#im at the making quotes posts stage of the brainrot
thegoatsongs · 2 years
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pleas and private entries - Mina Murray Harker / Jonathan Harker
[Dracula, 1897]
mahmoud darwish, memory for forgetfulness // hala alyan, interactive :: house saints // linecoveredinjellyfish // anna akhmatova, the guest // hadestown, wait for me // richard siken, planet of love
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Idol AU?! Who all is involved?
okay so me and @max-iwtaco have been brainrotting about it yesterday but we're trying to include as many characters as we can think of XD
i wanted amy to be the main character bc like. look at her...
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but okay so let me summarize what we talked about
-sonic and shadow both debuted when they were very young under competing labels. sonic does a lot of solo singing and rapping stuff, plays guitar, and dances (he specialized in breakdancing which is poggers), meanwhile shadow sings (he can do screamo if he wants. as a treat) and dances (he specializes more in interpretive type dance). theyve always been rivals, releasing albums around the same time and fighting for all the awards and stuff. and dont get me started on idol sports champio ships-
-so amy's dream has been to be an idol, and she took a lot of inspiration from sonic!! so she uses her tarot cards like in canon and it tells her to audition for the same label as sonic is under (tho im debating what to call it) and she does and makes it in!!!
-eggman runs a company. the one that team dark is under. team dark is a band with shadow on vocals and bass, rouge on vocals and electric guitar, and omega on drums. lets just say they have to buy new drums every performance.
-sonic also has a band with knuckles and tails, where he plays guitar, tails is on synthesizer, and knuckles is on drums.
-amy becomes a soloist but cream comes to all of her shows. she has special permission backstage to see her and be her emotional support. also they sometimes let cream on stage to sing a little song and the audience loves it. cream also has a kazoo
-knuckles's dad used to be the head of their company but knuckles inherited it. or something
-tails is a HUGE music theory nerd. he loves math rock
-amy dabbles in music composition (bc im projecting)
-tails and sonic knew each other since they were little and sonic would play guitar for him and tails started learning bc of him and then he got REALLY into music theory and became a big nerd. sonic cant actually read sheet music lmao
-sonic joined the company under the condition that tails joins with him and tails was so cute that they couldnt say no
-since knuckles takes care of the whole company now he doesn't actually perform concerts that often but when he does the audience goes WILD. you never know when youre gonna see knuckles. it's a gamble every time. on the times knuckles cant come play drums big will come to play instead
-big doesnt ever actually show upto practice bc hes too busy fishing. he just shows up and plays the concert and then he's gone again. froggy plays the cymbal
-froggy gets put on the concert posters and big doesnt bc big just shows up. froggy is the star of the show
-sonic raps while knuckles beatboxes. tails tries to rap and its adorable
-cream is the first to listen to amy's demos and comes to support her at the recording studio
-this quote from Max: "ALLSO she would give advice like "everything sounded VERY COOL but it would be even cooler if you added like DUMM DU DUMMM YDHVVJ TXFHVJJV at the end""
-blaze does classical music and plays the violin. silver does techno style stuff. they collab a lot and sound amazing together
-silver is super into composing and posts his stuff on bandcamp. he's not under any labels or anything
anyway. i love them
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happy-peppermint · 2 years
having a brave new world special interest is a Time. you see all these conservative fuddy duddies try to be like “this is why we should [insert thing that limits personal freedom]” OR the same mediocre quote about god and sin over and over just. bossbabes. it’s about late-stage capitalism, classism, showing a mirror version of morals at the time in some ways, mechanization and industrialism and the unintended consequences of those things. it’s about (i hate to use the word but i’m not sure what else would be accurate other than american, but it was written by a british dude about his society and is likely relevant in europe as well, plus other places?? i guess “western society” but that doesn’t really mean anything though it does have a sort of set meaning in philosophy and just. you get my point) taken to the absolute extreme: seeking efficiency and pleasure above all else and justifying it with the veneer of “progress” while actually halting real progress. it is a book Created to piss people off and unnerve them, no matter their social or political beliefs, and the fact that it can still do that roughly 100 years later is impressive to me.
