#if this is completely incomprehensible pleae keep in mind it is very late and i am Tired
ghostlyheart · 3 years
Thanks for tagging me @lesbian-in-leather !! It was a 30 questions tag game, the thread was really long so I just made my own post, my answers are under the cut!
Nickname: Hannah Banana (not so much any more, I absolutely HATED it when I was younger but it's kinda cute lol), my mom calls me Han
Gender: Girl
Sign: Scorpio (I know there's also like moon and rising or whatever but I don't really get astrology akshgk)
Height: 5'5"
Time: 1:10 am
Fav bands: I don't listen to specific artists a lot in general, but I really love Kings of Convenience. Their music is just so chill and gentle, I don't listen to them consistently but I always enjoy their stuff when I do go back and listen
Fav solo artist: Same as the last answer, I don't really listen to anyone suuuper consistently, I kinda just organize playlists into moods lol. However, I like Phoebe Bridgers, Rina Sawayama, Mitski, etc etc
Song stuck in my head: ICU by Phoebe Bridgers, also idk if you know I Did Something Bad by Taylor Swift, but there’s this one part where she goes “raDADADADADADdyadya” (its literally impossible to convey it typed out but if you’ve heard the song you’ll know what I’m talking about) and its Ridiculously catchy, sometimes I just walk around repeating it to myself aksjk
Last movie I saw: I just watched The Mummy for the first time and it was so much fun
Last show I watched: Wellington Paranormal
When did I create my blog: either December 2020 or January of this year, I can't remember
What do I post: I think this is pretty self evident aksjsks but mostly wwdits, sometimes bbc ghosts!
Last thing I googled: the word "gratuitous", I think about half my search history is just looking up the definitions of words to confirm that they actually mean what I think they mean
Do I have any other blogs: not really, technically I have one more but it's just to save a url I might want to use someday, I'll never post on it lol
Do I get asks: occasionally yes!! I really enjoy them whenever I do, i got a few anons recently which was really fun, I just like talking to people lol
Why did I choose my URL: I didn't know I was going to be a wwdits blog when I first joined tumblr, I couldn't think of anything so I'm pretty sure it was something stupid like "froggingabout." Once it became clear I was mainly going to be posting wwdits I changed it to fangingout because a) vampire pun and b) it was similar enough to my old url I figured people would recognize it was still me. It's still kind of a silly url, I've considered changing it, but I'm attached to it at this point lol
Following: 110
Followers: 404 (which is absolutely crazy to me like, how)
Average hours of sleep: on a weeknight, anywhere for 7 to 1. On the weekends... like 14 akjsks
Lucky number: I'm not really sure?? 13 I guess
Instrument you play: ukulele (poorly) and piano (poorly). Like, so poorly you can't really consider it playing akshjs
Dream job: Oh gosh there's so many. Maybe a librarian or an archivist or a literature professor (particularly someone who gets to study Shakespeare) or a lawyer. The one that's really out of reach is an editor, I really enjoy video editing even though I'm super amateur. I would love to be something like the person that makes the little promos and compilations for wwdits
Dream trip: I'd love to visit the UK or Greece one day!
Fav food: gosh this is hard, there's a lot I like but when I have to pick something it's like I've forgotten everything I've ever eaten. There's a Moroccan stew recipie I really like, I have no idea how authentic it is but it's gooood
Nationality: American
Fav song: I'd Rather Dance With You by Kings of Convenience is my favorite song in the whole world. It's just so much fun, it never fails to put my in a good mood
Last book I read: (technically a play but I read it in book form so I'm counting it) The Merchant of Venice. It's such a complicated work, it was really interesting to study. I'm taking a Shakespeare class which I LOVE and we finish a play every two weeks! Next is Richard III
Three fictional universes I'd like to join: wwdits, bbc ghosts, and star trek!
If you've made it alllll the way to the end, I'm just tagging anyone who wants to do it :)
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