#im also gonna say here that Zepotha is too similar in tone to me to Zootopia and Sephora
writing-biting · 10 months
Okay, so I saw a couple of people say that we should make Zepotha out of spite. The main thing that keeps popping up is summer camps and aliens (I think someone also wanted lesbians, but I mean who doesn't want lesbians?)
But I'd like to say that this really points out the difference between Goncharov and Zepotha.
Zepotha, in a very tiktok fashion, is being made based on a popularity contest. Zepotha will exist. It didn't already exist.
Zepotha is treated like it's being made, rather than like it already exists. It's an 80s movie not because it was made in the eighties, but just based on the vibes.
Tiktok is trying to make a movie, much more than they're pretending the movie already exists.
Goncharov on the other hand, is treated like it always existed. Tumblr made a fandom and not a movie. The clarifications and contradictions are just a normal product of fandom, especially a fandom of a lost media. It's normal for people to mix up details.
The details of Goncharov depended on people seeing a mentioned plot point and going along with it, 'yes, and'ing the bit. If there was a common plot detail you didn't like, you'd just talk about how much you didn't like that that happened in the movie.
Since Tiktok is writing a movie, the contradictions are more prominent, because people want Zepotha to be the story they want it to be, rather than the story it is.
Like, I find it some of the religious symbolism in Goncharov annoying, I feel like they overdid it with two 'eating the forbidden fruit' scenes, but I'm not going to say 'that didn't happen in Goncharov', because it did!! And there's nothing I can do about that.
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