But also, an important thing with the book is that it’s funny. Like, Huxley makes fun of his characters pretty consistently throughout the book and the thing is that none of them are good people. Huxley knows this and wants to make sure you do too. He describes a group of students taking notes at the baby factory and how they are just copying everything the tour guide says unthinkingly and just. One of my favorite lines is
“‘Consider the horse.’
They considered it.” (Pg 14 chapter 1)
which is honestly even funnier in context. Your main characters are a hipster who is sort of “oh, im so much better than everyone else, they don’t understand. this is so sad” who craves depth beyond the shallowness of society, an incel who is an outcast partially because of his own bad attitude and because he feels like he has to compensate for being short but at the end of the day he is still shallow and greedy, a man and woman who are exactly who the society asks them to be pretty much (lots of drugs lots of sex and only caring about themselves really. not much going on upstairs as well), and an emo theater nerd who read shakespeare instead of having friends and who doesn’t Really understand shakespeare but thinks it sounds nice.
also the villain (other than like. society ig) is probably one of my favorite characters of all time: Mustapha Mond. Unlike in 1984 and a lot of other dystopian books, he actually has reasons beyond “i work for the society :)” for being evil and for perpetuating society. I don’t want to spoil it in case people read the book, i may make a separate post just about mustapha mond bc i have brainrot, but his story is a tragedy. yes he is a villain, but he is also very much a human and has been harmed by the society as much as the main characters who are suffering (helmholtz, bernard marx, and john). also unlike other dystopian books, mond presents his perspective and in all honesty? had you not seen what the consequences of a society based on those ideal is, with some of what he says, it feels like he actually has a point. however, the counterpoint to it is other events and aspects of the society that are explored earlier in the book, and how terrible it can be. the conversation that takes place in chapters 16 and 17 is one of my favorite pieces of literature.
im gonna put together a sort of content warning guide to the book to make it more accessible bc yes part of its thing is to shock and disgust people in some parts, but also i want the interesting philosophical stuff to be accessible to people without risk of hurting oneself
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
well if it's linh asks you want, then i've been thinking more about the dark!linh au instead of actually writing it and im still having brainrot about it bc i just. adore the concept.
and okay so i Think i have a basic idea and i have a possible start and a possible end (that doesnt wrap nearly everything up but IS a conclusion i can end a fic on and then possibly write a sequel but then just never do it) so thats??? better??? i just. need help with. everything else.
oh and?? have a quote?? from both linh and tam pov since i cant help myself.
Linh unfroze herself from her position, joints aching at the effort it took to stand up. She waited, watching to see whether or not Rhys would move on. He wasn’t. Fine. She was doing this, then.
He’ll pass by her portrait, sometimes, hanging in the hallway his mother and father don’t dare to walk through anymore, and for a second not be able to tell the difference either. She’s the smiling one, though. She’d always been.
so?? enjoy??? even though i havent,,, actually been writing it ive been thinking about this au for SO LONG and i am just. AAAAAA
- pyro
it is Linh asks I want! always! she's excellent and i love her so much
oo the dark!linh au!! I still have my own idea for one of those that you inspired, I just haven't worked on it because, you know, the wings au. I learned a fun fact about the wings au earlier today and it broke my brain but this post isn't about that so I'll move on. I'm very curious to hear about your ideas for it. I also adore the concept, so I am !! right now
a basic idea is how you start a fic! so you're already doing great. all stories start with an idea and go from there. And then the start and end are an excellent next step. Figuring out the framework makes it so much easier to do everything else in the story! I've already written a post about my planning process so I won't repeat all that hear, but if you want help or feedback on anything I'd be more than happy to help! I don't know how helpful I would actually be, but at the very least I think I could be a good listener. Or maybe I'd just be good at asking questions, but that's also a cool part of the process.
The planning stage of a story is infuriating but so much fun, because towards the beginning its a lot looser. That means that there's a million opportunities to pick from and ruminate on. And you can throw a bunch of things together without it needing to be "right" because things don't need to fit together right now. So you can include notes and details for plans that completely contradict each other and not worry about it! But all that freedom can be a lot sometimes, like opening a new document. Because how do you narrow it down? How do you get from point A to point B and make it make sense and sound good? I start a new document every two weeks and it's always a slap in the face like ah. What words should go there?
