#im partial to subsmoke but thats just me
arttrampbelle · 10 months
Idc if its what if,non canon,tower ending.
The fact that you even thought about having kuai marrying harumi.
Thats a fucking disservice and disgrace and disrespect to kuai AND HANZO
Idc about ships. The fact you disrespected a dead(ish) mans dead wife. The sole reason he even became what he is.
Like its just a dick move.
Like ah yes. Let's fridge the woman once more. Let's cause hanzo MORE PAIN.
Let fuck over the sub zeros for nostalgia bait.
All that character development?! Ment nothing?!!!!
"Hey guys role reversal makes a story better right?!" No tf its doesn't!!!
I told you guys. Plz dont buy this fucking game. I hope you guy plaster this everywhere. I hope this makes nrs gets so much heat and backlash.
The fact hanzo is non existent. Like srsly.
Get your money back. Dont fucking buy this game.
Please for the love of god just play mk9-11 if anything.
I would rather you play older titles. Dont give corporations you money. You know its not good for your ass.
I beg of you. Boycott NRS. BOYCOTT MK(1) plz!!!!!
Do it. If not for the integrity of the series. But do it because greedy fucks need to die!
Or at least bare minimum. Do it,boycott it. Even do it for your ships. Even tho i think thats shallow af. I'll take it.
Just BOYCOTT this fucking game.
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