#ihtd rant
ihavethedreamies · 16 days
Okay, this is a rant (completely trivial and is utterly unimportant)... ATEEZ just released some more teasers and I was looking on Instagram and saw this (got it from X/Twitter [i cropped the solos out since they didn't release them])...
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...and I was looking over them, like, "okay, got it," and of course my eye goes to the bottom right since Jongho is my bias and I was like... ExCuSe Me (but first lets look over everyone else...)
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Hongjoong is Captaining, as he does. This is a casual pose and it suits him well, not anything revolutionary (still amazing)...
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Okay, once again, what we're used to. Seonghwa is absolute visual perfection as always, has perfect form and posture. Devastatingly gorgeous, right, but...we're used to that.
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Yunho looks massive as always. Because he is. His is honestly a bit more cute than the first two, he's giving puppy for sure and I just love the hat.
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We're ramping it up a bit here with a Yeosang. Gorgeous, stunning, marvelous, etc. His pose has the energy of Hongjoong and Seonghwa's put together. I love the turtle neck, honestly that one piece of clothing gets me more often than any lack of clothing... (i just realized he has two belts on btw)
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San, fucking... God, he is really hot, that's really all I can say. His shirt could be a bit more open, but he is sitting with Confidence. Its sexy, of course, its just a shame you can't really see how Wide™ he is...
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Mingi, love him to pieces, but his made me giggle. Its hard for me sometimes to take him seriously as Sexy or Cool, just because is so soft and sweet and >3<... but! His outfit is amazing: unbuttoned, undone bow tie, and he also looks Massive™...
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He looks so much smaller than Mingi and Yunho is that chair (lol). There is something about him in this comeback that is GETTING me so much. I love when they wear the tie without the shirt to go with it. Also I think there is some weird cutout in the blazer...
And now, we have come to the whole reason I am making this post...
Choi FUCKING Jongho
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There is ABSOLUTELY no need for this. He always sits like he not only owns the whole room, building and city block, but everyone in said room. This man is Dominant™, he is the daddy-kink incarnate and (to me) THE DILF. He is so fucking hot, like what the fuck. Why is this so sexy, like why? He is my bias, so maybe I am...biased (lol). But, this is just so good. As time passes the DILF-ier he gets and I am all for it.
If I still had a uterus (thanks Endometriosis) I would be pregnant because of this picture... This man is going to be the end of me and my ovaries.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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