#im so fucking BISEXUALLLLL
specshroom · 5 months
★~Kirara and Hakari flirting with you~★
(No actual smut but it's steamy so Read More just cus)
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It starts with Kirara flirting with you to make Hakari jealous. Not anything serious, she just wanted to see what would happen.
She does this by paying more attention to you, touching you more, complementing you more and just being more flirtatious in general. Hakari knows what she's doing obviously, he does find it amusing that you don't seem to know what's going on.
So one day you're training your technique in the fight club training room and they're just watching from the side on a battered couch. Hakari pulls her onto his lap.
"You don't think I know what you're doing?" He says down at her, lazily stroking his hand up her thigh.
She pouts at him, "I don't know what you're talking about, Kin."
He scoffs and looks over at where you're trying to perfect a specific stance for your technique.
"Didn't even work, That dumbass can't take a hint." He mumbles resting his head back, still watching you.
"Well maybe I should try harder."
Kirara says, staring at the same place her boyfriend is.
"Good luck with that, Babe" he chuckles out patting her thigh.
She huffs at the condescending tone and brings all her attention back to him. "Cmon~ you never thought about it Kin?"
"bout what?" He knows what she's talking about and yes, he definitely has but he wants her to say it.
"bout the three of us..." she trails her slender fingers up his chest, looking up at him with lidded eyes, "Together."
Her fingers trails up his neck as she leaves light kisses there and he slides his hand up under the hem of her shorts to squeeze her ass. He leans back and hums for her to continue. She leans closer to his ear, "You could fuck them while they fuck me, or we could both suck you off." Her hand goes to palm the growing bulge in his pants as he smirks and closes his eyes, imagining the pretty picture she's painting for him. "Or we could fuck and have them watch, or you could both double team me, or we could-"
They both pause and turn their heads to look at you with wide eyes. You stand there, hands on your hips in your compression shirt and sweatpants. You've been trying to concentrate on your training while the lovers mumble and whisper to each other about whatever.
You've gotten used to feeling like a third wheel being around them so often, living with them, working with them. That doesn't mean it didn't bother you when you look over at them and they're half way to fucking right there!
After a second of silence they both let out light laughs. Both amused at your bothered state and the fact that they'd gotten so distracted with their shared daydream.
"Sorry, Y/n!" Kirara yells back, trying to look apologetic. Hakari grins at you and stands up, hauling Kirara in his arms as he walks out of the training room, a clear destination in mind. Kirara giggles as Hakari kisses her neck, her eyes still on you, waving goodbye as the door closes behind them.
You huff in disbelief, looking around the now empty room, definitely not imagining what your two friends are doing together in their room. You go back to training, trying to ignore the heat building in your lower regions.
After this, the couple gets a lot more touchy in front of you, even more than they already were. They also get more touchy with you. Hakari touches your waist and lower back when he's walking past you, he presses you up against the kitchen counter pretending he's trying to reach something above you. Kirara snuggles up to you on the couch and even gives you "friendly" cheek kisses. They also get much louder when they fuck, their moans and bed squeaking being very audible from your room right next door. Unknown to you, they can also hear the frustrated hushed groans coming from your side of the wall right after they fuck.
Safe to say you're pretty sexually frustrated as you sit on the couch trying to watch TV. The two menaces smirk at each other in the hallway, Hakari pats Kirara on her ass, encouraging her to prance into the living room and plop herself right next to you.
"Hey Y/n, You doing alright?"
She feigns concern, pressing up to your side, arms hugging one of yours.
"I'm fine, why?" You answer, confusion present in the tone.
"Well you just seem kinda...moody." She says leaning her cheek on your shoulder.
"Moody?" You arch a brow at her.
"Yeah, just- I dunno. You seem bothered, pent-up....tense." she starts massaging your arm before she places a hand on your thigh.
"Is there anything I can do?"
She says leaning closer to say it into your ear. That's when you realise what's actually happening.
"Uh No Kira it's alright. I'm f-" As you try to get up she pulls you down again and straddles you. Your wide eyes look into her pretty droopy ones, your hands hover in the air on either side of her waist, not sure what to do.
She runs her hands up your chest and shoulders, lowering herself until she rests her groin on yours. You sigh at the feeling and the way she's looking at you until you snap yourself out of it.
"What about Hakari?" Genuine concern very present in your hushed voice. As annoying as the couple was you didn't want to be the reason a perfectly good relationship ends.
"What about me?" A low voice hums right next to your ear, you were so caught up you didn't even notice Hakari leaning over the back of the couch. You suck in a breath, Is he mad at me? Is he mad at Kirara? Am I a homewrecker? You're so caught up in your panic that it takes you a minute to register Hakari's tone. Not one of anger but instead very amused.
Kirara giggles at your reaction and takes your hands in hers to place them on her bare waist. "Poor Y/n, so frustrated, huh Kin?" She says while softly kissing up your neck along your jaw, her cold piercings making you shiver. She slowly starts to grind down on your crotch. Hakari hums in agreement and gently places a hand around your neck to keep you from squirming away while he slowly kisses and licks down the other side of your neck to your shoulder.
"We can help with that." He says against the skin where your shoulder and neck meet before biting down.
You're soooo fucked.
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myerstumbluh · 7 years
1. How do you define your sexuality?: bisexualllll
2. At what age did you first realize that you like girls?: ok so I came out to myself at like age 12 but I think I always knew I liked girls.