:000!! quotes?! oh this is so cool
"to see whether of not Rhys would move on." Who?? is Rhys?? it kind sounds like Linh is gonna fight him for some reason. I have already constructed an entire scenario and image in my mind around this so I'm going to narrate this so you can be amused by how incorrect this is. They're at a bar. Linh is in the shadows, but watching. Rhys is some self-entitled bitch of a human she's been trailing for days for some reason i haven't figured out yet. Wait. the plot thickens. Linh is serving as a bodyguard for someone the Neverseen needs protected, and Rhys is overestimated his security at the bar, getting to close and too pushy and insistent and trying to make a deal with the person she's protecting. Maybe they're in the middle of negotiations with papers all spread in front on them and a glass of whiskey in hand. And Rhy is refusing to take no for an answer. Linh's been watching the entire time from the rafters or something, crouching, which is why her joints ache. And now that she's been called to action she's going to use the part of the whiskey that's water (like how they dilute it?) to choke him while he takes his next drink. And come up behind him while it happens, feigning concern but really its so no one tries to come up and actually save him. I'm 100% sure this isn't going to happen in the au but damn was it cool to imagine. But whatever this scene turns out to be will be even cooler. I'm positive of it!
and then that tam quote?? oh my?? I'm trying to imagine how he would've turned out if he continued living at home and seeing his parents regularly and it isn't ending well in my mind. I feel like his parents would pretend to be really loving at first now that they've gotten their ideal one child and don't have to acknowledge the twins but it fades after a while.
"and for a second not be able to tell the difference either." Oh?? is someone mistaking him for his sister? I'd assume it's his parents. I feel like they wouldn't have been able to tell them apart a lot and do that stereotypical "oh but you just look so similar" thing even when they...didn't. I was friends with a pair of twins and hung out with them a lot a few years ago and the number of times people did this was so infuriating and I wasn't even the one it was happening to. Because?? if you took a single second to look a little closer you could tell exactly which twin was which based on facial features. Headcanon that the Song parents couldn't tell apart their kids and didn't even try to. I'm getting distracted now oops.
"She's the smiling one, though. She'd always been." hey just throw me off a cliff next time, okay? (/j /lh). Oh that one hurts. There's so much pain in one sentence, but so much nostalgia. I don't know the context for it but knowing you it's probably angst. And knowing that linh is now dark, the way she's been preserved as sweet and smiling in Tam's memory hurts but I love it.
i did! I did enjoy! I hope my responses to it made sense, but I love hearing other people's ideas. also don't feel pressured to write anything, please. if you want to then go for it, but you aren't letting anyone down by having ideas but no writing. I'm happy to hear about either and I'd be just as excited about this au as i am right now even if it was never written! the concept as a whole is so cool and I'm very interested to hear everything about it you're willing to share.
and thinking about aus forever is honestly a great way to start. it was like nine months I spent just thinking about the wings au before I wrote a single word, and several months after that to write it regularly. don't know where i'm going with this but I'm trying to be comforting/encouraging.
if you do want to write it, I wish you luck! writing isn't always easy but it can be very rewarding. if you do want to publish it, then I'm curious to read it. if you want to keep talking about it, then i'm excited to hear more. if you don't do any of that, it's also fine and I'm glad you enjoy it so much. I think everyone should have a story just for themselves, and if this is yours than i'm happy for you!
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officialleotolstoy · 3 years
Oh Natasha/Andrei brainrot we’re really in it now, aka Natasha/Andrei playlist annotations!
Honestly the age gap is so inherently uncomfortable it’s difficult for me to really ship this but I think in terms of the REALLY low bar of W&P marriages/almost-marriages, it’s one of the better ones because they at least mutually care about each other. It’s also just devastating on principle!
There are several distinct sections of song on here, this is one of the few I’ve actually put in a significant order, so I’m going to break it down into that.
Part 1: Initial Meeting/Falling In Love The First Time/General
Absolutely Smitten - dodie
“She wants to dance around the room, kiss you until her lips turn blue”
This song really reminds me of their first meeting when they’re both like 👀 at each other. I like how it captures the excitement but also nerves of the girl, which I feel like is an important feature of Natasha’s part of the relationship.
