related to the last post, but more focused on my own canon of things
i like to imagine that when rama and the commander went through the archives in arborstone, they ran into orion. and he helped them find the book they were looking for, and even offered to help out with rama learning the warding magic
because orion has POURED over every bit of info on that topic over the years, and well. he still hasn’t told valeria or rama about the fact that he uhhhh has their ancestor’s spirit attached to him (he has no idea how to broach that topic), he figured him and viktor being there while rama was trying to learn the magic would be helpful
and viktor was so moved by rama’s determination, and success at learning the spell. he similarly isn’t sure how to approach either rama or valeria (which is part of why orion hasn’t brought the topic up) but he is so, SO proud of them both. watching rama learn the magic that their family was known for made viktor so emotional.
i think sometime after the wrap up of what lies within, orion is actually gonna. introduce viktor to rama and valeria. it’s time for another family reunion, this time featuring Grandpa.
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