#if the person giving out pins has a tumblr PLEASE let me know we didn't get to thank them enough ;w;
planerider-ryn · 7 months
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I still need to sew a few of the patches on, but i bought pin locks for most of my pins so the DnD bag is mostly decorated ^-^
I got most of this at London MCM from the various stands, but the "Do not go far from me" pin was given to me by a lovely critter while we were waiting in line for the live show
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accidentalshifter · 2 months
Ahhhhh! An adult shifter I’m so happy! I’m so used to being one of the few adults in the shifting community it always makes me happy to see another person! Would you mind if I ask you in private messages about your experiences?
Hello, hello!! I'm really happy that you found me in the sea of shifters out there in Tumblr. You're totally welcome, any time, to ramble on into my DMs and talk about experiences with shifting. I love brainstorming & sharing ideas/stories with fellow dreamers. So, the door is open to you, new friend. 💜 If you'd like to read some of my latest shifts in large detail, you should read my pinned post. It's got my latest adventures plus a summary of the DR I'm currently exploring. But I'm also cool with 1 on 1 discussion~
⚠️ Below is a rant about ageism within the Shifting Community. Please be advised that this is just my opinion...
You know, I really hold off on posting about opinions/shifting theories because this blog is solidly focused on documenting scripts & my experiences first...but. You brought up a good point. There aren't many (public) adult shifters out there on Shiftblr, Shiftok, or the many Subreddits out there that exist. And I feel like that has a lot to do with the heavy & predominant ageism (age-based shaming) within the Shifting Community as a whole. I see a lot of young shifters out there posting:
Some person who just turned 14: Woah, you're 24??? What are YOU doing in the Shifting Community???!!! 😲 🤣 😅
As if shifting is something allowed only for young people because when you "get old," you aren't allowed to dream anymore. You're supposed to "grow out of it." But let me ask anyone reading this right now: if you really, truly believed in shifting, would you "grow out of it" when you turned 26? 28? 29? How about when you're 35 like me??? Would you stop shifting to "be an adult and live in the real world"? Abandon your s/o's?? Abandon your dreams??
The aggressive vein of ageism infecting the shifting community feels like a belief issue. Like shifting is for the young because they're allowed to be "whimsical" and engage in this dreamworld on the premise that shifting isn't real and eventually, they'll "grow out of it" and get a real job or some crap like that. Fuck that. Fuck THAT. That's the same kind of abusive crap my grandfather used to yell at me when he burned my artwork and said I needed to "grow up". Stop shaming the "old" shifters!
Many of us didn't get to have a childhood. Or a stable living situation. Or a family. Or love...
Adults need their dreams, too. In fact, with how rough and cruel this reality is, I say we all owe it to ourselves to shift. To dream. To allow ourselves the JOY and LOVE we need. It's only because of my DRs that I continue to fight for a better future for myself. As an ancient adult shifter, having my DR (and s/o's) there to support me while going through the banal horrors of this reality and medical problems, shifting helps to keep me sane. It's not a thing I'm ever going to "grow up and out of" because after you shift, you realize the world is bigger and more beautiful than you could ever imagine. And why would I ever give that up?? Be kind to us adults who shift...
Because one day, you'll be old too.
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Just noticed you still have the character bingo pinned, so hoping I'm not horribly late for the trend as I catch up with Tumblr: Wen Ning if he hasn't gone already?
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Let's talk about our favourite reanimated corpse!
He's someone else I normally don't give much consideration to, but is very interesting to look at, especially in relation to some of MXTX's other characters. Wen Ning is one of a few of them who receive one drop of kindness and repay that with a torrent* -- Wei Wuxian was kind to him and encouraged his archery, and in return he risked everything to help him and Jiang Cheng escape Lotus Pier after Jiang Cheng got captured, and to give them a place to hide and stay afterwards. That response to kindness repeats itself in other characters in her works, such as Zhuzhi-Lang in Scum Villain and even HC in TGCF (but please note I haven't finished TGCF yet**). Interestingly, Wen Ning is the only one I can think of who treats kindness that way but doesn't hold grudges/doesn't take the approach that injustices towards him have to be repaid too -- which obviously furthers the themes of letting go of resentment in MDZS particularly. 
I also find it interesting to note that Wei Wuxian's parents' philosophy they imparted was "remember what others do for you, not what you do for others", which is exactly what Wen Ning does here: he receives a kind action, remembers it, and doesn't let the comparison between the magnitude of that action and the actions he does in kind stop him from repaying it in his own way.
And it’s just... really nice. That's a lot of what I have to say about Wen Ning, he's just a really nice, kind person, and the world should be a better place if there were more people like him.
I do find it easier to talk about him or think about him when it’s in relation to other characters, though -- Lan Sizhui or Wei Wuxian or any of the Wen remnants (including his sister, but the rest of them as well). Those dynamics are really interesting and more intriguing to explore for me than him by himself (hence why I circled 'they work better as part of a dynamic') for some reason? But this is an ask about him specifically, so I'm trying to deliver. I do want to say something interesting about the featured character in each one!
I think that’s also because he's quite thematically similar to Lan Sizhui, who I've already done an ask on? I talked a bit about how Lan Sizhui has every right to be angry at the cultivation world and try to take revenge or something similar, but instead lets that go and puts his efforts into honouring his history, and how he makes sure the last legacy of the Wens is one of kindness, not hate. And Wen Ning is the same, focusing on rebuilding family with Lan Sizhui instead of seeking revenge for his lost one. And I love how at the end of the book, they both travel together for a bit, and frequently night-hunt together, and so on -- it's so so nice they can have that, and embrace their history and past. There's someone else from the Wen clan out there for them.
...It’s amazing how MDZS can have such a tight plot and follow just one person (most of the time), and still have so many amazingly developed characters out there in the world. That takes some serious skill. 
(Also, I didn't know where to put this, but I absolutely love the subversion of how we think he's going to be verdus how he is -- how at the beginning of the book he’s made out to be some big, scary boogeyman, someone who used to sinisterly plan things with the evil Yiling Patriwrch, who frequently went on bloody rampages and so on... and then we see him and he’s just so nice! Disproving the cultivation world's rumours yet again, I guess, and yet another person made out to be bloodthirsty when they really weren't, but also... you could see why the common people bought into the rumours about Wei Wuxian. He’s very smart and powerful like people say he is, and when he's scary, he is scary. See the whole Sunshot Campaign. But meanwhile with Wen Ning... he's just a little shy guy! A little shy guy!)
*credit to MXTX for that line because it was a paraphrased quote from Scum Villain about Zhuzhi-Lang
**I'm just reading it as the Seven Seas books come out. I started that way with all the books, but MDZS and SVSSS drove me to find online translations after I finished the two books of each series that had come out, so I read the EXR version of the rest of both of them (and now I know that there are... issues with the 7S translation of MDZS (SV is apparently very good though), so I'm probably going to reread the first two books online. I'm planning to do a reread anyway). But TGCF hasn't made me that feral for wanting to read more though for some reason, even though it's still good, so it's easier to just read as the books come. The only problem is that I'm avoiding spoilers and the other people in my house I talk about MXTX with have read it all...
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p-antomime · 3 years
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⠀⠀⋆ ⠀♡ ! ⠀dni⠀ ﹏ ⠀bfy ‽!
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否. — DON'Ts
— don't follow if:
否. you're a minor (17 is included here), MAP, ed account, homophobic, transphobic + TERF or any variation of these, ableist, racist and/or xenophobic, start discourse, send hate on anon (get a life pls), anti-dc, anti-aging up.
否. DO NOT REPOST ANY OF MY WORKS IN ANY SITES W/O CONSENT. And by “sites” i mean: ANY SINGLE ONE, (especially) tik tok, twitter, AO3, Wattpad, etc; if you want to do some kind of translation of some of my work(s) or do something inspired by them, for example: fanarts, PLEASE ask me for permission by inbox or asks and let me know exactly what you are going to do and where you are going to post it.
否. do FUCKING not spam like. if you had/have time to just go straight up to any of my works and hit that like button, you also have the same amount of time to give rb's.
否. do not refer to me using masculine(s) terms (the only exception is: 'bro').
否. do not try to start some type of discourse under any of my posts, especially those that contain Dark Content, since, assuming you are an adult: you know how to behave towards something you don't like or don't intend to consume/read and you spend less than 10 seconds just blocking the original creator or ignoring the post.
否. do not call me by DMs if we are not intimate or mutuals, this creeps me out as fuck.
否. do not send me any asks like “what happened to [random or known user]?” because: i truly may have 0 informations about the situation and, if it happens to me to have some kind of info about the person, i won't be sharing it with anyone on tumblr.
否. do not ask me my discord, my instagram or my twitter if we are NOT FRIENDS, like, please, don't fucking creep me out.
否. if you are an anon/nonnie of mine, please, do NOT spam my inbox and have in mind that: if you didn't get answered yet, I'm not ignoring you, I just have a lot of asks pilling up!
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然. — DO's
— before you follow:
然. put your goddamn age somewhere and somehow anywhere (bio, pinned, ANYWHERE) in your blog, and i'm not even asking for you exact age, it can be: the year (ex. 2000), the year in any type of algarism (like XIX which means: 19), the year in decade (20s, 30s & variations), adult, legal/legal age, 18+ or 19+, 'somewhere in between 20 & 30', 'early 20s' and any type of variation.
然. i am a fast writer but i still have a life outside tumblr so don't rush me, since you're not paying me for all this writing, i have no responsability to rush myself for you.
然. my DMs are not a session of therapy, so, please, don't trauma dump (on) me.
然. please, if my blog appears like it has unfollowed you, tell me, let me know and don't go assuming i hate you or something like this, because: 1. tumblr glitches a lot and 2. if the mutual stuff is broken (by me), I do not just unfollow, but block you right the way.
然. unless we are friends, moots or you're a regular anon by a long time (1 month +), do not use me as trauma or problem dump or vent dump, because, yeah, i have a great patience most of time, but I don't like to be 'searched for' only to hear about your problems.
然. i am not a spoiler free blog.
ㅤ𐃢. about me ! ⠀ꜥ ⠀about reqs !
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galacticxcosmos · 3 years
𝐖𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐞 ❣︎ ᵏᵗʰ
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Pairing :- Taehyung X Reader
Genre :- Bestfriends to Lovers AU, Erotic, Angst, Romance and Fluff.
Rating :- 18+ ( M )
Word Count :- 4.4k
Summary :- "Not everyone in this world deserves to be loved. I am one of those little number of unfortunate people" that's what you thought after your terrible breakup which led you to your bestfriend's appartment at midnight to seek comfort until things went way beyond just 'comfort'.
Warnings :- It's CEO Taehyung (but no office romance shit), Broke college student, Dom Taehyung, Sub reader, Some angst that idk how I managed to write, Sexual Tension, Buried feelings, Past feelings, Teasing, Morning Sex, Daddy Kink, Pinning, Oral (M receiving), Unprotected Sex, After care (omg) with fluff (omg).
A/N :- I know that I haven't been very active on Tumblr, but trust me I am trying my best, also I am still working on the next chapter for "Chemicals Collide", so please be a little more patient. Also I got inspiration for this Oneshot from Jungkook's cover, I think you guessed it already, but then I saw I had already written a JK Oneshot, so I gave this to Tae baby. Enjoy~
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Not everyone in this world deserves to be loved. I am one of those little number of unfortunate people.
I could feel the numb pain in my stomach, feeling like I am going to throw up, going back and forth between feeling nothing and being unable to stop the tears. All I  could think about was if this is really the end. I picked up my pace, now breaking into a fast jog towards Taehyung's house. Tears we're rapidly streaming down my face, uncontrollable at this point. I sprinted through the apartment complex, my legs moving as quickly as they could to get to him. I wiped my face with my sleeve as I got to his floor, a failed attempt to make myself look slightly okay.
I knew Taehyung would see right past these attempts though, he'll quickly understand that I've been sobbing with one glance in my direction. He knew me too well. After knocking on the door, there was a faint thud before someone cautiously opened the door. Taehyung stood there, slightly disheveled with the smell of alcohol dripping off of him. Right, Saturday means Taehyung gets shit faced every night. Although intoxicated, he quickly realised I wasn't okay. "What happened? Did someone hurt you? Do I need to go and fight someone?" He slurred slightly, stepping outside. I chuckled, placing a hand on his chest and pushing him back into the apartment before he got the both of us locked out.
