy expanse, fingers idly tapping his bow. he's tired, more tired than usual, whatever put him in the medical wing definitely took its toll. even worse, he doesn't have your hugs to lift his spirits, the exhaustion weighing heavily on his shoulders, and the Harbinger lets out a sigh that mists and clouds the freezing air
there's a crackling crunch, and Childe snaps his head around, summoning his Hydro blades and stalking towards the source of the noise. he's already irritated and eager to kill whoever or whatever interrupted his thoughts- but when he sweeps aside the snow-dotted branches he gasps and jumps back, the sight of an Abyssal creature throwing him off balance. he should attack it- he should kill it, rid the Tsaritsa's domain of something so tainted like himself-
but the terror in the monster's familiar eyes made Childe stop cold, weapons falling from his hands as he rushes to cup your cheeks in his hands, tears filling his ocean-colored eyes as he stumbles over choked words
"Starlight-? It can't- No- Not you too- Oh, what did those monsters do to you???"
he's crying, pressing his forehead against yours, heart breaking at the pained whines and squeaks you let out and oh, how could he be so stupid?? it all makes sense now, why everyone except Dottore seems so on edge, why you seemingly vanished into thin air, why Foul Legacy's been horribly silent ever since he woke up. now his Abyssal half cries with him, extending his claws in desperation to hold you close, ensure that you're alive and not a cold corpse in the ground somewhere, even if you're in a different form
Childe hugs you as tightly as possible as Foul Legacy wails in his head, fingers tightening around you as he swears, to you, to the Tsaritsa, to the Abyss itself-
Dottore will pay.
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