#ikhwani principle
liesexposer · 7 days
Shaikh Rabee al-Madkhali ﷾ & other scholars warning against the Haddadi Falih al-Harbee & his Fajir Sect
00:00:00 - Intro
00:00:06 - Main
00:01:49 - Book AR: أصول فالح الحربي الخطيرة ومآلاتها
00:01:55 - Article UR: Faleh al-Harbi kaun hai?
00:02:01 - Articles English
00:02:10 - Faalih al-Harbee Expels Imaam adh-Dhahabee From Ahl us-Sunnah and Nullifies His Testimony EN/AR
00:02:20 - The Advice of Shaykh Rabee` to Shaykh Faalih - Concerning Jarh of the Narrators and Innovators
00:02:28 - "The Acquittal of the Trustworthy" by Shaykh Rabee' al-Madkhalee
00:02:55 - Reference links in description
00:03:16 - Outro
بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم
یہ سلفی دعوت پر فتنہ برپا کرنے والا، غلو اور فاسد بدعتی اصول کا حامل شخص ہے۔ اور شیخ ربیع حفظہ اللہ کے کئی ایک رسائل ومقالات اس کے اور اس کے مکار حدادی فرقے کے باطل کے رد اور اس کی گمراہیوں کا پردہ چاک کرنے کے سلسلے میں موجود ہیں۔ اور یہ آپ کے مجموعہ کتب ورسائل الشیخ ربیع کی آٹھویں جلد میں دستیاب ہیں۔ شیخ ربیع حفظہ اللہ نے اس حدادی اور اس کے فاجر فرقے کے اصول کا خلاصہ اپنے رسالے بعنوان ’’أصول فالح الحربي الخطيرة ومآلاتها‘‘ میں ذکر فرمایا ہے:
بلاشبہ فالح الحربی کے ایسے اصول ہیں جنہوں نے سلفی منہج اور سلفیوں کو نقصان پہنچایا اور نوجوانوں کے مابین فتنہ کی آگ بھڑکائی۔ اور میں نے اور میرے علاوہ دوسروں نے بھی اسے ان سے رجوع کرلینے کی نصیحت کی لیکن اس نے رجوع نہ کیا، بلکہ اسی میں ہٹ دھرمی سے جما رہا اوربلکہ اس پر مزید اصولوں کا اضافہ کرتا چلا گیا جن میں سے بعض کا ذکر میں اللہ تعالی، اس کی کتاب، اس کے رسول، آئمہ مسلمین اور ان کے عوام کی خیرخواہی کی خاطریہاں کروں گا ، اور واضح کروں گا کہ ان اصولوں کے نتیجے میں کیا کیا نقصانات وخطرات مرتب ہوتے ہیں۔
Falih al-Harbi is a person who causes sedition on the Salafi da'wah, a person with extreme and corrupt heretical principles. And there are several letters and articles of Shaykh Rabee ﷾ in relation to his rejection of falsehood and his misguidance of the insidious Hadadi sect. And these are available in the eighth volume of his collection of books.
Shaykh Rabee ﷾ has mentioned the summary of the principles of this Hadadi and its Fajir sect in his book entitled “Usul Falah al-Harbi al-Khatira wa Ma’alaitha”:
Undoubtedly, there are principles of Falah al-Harbi which harmed the Salafi Minhaj and the Salafis and ignited the fire of sedition among the youth.......
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abukhadeejahsp · 5 years
An Exposition Of The Ikhwāni Principle Of Excusing Differences For The Sake Of Unity: "We excuse one another in that which we differ."
In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Bestower of Mercy.
All praise is for Allah. And may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon the Messenger, his Companions and those who follow his guidance.
To proceed:
01.The Muslim Brotherhood (Al-Ikhwān Al-Muslimūn), founded in Egypt (circa. 1928 CE) by Hasan Al-Banna (died 1949 CE), established for themselves a principle that was intended to unite the…
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manhajsalafiyyah · 4 years
⚠️Is it allowed for me to take the good and leave the bad? | Shaikh Zayd ibn Hadee al-Madkhalee
A Severe Warning Against Two Evil Doubts | Shaikh Rabī' al-Madkhalī
⚠️Allah gave me intellect; therefore I can sit with the innovators / Shaykh Sulayman Ruhaylee
⚠️”Take the Good and Leave the Bad” | Shaykh Dr. Khālid adh-Dhufayrī
⚠️We Will Take The Good & Leave The Bad" | ‘Abul-Hasan Mālik Ādam al-Akhdar
⚠️MUST WATCH] Take The Good and Leave The Bad? (The Ikhwani Principle)
⚠️Take The Good And Leave The Evil–Attempts Are Been Made To Revive This Old Doubt
⚠️An Exposition Of The Ikhwāni Principle Of Excusing Differences For The Sake Of Unity: “We excuse one another in that which we differ.”