"How many have you drank?" I asked, going to the kitchen and grabbing a water bottle to give him. My legs were threatening to give out, but he should property drink something besides alcohol before he puts himself in a coma. I walked over to where he sat on the couch, handing him the water bottle before going to pick up bottles. Sure, drinking was absolutely terrible and Taehyung may have developed a problem. I just never comment on it because we all have our own ways of dealing with things, not all of them being good. After cleaning up his expensive ass apartment, I went to sit down with him. He was quietly watching TV, taking interest in some show that showed people getting hurt. He was slowly sipping his water, showing barely any interest in the almost full bottle he held in his hand.
"Tae, I asked, how many have you drank?" I asked again. "I counted like 10 while cleaning up." Taehyung didn't say anything, just shrugging as he propped his feet up on the ottoman. I sighed, following his actions and getting comfortable. It must be nice to have an apartment to yourself and not be stuck in a crammed dorm room with another person. Must be nice to not go to school and struggle everyday. Nice to not have your heart broken on the day of your anniversary. Without noticing, a small sob fell from my lips, catching Taehyung's attention instantly. Worry was written across his face as he peered over to me, one eyebrow raised.
"What happened?" He mumbled, moving to wrap one arm around me. He held me close to him, a mix of his cologne and alcohol filling my nose. "He broke up with me." I mumbled, another sob falling from my lips. I wrapped my arms around Taehyung's toned torso, hugging him like there was no tomorrow. "Isn't it your anniversary? Didn't you text me earlier today about everything?" He asked gently, trying not to make it seem like a big deal. Another sob fell, making him realise that maybe it wasn't a good idea to pull on that string. He sighed, moving so he could easily pull me into his lap. I quickly straddled him in order to bury my face in his neck.
My arms still held onto his torso as he wrapped his arms around me. He must've closed the water bottle and tossed it aside sometime earlier, deciding it was more important to comfort me. So, how the hell did a broke college student become best friends with one of the youngest CEOs in Seoul? It honestly still amazes me that we're even still friends, that I get the pleasure of being his best friend. He's everything you'd want in a person. Caring, beautiful, fit despite his work schedule, one of most hardworking people you'll ever meet.
We've been friends since we were teens, simple freshmen stuck together for a lab experiment. Thinking back on it, it's sort of funny because the first thing he ever said was I like your shirt. I smiled slightly, thinking back on the fond memories. Taehyung and I are some of the closest of people, and we're always joined at the hip when we aren't busy. I mean, we grew up together, figured out college together, lost our virginity to each other. I chuckled slightly thinking about it. Two teens frustrated and scared to lose it to someone who didn't know us. It just sort of played out one night, safe word established quickly since Taehyung was so worried. Taehyung shuffled slightly under me.
"What are you laughing about, Miss?" He teased, jabbing my sides. He's always loved fucking with me, and knew how to get on my nerves in just a few attempts. I decided to lie, figuring that, if he even remembered that night, he wouldn't want to hear about it. I shrugged, shoving my face into his neck further. "I was thinking about science when we were paired together." I said, my focus going to my shirt that was riding up slightly. Taehyung paid no attention to it, his hands resting on the bare skin of my back.
"Ugh, don't remind me." He laughed before mocking himself. "I like your shirt." I laughed, shaking my head at him. I sat up, my hands placed on his chest. He seemed tired, but sobering up a bit. His hands released my torso, going to wipe the tears off my cheeks. I smiled slightly before climbing off his lap and standing back up. "Finish drinking your water." I said, tossing the bottle over to where he was sitting. I walked into his living room, opening up the fridge and seeing what was there. I shrugged, settling on leftover takeout I'm assuming was from the shop near his work. I tossed it into the microwave before calling out to Taehyung.
"Do you want anything?" I asked, waiting for a response. "You." A small reply came, unsure and small compared to his normal loud ass. I laughed at him before asking the question once more. He simply said nothing, stating he wasn't hungry. He usually isn't when he drinks anyway. I took the takeout out, walking back into the living room. I sat and ate, making sure not to spill anything because I definitely couldn't afford to buy him a new one. This couch is probably my salary, the boy's got money. "Are you okay?" He asked, reaching over to rub my thigh. "Didn't I tell you he was a dick though? You should date better people. Like me."
I laughed at him, playfully swatting his hand away from me. I went back to my food, not paying attention to the hand creeping up towards my thigh once more. He rubbed his hand up my thighs once more, smiling slightly. "Taehyung, you're drunk." I mumbled, shoving food into my mouth once more.
Taehyung moved once more, placing his hand on my arm. Whines immediately came from me, complaining about the food and expensive couch. "Taehyung, I'm going to spill this on your couch and you're going to be mad at me" I threatened. "Fuck it. I can buy a new one." He mumbled, reaching up to smack the food out of my hand. I jerked my arm away, setting the tray down on the coffee table. "No you can't you drunk cunt." I mumbled, jumping over and pulling him down on the couch. I curled up under his arm, my face buried in his chest while I placed my arm on his side. He smiled, looking up at the TV after placing a kiss on my forehead. He held me closer, and continued to hold me until I drifted off to sleep.
The sound of shuffling woke me up, my eyes barely adjusting to the bright light. Taehyung was shuffling next to me, struggling to get up. I let out a small grunt, moving so he could easily stand up. He apologized before running off to what I assumed was the bathroom. I smashed myself into the corner of the couch, trying to gain back the warmth that just left. Taehyung's chuckles filled the room as he passed by the living room, walking into the kitchen. He was probably going to go grab pain killers and a water. He waltzed back to the couch, plopping down. I let out a small grunt of disapproval.
"Come on, go and do your classes." He said, pulling me by my shirt towards him. He's always used his strength to do whatever, and it gets annoying every now and then. "Would you stop pulling me around like a ragdoll?" I said, rolling over to look at him. He had a smirk on his face, missing his shirt that he was previously wearing. "Go get a shirt on" I said. "No." He said, dropping a water bottle and laying down. I rolled over, cuddling into his warm embrace. His golden skin always give off warmth, and god I loved it. "Shouldn't you have classes to attend?" Taehyung asked, wrapping his arms around me. I rolled my eyes at him, wondering how stupid he has to be to not understand.
"I just got my heart broken yesterday, why would I want to do anything?" I mumbled, "I just want comfort and to rest for awhile." Taehyung nodded, holding me. He mumbled something that I didn't quite catch, but I was too lazy to ask what he said. "Why do you date douchebags? I mean, they don't give you the love you deserve and end up breaking your heart. You should find someone that actually cares about you." He mumbled, tangling his legs with mine. "Why does it matter to you Taehyung?" I asked, looking up at him.
"Because you come to my apartment at like 3 am sobbing usually. And you shouldn't even be out at that time, with someone else or alone for that matter. It's not safe. And you deserve better." He mumbled. "Would you stop worrying about that? I'll be okay." I could barely even finish my sentence when Taehyung crashed his lips onto mine, our lips molding together within seconds. Taehyung pulled away slightly, attaching his lips on to my jaw. My breath hitched, hands moving to grab at his arms.
"Taehyung, I don't think this is a good idea." I mumbled, his movements coming to a stop and his body stiffing. "I just mean we're probably just confused and I just broke up and you're a famous CEO hooking up with a college st-" I knew if I asked, he would immediately stop. It's not that I was afraid of him doing something stupid, I was afraid of the underlying feelings I had for my best friend. The feelings that make me want to cherish and love him just as much as have him fuck my brains out.
"Tell me y/n, do you really think I don't notice?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Think I don't notice the looks you give me when you think I'm not paying attention? You rubbing together your thighs when you're around me?". "Taehyung I still don't think-", "You don't think this is a good idea because you're afraid. You'll have a real man now, someone that will love and appreciate you as well as please you? Listen, I have no problem with that as long as you return it." He mumbled, moving over to whisper in my ear. "Do you know how much you affect me?"
He licked my ear, sucking slightly causing me to whimper. My eyes were screwed shut, head cocked to side. He climbed around so he could be on top, grinding our hips together slightly. His bulge rubbed against my thigh, rock hard. "Taehyung-", "Waste it on me y/n. Your love, please just this once. You waste it on everyone else, so why not me? Why not your best friend that's in love? Please, it's not going to hurt if it's just once." He mumbled, locking eyes with me. "Taehyung-", "Daddy." He corrected, is he serious right now?? He wants me to fill in his kinks now??
"Taehy-", "Did you not hear me babygirl?" He said, staring down at me. I gripped his torso, wondering how the hell I got myself into this situation. How I ended up here, with him. "Daddy, please." I said, coming out more whiny than I expected. He smirked slightly, a look of confidence flushing over his face. "What babygirl? Tell me so I can please you." He said, moving so his face was a mere millimeters away. "Kiss me."
He did, quickly getting rid of the space in between us. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. My hands tangled in his hair, pulling slightly. His hips slightly rolled into mine, pulling a moan from the both of us. Taehyung's hands slipped down, running up and down my sides, stopping to squeeze slightly. His hands found their way to my ass, squeezing and rubbing. "Daddy~" I whined, rolling my hips up into his. He let out a small groan, moving to place hot, open mouthed kisses all along my neck. He stopped to suck a small bruise here and there, making sure to leave his mark.
His hands slipped into my shirt, squeezing my sides. I giggled slightly, jerking away from the ticklish action. Taehyung smiled up at me before slipping my shirt up and eventually over my head. My arms instinctively went to cover my skin, Taehyung clicking his tongue slightly. "Come on babe, don't make me tie you up." He mocked, smirking at me. My eyes widened slightly, taking Taehyung back for a moment. "God, I don't remember a freak in highschool.", "Oh my God. Please don't." I said, staring at him. He's referring to losing our virginity to each other, embarrassing.
"So shy and innocent-", "I don't remember such a cocky shit in the bedroom either? You think you've gotten better?" I challenged. "I know I've gotten better." He answered. He's so full of himself. "Whoever cums first, loses." I challenged, staring up at him. He looked taken back. I smiled, sitting up in order to push him back on the couch. I straddled him, sitting on his hips as I took my bra off and tossed it somewhere across the room. Taehyung's hands flew up, squeezing and pinching what he could manage. I let out a small whine when he took a sensitive bud in between his fingers, twisting it roughly. My hips involuntary rolled, Taehyung's hips jerking up. I moved, going to pull on his shorts. The more I pulled down, I realized he wasn't wearing any underwear.
"This was your plan all morning?" I questioned. "Nope, just when I seen you over here looking like a fresh baked snack." He said, making me laugh at how stupid he was. I rolled my eyes, kissing his hips slightly. Once his shorts were off, he wasted no time kicking them halfway across the room. I giggled slightly, laying down on the couch so I was level with his cock. Taehyung threw his head back, his breathing becoming uneven. I licked a long stripe from bottom to top, stopping at the top to flick my tongue along his tip. I slowly wrapped my lips around his tip, sinking down slightly before coming back up. I took inch by inch until he hit the back of my throat, sinking down a bit more before coming up. A low moan fell from Taehyung as I swallowed around him, his hips involuntary bucked up into my mouth.
I fought off my gag reflex, hallowing my cheeks around him. I let him face fuck me, his hands roughly controlling my head to please himself. A loud whine fell from him, grabbing my hair and pulling my head up an off. He wrapped his fingers around his base, squeezing. Once he calmed down, he looked up at me. "Okay Miss, your turn." He said before basically pouncing on me. Our lips connected in a rush, molding together as his hands slipped into my jeans. He popped open the buttons with ease, sliding my jeans down my legs. His warms hands squeezed my thighs, coming up to link his fingers with my lace panties.
He pulled away from the kiss, locking eyes with me quickly before sinking down. He gently pulled off the lace, tossing it aside. After a bit, he nipped at my thigh, sucking a bruise. He continued nipping at my thighs, making me get more and more impatient. "Daddy! Please!" I whined, my hips bucking up. He moved, licking a long stripe. I whined as me began sucking on my clit, flicking his tongue every now and then. My hands were buried in his hair, resisting the urge to crush his head with my thighs.
I felt Taehyung's smirk, wrapping his arms around my thighs and pinning me down. I bucked my hips into his mouth, a low moan falling from my lips. "Taehyung, slow down." I whined, my legs shaking in his arms. He did, slowing down his tongue flicks. He let go one of my legs, moving his finger to me gently. Slowly, he pushed his finger in knuckle deep. I couldn't fight the loud moan that fell from me.
