#im sure this could be reflected into many different topics but i made a hobby out of spinning symbolism in any given human articulation
mechorrhizae · 5 months
I need a word to describe the living nature of the soil. Describing the bacteria and worms and fungi and everything else that eats a corpse that did not let itself go, but instead just went.
Describing something that is alive but not as one entity. As alive, but its constituent pieces do not all have the same goal in mind. It's something that shouldn’t need to have uniform goals but is still expected by some to be perfectly congruent.
I need a word that describes what (I was told) I should expect disgust about, but brings a deep solace instead. I think it might be decomposition but the pieces of that word feel too sterile to build what it’s describing.
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mysurveys · 7 years
Categories Survey
Survey #2 on the Countdown to 2018!
How long would you say you spend online every day?
I don't go online every single day.
Do you spend most of your time on LJ or doing other things?
I do other things a lot, like going on my chats and using Crunchyroll.
Do you ever watch TV shows or movies online?
I watch anime online via Crunchyroll these days, but not movies and TV shows. I might as well use our TV for that since Mom uses it.
Do you use online IMs or not?
I don't use IMs anymore.
What social media sites do you use regularly or at least weekly?
I don't even use LJ weekly sometimes, but last year was difficult for me health-wise. I needed time off this year to see if I could get back to my personal normal, so I was off of LJ for a month or so.
How much TV would you say you watch in a week?
I'm not sure. It varies.
What's your all-time favorite show and are they still making new episodes?
My fave has become Gotham and it's ongoing.
Who's your all-time favorite comedy character?
I'm not sure I have a fave for that, or at least not a number one all-time fave. One would be Louise Belcher from Bob's Burgers, though.
We share similar outlooks on life and humor in some ways, so I'd say she's the comedy character who's most like me.
Do you have your own TV or are you always fighting for the remote?
I have a TV set, but I don't have extended cable in my bedroom. I don't constantly fight for control over the TV since I know that's Mom's major thing.
Do you ever record shows to watch another time or do you just catch up online?
I do use our DVR in the den sometimes.
Who's your favorite solo artist?
I can't narrow it down to just one, but some current faves are Bebe Rexha, Rachel Platten, Meghan Trainor, Wanting, Little Boots and Faye Wong.
If you could see any five bands live in concert, who would you pick?
I hate crowds and live music most of the time, so I'm not a fan of concerts.
What's your favorite, rock or country?
I prefer rock since I don't listen to many country songs. I hate that god awful twang.
Do you have to be in a certain mood to listen to certain types of music?
Music doesn't influence my mood nor vice versa. I have more of a "music mood" at any given time where I might want to listen to something upbeat and catchy or something soft. It doesn't directly reflect my emotions or influence them.
Is it just me or do you listen to more acoustic music in the summer too?
I'm not a huge fan of acoustic music nor is there a particular time of year that I prefer listening to it.
Do you enjoy reading series or just random books that catch your interest?
I mostly read nonfiction, but I don't seek out series nor standalone books. I read whatever catches my eye either way.
Does the blurb on the back influence you more than the cover?
The cover draws my eye to the book first of all, but the summary on the back is more important to me.
Do you prefer books you can really get into or more light-hearted reads?
I prefer books that contain a lot of factual information and not a lot of biases. I don't mind if the author's take is comedic, though. That's the kind of educational book I would consider light-hearted. Some of those are great.
What's your favorite genre of book, generally speaking?
I mostly read nonfiction, as previously stated, but I'll read about a lot of different topics. I love fringe interests, though!
How much would you give to meet your favorite author?
I don't really have a fave author.
What's the farthest you've ever traveled from where you currently live?
I'm not sure, although I've never been out of the country. I've gone several places when I was too young to remember anything about it later on.
If you could visit just one country before you died, where would you go?
If I were seriously going to die pretty soon then I'd be more worried about spending time with the people and pets I love rather than traveling.
Is there anywhere you've ever visited that you just really didn't like?
The names of such places are a lot less memorable to me, but there was this place in Texas that was just covered in mosquitoes. I never want to return!
Do you enjoy staying in hotels or do you prefer renting a holiday home?
I prefer staying in hotels or camping either in a tent or some type of camper. We've just bought a new one from my cousin and her fiance too! It isn't a pop-up like our last that we just got rid of, though.
What's your favorite mode of transport?
I love trains and boats and I can't choose between the two.
What's your all-time favorite vegetable and fruit?
Seaweed and strawberries.
Do you find yourself eating healthier when the weather's nice?
The weather doesn't have any discernible effect on my eating habits.