⚠️Taking the good and leaving the bad
🛑 There are those who spread the doubt that Abu Hurayrah (May Allah be pleased with him) took knowledge shaytaan so it’s permissible to take the good and leave the bad that’s an incorrect understanding of the hadeeth and a lie on the great companion Abu Hurayrah. He took knowledge from the Messenger peace be upon him not shaytaan
⚠️Did Abu Hurayrah Take Knowledge From the Shaytan? | Shaykh Salih al-Fawzan
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jesuisdesolee · 5 years
Al-Ikhwaan Al-Muslimoon:
The Deception of this Sect in Our Times
The Scholars and Imaams of the Salaf in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th centuries waged war against the Ahl al-Kalaam who brought a foreign, poisonous conceptual baggage into the Ummah. For many centuries, they assaulted them, subdued them, made plain their falsehood and their evil and authored works in refutation of their principles and doctrines and their specific callers, leaders and personalities. They stood, and at the head of them, Imaam Ahmad, against the inward projection into Islaam of the conceptual tools, language and terminology of a star-worshipping idolator by the name of Aristotle whose language of metaphysics (al-jawhar wal-'arad) those innovators made to be the foundational basis of debate in matters of theology which in turn led them to commit crimes against the Islamic aqidah and the revealed texts. As a result of that great effort by those illustrious Imaams in facing up to these heretics and innovators, we are blessed today with knowing the correct and true Salafi aqidah through the heritage of works they left in that regard and we have been saved, by Allaah's mercy firstly and then through the efforts of those Scholars of the past, from the throes of ilhaad (deviation) and zandaqah (heresy), walhamdulillaah.
Likewise in the 20th century, the theological descendants of those heretical kalaam innovators of old, the contemporary Ash'ari agitators and innovators [al-Banna, Qutb, al-Nabahani] who were grieved by the demise of the Ash'ari, Maturidi, Hanafi Ottoman state, they brought the fikr of atheist, secular, materialist Jews into the Ummah - that of revolution to establish Social Justice (Marxism, Socialism, Communism) - and brought the Ummah into a new era of turmoil and chaos - the era of the innovated "Islamic political jamaa'ah." As a result of this fikr they incorporated into their so claimed "rectification of the affairs of the Muslims", they plundered many of the great usool of Islaam and the Sunnah from which are a) clarification and defence of the sound Islamic aqidah, b) holding fast to the Sunnah, c) keeping away from innovation and its people, d) making walaa and baraa around all of that and e) making what has preceded as a basis for the true jamaa'ah of unity. They came with a new meaning and definition for "jamaa'ah" which opposed that which came in the Sunnah and which was understood by Ahl al-Sunnah and their Imaams for 13 centuries of Islaam. This in turn created a new level of sophistication, deception and conniving in the war of Ahl al-Bid'ah against the adherents to the Sunnah. But by Allaah's praise, there arose Scholars who began to clarify the Salafi aqidah and manhaj and distinguish it from what these jamaa'aat were upon of this new alien fikr. From those scholars in the 20th century was Imaam al-Albaani (rahimahullaah) and his manhaj of tasfiyah and tarbiyah which is the manhaj alluded by Imaam Malik, "the latter part of this ummah will not be rectified except what rectified its earlier part, " which is in fact synonymous with the methodology of the Prophets in calling to Allaah. At a time when these jamaa'aat were arising (Tabligh, Ikhwan, Tahrir, Sufiyyah etc.) Imaam al-Albaani countered that da'wah through his call to a return to the Book and the Sunnah upon the way of the Salaf and he manifested the ascription to the Salaf - how grievous to all those innovators, parties and groups. They all came out and made war against him, the Raafidah, the Ikhwaan, the Soofiyyah, the Muqallidah and other factions and they despised his manhaj. Then towards the end of the 20th century, from those scholars who played and continues to play an instrumental role in defending Islam and the Sunnah from the Marxist, Socialist ideological and practical methodologies that influenced those 20th century Ash'ari, Maturidi innovators is the Imaam of al-Jarh wal-Ta'deel of our time, Shaykh Rabee' bin Haadee al-Madkhalee whose efforts are the most pronounced in protecting the deen of Allaah from the external projections of Marxist Socialist fikr inwards into Islaam in the form of these innovated jamaa'aat whose aim is to unite everyone (irrespective of creed or orientation) into a mass in order to mobilize them into revolutions in order to - as they claim - establish "Social Justice" and establish "Haakimiyyah." So Shaykh Rabee' demolished their theoretical works, demolished their idolizing of their figureheads and leaders of misguidance and all of the false principles that clashed with the manhaj of Ahl al-Sunnah. However, every group of people has an inheritor, and just as the Mu'tazilah inherited from the Jahmiyyah and the Kullaabiyyah inherited from the Mu'tazilah and the Ash'ariyyah inherited from the Kullaabiyyah, likewise there appeared those who inherited the distillation of that (Socialist, Communist, Marxist) fikr and its associated necessities and principles clothed in the garb of Islaam and Sunnah from Hasan al-Banna, Abu A'laa al-Mawdudi, Sayyid Qutb, Taqi al-Din al-Nabahani - and they are the Qutbiyyah of Saudi Arabia who were nurtured upon the books and usool of these people and whose minds had been toyed by Muhammad Qutb, a dangerous Ash'ari (see here).
