#if you dont know this is an infinite damage combo where the opponents never get a turn to act
aitotsakirimori · 5 months
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This build is disgusting/pos and backpack hero players who know the items by sight know why
half these cleavers have rage and the breastplate has three extra energy.
anyways I’m getting rid of one of the ductapes so it’s not so disgusting
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weeniebagel · 5 months
Top 20 favorite Magic cards?
i dont play magic much at all anymore because i hate secret lairs but i do still sometimes run games of pauper or commander or paupermander
idk if ill list 20 cards but heres some favorites (under a read more because it may be a bit lengthy idk)
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i like it when commander games are fast and everybody feels like they get a chance to play. this? does that. ramps you and each other player. lets you get consistent lands without explicitly making one player gain a massive advantage. gets you MAJOR brownie points at the table while making it all run smoothly. and just 2 mana! if im playing white i typically run this
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mono black devotion is a very fun deck in pauper. being able to drop this guy each turn 4 turns in a row is a surefire way to make me smile like an idiot. being able to bounce em in multiplayer is nice, too, without feeling too busted usually. i appreciate indirect damage
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when i first learned about paupermander (commander but you only use commons and an uncommon creature for your commander) i immediately set out to make something heinous. my first deck i popped together in just a few minutes was a lil midrangey elves and goblins deck, that just so happened to have a few infinite damage combos to wipe out any other player. ive since made even stronger decks that i like more, but grumgully will always have a special place in my heart
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i like merfolk! theyre a fun tribal to run in lots of lil formats. true name is especially satisfying as a way to enforce pressure on heavily defended players. i like a lot of merfolk cards but this one comes to mind for some reason
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first pauper deck i ever tried and enjoyed? blue green fog. favorite part of it? having 8 fog effects with just one playset of this one card. felt good to know i could pop some fogs consistently for p darn cheap.
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my first time played legacy, i tried out monored prison. i managed to simian spirit guide and city of traitors into a turn one blood moon and my opponent who had a grip full of exclusively fetch lands just conceded turn 0. never before have i played with as perfect a balance of time spent playing to enjoyment. sorry for enjoying stun but i do
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commander is full of fun creatures to build decks around, but grenzo is probably my all time favorite. it feels so nice to just pop stuff out of the bottom of your library for 2 mana. theyres so many strong cards with just 2 power! hell, even MORE with 3! its soooo satisfying to just play fast and wild and chaotic and let the cards flow how they may. sure it can be optimized so you get nutty and consistent combos, but personally its satisfying to open up the box and see what i get.
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now, on the subject of favorite commanders, accidentally making a super strong food deck sure was something. im at the point with deckbuilding where even tryin to make something functional but not *too* strong is impossible, since synergies are so nutty these days.
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stuffing this guy (and similar effects, really) into any deck just feels good. i love indirect damage and control effects since i tend to stack up creatures to defend myself more than anything, so consistent ways to blow up the table without hedging too many risks is nice. its a lil bull, honestly, but it works for me.
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if im playing mono red i always run valakut. its that simple. i have very little nonbasics in mono red, so i can rock valakut and feel chuffed when i get to ping people down for just playing lands. i try not to avoid landfall decks because theyre just rewarding you for doing things every deck wants to do, but i do like valakut as a small bonus
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last one because im tired. sometimes friends want to play a commander game and im not in the mood for something long. as such, i decide to get hectic and see what silly things i can get away with. if i can kill the whole table in one turn im happy, even if im dying at the same time. funny every time, really.
i still check out new sets but i dont play all that much. i just play on cockatrice with buddies these days, but i am looking into other TCGs these days. recently got a digimon deck built lol
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