#im not exaggerating. it fuckin slaps the entire way through
chesedelhim · 2 years
slowly but surely convincing literally everyone i meet to read tlgs by talking about how its got draculas, communism, and trans girls exploding nazis 
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tumblunni · 5 years
Literally all i care about in nier automata is the machines.
Like every goddamn youtuber: you see its harder to relate to an expressionless robot compared to the humanoid androids..
Me: *consistantly finds the machines cute and sympathetic, finds the androids uncanny valley and grossly sexualized*
And seriously all the good parts of the plot are about the nature of machine sentience and stuff and all the best worldbuilding is the different friendly machine settlements. I couldnt give less of a shit about blah blah blah fuckin LITERAL ANDROIDS SOMEHOW NOT BELIEVING THAT ROBOTS CAN BE SENTIENT. Im fuckin bashing my head on the wall every time this plot point comes up! Like what the fuck, because theyre human SHAPED that somehow makes them different? Its laughable that theyre even called 'the machines', jesus. I suppose this must have made more sense in japanese where the word for android is literally 'artificial human' but still its just a humanoid name for a thing thats still equally robotic geez...
Oh and BIGGER GEEZ at the whole stupid thing of "killing and sex are the same thing and this is the true nature of humanity and the soul". And just all the really crass stupid sex nonsense that keeps getting more and more prominant in every yoko taro game. Literally the only thing he has above every other shitty sexist horndog is that he's at least honest and actually admits that he made a race of robots where EVERY WOMAN IS BIG BOOBIED AND WEARS SKIMPY CLOTHES AND HAS PERFECTLY PAINTED ROBO ASS is just because "im a fuckin sexist pervert man". Thats at least better than stuff like mgs where they try and claim stuff ~isnt really sexual~ and she just ~breathes through her skin~
Also what a damn waste that adam, eve, and even 2b are all wasted during the relatively short introduction route of the game, despite being heavily advertized before release. And how boring a2 is and how her design sucks and her personality is just a clone of every damn reoccurring rude asshole white haired horny lady taro puts in every damn game. And just fuckin Everyone Becomes Evil Now Because Moral Ambiguity Means Choosing Between 50 Different Bads. And then it just lasts way too long and feels like it barely even says anything in the end except the goddamn Machines Do Have Souls thing that everyone already knew at the start. Except delivered with So Much Damn Sex Metaphors and also making you hate everyone you once loved or else they fuckin die in the worst possible way. Also seriously why do you have to play through the same route twice with comparatively lesser changes before you even get to the main 2b dying and diverging routes thing? Is it deliberately meant to 'weed out casuals' or something??? And seriously why is the first route ending the best and most uplifting and least full of problematic shit and the one you endure so much shit to get to is just basically a clone of their first nier's ending...? (Tho framing it in a way where your sacrifice helps other players instead of just an in universe character = MMMYEAH THATS GOOD)
Anyway in summary fuck the protagonists (and not in the way taro wanted), i just want a story all about the machines chillin out in thier lil cute cities learning how to be alive and stuff
Srsly wtf is up with the 'machines are somehow less able to be human than human shaped machines' shit? Theyre 'not able to learn' and will 'just repeat the same mistakes' and every time they succeed in understanding emotion its Somehow Bad and causes shit like children committing suicide or religious bots murdering each other. And anyone like pascal who dares to have any damn hope and CLEARLY OBVIOUS SENTIENCE is just there to have a sad ending and die.
Just fuck the entire damn plot i dont CAAAARE how did you make the damn enemies the most human things at all and the fuckin human shaped robots be a horrible representation of a sexist douchebro's idea of 'true human nature'
Seriously i cannot exaggerate how much the "sex and violence are the same thing, its normal to get aroused by abusing people and want to abuse someone you love" plot point ruined the whole game for me. And how they try to justify it by saying something in the humanoid robots's programming 'works similar to human arousal hormones' as an incentive to enjoy war??? What the fuck, man.
*slaps taro's greedy lil pizza hands away from all sex things ever* u aint even know how to do fanservice on a normal non-unhealthy way so ur horny license is revoked
Also where is my machines spinoff. Where is my cute animal crossing game with mayor Pascal? :(
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