#im a little freak actually so i hope my collection of new followers r fine with that
orcelito · 1 year
Can't let anyone forget about my practically obscene love of mushrooms. I will post about it constantly.
#speculation nation#im a little freak actually so i hope my collection of new followers r fine with that#loving mushrooms is not freak material but the level that i love them kind of is#this isnt even getting into my other odd eating habits. of which i have many.#or my habit of sampling anything and everything at work so long as it's Technically edible#up to and including plain matcha concentrate and rose concentrate and vanilla paste#and hazelnut extract and vanilla extract and caramel extract and#ive eaten plain coffee beans before and in fact DELIGHT in taking the lemon ginger shots. just plain lemon juice mixed with ginger juice#ginger juice as in just juice from the ginger. not a ginger beer no just straight ginger concentrate. i love that shit.#let's see what are other things ive sampled at work...?#plain sugar syrups. always awful. hate sweet shit like that. i will still sample them tho if i get some on me#uhm. boba dough. which ive heard unprocessed tapioca is uh. toxic. but i think ours is processed?#i havent gotten poisoned from it yet! and handmade boba dough is actually pretty tasty#raw store bought boba is one of the worst tastes and textures ive ever experienced tho#which yes i have sampled that too. and spat it out bc i couldnt bring myself to swallow. awful awful awful.#it's kinda a running joke at my workplace that i will sample basically Anything#i cant help it 😭 the other day there was a lil bit of vanilla paste left over on the tablespoon#so i just went and dripped it into my mouth w/o thinking on my way to put the tablespoon in the dish area#& the employee just saw me physically cringe. drop the tablespoon at the sinks. then rush to the hand washing sink to rinse my mouth#& he was just like. 'did you just SAMPLE that????'#& i had to be like. '....yeah😭😭😭😭😭'#to b fair some months ago he saw me sample the rose extract. run to the sink to rinse my mouth#then 15 mins later. not learning my lesson. sample the vanilla extract. then run to the sink to rinse my mouth.#the vanilla extract was slightly nicer than the rose extract. bc at least it didnt make my tongue numb (like the rose did)#Flavor Shock. that shit's real man#anyways ramble post is rambles. i just dont want anyone to think im cool or anything lmfao
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numba99 · 5 years
Model Behavior Part 9
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4  Part 5  Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Summary:You’re an aspiring model in NYC who is offered an opportunity of a lifetime - an arranged relationship with a famous Ranger. Things start out rough and are further complicated by the fact you’re already in a relationship. Will you be able to figure things out or will it all end in disaster? Word Count:
Warning: none for this part! but this is the end!! thank you all for reading and being so patient I know I took f o r e v e r with this so I love y’all for sticking around! (also I think I got out all the Harrys this time if I missed one im sorry ignore it!!!)
Ring! Ring! Ring!
“Ugh,” Mika groaned as his cellphone pull him from his sleep. You frowned, trying to roll away from the noise, but it didn’t make a difference. You lifted your head, searching for the time. Finally, you found a clock, which read 7am. No wonder you still felt exhausted.
“Did they have to fucking call so early,” Mika grumbled, voice low and raspy. He reached for his phone on the nightstand, answering it right before it went to voicemail. “Hello?”
You were going to try to listen in, but then your phone started going off. Yup, you thought, we’ve been caught. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad, you hoped as you grabbed your phone.
“Hi Alice,” you answered, trying to sound as innocent as possible.
“Y/n, you know why I am calling,” she stated, her voice flat and annoyed, “Get into the office. Now.” The line clicked off. Shit. This was not good.
You looked over at Mika, who was setting down his phone with a heavy sigh. “Looks like we’ve got a trip to make.” You nodded, trying to remain calm. You knew this was coming, of course, but it was still scary. Last night you had been on a high, feeling somewhat invincible. Now that you were actually going to have to face the repercussions of you actions you were feeling a lot less confident.
You slipped back into the outfit you wore last night, glad that it looked somewhat professional. Mika, on the other hand, seemed to care a bit less about how he looked. He jeans and an old band tee with a pair of Vans. He looked great of course - the man couldn’t look bad if he tried. But it wouldn’t have been the outfit you would have chosen for a meeting that could lead to you being fired.
“Ready?” Mika asked, standing by the door. You nodded, but it wasn’t very convincing, apparently. “Are you okay love?”
You shrugged. “I’m just scared.”
“Don’t worry, babe, I’m going to take care of us, okay?” Mika assured you, kissing your forehead softly. You nodded again, feeling slightly better, but still not 100% ready for this.  
You and Mika decided to walk to the office, since it wasn’t that far and using another driver would feel like you were cheating on Fred. Plus, walking takes longer, so it gave you more time before whatever shit show was about in ensue. Mika held your hand tightly as you walked, and you were grateful for that. He made you feel stable even when everything else felt like such a mess.
Your modeling agency came into view, making the nerves in your stomach bubble. If Mika was nervous, he didn’t show it. You wished you could be as calm and collected as he was. As you walked through the glass doors of the building, you wondered how different your life could be when you walked out.
The elevator up took longer than ever. Each floor seemed to creep by painfully slow. Mika squeezed your hand as each passed, giving you the little boost you needed. As you walked to Alice’s office, you took slow breaths, trying to keep yourself calm.
Mika pulled Alice’s door open and you could instantly feel the tension. Alice and Steve stood behind her desk, both looking completely fed up. You felt like a kid getting in trouble again, only this time in stead of detention you were getting expelled.
“Sit,” Steve stated, clearly the more pissed of the two. Mika seemed to saunter over, confidence exuding from him. You followed after him more like a scared animal. “I’m sure the two of you know why you’re here.”