"God I fucking love your thighs." He mumbled, drawing circles where one of his arms was still wrapped around me. "So thick and full, so much better than the sticks that throw themselves at me." A small laugh came from me, shaking my head at him. "I'm sure you've had plenty of those sticks in here." He shook his head, drawing his finger out slowly before pushing it back in. I grabbed his wrist, positioning it a bit differently and told him to curl his fingers next time. He followed, hitting exactly where I needed him to. My whole body jerked, making him smile up at me.
"Fuck I've missed you." Taehyung groaned, talking to himself more than anything. I wasn't sure if he meant me, or my heat. I decided not to ask, not wanting to get hurt over something so stupid. His fingers picked up their pace, hitting exactly where I told him. Moans fell from my lips, my head thrown back as I held onto his head. Slowly, I felt an orgasm coming upon me. "Taehyung!" I whined, grabbing his arm and jerking him away. He could easily continue, overpower me completely with just one hand. But Taehyung isn't like that. He became instantly worried."Are you okay? Did I hurt you? Do you want to stop?" He asked, panic striking him from all sides.
I laughed, sitting up. I pulled him to me, kissing him as deeply as I could. "No, you're okay. Just, a bit overwhelming." I smiled. He nodded, sitting up. "Is it okay if I continue, I need to stretch you out. I'd hate to hurt you." He said, slightly hesitant with each word he spoke. "Of course. And what happened to the man that was just so cocky seconds ago?" I asked, teasing him. He scoffed, continuing. He started with one finger, slowly adding a second and beginning a scissoring motion.
Small moans fell from me, gripping his arm where I was able to. Looking down, Taehyung still wore his arrogant smile. After he deemed me stretched and ready enough, he sat up and in between my thighs. He looked around for a few seconds, for what I'm assuming is for a condom or something like that. "No condom." I mumbled, making his attention snap back over to me. His cheeks were slightly flushed and eyes full of concern and slight worry. "I'm on the pill." I reassured. "Yeah, but that's not a 100% you won't get pregnant." Taehyung mumbled, still worried. I laughed, shaking my head at him.
"It's pretty damn close, but if you're really that scared go find one. I'll be here waiting for you." I teased, watching his eyes narrow at me slightly. I giggled as he pounced on top of me, pinning my arms above my head with ease. A small smirk grew on my face as I nibbled slightly on his earlobe. "Daddy, please fuck me." Taehyung couldn't resist anymore, positioning himself before easily sliding in. He let out a loud grunt as he bottomed out, his head falling into my neck. "Fuck, when's the last time you've had sex?"
"What? What do you mean?" I asked, slightly panicking at his question. Taehyung slowly pushed himself up, sitting back on his legs with my thighs in his palms. I propped myself up on my elbows, watching as he slowly slid out before slamming back into me. I jolt of pleasure shot throughout my body. "You haven't been fucked in awhile, no? You're so tight." Taehyung said, placing on of my legs over his shoulder to give him better access. I let out a loud moan as he picked up his pace, gaining a steady and rather quick rhythm. Taehyung was letting out small grunts, his face becoming sweaty and his bangs sticking to his forehead.
"Ah, Taehyung" I whined, grabbing onto his arm as he pounded into me. He scoffed, leaning forward to nail my g-spot. He was folding me in half, basically. "I'll let that one slip, babygirl. But next time you're getting punished." He growled, crashing his lips onto mine while still maintaining his thrusts. As the kiss became rougher, so did his thrusts. The sound of skin hitting skin soon filled the room accompanied by moans. Taehyung's grip was harsh, holding onto my waist and thighs like it was the only thing keeping him alive. I could barely see straight anymore, pleasure washing over me. I smiled, remembering something Taehyung was absolutely weak for. I reached up, taking one of his sensitive buds in between my fingers and flicking it roughly.
He let out a throaty groan, head falling forward slightly. He was focusing on his thrusts, speeding up and slamming harder than before. Profanities spilt from the both of us, gripping onto whatever we could to keep us in place. "Fuck, I'm going to cum." Taehyung moaned, making me smirk up at him. I mumbled a small, then I win. His head shot up, completely forgetting about the dumb bet set long ago. His fingers went straight to my clit, roughly stimulating me. I yelped, holding onto his wrist for dear life while clamping down around him.
His thrusts we're sloppy and more desperate than before, quickly reaching his high. With a few lasts thrusts and moans, he came deep inside of me. As soon as he came, the stimulation caught up and sent me flying over. Bolts of pleasure shot throughout me, my toes curling and head thrown back into the sofa. I ripped Taehyung's fingers away from me, becoming too sensitive. He smirked, sliding his fingers into my mouth. I licked them, rolling my tongue in between. He watched, shaking his head.
My body was shaking, something Taehyung was quick to notice. He laid his body weight on top of me, kissing me with the most passion he ever has. The shaking came to an eventual stop, both of us relaxing for a few seconds. "Well, I guess we both lost." I mumbled, not really knowing how to not make this awkward. Taehyung laughed, shaking his head violently.
"Let's not do that weird thing where you think I'm going to suddenly leave you." He smiled, running his hands up and down my thighs. "I'll go run us a bath." He got up, jogging into the bathroom. I heard water turn on followed by a few drawers opening. After a few moments, he came back and scooped me up into his arms bridle style, making me laugh. Taehyung sat down first, then helping me sit down in between his legs. I let out a small hum, leaning against his torso and relaxing. "You know Taehyung, this is really nice." I smiled, letting him trace little patterns onto my shoulders and chest.
He smiled, kissing my shoulder gently. "Your girlfriend is going to be so lucky, she just doesn't know it yet.", "Well um, I was actually hoping you'd be my girlfriend. And I mean like, official official like dating and going out and doing things together." He laughed, "Not just hook-ups at 3 am.", "Are you serious? You're messing with me?" I calmly said, acting as if I didn't care but the frantic beating in my chest told another story. "Yeah, I've loved you since like high school." Taehyung said, becoming cheesy and acting offended when I made fun of him for it.
"I'd love to be with you Taehyung. I just think it's weird that the youngest CEO in the world is dating a broke college student." I said. "And don't get me wrong, I'm not dating you just because you're a CEO. I actually do love and care about you a lot. I always have cared about you in a more than friends way.", "Stop referring to yourself as a broke college student. You're my best friend since high school, my first ever love and my love now." He said, a dumb smile plastered across his face. I laughed, making fun of him again.
"I'm glad Taehyung. I love you too." I smiled, looking back and pecking his lips. He wore the brightest smile, kissing my shoulders while wrapping his arms around me and holding me close. I smiled, "Jesus Christ I'm happy that dick broke up with me." Taehyung laughed in response, "Get broken up by a dick and then dicked down after. You fucking slut.", I laughed, turning around to punch him in the shoulder. "Says the one that was willing to fuck me right there, on the spot." I said, mocking him. "Hey, you never told me to stop. And if you did you know I would've." He said, beginning to ramble and get cheesy again. "Okay, relax. You just fucked me, don't get all phycological about it." You playfully rolled your eyes.
"You know what?? I am glad that this time you wasted it on me" he lovingly kissed your cheek.
The End.
Feel free to like or reblog, comment down any requests you have and you can follow me inorder to stay updated.
~peace out.
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the-mad-starker · 5 years
Diamonds and Roses- 3 - A Bite of My Heart
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AO3 Link: Chapter 1 (2359) | Chapter 2 (6101) | Chapter 3 (5836)
Tumblr Link: Chapter 1 & 2
Summary:  Prime Alpha Tony Stark is sent to prison. He can get out in a second, but instead, he decides to play nice and bide his time. Do things the legal way, for now anyway. While incarcerated, a sweet faced omega wants his help but at what cost?
Notes: ABO dynamics, Prime alpha Tony, Omega Peter, intersex omegas, prison AU, future smut including anal sex, vaginal sex, blow jobs, etcetcetc…
Yay, @still-lovelygarnet is back on Tumblr so I’m calling her out here so everyone knows. Go show her some love!
Chapter 3 is the beginning of the spicy NFF!
💗 💗 💗 
The deal was made and with it, Tony should have stepped back and returned to his cold, calculating self.
His instincts were telling him to do the opposite though and they wanted him closer still. It was all the more reason for Tony to step away because as a prime, his instincts should not rule him. But the omega’s scent tickled his nose and lured him in, begging to be explored.
Maybe just this once, Tony could follow what those urges wanted.
As it was, the omega wasn’t exactly pulling away either.
The position they found themselves in was a peculiar one, both unwilling to back off so why shouldn’t Tony… take advantage?
“Let me… fulfill the first step in my task then…” Tony murmured, a mere excuse for staying close. He would test the boundaries, maybe push just a little… But it didn’t seem as though the omega was adverse to his attention.
With the young omega in his arms, Tony had to stomp down the soft alpha purr that was caught in his throat. The omega had asked for protection, not for a lover, and even if they were compatible, Tony's life was a dangerous one.
Someone like Peter wouldn't survive. The possibility that he could learn tickled the back of Tony's mind, but he ignored that too. That was inconsequential, for now. No, it was better that they just had this one deal but maybe they could have fun while it lasted.
The act of claiming didn’t have to be like this. Tony has had his share of claiming others. He would lay his hand on their shoulders and run his palms along their neck. Those he was particularly fond of, the prime would sweep his hands over their arms and hands. He would spread his scent, so potent and distinctive, as much as possible until… Until they were truly marked as his, in ink and stone.
So this wasn’t his first time marking someone but pressed against this particular omega, Tony could admit that it was the first that it ever felt so intimate. He had already stepped out of the bounds of what someone like him should do… And that sweet scent dared him to continue.
He ran his fingers through the boy's brown curls, spreading more of his scent, letting it soak down to the very roots. He wondered briefly if Peter understood how unusual this was. Or was the omega just basking in the attention?
Tony needed to get back to business.
“Don't worry about Thanos,” Tony said, voice rough and strained. “He's my problem now.”
Chest to back, the boy's skin was soaking up his scent… Good.
“Every morning, you'll come to my cell,” Tony instructed him. “You'll take the suppressants I give you and you'll take it in front of me. I don't trust those shits to not try something once word gets out.”
Tony’s mercy would set a lot of things in motion, things that both would have to prepare for. Even then, there would be things that neither would foresee and that made the prime’s heart shudder in excitement.
“Thank you, Alpha… I’ll come to you,” Peter offered with respect.
He couldn’t believe that he would get out of this unscathed. Yet, it appeared to be true, Tony was someone who didn’t feed on an omega’s fear.
“You're mine now,” Tony told him. He pulled back, just a bit, to turn him around and tip the omega's face towards his. “Do you know what that means, hmm? When a man like me claims another?”
Peter moved gracefully with the alpha’s guidance, yielding to those strong hands. He was intoxicated by the alpha’s deep scent, but at least this time it didn’t threaten to overwhelm him. His own scent, normally undetected by his nose, was a sweet undertone to the alpha’s deep musk. The prime’s scent and his own… mixing and merging… Together.
Tony’s words made him bold and this time there was no holding back as he stood on his toes to get a whiff of the man’s neck. The scent there was even deeper, as prevalent as it could get without getting undressed.
Peter’s eyes fluttered closed in bliss.
Tony felt hyper aware of Peter nosing along his neck, no doubt seeking more of his scent in such a carefree manner. He had to clench his jaw, using sheer strength of will to not get hard.
If it were any other omega, any other person actually, Tony would've had them slammed into a wall for daring. Throats were much too vulnerable. Tony shouldn't be as comfortable as he was right then but he was. He was relaxed and caught in a soft cocoon, lulled into some sort of compliance with the omega's happy scent clouding his mind.
The boy let go and slowly opened his eyes to look up at him, slightly shivering from the intensity.
He was thinking about Tony’s words, what it means to be claimed…
Peter had never known what it meant to belong to another other than himself and willingly so. He kept under the radar as much as possible since he didn’t want to be touched or felt by others, whether they were alphas or betas. All belonged in the same category for him. Primes weren’t any different. That's what Thanos had proven, but Tony… He was not like the rest.
His expression turned serious as a small and determined frown decorated his lips.
“I have never been claimed, alpha,” Peter confessed with a steady tone.
Admitting this was, perhaps, putting him in a vulnerable position. Still, honesty was Peter’s way, the only way he knew.