What time of day do you tend to get your worst food cravings?
I don't often have emotional cravings and whenever I do it doesn't concern the time of day.
If someone offered you a million dollars not to eat potatoes for six months, would you do it?
Hell yes! I'm Scotch Irish. I don't care if I never see a potato again.
What do you do to stop yourself from giving into your food cravings?
This isn't much of a problem for me since I don't often have food cravings of an emotional nature.
Is there a certain drink you have to have every day?
If I have any kind of drink addiction then it's Zeroes whether it's Sprite or Coke. They may not be that much better for you than regulars, but I still love them. I'm talking with a nutritionist about something to replace them with, though.
Are you one of those people who need their morning coffee to function?
Coffee doesn't do much but make me pee about an hour later. I don't really need it for anything.
What's your favorite type of alcohol to have with a meal?
I don't drink alcohol.
Do you drink at least eight glasses of water a day?
I don't and what a human needs varies depending upon their own body. If I drank that much water then I would be miserable.
If someone paid you a million dollars to give up soda for a year, would you do it?
If they gave me time to find something I like better then I'd definitely go for that. If not, I'd pass.
[Sports & Exercise]
Do you enjoy exercising or do you force yourself to do it to keep in shape?
I'm a hypersensitive and exercising regularly as a kid during PE never did me any favors. It only gave me chronic pain, so I haven't done it since.
Is there a certain sport you would absolutely refuse to do?
There are many sports I'd really rather not participate in, so the list is long. I only enjoy volleyball, kickball and swimming.
Have you ever been on any school or college sports teams?
I've never played on any kind of sports team. I've never been athletic.
Are you someone that absolutely doesn't do any exercise?
What's the farthest you've ever walked in a day?
I wouldn't know, but I would assume I've never walked all that much before outside of my PE classes during middle school.
[Daily Routine]
Do you get up at a certain time every day or does it just depend?
I neither go to sleep or wake up at a certain time each day due to Bipolar insomnia.
Is there someone you absolutely have to talk to every day?
No, not really. I'm fine being totally alone for weeks besides the company of my pets. I'd be good without them too, but that's not my preference.
Do you eat breakfast every day or do you just not bother?
I'm not always up at that time of day and I don't typically eat breakfast foods.
Is there something you can't go a day without doing online?
I can go several days without going online at all if I feel like it. I'm not really addicted or obsessed with any sort of activity.
Do you shower daily or just whenever you feel you need to?
I do most things as needed. Showering every single day would be too much for someone who isn't that active or sweaty.
[Hobbies & Pastimes]
Do you have any hobbies that others might consider unusual?
It's all relative, honestly. Some people might think that taking surveys is unusual. Some people think that only weeaboos are into anime too and that being interested in Japanese culture at all relegates you into that stereotype despite that not being the case with me.
Others might think that I like Funko stuff too much or that I have too many plushies. I don't live my life by what others think, though.
Do you make an effort to make time for your hobbies?
I wouldn't keep a hobby on my list of pastimes if I had no time for it. Sometimes they fall off my radar for a while, but I tend to revisit things.
What's your favorite way to spend an evening alone?
Indoor hobbies work at any time. I might read a book, watch anime online, play video games, watch educational TV shows, etc.
Do any of your hobbies involve expensive equipment of any kind?
My most expensive hobby equipment are my Chromebook and my N3DS right now, but collecting Funko items makes me spend a lot of cash too.
Has anyone ever made fun of you for one of your pastimes?
I can't remember it if they have, but that doesn't sound like something I'd care about enough to commit to memory. As I said, I don't live my own life by what others think. I certainly value the opinions of certain people, but pastimes are usually just personal preferences.
[Friends & Social Life]
Are you more of a loner or a social butterfly?
I'm an ambivert, but I'm not a huge people person either. I have a core group of friends offline and I'm slow to warm up to total strangers like a cat can be. I'm a little less wary online, but I usually let others come to me first. I can do just fine playing the part of a lone wolf, though.
How long have you known your oldest friend?
I'm not even sure since I have long-term memory problems, but I would assume my oldest internet friend is currently Symon G. while the oldest one offline is Miss Cindy.
Would you rather have a few best friends or lots of friends you don't know as well?
As I said before, I have a core group of friends offline. My online friend group is much larger because it's easier to meet people.
But my group of close friends and besties from online and off is made up of about twenty people in all. I feel that I don't get close to people too easily and I'm good with that.
Are you happier alone or surrounded by friends?