Helpless - Philippa Soo
“Tryin' to catch your eye from the side of the ballroom”
Sorry to all the ex-Hamilton stans I jumpscared with this, but it’s about the Philippa Soo Singing About Falling In Love vibe. Also the quoted lyric reminds me of their iconic dance scene, or at least the bits leading up to that.
To Noise Making (Sing) - Hozier
“Honey, the look of it was as sweet as the sound; Your head tilt back, your funny mouth to the clouds”
This reminds me of the scene where she sings for him and he’s like WAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH im in love! I paraphrase, but you get the idea.
Golden Years - David Bowie
“Look at that sky, life's begun”
This is objectively the stupidest song on here. It’s here because I think it’s funny to imagine the iconic Natasha/Andrei dance just being the Golden Years dance from A Knight’s Tale, HOWEVER the quoted lyric is in fact Andreicore.
Stop The World I Wanna Get Off With You - The Arctic Monkeys
“And I know we got places to go, we got people to see/Think we both oughta put 'em on hold”
‘Wren there are several songs that are on this playlist AND your Andrei/Pierre playlist’ Thank you for noticing it’s because if Tolstoy can recycle the same lines of dialogue for these relationships I can recycle the same songs! This song is just. I Hate Everyone Except You :) which is deeply Andrei @ both of them. But also like wanting life to stop so you can just hang out with Your People.
Strawberry Blond - Mitski
“I love everybody because I love you”
I’m pretty sure someone once pointed out how this lyric fit Andrei/Natasha once in a post and I cannot for the life of me remember who but that made an impression on me. Mystery person, thanks <3 Also I forgot this was a Mitski song??
The Anchor - Bastille
“Bring me some hope by wandering into my mind”
One of Thee things about their relationship that sticks out to me is how Natasha is so lifelike and her very existence gives Andrei hope for the world. It’s so. It’s so much!
Something After All - Starry
“You’ve turned my world around”
Like I said above, falling in love with Natasha really changes Andrei’s entire worldview! I also think “I've spent years building up walls” is very Andrei, and Natasha kind of brought them down, like what happens in the song.
Cosmic Love - Florence + The Machine
“A falling star fell from your heart and landed in my eyes”
Cold Cold Man - Saint Motel
“I know I am a cold cold man: quite slow to pay you compliments or public displayed affections”
It’s about being generally not very emotional or expressive but being devoted to the person anyway...very Andrei-ish.
Ophelia - The Lumineers
“I don't feel nothing at all and you can't feel nothing small”
The quoted lyric just seems like a really good summary of their dynamic, but I also think “Heaven help a fool who falls in love” works well for bitter post-elopement vibes, so this song was difficult to place.
Part 2: Andrei Leaving For Abroad
Misbehavin’ - Pentatonix
For some reason this is on both the Nat/Andrei and Natasha playlists and I’m too lazy to change it. Just go look at those annotations.
No One Else - Great Comet
To a Poet - First Aid Kit
“I got on a plane and flew far away from you, though unwillingly I left”
This song makes me think of Andrei abroad missing Natasha :( Honey you’ve got a big storm coming
Part 3: Post-Elopement Breakup Songs
I Hope Your Husband Dies - Amigo The Devil
“All the distance that we've spent apart will never have to mean a thing”
This song is VERY much Andrei about Anatole. “Now you're with this asshole, you expect me to believe it's going to last” really works because her relationship with Anatole was never going to last, whether or not she knew that. And “I'm not so much afraid of being alone, just kind of feel I've had enough/And time and time again, time reminds me you'll never be my own/We'll never have a house to decorate, a place that we can call our home” as an Andrei thing makes me very sad!!!