“I just know that your scent will protect me…”
The flame inside him returned, even more so than before now that a prime’s scent was being absorbed by his skin.
Tony wasn't all too surprised at the admission. With one look at him, one sniff of his scent, Tony was already able to tell so much about Peter's character. Innocent, but still so wily. His heart was pinned on his sleeve.
The alpha could never allow such weakness within himself, but perhaps it wasn't a weakness for the boy. Peter had already charmed one prime into giving him what he wanted, after all.
This made some part of Tony shudder in revulsion, but it made his inner alpha grow sharp teeth. Tony had claimed the boy already though, so that was only inevitable. It pleased him that he would be the first and only if they continued with this arrangement.
“The scent will wear off,” Tony said dismissively. “That's why you must come to me. As long as you have even a hint of me on you, anyone that belongs to me will assist you. My strength will become yours… For as long as the scent lasts.”
His teeth flashed in a brief but teasing grin. “Of course, there are other ways to let the scent sink in. Things we can do so that the smell of me will never leave you. It'll bury deep into your bones and everyone will know you're mine.”
He caressed the omega's cheek, tracing a finger down the unmarked skin of his neck. Tony made sure to carefully watch for Peter's reactions. “But… I don't think that's to your taste, hmm?”
Only now becoming aware that he was standing in his t-shirt and underwear, Peter held still. His face, so open and guileless, didn’t become alarmed or scared. Not at all, it was the exact opposite reaction to Tony’s previous advancement. Because now Peter felt safe, a balance within him that the alpha had forged with his claim.
That didn’t mean the omega was unaffected.
As the other spoke, Peter’s cheeks heated up and the boy used all of his willpower to not avert his gaze. Then he swallowed and let his eyelids lower slowly as he thought of a proper response.
“I’m not what you think, what you are looking for,” he claimed with a hint of audacity, the finger on his neck making him shiver.
What was going on in Peter’s mind could be anyone’s guess, but he spoke in a matter-of-fact way. Of course, the boy couldn’t shy away from the true reasons he was refusing. Deep down he knew what he wanted.
Just being with Tony was like his first crush. It was warm and sweet... Safe. His young body held in his mother's arms as he declared his love and intent to marry the alpha boy he had his sights on.
Even with the way his mother had laughed, delighted and smiling so brightly, love wasn't wrong.
And as he gazed into the prime's dark eyes, he felt that way again. It wasn't wrong to love, it just hurt him to do so knowing that Tony didn't feel anything like that for him.
“Why would you want to go further with... me?” the boy asked. It was a matter of the flesh for the alpha, how could it not be, but the boy felt compelled to press for answers.
Mere moments ago they had made a cold deal, but it could turn into so much more… Even the offer of being the alpha’s lover made his breath catch. But was it just this once… Or was there substance to what the alpha offered? Would he be… discarded afterward? Would it be worth it even if it was just once…?
But the alpha could have anyone he wanted, Peter was sure of it. Why was he so set on him then?
Tony smiled at the flustered omega. He liked that Peter hadn't just jumped into his arms or fallen in line. It was nice. Refreshing.
The alpha also liked having a challenge. In this tiny, boring little world, he needed something to focus on. He could almost pity the omega for catching his attention, but well, Tony hadn't initiated whatever this was.
He was only supplementing it.
The alpha's entire body felt loose and relaxed. His smile was oh so charming, meant to seduce with the mean curve of his lips. When he spoke, his voice was husky and amused.
“I think, little omega, that the problem is you think I'm looking for something. I am… but a simple alpha. A simple man,” Tony purred the words out, eyes hooded but still so sharp and vigilant. “We're in this tiny, tiny room and you think… what? I'm thinking of another omega while we're talking?”
He chuckled, body leaning towards Peter's, wanting more contact, more anything.
“No,” he said gently but firmly, “it's just you and me. Here and now, you have my attention. The question is then… Do you want it?”
Omegas could not stand a chance against Tony’s charms and effortless display of alphaism. Even more so Peter, who was so young and maybe rough around the edges but already captivated by all that Tony was. Yet the boy tried, hanging on to his convictions, on to what he thought was right and what would hurt him less in the long run
For all that the alpha claimed to be a simple man, Peter knew he was anything but. There was so much more… And he had only seen Tony’s surface, a glimpse. Peter wanted to know everything there was to learn and to mean something to the man in front of him. By giving himself up like this… the dream could be vanquished.
"Do I want it..." Peter considered, gaze to the side then coming to rest on Tony's features. It was like every time Peter looked at him, the prime grew more handsome and tempting with every glance. Was he so weak to give in or was it inevitable that he would fall?
"No tricks or games?" Peter said. He smiled but there was a shadow to it that Tony didn't understand.
The alpha’s expression softened, his sharp smile losing its edge and his eyes becoming warmer, fond even.
"No games, sweetheart," Tony said in a soft purr, "Just an alpha and omega... Doing what we've done for years... Enjoying what was meant for the other."
Peter was naive enough to believe that he was keeping his feelings for the man hidden inside as he held his gaze in place, still somehow able to look up at the man. He understood, however, very clearly what went on in the alpha’s head. It was as he had suspected from the very start.
A matter of the flesh.
The boy’s features grew heavier, his heart squeezed in a tight grip. It had been folly, really, to think that there was ever a chance to be something more for Tony, other than… well.
"And if I walk away now...? After we've agreed on the deal..." Peter challenged.
Tony almost laughed. Talking with this omega was... So exciting.
"A prime's honor," Tony said, inclining his head. He would honor it, he didn’t take anyone into his service unless they came with a loyal heart. It was no different now. "Are you going to walk away then?"
Peter considered a moment longer. His breath shallow and his heart pounding. He fought with himself, to not give in, to shield his heart away. Maybe he was the one playing games… Walking into this with a bleeding heart when the alpha looked so calm and unaffected… Peter was plagued by desire.
But would it be better to have loved and lost… Such an unsavory thought but it helped push Peter’s decision. If he was to give himself to someone… Tony would have been the only choice for him. At least here, with him, he could get to choose.
"No... I don't think I will," Peter said but then his eyes darted away and his cheeks turned pink. "Alpha, I've never..." He swallowed down the nervousness.
“I’ve never been this… close… with anyone,” he admitted, again. It was repetition. Surely if he hadn’t been scented or claimed by an alpha, he’d be… pure in this, as well? He didn’t want to say it… It was embarrassing but… Peter wished to make it clear that he had never been bedded by anyone before.
A lot of his hesitation stemmed from that since he knew that alphas could be brutal when it came to it. The boy became flustered again, at the very thought, and opted to deflect his conflicted emotions.
“Maybe you already understood as much…” he continued quietly, looking down between their bodies and the tiny distance that separated them.
Peter took Tony’s hand softly and guided it up, just above his pounding heart. The boy was certain Tony had heard it already, beating just for him. “That’s why... you’re being so careful now...” His big brown eyes turned to him again, sweet but challenging.
Tony's eyes dropped to where Peter was pressing his hand against his chest. He felt the rapid but steady beats against his fingertips and when he got it, started to tap it out as he thought.
There wasn't much he had to think on though.
Peter had given his answer and with it, a challenge as well.
“Hmm…” Tony cocked his head in thought before he started to move.
With his hand pressed over the boy’s heart, he took a step forward and then another.
Peter’s eyes widened but he moved in tandem with the alpha, taking a step back with every step taken. Tony’s smile grew predatory in a way that made his heart jump… It was different from all the other times the alpha smiled. There was a hint of sharpness, but somehow, in the curve of his lips, there was a sinful promise there.
The steps were slow and steady and he never took his eyes off of Peter’s, not even when he had backed him up against the wall. One more step put them so close that Tony had to look down, dark hair falling into his eyes.
The alpha leaned down, taking in a big inhale. It was all for show because Tony didn’t need to be that close to smell the omega’s scent of arousal. It was coming off the boy in waves, making their combined scents such a heavy cocktail of delicious aromas.
“Sweet like honey,” Tony purred, “that's what you smell like. Like every good thing worth having outside these walls. That is not the scent of one unwilling.”
He let the scent wash over him, felt the ache of desire in his belly grow and grow. And his body responded, as any alpha would when teased with such stimulus. He was unashamed by the way his cock twitched and started to swell.
Peter felt Tony scent his neck and goosebumps spread on his skin, shivers down his spine. To be praised for his sweet scent had his knees too weak to stand, the proximity clouded his judgement again, his mind.
Tony had to get more so he dared to close the gap between them… Hips pressed together, his arousal evident between them. His hands settled on the boy’s hips, fingertips teasing under the band of his underwear to touch bare skin.
“Am I still being careful now?” Tony asked, nosing along Peter’s ear.
It was such a temptation to bite… Just a little nibble on the boy's red tinged ear.
“I'll say it clearly so you make no mistake,” Tony breathed, “I want you, Peter Parker. I would claim you in the way it's meant to be done, skin to skin, lips to lips. Not this fake transfer–”
He cut it off with a soft growl as the omega's scent started to cloud his own mind. Not much time left then.
“Maybe you’re the one being careful...” Tony chuckled then he gentled his voice into a soft coo. “Make your choice… Say yes or walk away now. I won't ask again.”
The decision had already been made by the boy. He couldn’t resist… even if he knew he should. Even if he knew it was too dangerous, his heart was beating for the alpha. It was all the more reason to not give in.
His brows furrowed as he slipped his lids shut with the desire that grew unbearable. Slowly, he tilted his head to the side, to offer to the alpha the most sensitive part of his neck.
Tony's mouth was inches away from his scent gland with only a thin fabric laying between them, and it made his frame shake from the anticipation. To belong was an omega’s greatest calling... and Tony said he wanted him... Him.
His little pussy clenched, coating the boy’s tender folds with his juices. His entire body was answering to the alpha's seduction, to his voice and growls, in a way Peter had never experienced before. If they kissed now... this would be his first. If the alpha pushed inside of him... that would be his first. The thought spread tingles all over his scalp and body.
Peter raised his hands slowly, delicately, to bring them over to his neck. At first, it appeared as if he was trying to shield it away but then... a finger searched at the layers of fabric, evidently an attempt to unwrap the bandages there.
He had never imagined it would be like this... but he could not spare another thought, not anymore. Peter found the end and pulled it just a little.
Tony held very still, watching the omega's fingers tremble and search.
“You... can... ah–” Peter’s breath caught up in his throat, “Undo… it… pulling here... but–” He paused again, feeling dizzy and about to lose balance.
“Just a kiss, alpha, just– please–” His voice was all excited but tremulous as he lowered his hands again.
The words Peter spoke caused a soft purr to reverberate in the alpha’s chest.
It wasn't an answer though. Tony would make sure to get a proper one but for now…
The slip of cloth was right there. He took a slow, steady inhale of Peter's scent and breathed it right out against the omega's sensitive skin.
Tony pressed his face against the boy's neck, lips dragging over clothed skin. Sharp teeth snagged the offered cloth and with a rough jerk of his head, the knot pulled free.
That tantalizing scent called to him and Tony wasted no time tugging it off with his fingers. It was mere seconds before he was there, the pure, unblemished skin laid out before him.
“So soft…” Tony couldn't help but note. The boy had asked him for something, hadn't he?
His fingers cradled the fragile column of the omega's neck, his thumb gently tilting it to his liking. He could feel the excited rhythm of Peter's heartbeat against his fingers.
Peter was so pliant and unresisting now and although Tony was accustomed to being obeyed, something about this omega's submission was tantalizing. Beautiful.
“A kiss, hmm?” Tony murmured softly. “Here?”
He pressed his lips to trembling skin, a hint of tongue wetting the boy's scent gland. The scent of arousal flooded his lungs directly from the source, heady and addicting. He forced himself to move, sliding his lips up Peter's neck.
The boy gritted his teeth in anticipation but then gasped when tender lips brushed against his skin. His spine tingled all the way down and every word, every touch from then on was electrifying.
Helpless and unwilling to resist Peter felt the man’s aroused breath on his neck as he spoke.
“Ah…” he gasped once more, leaving his lips parted as he squirted an embarrassing amount of precum out of his little cocklet. The tiny member twitched full in his underwear, and without pants to hide it, the dampened spot could be clearly seen on the white fabric.