3. How out are you?: I'm out to like everyone except most my family.
4. At what age did you first come out?: 12
5. Who was the first person you came out to? How did they take it?: my best friend at the time who's also gay. she took ot v well
6. Has coming out lost you any friends?: no. at least not yet.
7. What is your current relationship status? I'm pretty fuckin taken.
8. How many gay friends do you have? A LOT
9. Have you ever been to a gay bar or a gay club? nahhh
10. Have you ever cut your hair super short? well I mean I just cut it the shortest it's ever been (shoulder length)
11. How often do you wear flannel? see, Idont have any goos flannels which is tragic.
12. How much do you like cats? yES VERY
13. Do you like skirts and dresses? yEE
14. Do you like high heels? I'm not good at walking in them but Ithink they're badass
15. Do you have any tattoos? If so, how many and where? nooo not yet
16. Is your nose pierced? nah
17. Are you more feminine or more masculine? more feminine
18. Have you ever liked or dated a girl with the same name as you? nO
19. Have you ever had a crush on a straight girl? yeahh
20. Ellen or Portia? ELLEN
21. How accurate is your gaydar? pretty fuckin accurate
22 Would you ever want to get married? yeah ofc
23. Will you wear a dress for your wedding? depends on what I feel like but probably
24. Would you ever want to give birth? idk I have mixed feelings.
25. Have you ever watched The L Word? no :(
26. Have you ever dated a guy? yeah for a hot minute 😂
27. Have you ever pretended to be straight? yeahhh
28. How many rainbow items do you own? sadly, not many.
29. Have you ever been to a pride festival? MY MOM WOULDNT LET ME GO
30. Have you ever worn a woman’s suit? no but I want toooo
31. Have you ever worn any men’s clothing? yeah I steal my dad n brothers shit all the time.
32. Do you eat meat? yee
33. Do you consider yourself a feminist? YES OFC
34. Who is your favorite LGBT celebrity? uhhhHHH hm. probably Laverne Cox
35. Are you religious at all? a bit. catholic. I believe in god but not so much the religion.
36. Where do you think is the best place to meet a potential lover? hmmm I dont know. anywhere I think.
37. What is your ideal first date? ummm hm. something warm n cute I guess
38. How outdoorsy are you? it depends what I'm doing
39. Is there any one male you would go straight for? nO
40. How well do you think LGBT women are portrayed on television? not very well. I feel like we're oversexualized.
41. How much makeup do you typically wear? usually just eyeliner n highlight
42. Have you ever been in a long distance relationship? no
43. How many male friends do you have? quite a few lol
44. How long is the longest relationship you’ve been in? Are you still with that person? a year n like 4 months? yea we're still together :)
45. Have you and a girlfriend ever been mistaken for sisters? aLL THE TIME
46. Do you carry a purse? only when I'm at a store
47. Have you ever wished you were completely straight? sometimes yeah :(
48. Do you watch any lesbian YouTubers? amy ordman, rose n Rosie, alexis g zall, Shannon beveridge, cammy Scott, etc etc
49. Do you like wearing combat boots or Doc Martins? yeaaaa
50. Have you ever been hit on by another female? yeah
51. How athletic are you? nO
52. How many girlfriends have you had? just the one
53. What is your opinion of septum/bull nose piercings? gO FOR IT
54. Do you have any opinions on LGBT people in the military? nope
55. Do you believe in love at first sight? nah
56. Have you ever shared clothes with a girlfriend? I mean I gave her my swester thst time in new York
57. Have you ever been on your period the same time as a girlfriend? yeah 😂
58. How flirty are you? I donr know if I come off as flirty but uf I do I don't mean it
59. Are you a virgin? yea
60. Do you listen to any LGBT musicians such as Tegan and Sara, Melissa Etheridge, or Chely Wright? TROYE N DODIE N HALSEY ETC
61. Have you ever been told that you are too pretty to be gay? not yet
62. Have you ever used or would you ever want to use a dildo? I mean in the future sure
63. Have you ever used or would you ever want to use a strap-on? I MEAN IM THE FUTURE SURE
64. Is there such a thing as “good” lesbian porn? I mean whatever works to get u off is considered good imo
65. Have you ever had a one night stand? no
66. Agree or disagree: Everyone is at least a little bit gay. agree af
67. What personality trait are you most attracted to? ummmmm someone thats not ignorant??
68. Boobs or butts? buttttts
69. Beer or wine? idkk prolly wine
70. What is your favorite lesbian movie? idkk
71. Have you ever been personally discriminated against because of your sexuality? If so, please explain. not to my face but ik people have said stuff
72. From 1-10, how attractive are muscular women? 11
73. From 1-10, how attractive are women who wear glasses? 11
74. From 1-10, how attractive are women who are covered with tattoos? 11
75. From 1-10, how attractive are curvy/plus-size women? 11
76. From 1-10, how attractive are women with short hair? 11
77. From 1-10, how attractive are masculine butch women? 11
78. Has a girl ever dumped you for a guy? nah
79. Lesbian couples tend to look alike. Why do you think that is? I dont knowwww
80. Do you have any LGBT relatives? not that I know of
82. Would you ever date a trans girl? yes ofc!!!!
83. How has being out affected your relationship with women, in general? I think just being out to myself helps me appreciate the attractiveness of women in general
84. Have you ever had a crush on a woman who’s much older than you? unless celebrity crushes count then no
85. Do you have any celebrity crushes? Naomi Scott, Becky G, Gal Gadot, Dodie, may I go on?
86. What does equality mean to you? everyone should be trested as no better or less and like everyone should fsce the same consequences etc etc
87. If you could live your life all over again, would you still be attracted to women? yessss
88. What stereotype about LGBT women do you disagree with the most? that we only want to fuck 24/7
89. What advice would you give a girl who is struggling to figure out her sexuality? JUST GIVE IT TIME GIRLIE YOULL FIGURE IT OUT EVENTUALLY
90. What advice would you give a girl who is struggling to come out? DONT DO IT TILL YOURE REAFY N SAFE ILY 💕
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