Ruins - First Aid Kit
“Ruins, all the things we built assured that they would last”
I think you can safely say their relationship was in ruins after the elopement attempt. I also think “I lost you, didn't I? First I think I lost myself” is something Natasha would think about the whole scenario
Half of My Heart - John Mayer
“Half of my heart's got the right mind to tell you that I can't keep loving you with half of my heart”
I think this is supposed to be more of an “I don’t love you anymore and that’s on me” song, but I like to mentally frame it in the context of Andrei after the elopement refusing to take back Natasha. I also think all the bits about the singer’s love interest changing the singer’s outlook on life before really fits, like “Lonely was the song I sang 'til the day you came, showing me another way”
Love Like Ghosts - Lord Huron
“You don't want me baby please don't lie/Oh but if you're leaving, I gotta know why”
It’s all about the singer being haunted by a love that doesn’t necessarily reciprocate on the same level, and I think that really fits Andrei’s mindset. It breaks my heart to think about him trying to figure out what he did wrong, why he wasn’t enough for Natasha, and so that quoted lyric really makes me just. :(
Cold Day In Heaven - Delta Rae
“Keep thinking bout when we started, so innocent/Your heart was a mess and I was lost in it”
This whole song is so good for them, it’s essentially just a couple being disappointed that their relationship didn’t work out well. The quoted lyric is so. AAAAHHH. because both of their hearts were messes but for different reasons, Andrei was so hopeless and bleak but Natasha was so naive and not ready for it and it’s so. It’s so Much. Also “We watched, the stars fell, and oh you know we let them/We said it’ll never happen, we said it’ll never happen to us/But it’s a cold day in heaven my love” gets me because 1) star/sky references :( and 2) Natasha especially did say it’d never happen to them, she was adamant that she’d love Andrei forever and that uh. I think we all know how well that worked out!
2 Months. - Zach Adkins
Someone You Loved - Lewis Capaldi
“I let my guard down and then you pulled the rug”
This is kind of a generic betrayal/breakup/I-miss-you song, but I think it works. Especially with “I kinda liked the way you numbed all the pain” and the focus on the singer’s lover getting them through difficult times and then abandoning them.
The Night We Met - Lord Huron
“Take me back to the night we met”
I think people are legally obligated to have this song on any playlist for a couple that doesn’t end well. It’s generic but it’s good! The entire Strange Trails album my BELOVED!
Careless Whisper - George Michael
“I should have known better than to cheat a friend and waste a chance that I'd been given, so I'm never gonna dance again the way I danced with you”
UNIRONICALLY THIS SONG. I think it’s the focus on dancing as like a significant marker of the relationship for me, especially given how heavily adaptations focus on their dance at that ball. The quoted lyric reminds me of Natasha’s mindset after all of this. Also “We could have been so good together, we could have lived this dance forever, but now, who's gonna dance with me? Please stay” reminds me of Natasha asking him to forgive her. Not to actually get sad over Careless Whisper but. :,(
With Or Without You - U2
“And you give yourself away”
The quoted lyric is in reference to the elopement in my head, and “I can’t live with or without you” is like. Andrei can’t continue on and let her back into his life, he admits that he can’t forgive her, but he also has no real will to live after she betrays him and goes off to die in war.
Atlantis - Seafret
“We've built this town on shaky ground”
“This town” is in reference to their relationship, and I like the acknowledgment that there was never a great foundation to begin with. And “maybe I’m not built for love” as an Andrei lyric is a little heartbreaking! Other than that it’s just a Breakup Song.
I Don’t Wanna See You Cryin’ Anymore - Adam Melchor
“I don't wanna be the reason you can't trust me like before/My head's in my hands as I'm shaking on the bathroom floor”
This reminds me of Natasha’s deep guilt over her betrayal of Andrei. The implication that Andrei would ever let anyone see him cry is a bit much for me, just ignore that HFJAHDHSH
Part 4: Reconciling While Andrei ✨Dies✨
Fake It - Bastille
“We can never go back, we can only do our best to recreate”
This whole is song is about trying to move forward from bad things in the past with your lover which is the whole vibe! But I also think it shows some reluctance on the part of the singer to forget, and a bit of a desperation to be able to leave the mistakes in the past. “Help me turn a blind eye” really captures that. I like this as the early stages of them reconnecting, because I think it’s realistic to have Andrei especially be wary but wanting it to get better.
Bad Blood - Bastille
“All this bad blood here, won’t you let it dry?”
Letting go of a grudge and trying to move on vibes!
Let It All Go - Birdy, Alvaro Soler
“We’re strong enough to let it go”
All their hurt surrounding the elopement is the Thing they’re letting go of in this case.