“Here?” Tony purred as he pressed another kiss to Peter’s jawline. He pulled back, just a bit, even as his hand slid up, thumb slipping into Peter's gasping mouth. The omega tasted his skin and his eyelids closed in pleasure. Delicious…
He didn’t dare to suck on the digit, even if his innocent mind was already twisting with the possibility.
Tony pressed his lips to the boy's scent gland, laving it with attention. “Think I like this spot. Don't you?”
They had been standing here for a while now and the afternoon sun was slowly dipping behind the faraway hills. They couldn’t really see it because the only window in this room was tiny and close to the ceiling, but the fading light was making the cramped space darken with every passing minute.
The night call would be taking place shortly but little did it matter for someone like Tony Stark. For Peter to be missing from his cell during a call would lead to a world of trouble in the past, but now that he was radiating with the alpha’s scent he would certainly be given a free pass.
Peter couldn’t find it in him to care in the slightest. His whole being was consumed by Tony’s scent, by his words and–
He lowered his head in embarrassment, his color beet red, but thankfully both of their scents were intense enough that his leaking cocklet could possibly go unnoticed by the alpha that was touching him in such a controlled way.
This was so much more already than ‘just a kiss’, but Peter was compelled to stand in place, completely and utterly besotted.
Peter raised a hesitant hand and pulled the palm away until Tony’s thumb was resting on the boy’s wet lips.
“Alpha…” he breathed out, still thinking about the praising of his neck and shuddering because his scent gland was spreading waves upon waves of heat with Tony’s kisses.
“No more…” he whispered, lips brushing against Tony’s thumb but it was far too playful, void of any true meaning. “Have to stop... before it’s too late...” he said and bit down ever so softly.
If Peter thought biting on Tony's finger like that was supposed to help, he was wrong. The slight sting of blunt teeth only had the alpha growing harder, his cock straining against the ugly orange prison pants.
Tony shuddered, scraping a fang against Peter's scent gland in retaliation. Not enough to break skin, he wouldn't do such a thing so carelessly but a gentle warning.
If anyone was doing something to push this into ‘too late’, Tony would say it was Peter, himself, for being such a tease, for playing with all of Tony's senses and tantalizing each one with the sweetness of his scent, the softness of his skin. The soft little whines made Tony's cock ache.
“Then tell me to stop,” Tony dared him, “Just say the words…”
The alpha’s hand slipped down until he felt the hard little cocklet between Peter's trembling thighs. It was so small and fitted perfectly in his palm.He gently squeezed the bulge, making Peter arched his back in a half-hearted attempt to escape the hot fingers.
“Say it…” Tony breathed, “Don't touch me there…”
Tony could feel the boy's wetness seeping through his underwear. The alpha wanted to lick it right off, to have a taste of the omega on his tongue. Desire grow in the pit of his stomach and it made his touch just a bit rougher, harsher, in response.
Peter didn’t pull away. With every second that passed without the omega’s rejection, Tony felt more emboldened to continue. He kissed the boy’s neck again, stroking Peter's stiff little cock and teasing him just as much as the alpha was being teased.
He got nothing but sweet moans for his actions.
He released Peter's little cock, fingers slipping further south just to brush his fingertips above his wet little pussy.
“Don't make me wet…” Tony whispered. “Say it, Parker. You want me to stop? Tell me.”
The more Tony asked for it, the more it made Peter weak to his knees. All the neediness escaped from his lips in soft, helpless gasps and needy whines like the world would come to an end if Tony took his hands away now.
He had never felt so hot in his life, so desperate for this man that pressed every single of his buttons so skillfully as if Peter’s body was already his. As if they were already lovers.
Tony’s bare teeth on his neck made him writhe with pleasure as the omega’s soft spot was yearning for the bite. All those horror stories he had ever listened to rang false in this moment. It wouldn’t hurt… would it?
Completely out of breath, he panted and moaned, biting his bottom lip to muffle what little he could.
Peter’s hand reached for Tony’s, his fingers gripping around his forearm to prevent him from going down any further.
His chest went up and down with his shallow breaths as if he was a small rabbit caught in a hunter’s trap.
“Alphaa...” Peter mewled, a sound that was so soft and so very desperate.
His fingers relaxed and glided down Tony’s hand until he reached the palm between his legs. And the boy pushed at it softly.
“I- I can’t say it…” he answered as he felt the pressure return, his cocklet pulsed in unison with his wet folds.
“Slow... please…” he breathed out with his eyes closed.
His hand was only putting the slightest of pressure and not doing much to lead Tony’s fingers. But it made clear what the boy wanted. More.
Tony controlled his breathing, breathing in a deep lungful of the boy's scent and releasing it in the same span of time.
Alphas and omegas were dangerous together.
The thought cut clear through the haze of desire that was fogging up his mind.
The alpha growled at his fraying control. Tony was better than that. It pissed him off that he was in danger of losing control as though he was a mindless animal only fit to fuck and kill. He reigned his desires, gripping it tight until he could once more focus on the pretty little omega he had in his arms.
His fingers pressed between Peter's legs, over the thin cloth of the boy's underwear. Only a single finger fit between the puffy lips of the omega's pussy. Tony explored as gently as he could, keeping his touch feather light as he sought out that little bundle of nerves that would make the omega melt.
The cloth was a hindrance so Tony pulled his hand back but only so he could slip it beneath Peter's underwear. He found warm, soft skin and the alpha couldn't help but purr at the sensation.
He delved further south, returning to where he was originally. He felt wetness there and he breathed out hard, mouthing and kissing Peter's neck as the urgency grew.
“I'll make you feel good…” Tony murmured into his ear. “No one's touched this pussy before, hmm? Spread your legs, baby. Let me get in there.”
“No one–” Peter admitted openly, his lips parted with inaudible moans that Tony’s finger induced.
But Tony didn’t need much confirmation, not when he could find out for himself. As his finger slid in deeper, past the knuckle, the alpha encountered tightness, Peter’s little barrier.
It was… unexpected but considering how innocent the omega was, perhaps it was to be expected. Still, the revelation had the alpha fall silent in consideration. When Peter had said no one… Tony wondered how much the boy experimented since not even toys had been used...
“Is it... alright?” Peter asked a moment later. He thought his inexperience could be displeasing for the alpha, but there was no way to hide it.
The pressure against his hymen was an uncomfortable sensation for the omega because his thighs squeezed together, shaking even then.
“Am okay...” he let out to justify himself before he moved his feet apart at about shoulder’s width. He stood on his toes momentarily, swaying in place. Peter’s hands found Tony’s forearms, fingers blending with the arm hair and tracing over the rough skin with delicate movements.
Having his pussy explored by the man’s hand... Peter felt wetness drip out of him, slick soaking Tony’s fingers.
Such lewd display of his lust… Peter was embarrassed but it was far too late to deny any of this.
The primal need to be claimed made his skin burn and his knees weak. He wanted it so badly that he could cry, and it was strange because his instincts had never commanded him in this way in the past. They had only compelled him to avoid alphas, to stay under the radar.
Here he was... asking for trouble... asking to be held... almost begging for it.
“I want to make you feel good too…” The words just slipped his lips as a whisper but they were enough to bestow upon him a moment of clarity.
What were they doing…? It was too dangerous… His wet underwear was discarded on the floor and Tony’s embrace engulfed him like he was a raging flame.
“Will you claim me now, alpha...?” he let out. Even now, a bout of uncertainty took hold, an irrational fear that Tony would walk away and leave him humiliated. But then he felt it… the way the alpha’s chest rumbled and how the older man only pressed closer as though he were shielding Peter and their indecent acts away from the rest of the world.
Tony’s fingers gently stroked along the omega's slit, spreading wetness all along the swollen flesh. His cock twitched angrily, jealous of the slick warmth his fingers had the pleasure of exploring.
Not for long though.
“Do you trust me?” Tony purred into Peter's ear. “With everything?”
He dipped a fingertip inside Peter's virgin hole, making sure not to put too much pressure against it.
“With this treasure you have here?” Tony breathed, “With your body, your heart…?”
Every breath he took in pulled him closer to fulfilling his primal need. He was so close… So close to getting something he truly wanted, a little taste of heaven in this hellhole of a prison. But Tony wouldn't act, not until he got what he wanted.
It didn't escape him. Even after the omega surrendered in his arms, Parker still hadn't said yes and that rankled in Tony's mind. He could tease and touch, would allow himself to go this far and farther, but there was a line he wouldn't cross.
Whether it was one twisted code of honor or perhaps he just liked to have the omega beg, Tony wouldn't budge until he got it. They could both be left aching and unfulfilled until the end of time. He was patient.
“I can give you so much…” Tony murmured, breaths hot and wet against Peter's fevered skin. “If only you would say that magic word.”
Tony felt Peter's little opening tighten with his words, the boy's muscles growing restless across his slender body. But then the hole spasmed around the tip of his finger and it was coated with a few fresh drops of wetness.
It was clear, the omega was slicking up for him.
The small omega's calling was to submit, to be marked, knotted, and bred. To have his body given up in the hands of the alpha. Still, Peter's breathless ‘yes’ wasn't one led by blind primitive urges. It was a trembling word that left his lips to declare how he, as a lovestruck boy, felt.
“Yes, alpha...” he repeated and it was a true leap of faith to say it. He could be devoured, used or abandoned but Peter couldn't refuse his deep, burning desire.
“You can have it… I... I’ll give it to you...” he whispered in the surrounding darkness.
With every word, the anticipation grew, feeding that tight feeling in the boy’s belly.
It was embarrassing to give it up to this prime, especially since Peter had set out to leave this room untouched. But it was his decision…
Was it calculated? Peter wished it was so.
Was it a leap of faith? He dared not to acknowledge it as such.
Was it that he couldn’t deny his heart…
“Please... Be gentle…” His eyes closed. This was it then. His body and heart, his fate was in Tony's hands.
Tony outright growled, thoroughly pleased by the omega's answer. They barely knew each other but just from their short interactions, the alpha knew Peter would fight tooth and nail if it wasn't something he wanted.
Therefore… The omega was willing to submit to him. He was willing to give everything precious he had fought to protect in this prison. His innocence, his heart… It made Tony's hunger triple, quadruple, for this sweet creature. He didn’t even care to find out why Peter would be so careless, such thoughts were planned for the future after he set his mark on the boy.
His cock throbbed in his pants and he couldn't– wouldn't deny it this time.
With the omega's permission, Tony set out to claim what was his. No one would ever mistake this omega as someone else's but Tony's.
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x-reader-theater · 5 years
God Forgot Us (And the Devil Didn't Want Us) {Soulmate AU} [1]
Relationship: Egyptian Prince!Rami Malek X Guard!Male!Reader
Summary: You had never thought that on your third guard shift you would be sent to look after the prince.He wasn’t just any of the princes, no he was next in line for the throne! The soon to be pharaoh is said to be callous, cruel, but meeting him, you find he isn’t that at all. In fact, he’s pretty harmless! (Reshef is Rami in this. I changed it because Rami was not a popular nae in 2400 BCE Egypt!)
Warnings: Allusions to sex, maybe some cursing I don’t really remember, and ANGST! This entire series revolves around angst.
Word Count: 5,505
A/N: Hello hello again! And welcome to my Soulmate (ish) series! That’s right! This is the first part of a fifteen part series! Each chapter will be about this length, with new personalities every time, and a rotating cast of characters, and villains! I didn’t post anything yesterday because of the tumblr protest, but I’m back, and because I didn’t post yesterday, I’m posting the whole first chapter today! Moodboard for this is by @geeky-edits! Thank you so much! You should check them out, their moodboards are incredible! Anyways, please enjoy, and please reblog, it helps so much! <3
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“I can not believe this…” you mumble to yourself as you make your way through the large palace. “I get assigned to the prince…” You had been in the palace for all of two guard shifts, when the Great Pharaoh called you in to the throne room. You were nervous, you had never been in the presence of the Pharaoh, and your heart was pounding as he told you your assignment. To watch over the young prince.
You grumble to yourself as you pass the women and men who worked in the palace. Some of the chamber women who pass you laugh as you mumble to yourself about the prince. Everyone who talked to you about the prince said how mean he was to his guards, and how he always seemed to drive them away.
You skid to a halt outside of the prince's room, and look at the large stone doors that keep you from your new fate. You square your shoulders, steady your staff, and push the door open.
You walk into the room, a light breeze passes by, rustling your hair and the linen wrapped around your waist. The gossamer silk that covers the open accesses blow gently, and the opaque, gold fabric created a glowing light that seemed to encase anything it touched in a halo.