“Yup,” Mika stated simply.
“Are you aware of the serious repercussions for this stunt the two of you are pulling?” Steve demanded.
“Nope,” Mika yawned, stretching his arm around your shoulder, “But I bet you’re going to tell me.” Steve’s nostril’s flared, Mika’s blasé attitude pissing him off even more.
“You could lose your contract and you,” he turned to you, making you jump back a bit, “You will lose your modeling contract and be blacklisted. No one will hire you in this industry. Both of you are facing enormous lawsuits. Millions of dollars between the two of you.”
Your heart stopped. Millions? You didn’t even have thousands. That number didn’t even seem like it could be real to you. Not to mention you were getting blacklisted. Losing your contract would suck, but you could manage. If you were blacklisted there would be no hope. You’d be fucked.
You looked at Mika who was eerily calm. How could he not even be a little freaked out about this?
“You’re not going to do that,” Mika stated simply, as if he expected Steve to agree.  
“Excuse me?” Steve shot back.
“You heard me, you’re not going to do that,” Mika repeated.
“Why the hell wouldn’t I? You both signed contracts and knew what would happen if you broke them,” Steve replied.
“You won’t because I’ve been speaking to a lot of my teammates,” Mika began, “and a lot them are pretty sick of you people trying to control our lives. If you try to push these consequences on me and y/n I’m telling every news outlet that will listen the shit you pull and all my teammates who have gone through this are going to do the same. Who knows what shit will come out after that. All of the company’s dirty laundry is going to be aired for the world to see, and we wouldn’t want that, would we?”
Steve grew more enraged with every passing word Mika spoke. You, on the other hand, stared at him in awe. If you thought you loved him before, you really did now.
“I’m going to call management,” Steve said through gritted teeth, dialing on his phone as he walked out. Alice stayed, standing awkwardly in the corner. It was her office, yet she seemed out of place. You looked at Mika, who gave you a confident wink.
The door swung open again, Steve stomping through. “What will it be, Steve?” Mika asked with excessive cheer to piss him off.
“As long as the two of you agree to not expose this as a publicity stunt, you’re free to go,” He replied, annoyance clear in his voice. Steve didn’t seem like a man who took defeat lightly.
Mika looked at you to see if that was okay and you were more than fine with it. You were never planning on telling anyone anyway, so this was the perfect resolution.
“Perfect,” Mika replied, “So glad we could come to an understanding.” The two of you signed off a paper agreeing you wouldn’t disclose this was ever set up, but could remain in a relationship without any consequences. As you lifted the pen from the paper you felt a wave of relief wash over you.
Steve collected the papers in his brief case, angrily making a beeline for the door. “Wait,” Mika called after him. Steve paused in the doorway, reluctantly turning back to face Mika, “All the times you asked if me and y/n had sex, I lied. We fucked a lot. Have a nice day!”
“Mika,” you half gasped, half laughed as Steve stormed away. Mika was one of the kindest people you knew, but he could be an asshole when he needed to. In a weird way it was really hot. If weren’t so happy this whole mess was over, you probably would be a bit more embarrassed by his comment.
“So are we good here?” Mika asked, turning to Alice.
“I’d actually like to talk to y/n alone for a moment,” Alice replied. Her tone was even, not telling you how she felt. You were nervous that maybe she would get rid of you anyway. You had been lying to her after all…
You nodded to Mika to tell him you were okay with that, even though you weren’t sure you had much of a choice. “I’ll wait for you in the lobby, love,” Mika said, kissing you on the cheek. Once you were alone, you held your breath, praying that you weren’t about to be yelled at or fired.
“I just wanted to apologize for this mess,” Alice said, to your surprise, “These things never really go that far, I never expect it to get this crazy.”
“It’s okay,” you replied, “I didn’t really follow the rules so it wouldn’t have been your fault.”
“Still,” Alice said, “I didn’t really believe in those crazy punishments, but it was out of my hands. Mika’s management was pulling all the strings. I’m sorry if you felt like I was working against you.”
“Believe me Alice, I know how crazy they can be. I don’t blame you, I’m just glad this all worked out,” you told me.
“Me too,” she smiled, “Wouldn’t want to lose one of my best models.” After that, the two of you said goodbye and you rushed down to the lobby to see Mika. You practically jumped in his arms, feeling so incredibly free.
“I take it that went well?” He guessed.
“Yup, she just wanted to apologize,” you told him.
“So we are in the clear?”
“We are perfect,” you smiled, giving him a peck on the lips.
“Let’s go out then, celebrate our freedom,” Mika suggested.
“What do you wanna do? Kind of weird now that we can actually pick what we want to do,” you replied.
“I’ve got an idea, but it’s kinda lame,” Mika admitted shyly.
“Tell me babe, I love you lame ideas,” you coaxed.
“Well, in a way, this is kind of our first real date. So what if we go full circle and have it at the coffee shop we met at,” Mika said.
“You’re right that’s lame, but also incredibly cute,” you teased, “I’ll go, but under one condition.”
“What’t that?”
“You don’t act like an asshole like you did on our first fake date,” you said.
Mika chuckled. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”
His lips found yours once more, before slipping his hand in yours and leading you towards the door. As you walked, you reflected on these last few weeks. They were a whirlwind to say the very least. You never expected things to play out like they did, but you couldn’t be happier with how things ended up. There were definitely some bumps along the road, but each one of them were worth it.
As you walked out the doors, you couldn’t help but feel on top of the world. The man that you had fallen head over heels for was finally yours. No strings attached. You were sure there would be more challenges ahead, but you weren’t scared. With Mika by your side, you could do anything. You couldn’t wait to take on the world with him.
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