#im anti-proship btw ♥️👍
I love this fandom, but I do not love this fandom lmao
People can be so toxic, and it’s always about ships. Obviously, this isn’t exclusive to the Invader Zim fandom, but I see it a lot here. A lot. It’s made so many people leave the platform because of the unnecessary discourse. So many artists have been bullied off of Tumblr or this hell-fandom has made people dislike their IZ interest in general, anymore. Just let people make art, man. They aren’t hurting anyone.
I also find it a bit odd that it’s always ZADR getting hate on. Any ship involving Zim, really. Why don’t people put the same energy into TAGR? (To clarify; I don’t think either ship should be hated on. I just find it rather odd that I really only see ZADR trashed.) People will always try to make the argument, “Well, Dib is a child. Zim isn’t.” Who says? Jhonen? The known troll? I don’t take his word for fact, to be honest.
It’s pretty obvious in the series (show, comics, and movie) that Zim is portrayed to be child-like. It would be weird (and not the type of fun-weird that’s regularly in the series) if he was an adult. It wouldn’t make much sense. Leave the funny little spacebug be.
I don’t know, it just majorly irks me (pun half intended). Sorry for the little rant.
Edit after months: Also, there is an old magazine that stated Zim is a child. Behold.
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