You walk in slowly, and say quietly to announce your presence, “My Prince?”
A head pops out from around the corner, and a grin plays on the young prince's face. His long hair is messy, unbrushed, long and curly. He was younger than you remember.
This is the prince? You think to yourself. He's so young!
“Are you just going to stare, or are you going to take me to my father?” The Little Prince asks, and you shake yourself out of your staring. You straighten your back, and grip you spear. The prince grins, and walks past you, brushing up against you. You feel your skin prickle as he touches it, leaving a chill that you didn't think possible in the warm Egyptian heat.
The prince walks out of the door, and you shake yourself again, following soon after.
“One! Two! Three! Four! One! Two! Three! Four!” You call out as you move. There was no one else in the courtyard today but you, and you move your feet back and forth, your hand swinging your falchion back and forth. You feel the heft of the blade trying to take over your movements, but you control it, straining your muscles to keep yourself from involuntarily moving. You make sure every movement is crisp and clean, without any hint of fatigue in them.
You were given the day off, the prince meeting with his father, so you were taking that time to train. You've been with the prince about a week now, and you sort of understood why people ran with their tail between their legs. He was very flirtatious, setting his sights on anyone he could. He liked to touch as well, especially the guards, who most of the time have to sit and take it. Because the guards went without any armour while on shift in the castle, the young prince was given a show every time one of them walked through the door.
You didn't say you were necessarily put off by any of it, but sometimes when he did anything outside of his own private chambers, you could feel all eyes were on you. When he was alone, you didn't mind very much what he did, but it was never more than a few simple touches. The prince knew his limits, and when to not go further. He understands that he's the prince, and that means he has power, but he doesn't abuse it. If you tell him to stop, he stops.
It was very grown up of him, and to had to admit, he was less scary and much more respectful than people let on.
You realize in that moment, that must be what the prince has to go through, and that's why he's like that. Everyone assumes things about him, so if he makes sure some people know certain things, they'll be less likely to gossip. Maybe. You can't really know for sure unless you ask. It may just be because he's the prince.
You realize you had stopped moving, and let out a shaky breath, as you let your sword drop your arm. Sighing, you put everything away. Maybe thinking during training isn't the best idea. Some meditation is sure to clear your thoughts.
You straighten your back more, gripping your spear tighter as you hear the prince rustling awake. You stand outside the archway leading into where is bed is, and wait, until you hear him call out.
You quickly turn, your back perfectly straight and your head held high, and you walk into the prince's Chambers. You place a fist to your chest, kneeling and bowing your head, before getting up and standing at the entrance to the room, keeping your eyes everywhere but the naked figure of the prince in front of you. While it was not uncommon to see the prince without his linens on, it was still a courtesy to give the royal family their privacy. Even though you hadn't been working for the palace for long, you understood what was courteous.  
But unlike usual, the prince doesn't pick up the fresh linens brought in for him by the servant women. Instead, he walks up to you. You stiffen even more as the prince reaches out to brush along your bare shoulders. You shudder underneath the touch and the prince places his hand on your chest. It's warm, and a little uncomfortable in the ever-burning heat, but you don't have it in you to brush it off.
The prince leans forwards and whispers, “You are stunning today.”
You feel your cheeks warm and you say back in a professional tone of voice, “I wear the same linens every day, my prince.”
The prince chuckles and says, “Please, if we are to be friends, you must call me Reshef.”
You nod and comply with his request. “Reshef.” It sounded nice on your tongue. You know the Pharaoh and his wife wanted a strong son, but naming him after the god of war is a bit on the nose.
The Prince, Reshef, smiles and looks up at you, placing another hand on your neck. You feel him tugging at your long hair, held back by a simple piece of leather cord. “You know, I am to become Pharaoh when my father dies,” he says.
You nod. “Yes My- Reshef,” you quickly correct, and Reshef smiles as you do, leaning in towards your face now.
“When I am Pharaoh I can have whatever I want.” He sounded like a child, but you didn't particularly care. Having the prince in front of you with no clothes on, a prince with no clothes on who wanted you of all people, you couldn't say no.
You let out a shaky breath. “What is it you want, Reshef?”
At the sound of his name, Reshef shivers, and he pushes you against the wall slowly. He doesn't say anything as he places his lips on your chest, and you drop your spear with a loud clattering sound, reaching up to dig into his long, curly hair. He breaks from his kisses and looks up at you, and you see this look on his face, and he doesn't even have to say it out loud. You push him so he's splayed out on his bed, and you crawl over him, almost slipping on the sheets, but you maintain your dignity. You bend down and capture his lips in yours, and he hungrily grabs for your face. You feel short nails dig into your cheeks. You pull his hands off you and pin them above his head with one hand, and the other pins his hips down.
“What do you want?” You ask again, this time by his ear, pressing a gentle kiss underneath it.
He gasps, and says so quietly you almost miss it, “You.”
You walk through the market, a stoic look on your face as you watch your beloved Reshef interacting with the merchants. You watch his face light up as he sees a stall, and runs to it. You and the three other guards detailed to him rush after him, catching up as he exchanges some coin with the merchant, who thanks him greatly.
You follow close behind the prince as he sets off again, and whisper to him, “My Prince, you can not just run off. We are here to protect you.”
“If I ran would you follow me?” He whispers back to you.
“What?” You ask, but he doesn't answer, darting off through the streets. You huff and quickly rush after him, leaving the other guards behind, unable to catch up.
You find him in an alley, casually leaning up against one of the sandstone houses that lines the market square. He's holding an apple, tossing it up and down. You double over, catching your breath, and you pant out, “Please, promise me you will not ever do that again!”
Reshef throws the apple up again, and catches it, taking a bite, watching you as he chews. He walks over, and you stand up. He leans over and kisses you gently. You can taste the apple's sweetness still on his lips.
“You like the chase, though,” he says, and you roll your eyes as he kisses you again. He pulls away, watching your face soften. “Now come on. I want to shop some more.”
He grabs your hand and leads you to the end of the alley. You slip your hand from his. He looks up at you, but you look straight ahead, and just follow close behind when he starts moving again. He checks out a few shops, getting some small things for his parents, his siblings, and even buys something for you, as much as you protest.
You walk with him to another stall, a bread stall containing freshly baked loaves that were still being brought out as people buy their daily bread. He walks up and checks a few of them for any imperfections, when he looks over into an alleyway. “Look,” Reshef says, pointing to it. Looking, you see two little kids, a boy and a girl, huddled together.
Reshef hands over a couple coins, and grabs the best looking bread, before setting off for the alley. When you both enter, the children, scared at the sight of a royal guard, start to get up frantically. “Please wait!” Reshef calls out, and the kids stop.
He walks over to them slowly, and they look at him with concern, like they're going to bolt if he tries anything. But he just walks forwards, and bends down, getting dirt on his pristine linen, and holds out the bread. They look at it, at each other, and the girl reaches out for it slowly, before snatching it out of his hand. They tear into it as if they're cheetahs, digging into its meal of fresh meat.
Reshef just stands up, and walks back over to you, gawking as your prince walks by. You lead him back to the castle who you are praised by the Queen for keeping an eye on Reshef when he ran off, and Reshef is scolded for doing so, but nothing really comes of it. Reshef is confined to his Chambers for the rest of the day, which he doesn't mind, and then the two of you are sent off.
As you enter his Chambers with him, you pin him to the wall, kissing up and down his neck, murmuring against his skin as you do so. “You are incredible, do you know? You really are better than I ever imagined.”
Reshef pulls you away and smiles, before kissing you, hard, and you let out a soft moan. He smiles into the kiss and you push him away, quickly closing the door behind you two, before you lead him to the bed, about to make the most of the Prince's confinement.
You walk into Reshef's chambers, not needing permission at this point, and say to a still sleeping prince, “Reshef, you are wanted by your father.” Reshef groans and you set your spear down beside the bed, placing a soft kiss to the Prince's head. He opens his eyes slowly, and smiles sweetly up at you, and leans in for another kiss. You move away and chuckle as he pouts.
“You can't say no to me I'm the prince…” he says slowly, placing an arm around your neck and dragging you forwards. He kisses you, but you pull away, a fond look on your face.
“You may be the prince…” you mutter out in between kisses. “But your father is the Pharaoh, and he holds more power than you do.” Reshef sighs and stops kissing you, and you lean around and place one to his temple. “Now, do get up. I would hate to have you be late, and stay longer away from you…”
That seems to get Reshef up, and he quickly kisses you as he gets ready, putting on his almost sheer linen, the opulent jewelry, the makeup of kohl and blue powder. After everything, you couldn't deny that he looked magnificent. His hair was put up into his Khat, and a band of gold was used to secure it in place. You lean down and kiss the young prince, unable to hold it inside of you.
“You look, divine Reshef,” you say against his lips, and he smiles, kissing you again.
“Now come along. We do not want to keep father waiting,” Reshef says, and you smirk at his playfulness and guide him towards the throne room.
You wince as you hear another high pitched scream from Reshef’s mother, and a returning scream from Reshef himself. It’s quiet for a few moments, and you reclaim your posture, before another scream rushes through the still air, and you jump again. The voices get louder after some time, and the doors to Reshef’s chambers open suddenly, and his mother storms out. She looks over at you and squeezes out from between her teeth, “You had better not be thinking about doing anything else stupid, or I will have your head…”
You watch her storm down the hall, before turning into Reshef’s room, closing the door behind you. You slowly make your way into the bedroom, and see Reshef spread out on his bed. You set your spear down beside the bed, and sit down on the edge of it. You turn to say something to Reshef, but he doesn’t say anything. He just grabs your wrist and pulls you down to lay with him. You don’t say anything as he curls up against you, his head in the crook of your arm, and you just hold him. You both don’t say anything, but you kiss his hair, and quietly hum a song your mother used to sing to you.
Reshef eventually sighs and relaxes into you, and you smile, continuing to hum. You feel Reshef vibrating, and looking down, you see him singing along, actually knowing the words. You stop, just listening to him sing. It wasn’t perfect, but to you, you couldn’t have asked for anything else. When he stops, he looks up at you, and you kiss him, slow and sweet. You could be having sex, or running around the palace, but just the two of you laying there was better than anything else in the world.
“I love you,” you say quietly, and Reshef looks up at you, not shocked, but like he already knew.
“I love you too,” he says, kissing you, before burrowing further into your chest.
It's silent again, just the sound of your beating heart echoing off the walls, and yours and Reshef's steady breathing. If he didn't have his eyes open, you would have thought he was asleep.
“My mother came in to talk to me about finding a wife…” Reshef says quietly. You look down at him surprised, but don't say anything. “I told her I don't want one, and she brought up you.” You nod, prompting him to continue. Reshef turns and leans on your chest, looking up at you. “I don't want a wife. I want you.”
You smile, and kiss him lightly. “It is your duty, my love.”
Reshef shakes his head. “I don't want it to be! I don't want a wife a kids! I don't want to become Pharaoh! I just want you!” You sits up. And you push yourself so you're leaning against the wall. He grabs your hands and excitedly says, “Run away with me! Just the two of us!”
You sigh, and squeeze Reshef's hand. “I don't expect your mother to be too happy about that. And, I could not do that. You are allowed your lovers, but you must find a wife to produce heirs.”
Reshef rolls his eyes. “But I don't want a wife if she's anything like my mother! Controlling, always telling me what to do…”
“She's doing that because she loves you. She wants what is best for you!”
“And what if what's best for me is you!”
You freeze at his words, your hand going slack in his, and you immediately look away from his intense gaze. You move to get up, but Reshef holds your hand against his chest. You don't look at him as you say, “I'm sorry my prince, but that can not happen.” You wrench your hand away from his grasp. “I will be outside if you need anything else.”
You grab your spear and walk out. He didn't need anything, and stayed in his room all day.
Upon the Prince's request, given to you by a female slave, you enter into the young Prince's chambers, only to be greeted by an almost naked prince, laying over his bed sheets. You quickly avert your eyes and say, “I'm sorry my prince. I can come back in a moment.”
“No, please,” he says, and you feel a hand on your shoulder. You look up and see his makeup accentuated face inches from yours. You feel the urge to kiss him, take him right now, but you stop yourself. You can't do that.
You do as commanded, sitting on the bed, and Reshef sits next to you. He looks like he wants to touch you, but he doesn't just sitting there.