And likewise Abdur-Rahmaan Abdul-Khaaliq, an Egyptian Ikhwani wearing the gown of Salafiyyah whilst attempting to import that fikr of Hassan al-Bannaa and Sayyid Qutb into the ranks of the Salafis. Thereafter, there has not ceased to appear figureheads of misguidance carrying this fikr or elements of it in the form of innovated corrupt principles which clash with the Salafi Manhaj - just as in early Islamic history their never ceased to appear figureheads of misguidance who continued to carry the innovated kalaam and its associated corrupt usool in the Ummah for many centuries. The aim behind these principles was to compromise the Salafi Manhaj and its people and to open the door for the various jamaa'aat (of misguidance) to enable entry into "political work", participation in democracy as a methodology of rectification in general, populist arisings, revolutions and the likes - thinking this is the way to rectify the Ummah. These people continue to have their evil designs firmly planned and laid out just like the Jahmite Ash'aris had a firmly determined strategy in the late 5th and through the 6th centuries to promulgate their Jahmite creed openly to the public in Baghdaad and Damascus using the medium of "wa'dh" (giving admonition). They had an institution known as the Nidhaamiyyah which supported them in this. So they dispatched a series of sermon-givers and admonishers to these cities and they began boldly to openly call to their tajahhum, despite having been scorned and despised in the ummah previously. Such is the case with these contemporary innovators too, they lie in wait like scorpions, as Imaam al-Barbahari described them back in the 4th century, and they have defined plans, and they have usool and qawaa'id (foundations, principles) which they aim to propagate amongst the Salafis whom they see as the greatest barrier between them and the actualization of their so-called "Social Justice" and their Tawhid al-Haakimiyyah as they claim, just as those Jahmite heretics of old saw the Salafis of that time to be the greatest barrier between them and the actualization of their innovated Tawhid of al-Jawhar wal-'Arad (as the great Shafi'i Imaam, Ibn Suraij (d. 306H) described it).
From the greatest of such heretical, conniving, scheming contemporary innovators is the Dajjaal (arch-liar) known as Abu al-Hasan al-Ma'ribee - a former Ikhwani Takfiri - who left Egypt for Yemen, sat with Shaykh Muqbil for around six months and made three visits to Shaykh al-Albaani (rahimahullaah) as a result of which he gained some prominence in the mid to late 1990s. Whilst the great Scholars were still alive (Albani, Bin Baz, Ibn Uthaymin, Muqbil), this innovator did not come out with his call but manifested Salafiyyah and won the confidence of many. But when they passed away, he announced his revolution with his false corrupt Ikhwani principles thinking he could make inroads into the Salafis, split them and bring his new "vast, broad manhaj" to them, all in order to aid the manhaj of al-Ikhwaan al-Muslimeen which is founded upon the practical (and ideological) elements of the philosophies of secular atheist Jews such as Marx, Engels and Lenin - and which are in fact the foundation of all 20th century so called "Islamic movements" deceptively going under the titles of "jamaa'ah", "tahrir" (liberation), "adl" (justice) and so on - Marxist, Socialist, Communist practical methodologies hidden behind these labels, just as "jism" (body), "jawhar" (substance), "'arad" (incidental attribute) are Greek philosophical conceptual terms used by the ancestors of these contemporary innovators to deceive the Muslims in the earlier centuries of Islaam regarding the Tawhid of the Messengers, and just as the Mu'tazilah used their slogans of "Tawhid", "adl", "al-amr bil-ma'ruf wal-nahi anil-munkar" to deceive the Muslims in a like fashion.
