#if we’re all cope posting I’m blaming it on astrology
dudeyuri · 1 year
me sitting bolt upright in bed: did they have to get lost in the forest three times
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esotericfaery · 5 months
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What’s More Important Than Retrogrades?
No retrogrades.
At all.
I'm not joking.
I've never found a single instance of myself actually experiencing anything that matches what people say happens on any of the retrogrades.
I've tried.
I sort of almost convinced myself a few times, back when I knew little to nothing about Astrology.
I used to make memes about them, trying to teach myself by trying to feel retrogrades as different.
Everyone else seems to be feeling them, but what if that's just people being Neptunian? We're all Neptunian sometimes; not just people like me, with a Neptune chart ruler.
Then I started noticing more and more that all of my transits and prominent degree changes were explaining in specific detail why I was experiencing certain patterns and circumstances, and what to do for self improvement. I started making changes.
Now I don't blame Mercury retrograde or any of the others.
I can’t.
I deleted all of my retrograde memes, and felt a huge weight lift off; an easily noticeable energy shift. I was confusing myself on some level, attempting to work with or validate energies which aren’t necessary - at least for some of us.
It seems that (in certain ways; not in all of the ways propagated in modern Astrology) those who have a lot of retrogrades, or even just one prominent retrograde in their charts, are more sensitive towards them, and so they benefit from working closely with those planets whenever they retrograde.
I vaguely remember something lost in the mail during a Mercury retrograde, though I don’t know for certain whether or not that was coincidental. Again, that could be because my natal Mercury is direct.
And I’ve made a few memes about it and laughed a bit, but the masses of Astrologers who sit around bitching about retrogrades (especially Mercury), when they could be making (even funny) posts about, for example, the recent Neptune squares I’ve mentioned, really annoy me.
I get it that most people don’t know much about Astrology; I used to be one of them and I used to think loads of stuff was because of Mercury retrograde too.
But practicing Astrologers should know better. They should know that propagating so much negativity about one part of a vastly complex artistic science as Astrology is harmful for it’s dissonance and stagnancy. And what’s more, they often don’t even mention what else is going on and the various ways we can work through things, or at least cope easier, depending on what circumstances allow for.
I've studied a lot and have loads more to study. I don't remember exactly which old books or articles I read where there's much knowledge and wisdom, yet retrogrades aren't covered, but there have been a bunch. I have a couple of Charles E. O. Carters books and don't remember him placing any particular significance on retrogrades. He's considered among the most influential Astrologers of the 20th century and his work is still widely considered important.
If I remember right, Rob Brezsny's Free Will Astrology doesn't work with retrogrades. He's both insightful and poetic.
What should we pay attention to, if not retrogrades?
For those interested in anything beyond your Sun, Moon and Rising signs: Prominent transits by age, your chart rulers (both regular and Pullen chart rulers), critical degrees (and possibly decans; I’m not certain about whether or not they have as much importance as critical degrees), stellium (if you have one), house composition / shape.
In no particular order, because we are all vastly unique, with different chart compositions, and as we have free will, we don’t always make the decisions and take the actions which are best for us. We don’t always make the best choices, when we’re not paying attention to our Astrology and all of the various options it provides us for things like (yet not limited to) personal growth and reaching our goals.
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