“Why did you leave?” He asks suddenly, breaking the silence.
You turn and look at him. “What?”
“Why did you leave? When I said you're what's best for me?” He's not accusatory or malicious in any way, but he is quiet, speculative.
You shake your head, sighing. You were hoping it would never come up, that he would just forget about you. But that's obviously not the case. “Because nothing about me is good. I'm a guard, I come from a family who's all dead, I can not produce heirs, I have no use! Your mother already hates me, and your father is too blind to see it! What about me is actually good for you?”
Reshef turns 90°, fully facing you, and hesitantly reaches you to touch your hand. When you don't pull away, he grabs it. Truth is, you can't pull away, not when it comes to him. That's why you were hoping he'd forget you, because you could never forget him.
“I love you [Y/N]. Isn't that enough?” He asks, and you shake your head, sadly.
“I am not what… Who, you should be in love with. You should find yourself a beautiful wife.”
Reshef leans forwards and as much as you want to pull away, you can't. He places his hand lightly on your jaw, and he kisses you just as lightly, and you think he may have missed.
“I'll get a wife, but I will not love her. I will have children but they will not be the loves of my life. I will have the throne but is not what I will fight for every day. From the moment I saw you walk into my chambers, you have had a grip on my heart no one can replace. You are my one and only love, and even if you should die tomorrow, I will not stop loving you. I would never replace you with any woman or man. I would not take anyone either. You hold my heart in your hand, and I do not want you to let go of it, because I will never let go of yours.”
You stare at him, his words bouncing around in your head, his face watching yours. You can see the love in his eyes, and you know he has a grip on your heart. His words ring true through your skull, and you can't stop thinking about it. You do love him, and if he gets a wife, he'll be able to keep you. You'll be able to keep him.
You lean forwards and press your lips desperately to his, hungrily running your hands up and down his torso, feeling his toned muscles underneath you shift as he moves closer. He runs his fingers through your long hair and tugs on it, hard, making you cry out.
You lean back on the bed and Reshef climbs on top of you, pinning your arms above your head, just like you did to him. He kisses your neck, and you say, “Show me how much you love me, Reshef.”
He pulls away and look down at you hungrily, a large, lopsided smile on his face, and he dives back down, going in for the kill.
You enter the throne room, Reshef in front of you, and you walk over to the Pharaoh’s and his wife’s guards, and stand up straight, waiting for Reshef to be finished. Reshef steps forwards, and bows to his father. “Father,” he says casually, as he steps forwards, away from you. “Mother.” He greets his mother with a bow as well, though he doesn't bow as deeply.
“My son. Have you come to your senses?” His mother asks, and you flinch, only slightly, and you see Reshef hold it together as well.
He nods. “Yes mother. I have decided to heed your advice and find myself a wife.”
“Oh that is wonderful my son!” Reshef's mother claps in excitement. “We shall find you a beautiful bride!” She runs down, and places a hand on his shoulder, and guides him away. You go to follow, but she gives you a glare. You nod, and walk away, knowing that you will not be needed until his mother returns him to his chambers.
“How was everything with your mother?” You ask, looking over at Reshef who is lying next to you in bed. You are both naked, having just woken each other up with some lazy morning sex. It was your favourite way to wake up.
Reshef rolls over and kisses you sensually underneath your jaw, and you lean into it, before he moves down to your neck. He mumbles against your skin, “Don't talk about my mother while in bed, please.”
You laugh and feel Reshef move a little as your chest bounces up and down. “I was just curious how your hunt it going is all!” You exclaim, and Reshef moves down more, pressing kisses to your chest, your collarbone, your shoulders, and down to your abdomen.
“It didn't go well, at all,” he murmurs against your skin, and he pulls away just above your waist, which was barely covered by the sheets he had on his bed, and move back up. He kisses you softly on your lips, and you place a hand at he back of his neck, lighting squeezing when he pulls away. He sighs at your expectant look. “I couldn't find someone who captured my interest is all…”
You kiss him again, leaning up so you are now both sitting up, you deepen the kiss, pressing into Reshef's already swollen lips. He bites your bottom lip, and you growl instinctively. You feel Reshef grin against you and he releases your lip from his teeth. You place a hand on his lower back to hold him stead above you.
“No one can capture my interest like you can my dear,” he says, and you pull him back in by his waist so he come crashing back into you in a clash of spit and teeth. It was rough, and you loved it. Reshef moves away and whispers in your ear, “Ready for round two?”
Reshef’s mother couldn't believe what she was seeing. Her own son wouldn’t follow her wishes, so she would force him to. Walking to the temple, she walks in, shouting out, “I need a Heka!” A few women look over at the wife of the Pharaoh, but no one goes to her. “Hello!”
A woman looks up at the centre alter, and stands, fully facing the woman who was on a rampage through the temple. “Hello? May I help you?” she asks with a polite smile on her face.
Reshef's mother snaps her head to the quiet voice, and she rushes over, and frustratedly says, “Who can I talk to to set a curse upon someone?”
The Priestess’ eyes widen, and she grabs the Queen's arm, and drags her to a side room. She closes the curtain, and turns on the Queen, fast. “What is it you want?” She asks, her tone malicious and full of anger.
The Queen holds out a large sack of coins, and the Heka looks at it, wide eyed. She snatches it from her hands, and looks at her.
“What do you want done?”
“Reshef!” You call out into his Chambers. You don't get a response, so you push further into his room. When you enter his bedroom, you see him sitting on his bed, a guilty look on his face. “Reshef,” you say bluntly, and he winces, but doesn't look up. “I need to know Reshef.”
“Know what?” He asks.
You sigh. “Are you not picking a wife because you genuinely don't want them…” You pause, hoping he'd finish your sentence, but he doesn't. “Or because you want to prolong it for as long as possible?”
He doesn't look up, but he shakes his head slowly, and you see a tear fall onto his lap. You don't move, just looking at him from the entryway. “I'm sorry…” is all he manages to get out.
You sigh. “I can not come in the way of your duty my prince.” When you don't say his name, you see him flinch ever so slightly, and you feel your heart constrict in your chest. “I am sorry, but I will be requesting for you to get another guard to watch you.”
When Reshef doesn't say anything, you turn, and walk out, leaving him alone. You walk away from his room, trying not think about him, and you walk into the courtyard where you train, and that's when you feel something dripping down your abdomen. You look down, and see yourself bleeding from your heart.
Reshef walks through the palace, trying to find [Y/N], going to every spot he could think of, where he'd be. Finally, he turns the corner into the courtyard. If he wasn't anywhere else, he were most definitely training.
He turns the corner, and sees [Y/N] lying on the ground, barely breathing. Running over he feels his heart pounding in his chest as he places [Y/N]'s head into his lap, and [Y/N] opens his eyes just slightly, and he smiles as Reshef's eyes lock with his.
Reshef can feel the tears welling up in his throat, the burn of him trying to swallow them down is a good type of pain. At least he can still feel. “[Y/N]?” He asks, so quietly, he's afraid his love can't hear him. His voice is hoarse, and he clears his throat, but that only makes it more painful as tears threaten to spill over.
“I guess this is my punishment for loving you…” he says, and Reshef could tell he was forcing it out.
“What?” He asks, and [Y/N] looks down at his hand, where blood was pouring out from under it. Reshef grabs [Y/N]'s hand, feeling the hot stickiness of the blood cover his fingers, and he feels it being soaked up by his linen, but he doesn't care. [Y\N] goes to speak, but Reshef shushes him. “No. Please, save your strength! I can get someone to help! I can fix this.”
He goes to get up, but the man underneath him holds onto his hand, using the last of his strength to keep him there. [Y/N] lets go and his hand falls back down. “I'm sorry my prince. My love.” Reshef hears [Y/N]'s breathing catch, and for a moment he thinks he's lost him, but he manage to say one last thing. “I love you… Reshef…”
His body goes limp, his breathing slows, and his eyes close. “[Y/N]?” He asks quietly, as the first tear falls onto his lifeless face. “[Y/N]!”
He throws his head back and screams at the top of his lungs, and bends over his dead body, sobbing. He can feel his heart being ripped out of him piece by piece, and as he moves his hand away from [Y/N]'s heart, he sees the hole that was like how his own heart felt. He knew who did this, and that realization only made him sob harder.
His body still shaking, he gets up on wobbly legs, and picks up [Y/N]'s body, the blood still pouring from its wound. He brings him through the palace, ignoring the stares everyone gives him as he walks, his bloody hands digging into his sides as he ignores the stares and the whispering.
He makes his way barefooted through the streets of the town, and all the way to the temple. He couldn't feel the pain that was radiating up his legs, the pain in his heart from heartache was too much. With so much going through his mind he couldn't feel any other pain.
He walks in to the temple and sees it's practically empty, it being almost sunset by this point, except for one. One of the priestesses is praying, and Reshef walks over, carefully placing [Y/N]'s body in front of her. She doesn't look up.
Through tears and a lump in his throat, Reshef manages to get out, “Bring him back.”
The Priestess looks up calmly, but her eyes go wide as she sees who it is. “No…” she breathes out, crawling on her hands and knees towards him. When she tries to touch him, Reshef growls, and she stops. Her hands are shaking, and he can see she's almost… scared.
“Bring him back!” Reshef screams at her and she looks up, tears streaming down her face like his are.
“I can't!” She yells back, and all colour from Reshef's face disappears. It was her fault, she could bring him back! “I cursed him to live and die forever! I can't bring him back because he'll just die!”
Reshef can't think. His mind is blank. He's out of options. He can not imagine [Y/N] spending eternity alone, without him, how scared he'll be, and how alone he'll feel in the underworld, all by himself. He can't let him go through that, and the words are out of his mouth faster than he can think about stopping them.
“Then curse me.”
Test priestess looks up at him, shocked, scared, and says, “Are you sure?”
He glares down at her and says in a low, threatening voice, “Yes.”
She stares up at him, not knowing what to say, before nodding and turning around. She tells him to kneel next to his body, and he doesn't look over as she mumbles things in the old language of the gods. She takes an Athame, and dips it in something, and Reshef thinks about how she had done that before with [Y/N] only an hour before. His hands clench at his sides and he grinds his teeth as she turns around, the ritual knife perched daintily on her hands, before she grips it by the hilt. She grabs his shoulder and looks up at him for confirmation. He nods.
Reshef goes to see who it is, but he's cut off by a searing pain in his chest, and he immediately falls to the floor. He can't process anything, the pain in his chest being worse than the heartbreak, and he reaches out, grabbing his love's hand as he thinks of one thing last thing.
“My love. I shall be with you soon.”
And he blacks out.
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ruwithmeguys · 7 years
I’m torn! I liked the episode but I also feel really anxious about it. Why Oliver doesn't trust her anymore? He admitted that he and Diggle had let her fall deeper and that maybe she didn't feel like she belonged this season and yet he doesn't back her play. Help me understand this please because I don't want to think like this about him. I wanted to enjoy episode 20 but this is upsetting.
Don’tcome to tumblr/twitter much because of my job but I love Arrow, though I’veonly been watching it for a year. There are some I’ve been following that werereally vocal about 5.19: they’ve basically been saying Oliver isn’t good enoughfor Felicity now and are angry at him for not trusting/backing her like she hashim. Is it them who don’t understand or me? I thought it showed Oliver afraid.No mistrusting. And Felicity asking for equality. I saw a reply you gave oncebut I don’t know anyone who does them like that.
I wasn't going to answer these initially because I feel they’ve been answered so fully by the names just below this but... I HAVE AN ABUNDANCE OF OLICITY FEELS THAT CANNOT BE DENIED.
I needed to vent them! Overuse of gifs ahoy!
OK, first? Q2 Anon: I can giveyou the names of a few people who answer questions FAR better than I ever couldif you’d like?
There’s @jbuffyangel (who did herusual amazing review of the episode which should answer all of yourquestions/worries) @callistawolf and @louiseblue1
There are others that I’m sureyou’ll find if you explore a bit ;)
There isn’t really much I cansay past what hasn’t already been said by the 3 above.
But I need to clarify (eventhough you can’t answer) something Anon 1. You liked the episode?
JUST liked?
Well I just about had a minicoronary. Honey, I don’t think you were seeing it properly. Episode 19 was likea piece fanfiction come to life. It was an episode to grin hard about and watchwhilst gripping the edge of your seat. Something to feel deep in your chest thenext day.
