#im so virulently unwell
definitelynotshouting · 2 months
hunger au is so funny specifically because its so au-able like my friends and i keep making permutations upon permutations of it in our dms, which means i can say "hey remember bakery au" and my pal can immediately reply "thats the alt iteration of the immediate answers au where after being asked to leave hermitcraft grian ends up working at a bakery on a little tourist-trap type server but keeps all his coworkers and neighbors at arm's length until scar happens to run into him seven years later and spends a full desperate week trying to coax him into letting scar back into his life and also grian has a male living space situation right" and i go "right" and then we sit and talk for the next 24 business hours about the intricacies of kissing your depressed sort-of ex because you want to take care of them and give them nice things. explodes
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