So Shaykh Rabee' single-handedly - walhamdulillaah - exposed this Dajjaal, Kadhdhaab, Abu al-Hasan al-Ma'ribee and his false corrupt Ikhwani usool (foundations) at a time when many of the other Scholars of the Sunnah were unaware and still maintained good thoughts about him. Since that time - a full ten years on - it has become apparent, rather, it is as clear as the daylight sun, that Shaykh Rabee' was 100% correct, and that the truth was with him, and that he displayed in this matter such perspicacity not found with others from the Scholars. It is for no reason that Shaykh Muqbil (rahimahullaah) said about Shaykh Rabee' that "he is a sign from the signs of Allaah in recognizing the Hizbiyyeen", and Shaykh al-Albaanee said that Shaykh Rabee' is "the Imaam of al-Jarh wal-Ta'deel" and that "the knowledge is with him" and that "those who refute him do not do so upon knowledge" and there are statements from other Scholars too such as Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen (rahimahullaah) all of which are documented, recorded, spread and well-known.
For a more in-depth understanding of the deviation and severity of the likes of Hasan al Banna and Sayyid Qutb see here and here.
Highly recommend reading the articles so you can protect your deen from these destructive ideologies. Many who claim to be upon Salafiyyah today actually use the guise of Salafiyyah in order to decieve the layperson whilst they are influenced by and take from these ideologies which actually oppose the foundations of our deen. They are the most dangerous to the salafis as many of them claim to be from them.
Knowledge is a protection against fitnah. May Allaah aid us in protecting our deen, Ameen.
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islam-vs-bd-muslims · 7 years
Ikhwani free masonic golden principle: Let us unite upon that which we agree on, And Let us leave that upon which we disagree. www.ikhwanis.com www.shia.bs www.nabahani.com
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liesexposer · 2 years
Hizbee Abu Taymiyyah praising his Jahil Sufi Teacher Said Kamali
Original: K-Csid4ZYzI
Source: KBteneqja
Further reading:
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liesexposer · 2 years
🚨 Abu Bakr Zakariya (ex-Employee of Deviant Zakir Naik) praises & promotes Assim al-Zaleel (another ex-Employee of Deviant Zakir Naik, slanderer of Major Scholars) 🚨
One Misguiding Supporter of Takfiri Khawarij praises Another
May Allah ﷻ protect the ummah from their misguidance!
The next question is, “Is Sheikh Asim Al Hakeem trusted? Is his manhaj sound?” Subhan Allah, Don't ask questions about those who are proven to be trusted. That’s why some of our Righteous predecessors used to say, “Is there any Need to ask questions about such and such? If anyone asks, "How is Imam Malik?" Then it will be a matter of saddening. Because It is understood that he (The one who asks this type of questions) is a fool. Likewise Assim Al Hakeem Sheykh, He is a famous person & from the point of view of knowledge, from the point of view of Deeds, from the point of view of Taqwa, from the point of view of Aqeedah, from the point of view of Manhaj, he (Assim Al Hakeem) is a pure person. Asking questions about this man means I'm fooling myself. Let's not do that. There are many people who ask useless questions about famous scholars! If there is any mistake about them, Say, what is wrong(with them). "You know, most of the works carried out by him are correct/pure; so he should be treated fairly" What is the need to ask question about him? {Ikhwani principle: Take the good, leave the bad} But, The one you know who has Errors in Manhaj, Errors in Aqeedah, it is your responsibility to speak about it. Then we will discuss them. alhamdulillah, A trusted person like Assim al Hakeem has no need to be certified. Many people know him well and About him, you… Scholars from all over the world… The scholars of the present time… You will see his sound… (Stuttering) He is calling people for good, owner of sound Aqeedah & Manhaj. Therefore, you can take Aqeedah, you can take Manhaj, knowledge and deeds, you can take everything from him, alhamdulillah. To err is human. If you know, he made mistakes… You know… Tell him directly when you find him. Either tell him or if you are unable to tell him then don’t act upon it. I don't think there is any need to ask about such a person. He is a trusted person. alhamdulillah.
Further reading on hizbiyyah of Abu Bakr Zakariya: https://www.facebook.com/LiesExposer/posts/983571795604312 https://www.facebook.com/LiesExposer/posts/983057805655711 https://www.facebook.com/LiesExposer/posts/982873695674122
Further reading on deviance of Assim al-Zaleel: https://www.facebook.com/LiesExposer/posts/872043480090478 https://www.facebook.com/LiesExposer/posts/856591131635713 https://www.facebook.com/LiesExposer/posts/863065727654920 https://www.facebook.com/LiesExposer/posts/884831468811679
#AbuBakarZakaria #assimalhakeem #ZakirNaik #jamiatahlehadees #motiurrahman #abdurrahmanhassan
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