Everything in it – EVERYSINGLE SCENE – was a moment I’ve been waitingon pins to see.
And I mean, purely from thepoint of view of a fan: how could you not adore the return of the looks and the talking:
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True, I DO think they made uswait a tad too long (kill me now – @scu11y22 knows especially, after episode 9how close I came to having a full on shit-fit – but just a shit-fit, not a loss of hope) for this but I also believethat they wanted the whole Prometheus Vs Oliver = Oliver’s lowest moment scoreto occur prior to any progressionthat could be made between Oliver and Felicity…
It’s because they want them -their steps back to each other - to be part and parcel with Prometheus’sdefeat.
And Prometheus isrepresentative of Oliver’s demons. Of his darkness and his pain. 
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Something hecan no longer run from like he has been doing for years. What he needs to faceand defeat, to strive beyond.
It’s all so that thepenultimate moment, episode 20, can mean somuch more and have triple the affect it would have had without this.
Oliver can’t defeat Prometheuswith his current mind-set. He can’t even stand against him: Prometheus has brokena vital piece of Oliver’s soul: his hope.
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Thinkabout it: Olicity closing the gap between them - healing thatbreach - each and reuniting possibly leading to the defeat of Prometheus. Andwhat’s necessary for the defeat of Prometheus? For Oliver to step forwards intoa light of his own making. A mission of his own choosing.
How much more epic can youget?
But you (Anon 1) (Anon 2, you’re fine girl/boy;)) werereferring more to the deceptive lack of trust in this episode, correct?
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That supposed absence oftrust, the very thing that put a pause on this whole relationship? It’s anOliver Queen smokescreen. Possibly subconscious on his part, at leastinitially. A not-so-flimsy cover up for Oliver’s real problem. A problemthey’re going to bring about, in GREAT and uncompromising detail, in episode20.
But let’s get into specifics.
It’s what we’ve been waitingfor. And all of it, everything, was good. Everything coming will be better.
I think a problem a lot ofpeople might also be having at the moment is the sudden rise of emotionalintensity in the show.
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Yes, I know: random. But.
Arrow has always been intensebut it increases with each season: the actors are pushed into doing scenes andplaying roles they’ve never done before, into bending rules and breaking pastboundaries. Season 5 has been exemplaryin this. But there’s been an upswing from episode 16, especially in regards toOTA and Olicity, that wasn’t as present earlier on. It’s been very welcome, butalso, a bit of a shock.
They’ve had to wait you see: there’s been too much story to tell first. We got a lot of Olicity before anything else in season 4 so they needed to be true to their other stories first but you all know the other reasons as well. Lord know’s I’ve gone on about them too.
So now, everything feelspowerful. Penetrating. Worrying? Thescript was so forceful in Dangerous Liasons, so intense: every scene featuringOliver and Felicity was a scene that left a mark on the audience. People arefeeling the heat - the kind of heat exhibited in 3.20 - and it’s such a burn that it people might consider it an omen.
Don’t feel anxious about it:not at all. It’s about facing the truth. About Oliver and Felicity facing eachother. About facing themselves…
And they found themselves ineach other once upon a time.
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That still holds true. Therewas no way in hell that they were going to get to the root of each of their issueswithout them coming back to each other.
There’s no one he trusts,respects and admires more than Felicity Smoak.
But being honest with her -telling her about his 5.17 revelation (something he had to understand himselffirst) about his reasoning behind why he’s done what he’s done over the years -is something he thinks will make her fall out of love with him.
But it also might save herfrom becoming him.
This has absolutely nothing todo with trust.
For the first time, Felicityis the one he and Dig have to worry about… and like big tough Alphamales, it throws them completely out of whack.
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It’s not about a lack of trustor a deliberate choice not to be there for her when she has been there for himevery single time he needed someone.
He can’t possibly be ok withher behaving like him because she’s more.She’s better. She’s the example he measures all other acts of goodness and evilagainst. No other woman (or man) has come close.
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And that’s just some of the examples and only the women.
But there’s been a lack ofunderstanding between these two for the past year (A year… Christ, it’s beenmore than a year) and they need to hack it out but they wouldn’t be able towithout a stimulus.
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Boom baby!
Now, Felicity TELLING Oliverthat he doesn’t trust her was soooooo deeply satisfying, not because I agreewith her. I don’t. She’s wrong. But I only know that because I’m the observer.
I loved it because she wasfinally being honest about how he’s made her feel. And how he’s made her feelisn’t just like she isn’t trusted:
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It’s lonely. Alone.
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She’s felt like she can’t goto him and ask for the assistance she needed, the help she wanted. The kind oflove she deserves. Honestly, I’m pretty sure she didn’t want his help either. Not at this stage. She wanted to rely onherself. To decide for herself. To make the choices he and Dig have always madefor her. To be their equal.
What she wanted was for him to say:
“Idon’t like it. I don’t want you to do it. You’re asking me to stand back andwatch you sell yourself because of a problem I caused. I don’t want it. It’llhurt too much… but I’m going to. I’m going to because I trust you. You alreadyknow I love you. And now I’m going to prove what that actually means to me. I’mgoing to place all my trust in you because I believe. In. You.
Wonderful, right?
But this is from the point ofview of a woman who doesn’t fully understand Oliver Queen, through no fault ofher own. She’s the closest any woman has ever come to truly knowing him: sheDOES know him the best of everyone, even Thea…
And that is something he -subconsciously - can’t allow. He can’t have Felicity - the person he loves themost - close to his darkest demon. Can’t have her touched.
If she’d been ready at thetime of their break up, maybe she would have seen something else and NOT a manwho simply doesn’t trust her the way she craves to be trusted, the way she’dtrusted him and still does trust him. Even after everything.
But she couldn’t help missingthat because Oliver is emotionally stunted and very unaware of how his father’spromise and his survivor’s guilt have deepened that chasm inside him.
Oliver is also a man of hisword.
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“We canprotect her.”
He made a promise to himselfand Dig and he was vehement in that promise.
It was a declaration ofintent: I want her in this but not at thecost of what makes her… her.
Do you think that ever goesaway for someone like Oliver? And do you think he ever forgets about that promise? No. It just grows stronger. It was crucial tohim; especially right at the beginning of it all.
And for Felicity Smoak it isan absolute - a requisite - STRONGER than his need to protect Thea.
He grew to accept at the endof season 3 - after choosing for her for most of the season - that Thea’s lifewas her own, that her actions were her own, her body was her own to throw itonto fire if she wanted to.
He’d hate it… but he’d get it.
He can’t do that with Felicitybecause she’s his cornerstone.
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Even after they broke up, evenmonths later with this distance between them, she’s still the person who balances his world, who gives him structure.
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When she first joined theteam, she enabled his night work in a way he didn’t think possible and she wasas safe as he could make her. Behind her computers. In HIS Foundry. Perfect.
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She was where he could keep an eye on her andcontrol how deep into the life she was. In fact she only ever touched close todanger when she was in the field, which was few and far between for this exactreason.
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Even when she opted – evenwhen it was her choice – Oliver (and by extension Dig) only agreed when theycould control the danger level.
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But even then, things canstill go wrong.
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The problem is that Felicityhas always been just as ‘in deep’ as the boys.
But she’s their precious gem:their lucky charm. Their lighthouse, their way home. The heart of the team.
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What happens when a lighthousegoes dark?
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The way home – your eyes –vanishes.
You loose sight of reality.
It was taken for granted, Felicity’s natural light. Her faith. He thought if he left it alone, it was stay exactly as it was...
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The light on Oliver’s path –as pitiful and as small, as narrow and filled with thorns and without forks andchoices as that way has become – was, in his head, taken fully away in episode19. He was left asunder and confused.
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Adrift. Lost at sea.... he’s already lost at sea.
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He was lost at sea for years until he chose to stay away from Starling (I prefer the name Starling Cityto Star City btw).
After his return, she becamehis anchor. Slowly.
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Moment by moment.
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Until she becameirreplaceable.
And he didn’t realise just howdeep that went… until he broke her heart. Until she left him. Alone.
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They’re as alone as eachother. Even when they’re with others. Even in a crowd. Even as they reached outto others, romantically or otherwise and it didn’t heal them.
Case in point: look at wherethey are right now. He thinks he’s a sociopathic serial killer and she’swilling to destroy her life to bring down the man who made him feel that way.
She is doing for Oliver whatOliver did for Thea in season 3.
All she’s asking is for him tolet her.
But he can’t.
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He promised Dig he’d protecther. Just her. 
Not Laurel or Thea or Sara or anyone else, not even Dig…Felicity was the one whom he’d never have twisted. The one neither of themcould or would sacrifice. IRREPLACEABLE.
Most importantly, he can’thave her become him. He’s been protecting her from that since day 1: he can’tfathom its possibility.
Oliver has paid a lot ofprices, sacrificed so much of himself. And he’s lost things and people.
Her soul is the one price toohigh to pay.
Yet Oliver feels likeeverything he has touched, every person who’s into contact with him, hassuffered because of him.
And now? …He feels what’s shedoing with helix, how she’s behaving is because of him. A darkness that nevercomes out created by him. To Oliver, he has created thispath of a deepening darkness for the woman he loves. Now he has to put up withwhat she’s been putting up with foryears. And he doesn’t like it.
Drink it is:
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Like a husband who’s arguedwith his wife, had his words royally and correctly thrown back at him and inthe dog house. Big time!
What Oliver doesn’t realise isthat light can alter over time. It can grow warmer or more distinct. Stronger.Can shift and shine a new way. A better way. A softer way. Some lights can draw weaker ones out andstrengthen them.
Has anyone noticed the increased use of both purple and green this year on Arrow? Oliver’s and Felicity’s colours. 
Not a coincidence.
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When he sees her for who shereally is, when he finds out how her view of him – in walking in his shoes –has changed, has grown, when he discovers that his confession doesn’t have theaffect on her he thought it would, when she actually gives him a new andbrighter understanding of herself… he’ll see her light for what it is. For thebeauty in it. And he’ll love her all the more for it.
I think he’s going to tell her– when their air is ruining out, whilst he’s hurt and she’s defenceless – his painful truth andhe’ll be waiting for the worse case scenario reaction from her.
And… I feel like he’s going tobe given the shock of his life. Or something to that affect. (Am I justdesperate?)
Whatever happens, it’ll makehim view her as an equal in every sense of the term – he thought he alreadydid, but there was still that last layer of bubble wrap for him/her to pop.
And in walking in her shoes –in trying to move on, in watching her make the hard choices and being powerlessto stop her, in being on the other side of the fence and being the one who doesn’t get listened to – hisunderstanding and already super high regard for her will shoot past thestratosphere.
Like Wendy said:
“She’s beenthrough something now, and she sees him in a different light — and he also seesher in a different light. There’s a lot more mutual understanding, and eventhough I think it’s hard to top the mutual respect they already have for eachother, that goes up as well.”
Won’t be surprised if theyleave the bunker shooting each other awed, heart-eyed looks and thinking ‘wow’.
Remember the song?
I am so sorrythat I bothered youNow I know why you have to hideI didn’t know what you were going throughAll I could see was my own signI will just fade awayI will let you be hereI won’t say a word until you come to meUntil you come to meUntil you come to meThey just tell me what you’re in there forHow could I know you did not say?But now I know what I am living forTomorrow will be just another dayI will close my eyesAnd I hear a quiet peepI will wait in the shadows until you come to meUntil you come to meUntil you come to me, ohAh, sweet youth will all too quickly endAnd we will never be this freeSo all I ask is that we look againBefore we grow too old to seeI will fall aloneMy elm was sweet and envyStill I will be crying until you come to meUntil you come to meUntil you come to me, ah
Understanding. Readiness.Love. Trust. Heart.
I’llbe waiting for you. Until you come tome.
It’s a mutual thing (though Ido think this refers to Felicity more than Oliver).
And then it’ll be almost aseasy as falling, his new ideal. I think she’ll give him a new point of view.Or, at the very least, a way to see it differently.
Very soon they’ll be ready foreach other. The right fit.
A hero for a hero.
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She has to open the door buthe needs to make her want to first.Strip each other down to the core.
And, come 5.22 (?) he needsstep on through it all on his own.
They’re going to fall in sync.
And by 5.23 we’re finallygoing to breathe that breath of sweet relief.
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