#im just hoping this will be a king arthur situation and he will wake up as soon as the new charles is crowned to take him out
sneez · 2 years
his time to shine
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yakocchi · 4 years
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King of Vampire (General Election 2020) // Count
the actual stylization is KING_of_VAMPIRE but that looks like a dumb ign for a mmo back in 2006
so elections have begun..... yay.... im gonna try bc this is the only otome mobage election where i feel like my bias actually has a decent ranking for incentives. actually this year he has p much zero chance to do well on the categories but the incentives for those are lousy anyway so is ok
Unmarked Spoilers of all kinds behind the cut! Please credit if you take any of it, thenk u (・ω・*)
 —There was an invitation to a party that night. When we headed to the specified location, “he” and I get locked in a room for some reason...?
➤ this is the general intro for these mini-stories, which is why “he” is in quotes
[Count]: “Did you wake up, dear princess?” [Kara]: “Mn... Count?” When I suddenly awoke— Golden eyes and hair, light glistening off of them, with dewy skin came into view. Such a form caused me to instantly come to my senses, my face flushing red. [Count]: “Ah, it is because I had just taken a shower.” (a-ah-... That’s right, we had been invited to a party, when we then came to this room... And, for some reason, were unable to get out...) I recall what had happened afterwards, and my body burned from head to toe. And the reason for that was...
(Hmm... Both the door and windows just won’t come open, so we really just can't leave this room in any way.)
[Kara]: “Count, what should we do?” [Count]: “About that...” The Count, with a single letter in hand, surveyed the room... [Count]: “...It’s not bad, this room.” [Count]: “There’s a bed, a bathroom, and even light snacks are fully provided— Without a doubt, this is truly quite the playroom for adults.”
(A ‘playroom’? I feel like that term doesn’t match up with what he had just mentioned at all...) Casually tilting my head, the Count then offered his hand out to me, smiling. His smile, in some part of it, was that of a wicked adult. [Count]: “Kara, if it’s going to be like this— How about we make some fun out of the situation?” [Count]: “Come here, and let us indulge ourselves in adults’ games—“
...And that is how I ended up, thoroughly, becoming a dear resident of this bed. (U-ugh, when the Count seduces me like that, I just can’t resist him...) [Kara]: “S-So, by the way! Has the door opened? Does it look like we can leave?” In an attempt to clear up the heat that still remained within my body, I strike up a few words with the Count. In doing so...
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[Count]: “...” [Count]: “No? The door still appears to be locked.” He replied, an elegant smile dancing on his lips. (...Is that true? For a moment there, it felt like he was scheming something, somehow...) [Count]: “It shall be all right; anyone here with suspicion in their hearts will realize the truth before long, after all.”
➤ I’m sleepy so idk if this makes sense rn but what he’s trying to say is “don’t worry about it, you’ll figure out whether or not I’m telling the truth eventually so just lemme smash” He answered as if he had seen right through my mind, and slid himself beneath the sheets. His skin pressed with mine, and a smoldering heat spilled over in that single moment. [Count]: “Otherwise... Can you go check right now if we can leave this room?” [Kara]: “Nn-...” He stroked up my naked body, his lips approaching the shell of my ear. That alone made the doubt in my mind, and similar things— become trivial, unimportant. [Kara]: “...If I say that I’ll go check, will you let me go?” [Count]: “Rather, on your end... Do you want me to let you go?” [Kara]: “That way of asking... it’s sly of you.” Bashful, yet at the same time not wanting to be separated from him just yet, I replied to him with this, and the corners of his lips raise in apparent delight. [Count]: “Mm, I’m aware. So, with that...” [Count]: “Now... submit to me, Kara.”
—“This is a playroom for love. In order to leave this room, one must seduce their woman and succumb her to that mood.” The knowledge of those words being what was written on the letter, and that the lock on the door had been long already undone— Ultimately only came to me after he had drove me to nothing but cries and moans.
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oh ok so it’s only fun when u mess with mc. im starting to see a pattern here these anniv-styled profiles are pretty old now so im surprised they didn’t make any new ones since then
this story reads kinda weird to me bc this story is one of the first in a long time to retain his usage of kimi (for the mc) and –i ending particle in very intimate settings. like, pretty sure the last time they did that in a ministory and/or route was before he had a main route. i guess for the –i endings you could take that as him being playful (tho imo usually from my perspective i feel like he tends to go the opposite way in terms of language genteel aka become more coarse in language). makes me wonder how exactly writing gets done in cybird, given that the writing staff in ikevam like ~3 ppl.
anyway this election is honestly zzz for the mid-low tier charas bc each of the categories are already picture-perfect for the top charas and category benefits only reach 1st-3rd in which only the 1st is worth talking abt bc the podium prize is just can badges. cybird u unga bunga why tf would anyone want an incentive that likely requires further money spending sexy will be arthur, charming will be idk vincent/mo/isaac, and kiken is just vlad probably. zzz NEXT
i do hope he moves up higher in rank from last year, but looking at prior numbers i dont think he’ll move up that much.... esp now that vlad will likely yeet most everyone off the cliff and even charles seems like he could beat out some of the old favorites. uh haha faust thanks for potentially being the new last place guy much appreciated for the 14 devoted will stans
as always, thanks for reading!
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