As an ambivert, I need both alone time and time with friends to both recharge and relax. Ambis need to soul-search, but they also find guidance from their closest friends. We don't just live life in one extreme on the social spectrum.
How often would you say you hang out with friends?
As needed and wanted. Sometimes I want to just be all by myself and sometimes I seek out company. I don't have a hard time finding people to enjoy life with, but I do find it hard to get enough alone time without interruptions. More alone time would be nice.
Which of the four seasons is your favorite and why?
Winter's my fave because of the cold weather, snow, snowflake symbology, Christmas and more.
If you could make it the same season year-round, would you do it and why or why not?
Too much of a good thing can be a really bad thing. I'm also not a dictator like that. Some people like summer. Let them.
Every season has its merits and something to offer me. Summertime is the best time to swim for instance.
What's your favorite thing about spring?
The days get longer and my birthday is in late May.
Over summer break, how do you spend your days and nights?
I'm not in school anymore.
Do you tend to sleep more in the winter just because it's colder and darker outside?
I don't really think the seasons change how much or how little I sleep.
[Kissing & Sex]
How old were you when you had your first kiss?
I think I was about 17 then.
Do you believe in waiting for marriage to have sex and why or why not?
I made the mistake of not waiting and I'm not making it again. I'm a Christian. Abstinence is key.
What's your opinion on having a friend with benefits?
The human brain inextricably links sex and love whether you like it or not. If a man sleeps with his mistress more than his wife for instance, he'll begin to form a deeper bond to and with her that goes beyond sex. He'll start to feel the need to protect and provide for her on some level.
Getting attached to someone you sleep with to some extent just can't be helped, so pretending that you can stay purely platonic isn't as easy as you might think.
I personally would avoid such as well as one-night stands because I'm a Christian. I'm not interested in sex unless I'm married.
How long do you have to know someone before you'd kiss them?
There isn't some kind of preset. I have to feel comfortable enough and I need to have established a real romantic bond with them.
If I don't feel that I'm in love with him, I'm not going to kiss him. There's no point in me trying to initiate that behavior if there's no loving feeling.
Maturity is more important than age when it comes to anything sexual, right?
Maturity comes with experience and that's most often what you achieve with age, but an 18-year-old's brain still can't grasp consequences that well.
For most people it's a poor life decision to have sex before you're even 18. But that isn't when humans really start to shape up into adults either. An 18-year-old brain still has years to go.
[Cigarettes & Drugs]
Have you ever smoked before and if so, did you like it?
I was never an idiot who thought that starting an unhealthy, deadly habit was a cool thing to do.
What's your opinion on people who need some kind of illegal drug to get through the day?
Not everyone who gets hooked on illegal drugs started out on them. I have sympathy for those who became hooked on painkillers because it's such a terrible epidemic these days.
People who pick up other drugs just for fun have made their own beds out of ignorance or stupidity, unfortunately. I don't waste my empathy.
Have you or has someone you know ever smoked more than twenty cigarettes in a day?
I don't hang out with smokers and drug users and people who get drunk. My father had a nasty habit of smoking a few out of stress, though. I think he finally kicked it after his mother and brother died.
Do you think weed should be legalized?
The problems medical legalization has caused need to be addressed first. It needs to be heavily regulated and given supplementary laws.
A lot of potheads just use it as an excuse to self-medicate and there isn't a magical drug that has zero negative side effects. We just don't know all of them yet, but there are some we've learned based on the length and extent of use.
ODing on marijuana IS possible, but it would be difficult to take too much just like genuine LSD. It can be highly improbable to take too much of some drugs and it's more about things like the THC levels with pot.
Just think of it this way: you can OD even on water. It's possible to do so with any kind of drug whether it's for medical or recreational purposes.
If you were paid a million dollars and the needle was clean, would you shoot heroin?
I'm not an idiot who wants to gamble their life on getting high for money. Respect yourself. If you don't, why should I?
Is comfort more important to you than style or do you go for both?
It would be weird not to look for something that's both comfortable and good-looking.
What's the most money you'd spend right now on a pair of jeans?
About $60 or $70 tops. Otherwise it would have to be the rare unicorn of jeans.
Do you pay attention to labels or is fashion just a personal choice for you?
I never really care about the labels on things. Whatever looks good, fits right and reflects my style is what I'm buying so long as the price is reasonable enough for the quality.
What do you think of haute-couture?
I couldn't care less.
Is Lady Gaga's fashion sense ridiculously over-the-top or do you admire her style?
People who dress over-the-top just come off as attention whores. Less is more and life isn't a costume party. I like some of her songs, but I'd rather not have to look at her too much.
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