Flaws - Bastille
“You have always worn your flaws upon your sleeve and I have always buried them deep beneath the ground”
The quoted lyric just feels like their general dynamic to me. Natasha is so open about everything and does indeed wear her heart on her sleeve whereas Andrei represses every emotion he’s ever felt. I think this is a post-elopement song because of “Dig them up; let’s finish what we started”. That feels like them reexamining their relationship and what went wrong and trying again.
Moscow - Autoheart
“All I need’s a fraction of your happy heart”
This song is so 🥺. “We both know what we’ve got to do: head back to where the magic grew” reminds me of them accepting their reconnection and moving on and trying to rekindle whatever was between them. And “Let’s get a dog, an Irish red setter, it’s all we need to get better” feels emblematic of them looking forward to domestic happiness as the solution. And the quoted lyric screams Andrei about Natasha.
The Heart Is A Muscle - Gang of Youths
“I will look at love as more than just an instrument of pain”
Not to be off topic but this whole album is so good every single song makes me feel SHRIMP EMOTIONS god. Also the whole thing is very Andreicore and I had to stop myself from adding every song to his playlist. But I digress. This song is all about having been hurt by love in the past (“I let bad love betray me once”) but deciding to open your heart again which is very them! “I haven't had enough and I wanna love someone” AAAAHHHH. “I am human now and terrified, but want it all the same” Mr. GangOfYouths im going INSANE! “I just ask you to be patient if you’ll have me still” HELLO? Not to quote the whole song but “I wanna be loved, I wanna be whole again, so tuck my hair behind my ears and touch my soul again” as an Andrei/Natasha lyric...I need to sit down. Can you all tell this song makes me go all kinds of crazy. And this isn’t even my favorite song off the album!
Shrike - Hozier
“I couldn’t utter my love when it counted, ah but I’m flying like a bird to you now”
This song feels very “we tried to have a relationship a while ago and it didn’t work out that well but I still love you we could try again” to me which fits this time very well!
Part 5: Andrei Goes Splat :( [And The Aftermath]
Work Song - Hozier
“No grave can hold my body down, I’ll crawl home to her”
I can’t say what it is exactly, but something about persistent love framed around the death motif works for me here.
Dancing After Death - Matt Maeson
“As the sun waits to eclipse and the taste teases my lips, I'm too tired to wrestle with it”
The quoted lyric reminds me of Andrei giving up and shutting down when he realizes he’s gonna die :( oh ALSO my brain always mentally fills in “and no one else” after the “you and I” that ends the chorus which does NOT help with my depression!
One Last Time - Jaymes Young
“Could I feel your skin on mine before I have to say goodbye?”
SCREAMS SO LOUDLY. The whole song is like. Someone dying and wanting to see their person one last time and AAAAAAAAAAA. I am a little incoherent maybe. “I'm leavin' this cold world of mine, no pleadin' is gonna turn back time” really Gets Me in the context of Andrei accepting his own death and withdrawing and it’s so. Anyway.
Oblivion - Bastille
“When oblivion is calling out your name, you always take it further than I ever can”
I don’t think this is exactly what the song is talking about, but the quoted lyric in the context of Andrei dying and Natasha watching him fade and withdraw...good Lord. I need emotional support.
Haunt - Bastille
“I’ll come back to haunt you/Memories will taunt you”
Natasha being haunted by the memory of Andrei!!! Help me!!!! Also “I will try to love you/It’s not like I’m above you” as a callback to Andrei’s feelings for Natasha when they start to reconnect is so mental illness inducing. OOOH and “Questioning why as you look to the sky that is cloudless up above our heads and thoughts come to mind that our short little lives haven't left the path that they will tread” any lyric ever about looking at the sky is Andrei’s now.
Without You - for KING & COUNTRY
“What do you do when you don't get better/Strong arms get too, get too weak to hold her”
:( :( :( :( :( Also “I’m not ready to live without you” I am so sad.
Good Grief - Bastille
“Every minute and every hour I miss you, I miss you, I miss you more”
Pain! Agony, even!
I made myself SO sad writing the entire last half of these annotations geez
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